You're My Home, Always (Part 1)

Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @CamrynKissel, and @Bloodypunkk for their amazingly kind support of my Arrowverse stories! I truly cannot thank you all enough for the votes and comments you all leave for me :)

Author's Notes:

Hi, everyone! Thank you for coming back to read another one of my Flash one-shots! I really appreciate any view, vote, or comment I receive from my readers!

I've actually had this idea ever since I watched the season eight finale a few weeks ago (I know that's a pretty long time after it premiered, but I just fell a little far behind. Lol) but it definitely took a long time to write due to some writer's block.

It's all written from the wonderful Iris West-Allen's perspective and allows readers to fully feel the appreciation she has for getting to be back with her family, especially her husband, after being lost in the Still Force for so many weeks while also detailing Barry's mixed feelings as to how things went down throughout the pen-ultimate and final episode of the season.

Anyways, that's probably enough of my rambling now. Lol.

Love you all and thank you for reading :)

"I didn't know how he did it all that time. How he always believed everything would turn out  okay even when my time sickness kept getting worse and worse until now," Iris thought as she lay wrapped in her husband's loving arms, their backs pressed comfortably against the soft bed which they called their own.

The early morning sun shone a single stream through their Loft's closed second story window, its gentle burst of color only adding to the feeling of appreciative love which encompassed the room the two West-Allens currently occupied. The pair had only spent a few weeks apart yet those days could've easily been an eternity, or at least that's how it felt for Iris while she was trapped in the unknown void that seemed forever unreachable known as the Still Force.

Once my time sickness got bad, I didn't know if I would ever get to have the life I wanted to have. The family I was supposed to have and who were supposed to have me. But Barry was right to believe in our future, to believe in us, because no matter what life tries to separate us with, we'll always come running back home to each other.

Iris smiled appreciatively as she gently brushed a strand of her husband's short brunette hair to the side of his head, revealing the ocean blue eyes that she would never get tired of seeing. A small smile formed on his sleeping face at the feel of his wife's touch, his arms giving her body an extra squeeze for good measure. 

I'm so glad that I get to be here, in his arms again without having to worry about hurting him or anyone else again. That I get to feel the touch of his hand in mine. And get to see his perfectly adorkable smile shine on that handsome face of his again. And most of all, I just get to have him.

She softly leaned closer into her husband's sleeping embrace, resting her head delicately against his muscular, bare chest, her long messy strands of rose pink hair brushing ever so lightly against the speedster's beating heart.

"I love you, Barry," Iris whispered quietly before shutting her dark brown eyes, letting her every thought disappear, the feeling of running into her husband's loving embrace a few days prior still playing continuously through her mind like the end of an romantic movie she never wanted to stop watching before she drifted into the best night sleep she'd gotten in ages.

Only their love was much more than a movie.

"Beep, beep, beep," the couple's nightstand alarm clock noisily rang throughout their cozy bedroom, bouncing off the room's tawny-colored walls with its usual sound of necessary annoyance. Iris slowly sat up in bed, blinking the subdued tiredness out of her eyes before clicking the tiny black button on the buzzing machine's top off. She let out a quiet yawn, happiness coursing through her veins at the thought of getting to wake her husband up.

I've probably never been happier that he always sleeps in late than I am now.

Though, as she was looking to the side, hoping to meet her husband's loving eyes, she felt the empty sensation of his hand no longer in hers. 

"Barry, are you alright?" Iris called calmly as she slowly got out from under their covers, carefully slipping a pair of purple velvet slippers over her bare feet as she moved.

It felt like an intense longing had immediately taken over her entire body, wanting to fill the empty gap that was left inside her anytime she didn't have Barry right beside her. But it wasn't out of fear of losing each other, like they'd both felt so many times before. No, this longing came from somewhere much more special. The very thing that made their lives worth living everyday. This feeling emulated from the deepest parts of their hearts, powered solely by the unrequited love they felt for one another.

It's just like what he said a few nights ago; I never want to let him go.

Her searching eyes couldn't seem to find the face of the man she loved as she looked around the bedroom's space, gently pulling a gray shawl over her long white nightgown.

