You're My Home, Always (Part 2)
Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @Bloodypunkk, and @CamrynKissel for their fantastic comment left on my Flash stories! I truly love you all :)
"Barry..." was the only word Iris could muster as she dropped down onto the waterfront's stone steps, her tears of sadness smearing the little make-up that covered her heartbroken face.
She buried her face in her trembling hands, letting her now tangled mess of hair fall mindlessly in front of her head, concealing the wet droplets that streamed down her cheeks.
Tears seemed to fall down her face for what felt like an eternity. At least, that's what the insurmountable weight weighing down on her chest sent booming through her mind every second she wasn't with Barry.
All he wanted to do was protect me, like he always has and now, now he's hurting because of something he did to help me.
Though, the woman's sorrow slowly seemed to fade as she looked around the platform's dimly lit space, her brown eyes gently softening as she remembered the memories the pair had shared together along the bay's shore.
The velvety navy blue tuxedo that had covered her husband's lean shoulders, his soft smile lighting up at the sight of Iris' similarly colored mini dress, just as it did anytime he looked at his wife. The feel of his loving hand as it touched her left cheek, their anxious lips meeting in what Iris could only describe as magical. Of course, he'd had to almost immediately run off and save the day again after their kiss, but that singular moment she got to share with him was worth the wait.
Every moment with him is worth the wait. And they always will be.
Iris wiped the tears out of her eyes, letting the pain of their past mistakes slowly subside in favor of the burning determination that coursed through the woman's veins.
It shouldn't matter how many times we get hurt, how many times life tries to tear us apart, we can never lose each other. I won't let us lose each other.
Iris immediately pushed herself back onto her black-booted feet, swiftly straightening the thick white sweater that covered her thin arms. And with little recognition as to how exactly she managed to do it, Iris immediately just started running forward as fast as she could, the wind whipping roughly through her long rose hair.
Her muscles ached with every movement as she forced herself forward, ignoring any thought that was trying so desperately to rip her attention away, letting solely the thought of her hurting husband guide her.
He needs me right now. And I need him.
The city alone was large enough for the average citizen to get lost within its towering glass buildings and paved winding streets, especially during the afternoon rush hour on a Friday when all the bustling city's hard workers were finally getting to retire to their loving families on the weekend. And that's not even including the fact that a speedster in general, let alone one as fast as Barry, could travel around the world in less than a single minute.
So by no account should there be any possible way that the intuitive reporter would know what direction her destination resided in, yet somehow, a feeling buried deep inside her throbbing chest told her the exact way she needed to go. The exact path she needed to take to find the man she loved. To find Barry.
He's always the one running to save me so, I guess it's my turn to do the same thing for him.
After what Iris assumed was probably half an hour, her body finally forced her to take a moment and rest as she exhaustedly dropped down onto an empty wooden bench randomly placed just beside some overgrown shrubs. Her heart beat rapidly against the inside of her chest, her lungs practically gasping for air as she pressed her tired hands against the tops of her knees.
Her eyes looked around her with an attentive determination most would cease to have after such a tiring day. But Iris West-Allen was far from the average Central citier.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'm going to find him.
None of her surroundings were really distinguishable from one another. Various colored-cars were parked casually along the street in front of her, the occasional tire tread stretching out over what was considered to be "polite parking." Mismatched buildings towered behind her back, casting faint shadows in the late afternoon light, every once and while a tree's leaf dropping down casually onto the concrete. The only thing that she didn't see was her husband's loving face.
Iris breathed a heavy sigh of disappointment, the worry crawling up her spine becoming increasingly more difficult to fight every second that passed by.
C'mon, Barry, I have to find you...
But the lover's prayer was not in vain because as she tiredly turned the street's corner, her eyes caught sight of the back of her husband's tousled brunette-haired head.
"Barry," she whispered, unable to hold back her relief at knowing the man she loved more than anything else in the world was safe as she immediately started running forward down the baron parking lot towards her husband.
His gray-jeaned knees were pressed roughly against the cold pavement, one of his hands held shakily against his face. It looked as if it physically caused him pain to open his puffy red eyes, his cheeks still wet with the tears of regret he'd cried possibly only moments prior to her arrival.
She could perfectly see Barry's heart beating rapidly against the inside of his chest, almost as if it were desperately calling for connection. Connection to the only person who could comfort it, Iris.
And that's exactly what I'm going to give him.
Iris didn't say a word as she quietly kneeled down in front of her husband, her knees bumping ever so slightly against his.
"Barry," she whispered, her voice held softly so as to tell him that she wasn't angry or scared.
I could never be afraid of him. No one could.
Barry didn't respond, his eyes still shut tightly with regret.
"Barry, it's okay. I'm here," Iris spoke gently as she slowly slid her hand delicately within his, her fingers pressed against his palm.
There was once again no response, though he didn't try to pull away from her this time.
I know you can do this, Barry...
"I know you're hurting right now and I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but if you do, if you think it would help you work through this, then I just want you to know that I'm here for you," reminded Iris as she gently squeezed his hand, supportively.
She didn't like seeing him in pain, especially for something that wasn't even his own fault.
He always carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and I just want to be able to help him carry that burden. To carry our burden.
Barry's eyes slowly drifted up to his wife's, their kind blue light reflected in the glistening sadness that lay behind them.
"I just, I just don't know how I could let you get hurt like that," breathed Barry, his chest heaving heavily with the weight of his words.
"You didn't let me get hurt, Barry. And you never would. Not when you have a heart as big as yours," stated Iris as she gently pressed her other hand against the center of his chest.
Against his heart.
Barry's heart beat slowly started to return to its usually fast speed at his lover's touch as he let the tears slip down his face, the tiny drops sliding silently down Iris' extended hand.
