She Makes Our World Whole
Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @CamrynKissel, @joshuasmith943, @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of their amazingly kind views, votes, and comments on my Flash-themed stories! You are all fantastic writers :)
And a special dedication goes out to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint for their exceptionally schway support of all my West-Allen stories! I truly love and appreciate every comment you both leave on my work :)
Author's Notes:
Hi, my fellow Flash Family members!
Hope you're all having an amazingly perfect day (or that this story can maybe brighten it a little bit, otherwise) because you all deserve nothing less :)
Remember how I mentioned in the description of the last one of these I wrote that you all would probably be seeing a lot more projects in the future of mine revolving around the ninth season? Well, turns out, this next one is based around that, too. Lol.
There isn't exactly much to say about this particular story because it's mostly just a few sweet moments between Barry, Iris, and their newly born baby, Nora (I love saying that so much!), all compiled into a single oneshot.
Personally, I just really love the entire season-long arc based around West-Allen finally getting to have their Sweet Nora and I honestly just couldn't stop myself from writing a little something about that afterwards, too!
Anyways, that's probably enough of my rambling for now. Lol.
Love you all and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it :)
And just remember,
Nothing's Impossible as long as you believe in it :)
"You know how people always talk about how there are these unexpected moments in our lives that we'll remember for as long as we live? The ones that no matter how hard you try and prepare for, or how long they last, they just stay forever frozen in time inside your head like this sort of polaroid you can't stop yourself from thinking about? Because they're just so perfect, it almost feels too surreal for you to actually be worthy of experiencing such impossible moments? Well, for me, that always has been and always will be every single memory I get to make with you, Iris. Especially her," Barry thought, appreciatively as he gently brushed a loose strand of his wife's brunette-accented, messy brunette hair delicately behind her left ear.
The speedster wasn't typically an early morning or late night person (but not because I'm like Oliver and don't need sleep. I'm just not very good at time in, I don't have any) so, he didn't have even the slightest clue as to what time it was. Only, that he somehow wished that the peaceful resting of his wife's body lying wrapped in his gray t-shirted, muscular arms' warm embrace would never end. Like they could stay in bed for the remainder of time with no need, no want, no desire to ever leave the confines of their shared place of comfort.
Not that I could ever really leave hers considering she's my heart, anyway. They both are. But that doesn't make me love this any less.
Without any recollection of beginning the movement, but rather out of sole fatherly instinct (I still can't believe that those words apply to me now...I'm a dad...I'm her dad...), Barry's gaze slowly shifted down towards his wife's bare arms where their little blessing of a baby was sleeping, the latter's heart pressed soothingly against her mother's in a way that could only be described as love.
At least, that's the only word I think I'll ever use.
"Yep, best mom ever," Barry whispered, quietly to himself, the tips of his fingers rubbing his lover's knuckles, gently, his eyes taking in every single tiny beat of their Sweet Nora's heart's thumping.
It was almost as if an invisible drum had been placed directly in the center of their baby's chest, each intake of air which passed through her lungs rising her body up ever so slightly just beneath the black and sunshine yellow XS emblem which decorated the middle of her onesie's outfit.
Though, the drumming of her heart silently seemed to match much closer to a certain speedster's rather than an actual instrument; her father's.
Like, in some unexplainable way, she was indeed, taking in her Dad's heart's every momentary reflection of love, too. And listening to the sound of her favorite person's voice as she slept serenely in the warmth her mother's shelter provided, just as their adult daughter had every time she was lucky enough to get to spend time with her parents.
We're the lucky ones, Nora. And we always will be.
"I love you," Barry spoke, softly as he shifted slightly in place, allowing Iris' sleeping head to fall wordlessly onto his chest, her long hair bunching up untidily against the slimly fit fabric of his gray t-shirt.
A quiet compliment which brought an almost immediate smile of happiness to his wife's face, her legs absentmindedly repositioning themselves on top of his long, lean ones which had previously resided beside her own. For her mind needn't be awake to acknowledge and or appreciate the endless love which her husband felt towards her, no matter the time of day.
No night or day could ever change my feelings for her; everything.
Seconds, minutes, or hours could've passed the man by while he lay snuggled up close to his wife and daughter for time became a rather predictably irrelevant factor in his life every time there was a moment of stillness within the ceaseless confines of their home, the tiniest shred of the sun's soft hues illuminating Iris and Nora's perfectly matched brown eyes. He wasn't even sure he would've been able to get any sleep had he tried due to his attention's acute direction of admiration that had been formed for his family, one which the speedster knew would remain for a thousand years more.