"Something must really be wrong if Barry's up before me," remarked Iris, playfully as she walked down their Loft's wooden staircase, letting the words of her joke reverberate off the tall walls which supported their home. 

The soft soles of her slippers quietly touched the bottom step, the couple's quaint living room coming fully into the woman's view as her hand glided across the thin railing's slick surface. 

The stone fireplace was lit up with delicate orange flames, their fiery tips dancing gracefully in their contained space. Their usually cozy tan couch had been moved in perfect coordination to the view which lay outside their living room's large bay window, their gray curtains pushed casually to the side to create a more natural atmosphere. Two white-lided paper cups of fresh Jitters coffee were placed enticingly on the circular table beside the large piece of furniture, their caffeinated sweetness wafting throughout the room with excited glee. She could've easily said that the scene was perfect, only there was one thing missing that stopped it from being so.


Iris smiled warmly at the sight her husband had so meticulously (in the best possible way) set up for her, sitting down on the couch's right armrest, her legs folded casually over one another. She watched as various types of cars rushed by just outside the glass window pane that separated the average world from the sanctuary she knew as home. The vehicles' drivers were clearly frustrated by the extreme traffic stacking up on the streets, phones pressed firmly to their ears, though the ones who were especially in a hurry were the young employees who accidentally slept past the alarm on their first days (been there, done that). An elderly lady walked slowly down the sidewalk, her fluffy pomeranian of a puppy energetically pulling her forward, just as a little kid would do to their loving parents. But somehow these things were so close to see, yet somehow too distant to touch. As if she were watching a movie play out before her eyes, appreciating every little detail of the things that made up the simplest parts of Central City.

It's been so long since I've gotten to just sit here and relax and can I just say, wow...It feels nice to be able to do!

But just as Iris was about to grab one of the two steaming coffees from on top of the table beside her, she heard the distinct series of clicks that were the Loft's door opening (do I think it's a little overkill to have all those locks on the front door? Yes. But what's not is him trying to protect me and that will always be stronger than everything else).

Standing in the small space between their Loft's open oak door frame was the brunette haired man that was her husband as he clumsily stumbled inside, each hand barely balancing several boxes of what Iris could only assume was their breakfast. He was dressed in a casual navy blue pullover sweatshirt and worn black sweatpants, an ensemble that perfectly displayed just how quickly he'd tried to set up his wife's surprise. 

"A dozen pink sprinkle donuts, two cinnamon scorns, three fresh fruit bowls, and eight breakfast sausage rolls...but what did I miss?! I must've missed something because otherwise I wouldn't be so nervous! Then again, I'm always nervous around her because she's just too perfect not to be," Barry thought aloud as he delicately placed the mountainous containers of food on the tan granite kitchen counter, his sweet words rapidly rambling off in a way that would've made them inaudible to the average person.

But luckily for me, I've known how to speak Barry-rambling since I was a teenager. But honestly, I think I'm the lucky one.

"Did you get the vanilla coffee cake?" Asked Iris, jokingly as she walked across the room towards the door to greet her unsuspecting husband, her arms crossed lightly over one another.

"Oh, yeah! You're right! It was the coffee cake," Barry agreed, sighing a long breath of relief as he casually leaned up against the countertop, the palms of his hands pressed against its polished granite top.

Wait for it...

"Wait, Iris?! You're up!" Exclaimed Barry, his mind seemingly snapping back to reality as he quickly rushed over to his wife's side.

Iris just laughed, smiling appreciatively at what she could already tell was going to be an amazing third breakfast since she'd gotten out of the Still Force.

But I would've felt that way regardless of the food as long as I got to have him here with me for it.

"Well I figured I should probably get up to make sure everything was okay with you. You know, since you actually got up early for once," Iris responded, playfully bumping shoulders with him.

"Oh, right, sorry! I didn't mean to worry you, I was just trying to make you an extra special breakfast to make up for all the ones you missed," explained Barry, apologetically looking down at the chestnut hardwood flooring that lay beneath his blue sneakered-feet.

"Barry, I was just joking. And that's a perfect idea, thank you," reassured Iris as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands folded delicately over one another behind the back of his head.

