Chapter 7: School Trip Went Wrong

-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the last chapter, Jaune was still a victim of bullying from Cardin Winchester...

During Doctor Oobleck's lesson, Cardin tried to get Jaune humiliated again but his plan went downfall thanks for the help of Phyrra, Y/N, Blake and Weiss...

This made Cardin pissed off, he tried to confront Y/N once again...only for him getting his mouth shut with after class from Doctor Oobleck...

In the Night, Jaune told Y/N to meet him on the rooftop for telling his secret to a fellow knight...

Y/N wasn't mad or disappointed about it, he just let it slide and told Jaune to meet him back at the rooftop for their personal training session...

When the white and red knight was heading to his dorm, Yang stopped him and told him to join with her and her teammates for getting to know each other better...

As for the rest of the night, Team RWBY and Y/N were enjoying their night with TV, snacks and drinks...

Next stop: Forever Fall for collecting tree sap...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(The Forever Fall Forest...Just like it's name, the whole land is nothing but a breathtaking big red forest as if Fall Season just happened...

As the camera goes down through the leaves, the scene shows Professor Goodwitch guiding Team RWBY, JNPR, CRDL and Y/N for their tour...

Not only they were there for admiring the place, they were also being sent for a task involving with their school activities...)

Glynda: "Forever Fall Forest, such a calming, relaxing and beautiful place to take a break once in a while whenever any of you feel like...As you can see, Mister Arc and L/N volunteered to carry multiple boxes of empty jars"

Ruby: "Are we here to collecting bugs?"

(Weiss and Phyrra shivered by the thoughts of picking up a bug with their bare hands)

Glynda: "Not quite, Miss Rose, we are here to collect tree sapfrom any of these trees"

Yang: "That doesn't sound that bad"

Glynda: "However, this forest is also being held by Grimms, primarily Beowolves and Ursas...But do not worry, Mister L/N and i are going to take care of them"

Y/N: "Why?"

Blake: "You defeated their Alpha, so they won't harm us by ordering them to back away"

Y/N: "Fair"

Glynda: "Any more questions?"

Y/N: "Time for our task?"

Glynda: "You're asking how long we'll be here?" *Y/N nods* "You all have 2 hours to collect as many tree saps as possibly"

Nora: *raises her fist up* "Let's do it then!!"

(Y/N's mask changes its form into a Beowolf mask, his eyes also changes their colors from black to red...

Beowolf's trails come out of him as his semblance is now activate, soon after he brought one box of empty jar to the nearest tree to the group...

Soon after, three teams parted ways to collect tree saplings on their own spots, as for Jaune, he was about to join with his teammates, however...)

Cardin: *puts his hand in Jaune's back* "Hey pal! Come with us, we should need your help with this task"

Jaune: 'Oh boy...' "S-Sure Cardin"

(The bully smirks as he starts dragging Jaune towards to his team as they all went through the forest...

The camera moves to _NPR, RWBY and Y/N as they all started collecting tree saplings)

Phyrra: "..."

Y/N: "Worried about Jaune?"

(The spartan got started by his sudden appearance next to her, she looks at him with an expression that he guessed it right...)

Y/N: "...Jaune's not stupid, he knows what he's doing..."

Phyrra: "But still-"

Y/N: "I gave him a motivation on why he had to play his game...All you need is believe-"

(He steps back and starts coughing, making Phyrra worried about him)

Phyrra: "O-Oh dear!"

Y/N: *coughs* "I-I'm fine...B-Believe in your leader, he knows how to get away from him"

Ren: "He's right Phyrra" *they look at him* "Let Jaune handle it, Nora, i'm done with the second jar..."

(He turns around and sees her childhood friend messed up face out of tree saplings)

Nora: *giggles embarrassingly* "Oops~"

Ren: *sighs, smiles faintly* "...We'll take one for your pancakes"

Nora: "Yay! I love you Renny!" *realizes it* "B-But we're not together-together!"

(Phyrra giggles at their interactions as Y/N just smiled under his mask...