I know my whole thing is to run fast because I'm The Flash and all. And well, because everyone always says that I take things in so quickly that I barely take in anything at all. And most of the time I'd probably agree with them, but not right now. Not with this. Not with them. Not with her.
Though, just like anyone, there did reach a point in time when even Barry West-Allen's mind did, indeed, join his two special girls in the oasis most would call, rest.
"Goodnight, my Sweet Nora..." Barry yawned, tiredly, letting his lips plant the gentlest of kisses atop his daughter's smooth forehead, just the same as his own mother had nearly every time she tucked him in when he was just a boy, before he finally allowed his ocean blue eyes to close, the smallest of smiles forming silently on his face at the feeling of Iris' hand gently squeezing his.
I think you'd be proud of the life I have now, mom. The one you and dad gave to me.
I know I am.
A few hours later...
"I honestly didn't think it was possible for Nora to get sweeter, but almost every moment I see her, she proves me wrong," Barry thought, lovingly, as his eyes observed his baby girl's every tiny movement inside the white-walled boundaries of her soft-knitted lavender blanket encompassed oak crib, each little flail of the newborn's stubby arms and or legs making her daddy's heart somehow want to reach even further outside of his chest just to connect with hers.
Not that distance much mattered for the father's love of his daughter would transverse any hurtle just to feel a fraction of the sweetness which was Nora's infinite light.
She's my little girl, there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I'm just thankful that I can do that while still getting to, well, be her dad, too.
The early morning sun seemed to delicately shine its soft auburn hues vibrantly throughout the wide bedroom's bay window's tall glass panes, perfectly illuminating nearly every polished wooden surface which surrounded the smiling father's form as he carefully moved throughout their spacious living room, collecting all the various items strewn messily across their tops in an attempt to prepare his little girl for the special adventure she was only minutes away from getting to share with her parents.
I know babies can't technically really remember anything until they're at least four months old, but there's something about Nora that just tells me she somehow already loves it. Or maybe that's just my own feelings towards her shining through.
If the speedster managed to actually have every one of the million objects which the overprotective father deemed a necessity for their family travels put together in the next five more minutes, that is.
Which you would think would be a pretty easy task to do considering the whole super-speed thing and all. Don't get me wrong, it definitely helps a lot, but this type of stuff isn't really what I want to be rushing. Not only because I want to keep our daughter safe, but also because I enjoy getting to put all this together for her, too. We both do.
Nora was wrapped in just the same cotton violet and yellow, lightning-bolt embellished onesie her future self had gifted the newly titled parents only two weeks prior, the smallest strands of her curly, brunette hair sticking out energetically from beneath her similarly colored bonnet as she clumsily rolled around on her back (otherwise known as barely moving since the youngest speedster was, after all, just a baby. But that didn't stop the "intense" training from bringing mutual feelings of happiness to both Nora and her dad). Her hands clapped together every few twists just for an added measure of excitement. A talent which both her parents were in nothing short of complete loving awe of for even the simplest of their baby's movements reminded them that they did, indeed, have a daughter of their own.
Their Nora.
Not that we could ever forget the most important job in our lives; being parents.
Her tiny, toothless mouth seemed to take a keen liking towards sucking on her clean, stout right thumb, a distraction which was surely tiding over the time which her parents typically took to get themselves ready for the day, both because Iris tended to take a rather long time deciding exactly what clothing would best suit their day's occasion (and that's saying Barry remembered and or was even trying to arrive on time in the first place) and due to the aforementioned third person which they were still trying to find the right balance taking care of between them, too.
Though, their baby hardly cared how much time it took so long as her little chestnut brown eyes got to watch her father's reassuring and or goofily nervous smile moving around the room with her father while said things were being complied for there had truly been nothing in the two weeks she'd spent in the new world which was hers to explore that made the infant feel happier than the comforting atmosphere which her dad never failed to bring with him everywhere he went. Especially if his baby girl was there with him.
I mean, I don't honestly see any way that I could really be upset about anything if she's here in my arms.
"So what exactly are we thinking here, Nora; the violet purple or scarlet red binky?" Barry asked as he awkwardly spun around on the heels of his new gray high tops, their white rims scuffing squeakily against the room's carob tile flooring as he held the two brightly colored pacifiers up for his daughter to examine.
An action which seemed to immediately send an air of tension coursing silently through his lungs for several seconds as he awaited his little girl's life-changingly important choice, the folded sleeves of his azure blue and black plaid flannel button-up shirt brushing absentmindedly against his thin wrists with each shifting movement his fingers made.
There are some decisions that a Dad just can't make for his little girl and well, this just might be one of those choices...