"Anything for the beautiful woman I'm lucky enough to call my wife," Barry replied, the nervousness that had once carried his voice now replaced by the loving softness it had any moment he looked into her perfect brown eyes.

"I really did marry the sweetest man alive, didn't I?" Giggled Iris, lightly before she leaned forward and gently kissed her husband on the lips.

"You make it easy to be," Barry added, smiling happily at the wonderful woman who stood across from him.

"You really are cute, you that, right?" Iris whispered, lovingly before once again pressing her lips against his, the world around them seemingly fading away into the abyss that surrounded the couple's lightning circled center of love.

"I get that a lot," smiled Barry, playfully before Iris pulled him back into their kiss.

Yeah, this will never get old...

"And that's when Nora and I were finally able to break through the time barrier Dion placed to keep me in the Still Force," explained Barry as he and his wife sat side by side on their soft beige sofa, the latter's legs curled up comfortably on her husband's lap, both occasionally taking a wordless moment to admire the beautiful view that lay beside them.

"Wow, that sounds like one heck of a mission, but I'm sure Nora had fun getting to do it with you," Iris replied before taking a small sip of her sweetly-scented vanilla Vibachino.

I'm so glad Cisco isn't here to see how much I like this or I'd never hear the end of his bragging puns...

"Yeah, she did, but you know, her favorite part was getting to tell me about her new job," Barry commented, a knowing grin flashing across his gentle face.

"Oh, really? Did she take up a new position at CCPD?" Asked Iris as she slowly placed her coffee cup on the side table, devoting her full attention to their conversation.

Just as either parent always did when it came to talking about their children.

Hopefully, she gets a promotion quicker than he and Dad did.

"Well, she did get a promotion, just not at CCPD," answered Barry, intentionally keeping his words very vague so as to build up his wife's growing anticipation.

"Then where did she get promoted?" Pushed Iris, confusedly.

Yeah, he is definitely doing this whole drag-out thing intentionally.

"She got promoted to junior reporter at CCCMedia," Barry announced, excitedly throwing his hands outward.

Iris felt her heart skip several beats at her husband's words, her voice seemingly lost within the mounting love forming in her chest for only her daughter.

"Are you joking right now because I swear if you're joking right now, I will kill you, Barry," remarked Iris, her piercing brown eyes staring hopefully into Barry's, though she knew he would never lie to her, especially about something as important to them as their daughter.

Honestly, I just kinda want to hear him say the words aloud, again.

"No, and she even took up the position because of you! Because your stories inspired her to take up journalism," stated Barry, squeezing her hand lightly in his.

"And just to be clear, I talked to Nora before telling you all of this, of course! So, it's not like I stole her moment or anything. Just so, you know, we're clear," Barry added quickly, an awkward smile slipping its way onto his happy face.

Iris didn't say anything, tears of joy slipping down her cheeks as she smiled appreciatively at him.

I can't believe it really worked. We did change the future, Nora and I are closer. And we even work together like she used to do with Barry.

"That's, that's amazing! But is that okay with you? I know you really loved working in the lab with her?" Asked Iris gently as she wiped the proud tears out of her eyes.

She couldn't possibly be happier than to hear that their daughter wanted to follow in her footsteps, to seek the truth like she did, to be more like her, but the last thing she would ever want to do is take that feeling away from Barry in favor of that.

They've always been so sweet together and I don't want to be the thing that stands in the middle of their special bond.

"Of course, I'm okay with it! I mean, yeah, I'll miss having her in the lab with me, but the only thing that matters is that she's happy and nothing seems to do that more than spending time with you," Barry spoke, a warm expression covering his face that could only shine so brightly when he was talking about his family.

"Plus, you know, Bart is taking up forensic science, after all," added Barry, Iris rolling her eyes playfully at his comment.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure you're always going to her favorite," Iris smiled back, both the couple's hands locked lovingly in one another's as they spoke.

He never stops wearing his heart on his sleeve and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Well, I'm not totally denying that... but the same goes for you and Bart. You know, with how much he tries to go out of his way to make you smile and all," Barry commented, both their smiles somehow growing as he said the words.