A beowolf comes out from the bush with a jar filled with tree saps, he then started barking, making both team RWBY and _NPR)

Ruby: "Ah! Beowolf!"

Y/N: "He's with me"

Nora: "Ooo! Can i ride him?!"

Y/N: "Deny" *looks at the Beowolf* "Collect"

(The said grimm nodded its head and headed towards Professor Goodwitch with the jar to hand over to her...

Once it done that, the grimm went back collecting more tree sap for Y/N since he's the new alpha of beowolves)

Weiss: "Did you order him to collect tree sap?"

Y/N: "Mind of their own...Not my orders"

Yang: "Your semblance is too OP man"

Blake: "At least they won't attack us"

Ruby: "Can you call one so i can pet him?!"

(Y/N then snapped his fingers as another beowolf comes out of the bush, the said grimm sat down looking at everyone)

Y/N: "Have fun" *walks away with his box of empty jars*

Ruby: "Yay! Thank you Y/N!"

(She rushes over and started patting the grimm, which it enjoys it as the rest of the group went back to collecting tree saplings...)

-Scene Change-
-Jaune's P.O.V.-

(Oh man...I really need to build up my confidence to stand against him...

I still feel bad to rely on Y/N instead of Phyrra, i mean she's the most popular girl in the academy and i'm just a weak knight...

But anyway, i'm with Cardin and his team, we were pretty much hiding from everyone...after finding a "good spot", i put down the box with filled jars full of tree saplings)

Cardin: "Good one Pal" *looks at his team* "Now everyone! Our Pal Jaune is with us because he did all the job for us"

Sky: *smirks* "Thanks man! You're really are a good friend"

(As if...) "N-Not a problem..."

Cardin: *smirks* "I will forgive you for bullying you, IF you do a small harmless prank on one of your friends that I choose~"

"J-Just one prank? T-That's it?"

Cardin: "Of course! Now pick up a jar of your choice and i'll tell you which one of your friends get hit"

(Oh Oum...Forgive me, guys...

I then picked one jar and walked over to Cardin as he was looking through the bush)

Cardin: *sees Y/N, smirks* "There~"

"Who am i throwing this jar at?"

Cardin: *points at Y/N* "Him"

(I look where he's pointing at and see- Wait! That's Y/N!)

*whisper-shout* "Why do you want me to throw this jar at him?!"

Cardin: *groans in anger* "That prick thinks he's the one who run Beacon Academy...He needs to deserve this harmless prank..."

"T-That makes no sense!"

Cardin: "It does!" *smirks* "Unless you want me to tell Professor Goodwitch about your false test"

(What?! H-How does he know that?!?! Y/N would never sell me out!?-)

*scared* "Y-You...H-Heard us?"

Cardin: "Every. Single. Word." *leans closer* "Now...Throw that Jar and hit that so-called 'Knight'..."

(I look at Y/N who was collecting tree saplings with a beowolf...

I-I can't...I d-dont want to h-hurt him...


No! I'm done playing the victim!!!)


Cardin: *looks at Jaune and sees him backing away* "What did you say?"

"I said NO!"

(Out of instinct, i throw the Jar at him, making it shatters as the tree sapling gets stuck on his chestplate...)

Cardin: *pissed off* "Now you've done it, Arc."

(I was about to draw my sword and getting ready to fight him...

But then we heard an Ursa roaring behind some bushes as it appears besides us)

Sky: "Oh shit! Run guys!"

(Sky, Dove and Russell started running away, leaving me and Cardin behind)

Cardin: "Hey! Get back here, you three!"

"Watch it!"

(I pushed him away from the Ursa as it tried to slash his claws on Cardin's back...

I immediately drew my sword and shield and started fighting against Ursa as i feel the adrenaline rising up!)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(The camera shows team RWBY finishing filling few last of empty jars with Phyrra, Nora, Ren and Y/N, which the latter was holding Nora with his Deathstalker's tail...

As they were to wrap everything up, they heard screaming coming towards them...Y/N was the first one to act and quickly stops Sky to escape...)

Y/N: "What's going on..."

