(Vol. 3) Chapter 21: 1st Fragment of Y/N's Past
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Author, i believe you've mixed up the 1st chapter, you combined the whole 1ep and the first part of ep 2 in one chapter...)
(I do not follow your logic, Author...Could you explain for me?)
(A/N): I meant to make 2 eps in one chapter, but i forgot how the canon works and now i fucked up this volume of The Forgotten Knight! Damn it!!!
(Fear not, Author...I'm sure you know how to fix this problem, after all, you do know how to make chapters inside and outside the canon...)
(A/N): Yeah...You're right...I'm so fucking dumb to make that mistake
(We always learn from our mistakes, and besides...
The Forgotten Knight has an unexpected meeting with his so-called "parents"...)
-Ozpin's Office-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Ironwood, Glynda, Ozpin and Y/N were all gathered for reports on their own respective jobs...
Unknowingly for Y/N, there were two more people in the office but he couldn't detect them at the moment, The Forgotten Knight was just sharpening his Courtesy Call since the blade wasn't sharp enough)
Ozpin: I see...There are two more people that could be working with their Queen...
Y/N: Miltia spotted them for me, should i be worried about those two?
Ozpin: *smiles reassuringly* I believe you misunderstood those people
Y/N: *stops sharpening, looks up at him* What do you mean?
Glynda: Those people are allies of ours, not to mention we go way back with them
Ironwood: *chuckles* I still remember our first meeting with them
Y/N: Are they a couple? I didn't know that
Ozpin: *drinks his cup* They are a married couple, the best duo of huntsman and huntress i've ever had when they were students here
Y/N: You must be really proud of them
Ironwood: *smiles genuinely* We all are, and you should be proud of them as well
(Y/N was confused by that, before he could say anything, he turns to his left side and sees the two hooded people standing next to each other...
Ozpin, Ironwood and Glynda look over and they notice the married couple as well, only the adults who they were under their cloaks)
???: Hey Oz...We're here
???2: Do we have a job to do?
Ozpin: Not exactly, i called you two to reunite with Y/N
Y/N: Reunite?
(The married couple were hesitant at first, but they decided to take their cloaks off of them to reveal themselves...
Y/N was utterly shocked to see "them" infront of his very eyes...
Ironwood was smiling at their reunion, he wasn't aware of the couple leaving Y/N at the age of 6 right after he unlocked and showed his semblance...
Ozpin was staring at the situation while Glynda was kinda worried of how Y/N would react)
Ozpin: Y/N, i hope you still remembered your parents, F/N and M/N L/N
F/N: *smiles a bit* ...Hey kid...
M/N: *smiles sadly* ...w-we're back...
Y/N: ...
Glynda: ...Y/N?
Ironwood: Is something wro-
Y/N: Why are they here?
(Ironwood became shock to hear his threatening voice, especially towards his own parents...
F/N frowned while M/N was holding her tears up)
M/N: S-sweetie...W-we can expla-
Y/N: Explain what?! The fact about you two LEFT ME FOR DEAD IN AN ALLEYWAY?!
Ironwood: *glares at F/N* You did what?!
F/N: Like M/N said, we have a
explanation for this...
Y/N: An explanation? A fucking explanation for leaving ME?! THERE'S AN EXPLANATION FOR LEAVING YOUR OWN FUCKING SON?!?!
(As Karma struck at the knight, he immediately started coughing blood through his mask for overworking his voice since he hasn't experienced something like this before...
His parents immediately get worried and rushed towards their child, M/N tried to lend her hand on her son but he back slapped her hand, making M/N recoil from the pain)
Y/N: D-do NOT...Touch me...
F/N: S-son...
M/N: *tears up* S-sweetie...p-please, let us h-help-
Y/N: LEAVE ME ALONE- *coughs more blood*
Ozpin: Y/N, you're dismissed. We will discuss some other time, maybe it will be under some circumstances...
(The Forgotten Knight knew what he meant, so he stumbled towards the elevator to regroup with his team and friends...
Ironwood immediately glares at the L/N while Glynda was disgusted and Ozpin was just disappointed in them)
Ironwood: What does Y/N mean you two left him for dead?! What is the meaning of this?!
Glynda: James...Calm down, let Ozpin deal with them...
M/N: *tearing up, wipes her tears* I-i-i...
F/N: It's a long story...
Ozpin: Take your time to tell us your story, we're not going anywhere anytime soon.