Both of their already full hearts flooded with the immense love they shared for their children as they both laughed lightly at each other's remarks.

There's no such thing as being a favorite in our family, we just all love each other in different ways. And I don't want any of us to ever change that.

"Yeah, well that isn't too hard considering just seeing his face honestly makes me smile," admitted Iris, lovingly.

"And I'm sure it goes the same way for him. Or at least, it does for me," complimented Barry, his right hand slowly brushing a loose strand of her rose pink hair behind her ear.

Iris smiled at the soothing touch of his hand against her cheek, her eyes shutting for a brief moment as she took in the entire feeling that was currently racing passionately throughout her body.

The feeling of her husband's love.

"Barry West-Allen, are we seriously having a nice off right now?" Iris teased him,  slapping his arm like she'd done so many times before when they were kids.

"I really hope not because that's a competition I would've already lost," replied Barry, the couple's eyes looking lovingly into one another's, almost as if they were in a trance that nothing could break, how matter how hard it tried.

Because that's what our love has always been, unbreakable.

"I've missed this," admitted Iris as she rested her head on his shoulder, its broad frame creating a perfect barrier to hold her up.

"I've missed you," he added, quietly as he wrapped one of his long arms around his wife's shoulders, kissing her on the forehead, caringly.

"Luckily for us, I'm not going anywhere," whispered Iris, her eyes still locked on his as she snuggled up closer to the only place she would forever feel unconditionally safe within.

The thing that made Barry the man she loved more than anything else in the entire multiverse. 

The very thing that had guided her home only days earlier, the singular thing that Iris would always believe in with her whole being, regardless of the circumstance.

His heart.

"Yeah, and I'm never letting you go," Barry whispered back, the smallest tinge of regret hidden beneath his sweetly-toned voice.

"And I wouldn't want it any other way," Iris breathed softly, shutting her eyes tightly.

I know he's still hurting from what happened, I just wish he would talk to me about it.

"I can't wait to show you the next part of our perfect day," Barry added, his pain quickly being covered up by the love he felt for his wife.

"As long as you're doing it with me, it's already perfect," smiled Iris, leaning up ever so slightly and planting a kiss on her husband's lips.

But I know he'll come to me when he's ready, I just have to give him time to be okay.

Iris adjusted the thin silver necklace that rested gently against the base of her neck, brushing the last few remaining knots of bed head out of her long rose hair which now fell delicately against her soft white sweater. Her legs were covered by a simple pair of navy blue jeans which especially brought out her exceptionally shaped thighs, her recently washed feet slipped into a pair of tall black leather boots she'd gotten from a frosty friend of theirs. She smiled softly as she saw the reflection of her appearance in the couple's standing glass mirror, her brown eyes illuminated by its reflective surface.

I'm really glad that he planned this whole day for us because the only place I wanna be right now is by his side.

"Okay, the food is now officially packed for our special brunch," Barry announced happily, his brunette hair still tousled with wetness from the recent shower he'd taken fifteen minutes prior (Being a speedster really does help lower the water bill, doesn't it?).

His upper chest was outfitted in a solid navy blue button-up shirt, his lanky legs covered by a pair of gray jeans Iris had bought him right before she left for Coast City, patches of wear and tear showing vibrantly across their lower sections. His enthusiastic feet seemed to bounce slightly on his heels, the soles of his brand new black sneakers' rubbing squeakily against the upper bedroom's flooring. Though, the thing that Iris would always take most notice of was his loving smile that never faltered to light up any room.

His happiness is contagious, especially when you love him as much as I do.

"That's great, I just don't know if I'll be able to eat a lot of it after the amazing breakfast you brought me earlier," Iris replied, jokingly before she was gently pulled into a sweet kiss from her husband.

"The important part isn't the food, it's having you there with me. Plus, I can always eat the rest of it, if you want. You know, with the whole speed metabolism thing," Barry commented, his wife's hands wrapped graciously behind the back of his neck.

"That is one of its many benefits," giggled Iris before she leaned in for another kiss.

Among many, many other things.

Their lips stayed locked for several more seconds, both lovers' eyes shut gently as they took in the wonderful adrenaline that raced through their bodies powered solely by the love they felt for one another.