"But I saw the look on your face earlier, Iris. You were scared," reasoned Barry, choking on the sadness pressing roughly down on his body.
"Barry, I wasn't scared of you. I was scared because I was worried that I'd hurt you," corrected Iris, the words coming out as even more true than she'd originally thought they were.
"What do you mean? You didn't do anything," Barry quickly replied, his anxiety swiftly turning to concern as he locked gazes intently with his lover.
"I know that I didn't physically hurt you, but you're only hurting right now because you wanted to help me and I guess a part of me still felt responsible for that," admitted Iris, tears slipping down her cheeks as she spoke the truth she'd been trying to ignore throughout the entire day.
I guess I really did have more feelings bottled up than I thought I did.
Barry smiled sympathetically at her words, brushing his hand gently against her cheek as he compassionately wiped the tears off her face. Iris smiled back at her husband, leening gently into his touch for a moment before continuing to speak.
"But when I was looking for you, I realized something. I realized that the only reason that I was hurting was because, well, was because I didn't have you with me," explained Iris, love carrying her entire voice.
"And I know that sounds really silly to say, but it's true. And I know that because every moment since I got out of the Still Force, all I can think about is you, Barry. About our life together. And no amount of pain, no amount of regret can change that as long as I have you right here with me," spoke Iris, her words perfectly encapsulating the feelings that coursed so vibrantly through her chest.
He's always been my everything and nothing can ever change that.
"I just want to know if you feel the same way?" Asked Iris, softly.
The two lovers' eyes met for a single moment, their full hearts open to the sacred space that only they could see.
And before Iris could say another word, Barry pulled her close to him, their delicate lips pressing against one another's. The second their lips met, it felt as if their growing pain had been numbed by the power of their infinite love. Iris didn't care how long they stayed like this, how long she had to feel the uncomfortable pavement underneath her knees or how hard the crisp wind blew against her back. Nothing else mattered except for the man she loved. Nothing mattered except her love for Barry.
The pair slowly pulled out of their romantic embrace, small smiles lighting up both of their faces.
"Of course, I do. And I always, always will," Barry whispered, gently as the loving light Iris knew so well returned to his kind blue eyes.
"Me too," whispered Iris back before she threw her arms around him, squeezing his body as tightly as she possibly could.
I knew he'd come back to me.
"I'm sorry for ruining our special day," apologized Barry as he took his wife's hand in his own, the two finally standing back on their tired feet.
"You could never ruin any day for me. I'm just glad you're okay," reassured Iris as she locked her hand back in his, never wanting his touch to ever leave her again.
"I am now," stated Barry as Iris smiled lovingly back at him.
"And luckily for us, I still have one last thing planned for the day. If you're still up to it?" Asked Barry, excitedly.
"As long as it's with you, I'm up for anything," stated Iris, happily.
Yep, my Barry's back.
"You know, Barry, this may just be my favorite part of today," commented Iris as she nestled her head deep into her husband's muscular chest, her cleanly washed rose hair hanging casually against the black sleeves of her pajama top.
The entire Loft felt warmer, lighter than it had in so many months, like it was perfectly reflecting its residents' hearts. The fireplace's wood burned softly in the background as the couple snuggled up close to one another on their comfortable tan couch, the quiet humming of the city outside acting as their only reminder that there truly was a world outside their large bay windows. Barry's touch seemed softer than usual (which is certainly a feat considering he's already the sweetest person I know) as he carefully lifted his wife's legs onto his plaid pajamaed lap.
"Any moment I get to spend with you is my favorite part of the day," Barry replied, lovingly, his long arm wrapped caringly around his wife's shoulders.
"Aw, glad to have you back, Barry," Iris playfully joked, appreciatively smiling up into her lover's bright eyes.
"I'm never going anywhere," smiled Barry before giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead, his hand still locked lovingly in hers.
The two lovers pulled closer into each other's warm embrace, letting their sleepy eyes slowly drift off as Barry gently rested his head on top of his wife's.
"I love you, Iris," whispered Barry, kindness carrying his soft voice.
"I love you too, Barry," Iris whispered back as they both squeezed each other's hands tightly.
I hope this moment lasts forever...
But just as the couple were about to fall asleep, they heard the distinct ringing of Iris' phone blare through their ears like one of Chester's loud party blow horns.
"Of course," groaned Iris, rolling her eyes, agitatedly as she reached across her husband and grabbed her cell phone from the nearby nightstand, tapping the electronic's screen, sleepily.
Barry just nodded, jokingly for he knew just as well as she did that a moment's rest was nearly as impossible to get for Team Flash as asking Cisco to stop making pop culture references.
Though, Iris' expression of frustration quickly shifted at the caller's declaration of news.
"Wait, what? I am?" Iris confirmed clearly, her eyes lighting up with joy at even just the thought of what the person may have said.
Barry's face lit up nearly as quickly as his wife's did, his heart skipping several beats as his mind jumped to exactly the same place Iris' did.
Could this really be the moment?
After another minute or two, Iris hung up the phone, excitedly turning over to her husband.
"What happened? Is everything alright?" Asked Barry, nervously.
Iris' hands shook with anticipation, her entire being practically consumed by the excitement she felt now coursing through her veins.
"I'm pregnant," Iris announced, excitement carrying her entire voice.
We'd taken so many tests before that I never thought the one we took last night would be the one.
Barry said nothing, immediately throwing his arms around his wife's entire body and hugging her as tightly as he possibly could.
"It's, it's really happening. We're having a kid. We're having our Nora," Barry cried, tears of unadulterated happiness pouring from his eyes.
"We're having our Nora," Iris repeated, the words sounding even more perfect to say than she thought they would.
It's finally happening. We're going to start the family we've always wanted. To have the two most wonderfully amazing kids we ever could've asked for. And I'm going to be doing it all with you.
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