(F/N nodded his head and started telling the story about abandoning Y/N in the alleyway such at young age)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(As the screen switches place, Y/N was seen walking down the hallway to head back to the bullhead for going back at Amity Colosseum...
His thoughts was going through a lot, the main question that is stuck inside his head was: Why are they here?...
However, his thoughts were interrupted by Ruby screaming while everyone was worried about you since they could see blood coming out of the mouth of his mask)
Jaune: Y/N! What happened?!
Y/N: H-huh?
Yang: You're bleeding! Are you hurt?!
Y/N: O-oh no! I-It's not tha- *coughs blood once more*
Ruby: B-babe! D-Don't talk! U-uh, what should we do?!
Jaune: I got it! Hold on!
(He runs over, puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder and starts transferring some of his Aura into Y/N...
Ren was seen making Y/N's special tea for his throat sore while Ruby was hugging Y/N and using some tissues to wipe his blood off of his mask...
After a few minutes, Ren gave a cup to Y/N with tea in it, he thanked him and started drinking)
Y/N: *sighs in relief* ...thanks guys...
Ruby: Don't worry babe...what happened?
Weiss: Did someone try to kill you?
Y/N: *shakes his head* ...i...just overworked on my voice...
Phyrra: Oh dear...d-did you scream earlier?
Y/N: ...
Blake: Y/N...what happened when you were called by Professor Ozpin?..
Y/N: ...i-i..just saw m-my parents...
Nora: Your parents? That's a great news, isn't it?!
Melanie: I'm sure you were just screaming out of happi-
Y/N: I wasn't happy! I didn't want to see them because they left me for dead! I was 8 when they left me! I was abandoned for 10 years- *coughs blood again*
(He then drops his cup while he was still coughing...
Everyone were shocked to hear but immediately get worried about his coughing)
Ruby: W-what do you m-mean they left you?
Y/N: ...Let me tell you a story...Before he head back at Amity Colosseum...
(Team RWBY, JNPR and _MMN agreed at his idea and they all sit around in circle so they could listen to Y/N's story...
Y/N was the last one to sit on the ground, he then leaned against the wall behind him as he looks up at the window)
Y/N: ...When i said i was left for dead for 10 years...i really mean it...i unlocked my semblance at the age of 5...
[8 years ago]
(The screen changes place where L/N family were seen walking down the street like a happy family...
Everyone at the street were looking at them and they were smiling at F/N's and M/N's kid...
Y/N was 5 years old, he had a knight plush on his hand as he was a fan of knights in general...
F/N and M/N frowned at each other when they were thinking about leaving their own son behind...
After taking around a corner, Y/N was a bit scared since they were walking down an alleyway)
F/N: Alright Y/N, this is where we play hide and seek
Y/N: B-but it looks s-scary here...
M/N: *kneels down, kisses softly on his head* I know sweetie, but we don't like the ideas of other kids making fun of your plush, do we?
Y/N: O-of course not! I wanna be like The Rusted Knight from the story you keep telling me!
F/N: *smiles proudly* ...Even if you're so young, you have a big heart Y/N...I'm really proud of you
Y/N: *giggles* Can i be it? I wanna find you two!
M/N: Hehe...Sure thing, count up to 10, ok?
Y/N: Oki!
(He quickly runs towards a wall and started counting...
F/N and M/N were immediately seen outside of the alleyway while M/N shed a tear while it falls down her face)
F/N: "...we're sorry kid..." as he thought...
M/N: "...Y-Y/N..." as she thought...
(After that, they both started walking away as they were seen walking right through the crowd of people...
The camera now shows Y/N finished counting up to 10, once he turned around, he heard nothing but silence with a faint noise of people walking back and forth from outside the alleyway...
He thought his parents were good at hiding, so he began to look around and try to find them...
Only for him to realized, after hours of searching, Y/N was left behind by his own parents...
Hours became Days, Days became Weeks, Weeks became Months...
Y/N was now seen shivering out of cold as he still has the knight plush, hugging it tightly as if his life was about to end...
His vision started getting blurry, before he could pass out, he saw someone approaching to him, he couldn't talk because the stranger noticed some bruises from the kid, even the mark on his neck...
The stranger gently picks Y/N up with his plush on his arms and takes him to the nearby hospital)
???: "...this kid looks like them...my twin did the same, leaving her own family behind...even her own daughter..." as he thought...