"You know, we should really do this more often," commented Iris as her opening eyes saw the beaming smile that covered her husband's face.

"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. How about like, everyday?" Suggested Barry, playfully.

"Exactly what I was thinking," agreed Iris, a loving laugh from Barry soon following their latest couple quips.

It's nice to have a husband who's as simultaneously goofy and nice as Barry because he'll never fail to laugh at my jokes. 

"Now, are you ready to officially start our perfect date?" Asked Barry, excitement practically sparking off of him brighter than his orange lightning did every time he ran.

"I've always been ready for you," answered Iris as she slowly pulled her arms away from his neck, swiftly grabbing her small black purse from on top of their bed.

"Well, technically, if we're counting, I was the one always ready for you," grinned Barry, jokingly throwing his hands out.

"It would count if you'd actually told me during one of the many, many years you were waiting for me," retorted Iris, playfully smirking at him.

"Okay, we'll call it even," conceded Barry, the two lovers' laughing at each other's painfully accurate assessments of their younger selves.

Let's just say neither of us were exactly great at the whole romance thing yet, but that doesn't mean we loved each other any less.

"Sounds fair," nodded Iris, agreeingly as she locked her hand in his, letting the warm feeling of his touch shoot up her arm.

Barry smiled widely as the couple exited their bedroom excitedly, Barry's new shoes squeaking noisily against the stairs' top step.

"Just a quick question, Babe. Did you by any chance try and buy sneakers like Bart's?" Questioned Iris as she gestured down at the black shoes that currently covered his feet, their metallic golden lightning bolts acting as the vibrant reminder of their flashy-fashioned son.

"Well, maybe...does it make me look cooler?" Replied Barry, sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

Iris knew exactly what her honest answer was, though his effort of trying to impress their son far outweighed how annoying the noise was.

"Of course, they do," Iris warmly smiled at him before the two continued down the steps.

There's no need for me to crush his nerdy dreams.

"Remind me again why I had to be blindfolded instead of you super-speeding us here? Wherever here is," asked Iris, the high heels of her boots tapping softly against the concrete ground which lay beneath the couple's feet.

Her vision was completely masked by the clean black cloth which Barry had wrapped loosely around his wife's eyes, though she didn't really mind because it gave her more time to focus on the loving arm that was delicately guiding her forward.

After everything that's happened over the last few weeks, it feels nice to just let him take the lead.

"Well, I could've super-sped us here, I just thought it would be a little more romantic this way. Plus, I'm pretty sure that blindfolding you while moving at that fast of a speed may cause you to get an extra high spike of vertigo," explained Barry, his whole voice consumed by the science rambling Iris would never get tired of hearing.

"Yeah, that's probably a smart idea. Don't really wanna be throwing up during the amazing date you put together for me," responded Iris, playfully.

"Speaking of amazing dates, are you ready to see yours?" Confirmed Barry, excitement carrying his voice as he nervously awaited his wife's answer.

"As long as you're still here with me, I'll be ready for anything," stated Iris, her hand tightly squeezing her husband's arm before letting it go so she could see his big reveal.

"I feel the same way," replied Barry, his smile shining so brightly that even without sight, she could still feel its warmth course through her chest.

I can't wait to see what he has planned...

Though even her highest of expectations would never have compared to the sight that lay in front of her as Barry pulled the black cover off of the beautiful brown eyes he loved looking into. 

A delicate, circular stone dome stood only a few steps away from the couple, multiple slanted layers of white wood serving as its arched ceiling.

Long strands of white and red lights were wrapped elegantly around the platform's polished triangular pillars, their gleaming bulbs sparkling with the midmorning sunshine. The bay's blue waves of water washed softly against the slick stone barrier that lifted the platform up, occasionally splashing the white metal safety railings with their gentle spray.

The smooth gray ground of the platform was partially covered by a thin purple plaid picnic blanket, various sizes of clear plastic dishes filled to the brim with decadently decorated desserts. All of which were foods Iris had, in varying degrees of vagueness, mentioned to Barry that she enjoyed ranging from her Grandma Ester's fudge-infused brownies to the exact same type of chocolate-swirled strawberries the pair had romantically shared on their very first date. 