Nora didn't respond for a moment or two, her attention still preoccupied by her mouth's sucking of her right thumb's delicious exterior (a very fact which only led more credence to her father's decision of giving her a binky before they left the Loft) until her tiny brown eyes finally took notice of her dad's somewhat indecisively anxious expression. A very fact which, despite not having even a slightly developed enough mind to retain information yet, still immediately told his little girl that it was her turn to help her father.
So, as any baby would, Nora decided to fix said problem by slowly rolling her brightly buddled body to the right, her gaze falling unbeknownst onto the violet purple binky currently being held in the palm of one of Barry's outstretched hands. A sight which almost instantly erased any of the feelings of momentarily worry showing on her dad's face in favor of letting an appreciative smile playfully tug back at his face.
That's our little girl.
"Okay, Nora, purple it is," Barry announced, the smallest hint of pride lingering silently in his voice at her decision to match her mother's choice as he carefully repackaged the violet object inside a small, flip-open white plastic container before stuffing it into one of the seemingly endless metallic silver pockets which lined every other inch of his navy blue backpack.
To a stranger, it would more likely resemble that of a high school and or college bag due to both its general size and extensively small pocket placements, too, though the newly appointed father was far from embarrassed for it somehow managed to fit nearly every object in which Nora needed, ranging exponentially in size from binkies all the way to a week's worth of clothing changes. All of which were, of course, not only properly packaged for sanitary reasons (who knew that being a CSI would come in handy when it came to organizing our baby supplies?) but also consisted of almost every color and or shape which his daughter may need and or want of her favorite toys and onesies.
I just like the feeling of always knowing that no matter where we are, I can keep our perfect little girl happy and safe. And yeah, some of it may be a bit excessive, but nothing seems like going overboard when it comes to loving Nora. Plus, if we're being totally honest, I've never been cool so, I'm pretty sure this dad pack isn't making me look any worse. Though, I might still need to get Cisco and Chester's help coming up with a better name for it...
Even as Barry continued to pack up Nora's things, his gaze still remained intently locked on his daughter's sweet face as he leaned over their tan Lawson sofa to successfully finish grabbing the last of Nora's medicinal items strewn cautiously across a nearby polished coffee table for even just looking away from his Sweet Nora for a few seconds felt like enduring an eternity of never-ending longing. A sincere yearning which neither of the West-Allen parents could or ever had wanted to relent since the moment they'd gotten lucky enough to first lay their eyes upon their daughter four years ago. Or rather, since the moment they'd been blessed with the best gift they'd ever get to share with one another;
Iris and I's love was the thing that started this life-long journey for our family in the first place, but Nora? Well, she's the one who always finds a way to remind us that we don't have to be perfect people to be the perfect parents for her, no matter if it's her future self's amazingly sweet hug after we took our first run together or her baby self's undeniably beautiful tears the first moment she was born. Because when it comes to a person as great as she is, with as much love in their heart as she has, no amount of words can really describe how thankful I am to get to call myself her dad. Or her my daughter.
"You almost ready, Babe?" Iris' voice suddenly rang out, the delicate sound of her rose pink ballet shoes echoing clearly throughout Barry's slightly distracted thoughts as his wife's words danced gracefully in the brightly lit space which surrounded the father-daughter pair.
The very same voice which somehow always found a way to simultaneously make the speedster's veins run warm with nervous excitement while soothing every part of his soul with its simple sound.
A feeling so strong that not even the sincerest of words could fully describe the true meaning of for no amount of scientific knowledge or preparation would ever be able to even touch the surface of explaining exactly what was making the hero's heart beat so rapidly inside his flannel-shirted chest.
As cheesy as it sounds, I just kinda use two pretty simple ones, though; my everything.
"Yeah, just a second!" Barry called back, his response spoken with an unintentionally (yet painfully accurate) hurriedness as he quickly gripped the thick gray foam strap of his backpack and yanked it over his right shoulder.
Most of the time Iris is a lot more reasonable of a person than everyone gives her credit for, sometimes I honestly think people forget that she runs an entire Pulitzer winning business of her own. Not that anyone will ever really hear me complain about that too much considering it just gives me more of a reason to remind them, or just talk about how great she is.
But she sorta specifically woke me up early this morning so we could leave on time for our Jitters meet with Joe and Cecile but let's just say...I MIGHT not be ready to leave exactly on time...
Though, the man's movements were possibly performed with slightly more speed than he'd intended them to be for his so-called "father-daughter carrier" almost immediately collided with the back of his head, making him stumble forward clumsily for a few seconds before his two left feet finally regained a semblance of balance on his lean legs.
A sight which was quick to bring a light giggle out of his baby girl as she rolled slowly around in her crib's soft white blankets.