Sky: *shivers* "T-There's an Ursa! I-It got Cardin and J-Jaune!"

Yang: "A What?!"


(Everyone steps back out of surprise from his sudden yell)

Y/N: "Where are they?!"

Sky: *points behind him* "T-T-That w-way!"

Y/N: *looks at Yang, Blake, Ren and Nora* "Professor Goodwitch, Now!" *looks at Ruby, Weiss and Phyrra* "On me"

Sky: "W-What about me?!"

Y/N: "I feel no remorse to thus who left their fellow huntsmen and huntresses behind..."

(He then pushes him away and rushes towards the position where Sky pointed as the girls were following him...

After a few seconds, they heard clashing and growling coming through the trees, once they arrived, they saw Jaune going head-to-head with the Ursa...

They also see Cardin backing away from the fight, afraid to getting killed by the Ursa...

As the fight was still on-going, Jaune was blocking the Ursa's attack with his shield, using the momentum to roll to his side and give the grimm an attack of his own...

The grimm growls in pain from Jaune's slash, he proceeded to swing his arm to send the knight on the ground as his Aura was dropped to 25% from protecting Cardin and himself...

As he planned to finish the fight, Jaune and the Ursa run toward to each other, letting their final strike to end this battle...

Before Phyrra could use her semblance, she notices Jaune saw the claw coming downside towards him, so he lifted his shield up to block its attack and using the momentum to cut the Grimm's head off of its body, killing it in the progress...

Cardin, Weiss and Phyrra were shocked to see Jaune defeating an Ursa Grimm all by himself, as for Ruby and Y/N, the silver-eyed girl was holding her excitement down while the forgotten knight simply nodded his head out of approval...)

Phyrra: "H-He...Saw that Ursa's attack..."

Ruby: *whisper-shout* "So cool!"

(Jaune sheathes his sword, goes over to Cardin and holds his hand out to him...

The bully holds his hand as Jaune helps him standing up)

Cardin: "H-Holy cow, Jaune-"

Jaune: *threatened* "Don't you ever. Hurt. My friends...Got it?"

(Cardin went quiet, shakily nodding his head as he heard him loud and clear...)

Y/N: "...Fall back"

Weiss: "Are we not going to report this?"

Phyrra: "We could report this fight..." *turns around, walks away with a smile* "...Ooor we could just keep this as our little secret~"

(The three of them were watching Phyrra walking away, they all extended a smile of their own to each othe as they decided to follow their spartan friend...

As for Jaune and Cardin, the knight was the first one to walk back to his teammates, leaving his former bully behind after threatening him to not bully his friends...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(It was nighttime, the shattered moon was lighting up the sky with its stars all over it...

The camera goes down and it spots Jaune on the rooftop, waiting for Y/N...

And right on the cue, The Forgotten Knight appeared through the door as Jaune greets him with a wave and a smile of his own)

Jaune: "Hey Y/N! You have NO idea what i just did at the Forever Fall Forest!"

Y/N: "What?"

Jaune: "I followed your strategy when you were doing your initiation! I was facing this big Ursa and i blocked his attack before he could've killed me and then 'Slash!', i cut his head off!"

Y/N: *acts surprised* "...Swear?"

Jaune: *nods his head repeatedly* "Yeah!"

Y/N: *crosses his arms* "...What was your motivation?"

Jaune: *confused* "My motivation-" *realizes it* "...Ohhhh..."

Y/N: "Any races we meet, it doesn't matter...Humans, Faunus or Hybrids...As Huntsmen, it is our duty to protect and save all these people..."

(Jaune was surprised to hear him talking so much, but he also was surprised how right Y/N was...

It doesn't matter if it was a Human, Faunus or even Hybrids...and even if they hurt you, it was their job to save those people...)

Jaune: "...I see" *smiles* "I guess my motivation was to prove myself that i can be stronger and better than him!"

Y/N: *nods* "However, change of plan, i won't be teaching you"

Jaune: "Huh?"