"Do you like it? Not that you have to or anything! I mean, you're totally free to love it or hate it! Not that I'd ever have the ability to stop you from feeling anything, just that I was hoping you would!" Barry exclaimed, his voice shaking with nearly the same nervousness he'd felt on the first time he'd asked her out as he quickly turned to Iris to try his very best to read his lover's expression.

The latter said nothing, seemingly still at a complete loss of words. Or rather, even full thoughts as to how she exactly felt.

Wow...just wow...

"You don't like it, that's okay. I get it," commented Barry understandingly, his broad shoulders dropping down to an exceptionally low level that was far from what anyone could consider okay.

"I knew I should have gone with the rose flower stand with your name written on it like I tried on our first date. Not that that really worked too well considering that didn't really even technically become our first date, but maybe it still would've gone better than this," Barry whisper-scolded himself, immediately face-palming at the obvious mistake in his surprise.

"No, no, no, Barry, don't worry. It's nothing like that," reassured Iris as her hand instinctively locked softly in his.

Barry felt his shaking nerves slowly start to dissipate at the feel of her loving touch.

"It's not? You like it?" Barry asked, his hopeful blue eyes looking into his wife's as he slowly pulled his other hand away from his face.

"Are you kidding? I literally love it! And it is the absolute perfect way to spend our first date back together " replied Iris, a large smile of appreciation covering her pretty face.

It can be like our double first date and both memories will forever live rent free in my mind after today, I'm sure of it.

"I just kinda wish I'd worn something a little bit nicer now," Iris remarked, gesturing down at the rather casual outfit she'd thrown together out of mere convenience earlier that morning.

"That doesn't matter when you look beautiful in everything," complimented Barry, a gentle smile held on his face as he locked his other hand in hers.

Iris blushed sweetly at her husband's words, both their smiles growing wider.

"Well, just for that, I'm gonna have to kiss you now," announced Iris, playfully before she leaned forward on the heels of her boots, the couple's hands still wrapped comfortably in one another's.

And as the lovers' lips locked, Iris could've sworn she felt literal sparks of lightning emulating from their hearts, the peaceful waterfront seemingly disappearing into what could only be described as their love's infinity.

He's my infinity. And I'm his.

"So, I'm pretty sure this counts as a win for team West-Allen," giggled Iris, softly as she slowly pulled out of their romantic kiss, her husband's face still lit up with a loving smile.

"Any moment I get to spend with you is a win," spoke Barry, his delicate words igniting Iris' already burning heart with his kindness.

"I couldn't have said it better," smiled Iris, appreciatively.

"Now let's go eat some of this food before it gets cold," stated Iris, nodding towards the beautiful date her husband had prepared perfectly for them.

"But I thought you said you weren't hungry?" Teased Barry, playfully.

"That was before I knew you were going to bake me Grandma Ester's brownies,'' protested Iris, firmly before she pulled him along down the concrete path, their fingers folded gently over one another's.

Every part of what he planned has been amazing so far, I just really hope he's not doing it for the reason I think he is.

"You, Barry Allen, could seriously become a professional chef with how good this food is," declared Iris before she bit the little tip off of her velvety chocolate strawberry, the rich flavor dissolving deliciously inside her mouth just as every other dessert had throughout their entire meal.

The sun's once vibrant rays had slightly faded into the afternoon breeze that blew gently through the woman's hair, filling her lungs with an added boost of rejuvenation she didn't know she needed. The pair laid on the blanket just across from one another, one of each of their arms holding their bodies up while the other hand remained intertwined with their lover's. The once mountainous plates full of sugary goodness now laid scattered around them nearly empty, leaving only small crumbs to remain of the multiple courses.

I would say that his super-speed really did help us with that, though my stomach probably would have to disagree with that statement.

"Thanks, but it's probably not that good," said Barry, modestly.

"Coming from the person you made the food for, trust me, it really is," reassured Iris as she watched Barry smile thankfully at her kind comment.

He gives me so many compliments, why not throw them his way every once and awhile? Especially since he deserves more than he'll ever get.

