The Flash: Broken Bonds: A West-Allen Family Story

The Flash: Broken Bonds: A West-Allen Family Story

4,395 109 45

Set directly after the events of The Flash, Season 5, Episode 18, Godspeed, the story picks up with the West-Allen Family divided. After Barry leaves Nora in the future, him and Iris have a falling out, while Nora deals with the consequences of her actions in 2049. Before long, Zoom, Savitar, and Godspeed arrive to wreck havoc on Team Flash and The West-Allens, while an even greater threat continues pulling strings in the background. Things quickly escalate, and soon Barry and Nora are forced to face their inner demons, and the consequences of their own actions, before the villains' plans come to fruition. "I do not own these characters or images, only this story"…

It Was Me Barry...

It Was Me Barry...

143 7 3

Just a simple, silly writing prompt for me to use every now and again for something just as pointless as starting out with the meme format of: It was me Barry! I was the one who... and seeing where it runs from there! And hey, maybe I can get a laugh or two out of you on the way, who knows! I do not own the character of Eobard Thawne, Barry Allen, or any other Flash characters or themes. Just my own writing.…

The Flash: West Allen Family One Shots: I'm The Flash For My Family

The Flash: West Allen Family One Shots: I'm The Flash For My Family

2,224 33 10

A collection of super sweet and heart warming West-Allen Family one shots, where I write short stories about Barry, Iris, Nora, and Bart and their adventures together as a family. I really love these characters and this family, and writing these shorts, I hope that you do too! And remember; "I don't choose being The Flash over being with my family, I'm The Flash for my family." Hope you enjoy!Disclaimer: I am currently in the middle of watching through the Flash (on season 7 episode 5 at the time of writing this), so please be careful with the spoilers in the comments.A side note that I want to answer now since many of you probably are wondering about it, is how do I know about Bart West-Allen if he doesn't exist in the show from where I'm current to? Well, spoilers.I know that he comes into the show at some point, but not when or anything about his story, just some basic personality information about him. And with that, I ran (see what I did there?) with it, and incoraptorated him into my stories, thus, there may be some (or many) inaccuratcies. Anyway, here's my stories.Now, Run Reader, Run!…

The Flash: West-Allen Family Recreations: Love Struck By Lightning

The Flash: West-Allen Family Recreations: Love Struck By Lightning

532 13 6

There are a lot of points throughout The Flash that just stick with you forever, whether that be a proposal by song, two lovers finding their way back to one another, or a tender loving moment between a parent and their child. That's why I wanted to make these recreations, to capture some of my favorite and sweetest moments from the West-Allens, who in my opinion occupy a vast marjority of its best moments. So read on if you'd like to see my attempts to recapture the magic of some of the most memeroble and heartstring pulling scenes from our favoirte West-Allens.Hope all of you enjoy!Note: Now Including Scenes From The Most Current Season! I do not own any of these characters or respective photos and/or videos that I put along with them.…

The Flash: Blood Moon

The Flash: Blood Moon

195 14 6

When Iris and her friend Kamilla return to Central City from a day of reporting in National City, they soon find that things aren't quite right back at home, quickly seeing out how bad things really have gotten when they find all of Team Flash missing, and something terrible now lurking in Star Labs' halls, a villain's return threatening to destroy the team from within. And before long, it soon becomes clear that the only thing standing between the monster's plot and the end of the world, is Iris' connection to her husband. But will it be enough?This eight-part story takes place in Season Six after Crisis, but doesn't have anything to do with the Mirrorverse arc, so... I guess imagine a longer time before that arc's start? (Haha).I had a ton of fun writing this, and put a lot of time and energy into making it, and I'm really proud of how it turned out. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! (P.S., there are some elements of horror that I used in my story, although a quick fact about me, even something as small as a gremlin or a bee scares the pants off of me! I can barely take any scary stuff, so I doubt it'll be anything you guys can't handle, but just a small heads up) I do no own this theme, characters, or pictures. Only my own writing and story.…

Arrowverse Group Chats

Arrowverse Group Chats

537 15 6

From NoraXSWest-Allenfam, the writer of the story The Flash: Broken Bonds, comes ... Pfftt hahah! (I'm so sorry, I can't do this anymore!) I've been having a lot of fun writing text chats with my favorite Arrowverse characters recently, and thought that I could share them with with all of you guys! So, relax, take a look if you want, and hopefully, have a laugh! Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it! and if you have any character requests, just let me know! (just know I'll probably find a way to put Nora West-Allen in it 🤣).Note: I only really watch the Flash and Arrow. I watch Supergirl too, I just am not as big of a fan of it as the other two. I watched the first season of Superman and Lois, and that was great! I do not own any of these characters or images, just the story.…

I Believe In The Impossible

I Believe In The Impossible

137 6 1

A simple love letter, from a fan.…