(The stranger was seen walking far away from the camera as it gradually points up at the shattered moon...)
[End Of Flashback]
[Beacon Academy]
[Present Day]
(The camera then gradually moves back down where it shows Y/N sitting on the ground with his mask with his own stained blood)
Y/N: ...And that's how i got left by them...
(He looks back at everyone, his eyes widened up when the girls were tearing up while Jaune and Ren were looking at you with pity and sympathy...
Ruby quickly rushed over and hugged him tight, which he returned the gesture...
Yang felt sympathy since she can relate with her real mother, Raven, left her and Taiyang, Yang's and Ruby's father)
Phyrra: *tearing up* O-oh my O-Oum...I-I didn't k-know you h-had such bad c-childhood...
Y/N: ...Stop crying, you all...I managed to move over that event...
Melanie: B-but still!
Miltia: H-how could they d-do that?!
Y/N: ...No clue...Maybe they were being followed? I don't know...
(He then remembers something was off about M/N's eyes...
Y/N somehow remembers his mother's eyes used to be grey, almost silver, colored eyes...
He then looks down at Ruby and realizes her eyes were the same as M/N's back there...
He mentally noted himself about that detail as he held Ruby close to him)
Weiss: ...I-I had no i-idea what you've had b-been through...
Y/N: ...I said it's fine...because i have friends i can trust... *looks down at Ruby* ...And i have someone i love the most
(Ruby blushes and smiles at him, she then lifts his mask just to uncover his mouth so she could kiss him...
Y/N kisses Ruby back while everyone were cooing and smiling at the couple...
Yang and Blake notice Weiss's anger expression for a second before she calmed down and gently smiled at the couple...
After a few seconds, the couple separate themselves from the kiss as they all stand back up and heading outside Beacon Academy)
Neo: *looks at Y/N with an angry expression*
Y/N: *notices it* ...Don't...I'll deal with them...
Ruby: Are you sure?
Blake: We can tag along if you want...
Y/N: It's fine...I have to confront them by myself...
Nora: I'll break their legs if they dare to hurt you!
Ren: *sighs* Nora...
Y/N: *chuckles dryly* ...You don't have to...Like i said, i'll just talk without violence...
(Once everyone are outside to get inside a bullhead, Y/N activates his semblance to copy Nevermore's trails as he flies up in the sky...
The camera shows The Forgotten Knight flying side by side with the bullhead where his team, friends and lover are...)
-Scene Change-
-Amity Colosseum-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(After the break, Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port come back to return the live back on for all the people around Remnant
I've heard Sun's team are going to face against a team of girls, Team NDGO if i remember, i wonder how that would turn out
Neptune told me about being scared of water, like he's scared of beach or anything like that
Whatever, i'm sure he can get over it
I motion Neo to record the fight as she was one step ahead of me, she sure knows how to get back to business)
Malachite Twins: Neptune was afraid of water for this whole time???
Blake: *sighs* Eeyup...
Yang: I mean, the match was interesting though *raises her fist up* But i'm so hyped up for the Doubles Round!
Ruby: That's right! *looks at Y/N* Who did you select for the Doubles Round?!
Y/N: You're looking at them, right Neo?
Neo: *nods her head with a smirk on her face*
Jaune: Really? I thought you would've sent the twins since they are in sync and really good at teamwork
Y/N: Melanie lacks on her punches while Miltia lacks on her kicks
Phyrra: So you voted yourself and Neo because the two of you don't seem to show any weaknesses, that is actually a smart move
Y/N: Jaune actually helped me on that one, thanks to his attempt of team attack
Jaune: Really???
(You sure did, however, i feel like something is going to happen...
Time to figure out what's that all about
Before i could stand up, i look up and see an airship with Atlas Logo on it
Oh right, Ironwood informed me about Winter- Wait a minute...
Alright Y/N, calm down...If they get into a fight, i can stop them since the drunkard bird is my former mentor while Winter was my ex-superior...
What should i do now that my "parents" are also here?...)
(A/N): Believe it or not, you can just say this is the other part of ep 1
Think of it as an interception to put a small flashback moment about Y/N's past
And this is where you, readers, are going to play a little challenge from your author!
The rule are simple, leave a comment on every Y/N's flashback moment and think of a theory about why his parents left him and who would've gone after them
Now i'm making two chapter for this story, so i'll see you soon
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