"That's all that matters to me," replied Barry before he gently pulled his wife closer to him.

Iris smiled warmly at his gesture as they laid flat on the blanket, his arm placed lovingly over her shoulders as she snuggled up close to his chest, resting her hand ever so gently against it. She felt his inhumanly quick heartbeat delicately drum throughout her fingers, sending soft twinges of love shooting through her spine. Just as they had the very moment he'd rushed into Jitters to find her after he'd woken up from his coma nine years prior, wrapping his arms around her like she was the lifeline he'd stayed tethered to everyday he was sleeping.

But I guess that is kinda what happened, after all.

"I don't know what I would've done without you," Barry admitted, his sweet voice slightly shaking with an all too familiar sadness as he brushed a strand or two of his wife's beautiful hair out of her face.

"I know, but you don't have to worry about that now because I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere," replied Iris, her eyes looking lovingly up into her husband's ocean blue ones.

But something about them felt different. Almost foreign.

He doesn't feel the same way, does he?

"But what if you hadn't been?" Questioned Barry, his words spoken as if a part of him truly believed them to be true.

Iris didn't say anything, her hand still wrapped tightly in his, her heart rate speeding up slightly the more he spoke.

"If I'd hurt you?" Continued Barry, his body no longer able to contain the crushing weight of guilt consuming his thoughts as he released her hand from his.

"Barry, please don't go there..." pleaded Iris, cautiously as the two lovers slowly stood up, their backs temporarily rubbing against the slick metal railing that surrounded the circular platform.

Iris felt a brisk shiver move up her spine as the light breeze blew against her sweatered body, making her arms instinctively cling to each other for warmth. 

"Why not, Iris? It's true. I didn't just fail to protect you, I hurt you, too," stated Barry, his eyes shutting tightly at his own words.

The entire space between the pair fell completely silent, letting the occasional wave of the ocean wash roughly against the platform's pillars as Barry threw the back of his head lightly against one of the metal bars.

"You know, maybe this was a little too soon for us. Maybe it would be better if we just head home," suggested Iris, softly stroking the side of his right arm with the palm of her hand.

I can't let him go through this alone. I won't let him go through this alone. I just don't think here's the best place to be dealing with it.

"I can't just go home, Iris!" Snapped Barry, his words piercing through Iris' heart nearly as sharply as Thawne's phasing fist could.

Iris took a few careful steps backwards, though her eyes never wavered from her husband's.

He shouldn't blame himself for any of this. He shouldn't be having to go through any of this! And the only reason he is, is because of me.

Barry breathed a heavy breath, his hands shaking fearfully at his sides.

"I watched you die, Iris. I watched the beautiful light I loved leave your eyes. I held your body in my arms and it was all because I hurt you," Barry spoke quietly, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Barry, that wasn't your fault," protested Iris as she reached for his hand, but he quickly pulled his away.

"Yes, it was. I was one who threw that lightning bolt into your chest, the one that killed you! I was supposed to protect you, I promised that no one would die that night and I failed to keep that promise. To save you, again," he sobbed, each word sinking its truth deeper into the empty hole that resided in his chest.

Iris felt a single tear slip down her cheek as she listened to her husband's words. He wasn't just saying them because he was hurting, he honestly believed them. Believed that they were true.

"We can still fix this, Barry, you just have to trust me," stated Iris, softly as she took a few steps closer to him, eliminating any distance that had previously separated the two lovers.

"I trust you, I always have. The person I don't trust, is me," stated Barry, his entire figure now shaking with regret.

"But I do, Barry! And I always will! Isn't that enough?" Shouted Iris, her voice raised with a tone of determination that beat dangerously against the inside of her chest.

He might trust himself, but that doesn't mean that I don't. I've always believed in him, and nothing, nothing can or ever will change that.

"Not if I can't keep you safe," finished Barry, his sweet heart shattering at the words' impact against his whole being.

But before Iris could respond, before she could tell him that everything was going to be okay, before she could hug him tighter than she'd ever held onto him, the man she loved more than anything else in the world sped off, leaving only an abandoned trail of orange lightning in his wake. 

Leaving the love of his life once again standing alone in the platform's empty space.

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