Y/N: "Someone..." *looks over his shoulder behind him* "...asked me to be your teacher instead"

(Jaune looks behind Y/N and sees Phyrra timidly peeking over the door)

Phyrra: "H-Hello~"

Jaune: "Phyrra?"

Y/N: "I told her our little night out" *Jaune looks at him* "She also wanted to help you, but i was a step ahead of her and gave you a little boost of confidence..."

(The Forgotten Knight steps aside to let Phyrra get over to Jaune as he grabs his bottle of tea made out of Ren's special herbs and drinks it)

Phyrra: "Soooo, Jaune...Y/N told me about you lying and cheating your way to be here, is that actually true?"

Jaune: *sighs, looks down* "Y-Yeah...I-It's true..."

Phyrra: "D-Don't feel bad! I-I'm sure Professor Ozpin f-finds something interesting i-in you!"

Y/N: "The way you led your teammates on defeating that Deathstalker"

Jaune: "You knew that?"

Y/N: "Feedbacks" *shows him his scroll* "Still working on it"

Phyrra: "He's right!" *Jaune looks at her* "Professor Ozpin saw a huge potential in you as our leader!"

Y/N: *stands besides Phyrra* "Don't push yourself away from us, we're all friends after all..."

Jaune: *shocked* " guys..." *smiles genuinely* "...thank you, really..."

Y/N: "Ready for your training?"

Jaune: *nods* "Let's do it!"

(Phyrra proceeds to push her team leaded, only for him to end up falling on the ground)

Jaune: "Ow, hey!"

Phyrra: "I'm sorry!~"

Y/N: "Your stance was too sloppy" *smirks under his mask* "Again."

(Jaune was smiling playfully on his new training and then he got up)

Jaune: "Let's do it again!"

Phyrra: *smiles at his determination* "Alright Jaune"

Y/N: "Curfew at 10, don't get caught"

(He walks away from them as they were waving at him saying goodnight...

Y/N closes the door behind him and started heading to his dorm, but he got interrupted by a sudden message from his scroll...

He takes a look and sees the message was from Ozpin, he then started to read it...

it says "My apologies for this late warning, your dorm has been reused as Janitor's room, therefore, you'll be pairing with team RWBY on sleeping in the dorm")

Y/N: 'Right, forgot my dorm was only a temporarily room...Smart move, i think' as he thought...

(Y/N begins to walk again but this time, he was heading to Team RWBY's dorm...

Once he got there, he knocks at the door, waiting for any of the girls to answer it)

Ruby: *muffled* "Hold on!"

Y/N: "Take your time"

Ruby: *quickly opens the door* "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Evening Ruby"

Yang: *walks over and sees him* "Hey Y/N, whacha doin'?"

Y/N: "Ozpin's deal" *tosses his scroll at the girls*

(Yang catches it and reads the message, as for Ruby, she was looking through hers since she also got a message from Ozpin)

Yang: "Guess you're our new roommate"

Ruby: *throws her arms up* "Yay! Welcome Y/N!"

(She then hugs him as she wraps her arms and legs around his torso, Y/N just walks in as if nothing happen with Ruby on his torso)

Weiss: *sees Y/N* "Oh hi Y/N, what are you doing here?"

Yang: *smirks* "He's our new roommate"

Weiss: "Huh?! What happened to his room?!"

Blake: "Did it get destroyed?"

Y/N: "It was temporary, the room is being reused as the Janitor's Room"

Weiss: "Oh, no wonder the janitor was sleeping outside"

Blake: "You seem to talk a lot recently"

Y/N: "Ren's herbs for making tea" *looks down at Ruby* "Still hanging like a koala?"

Ruby: "Hehe, yup!"

(Yang just smiled at her sister's behavior, she then proceeded to close the door...

The scene fades into black pitch as the darkness was filled with the blowing wind)

(A/N): I feel like this chapter is a little bit random on halfway through, but it could just be my imagination, now i'll make a small poll:

Would you rather keeping The Forgotten Knight as a solo team?


Would you like me adding 3 characters as his teammates and forming a team?

I'll leave it up to you guys, see ya and have a good bloody day/night!!!

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