"Well, at least I can make one of my favorite girls laugh," Barry joked, playfully to himself as he momentarily readjusted his footing before making his way over to their daughter just to give her an extra kiss on the forehead for good measure.
My humor may not be funny to most people, but if I can make her smile, then that's always going to be more than enough for me.
"Okay, but I kinda have to come down there for Nora because I'm starting to miss my baby," Iris replied, her tone carried by a mixed sense of jovialness and honest longing as she stepped off the final cedar polished step of their Loft's tall staircase.
Don't get the new mom wrong, she was very appreciative of her husband's overly generous insistence on taking care of Nora every morning since she was born so that the reporter could always have a leisurely morning of a warm shower and coffee before they swapped roles (an especially nice offer considering the many, many long nights of her pregnancy), but that didn't stop there from being a small part of her that wished her husband could take the afternoon shifts every once and awhile, too. Though, the early breakfast runs to Jitters he'd recently gotten accustomed to taking just for her own personal delivery service of freshly baked croissants were certainly an upside to their arrangement.
It's like I promised her before she even got pregnant; having a baby should never mean she can't do the things that she used to, but that she has someone she loves more than anything to do them with, too.
And I'd say Nora, whether baby or adult, is pretty much the best company someone can get.
Iris' wavy brunette hair seemed to sway gently against her shoulders' cross-knitted plum sweater with each movement she took forward, letting the day's calming yellow light illuminate the dirty blonde highlights which rested placidly against the same soft cheeks which her husband remembered every time his hand was blessed with its touch for the warmth it brought his sometimes aching heart was more beautiful than any other sensation the hero had or ever would experience. The warmth which was the pair's infinite love for one another.
Feeling unhappy sometimes is just a part of being human. That doesn't make it hurt any less in the moment, but it won't last forever. You just have to keep that reminder of why you want it to change close to your heart when it feels like it never can.
And for me, that reminder has always and will always be, Iris.
Because with her, I don't ever have to ask why she loves me because well, she just does.
And a love like that can't be changed by any mistake either of us will ever make.
And now that we have a daughter, that we have Nora, that connection of love somehow just feels more unbreakable than before.
Because we're not just loving each other,
We're loving something,
"Sounds good, Honey," Barry smiled, lightly as his eyes were met with the strikingly beautiful sight of his wife's simple purple sweater and a pair of worn navy, high-rise jeans that were buttoned up until just underneath her stomach.
The very place their little Nora had resided inside the loving comfort of only two weeks prior.
Honestly, it doesn't matter how many days, months, or even years go by, I'm always going to be appreciative of just how strong of a woman I get to spend the rest of my life with. That our daughter gets to spend the rest of her life looking up to.
A very thought that only seemed to make the speedster's smile grow a little larger, his mouth still hanging slightly open all the while in just the same adorkable way which Iris would never get tired of admiring, in either senses of the word.
"Thanks, but let's be honest, it's kinda just more so I can see her again," Iris joked, smiling softly at her husband's undeniably sweet expression at her everyday appearance for only a man as special as Barry would go the extra mile to spoil her with food and shower her with compliments all in the first three hours they were awake in the morning.
"Yeah, well, I kinda like to think that everything we get to do right now with her is for all of us. Because we both know there's never going to be anything that makes us smile more than her," Barry commented, reassuringly as his swirling thoughts finally were brought back down to reality, though not without the much needed effort of his swiftly shaking head.
Iris is always going to be the thing that simultaneously helps me focus the most and the least because she's just that great.
"I couldn't agree more," Iris added, the soles of her rose ballet shoes clicking quietly against their living room's smooth tile flooring before she wrapped her arms delicately over one another behind her husband's neck.
The feeling of her palms pressing against his skin seemed to bring an immediate sensation of comfort to the man's heart, just as it always did whenever he held Iris, the love of his life, in his arms.
There's never going to be anywhere I feel safer, more loved, than right here with her.
"Can I say something a little crazy?" Barry asked as his hands softly pulled his wife's form closer to his own so they could completely share the warmth which was so fiercely emulating from within their individual souls.
Or rather, what was now their joined heart's mutual feeling of endless love for their baby.
"Anything," Iris answered, her head slowly finding its preferred place of comfort resting on her husband's broad right shoulder in what she could only describe as her perfect stress-free sanctuary from all the worries they were constantly faced with on a daily basis.
Ones which somehow seemed like such a distant concern after they'd gotten to become the very thing they both wanted more than anything; parents.
"I'm really happy right now. You know, with you, and Nora," Barry stated, tears of overflowing joy silently glistening in his gentle blue eyes, a feeling of unadulterated love igniting vibrantly in the man's flannel-shirted chest.
Even as he spoke the words aloud, he knew that every syllable was said with nothing short of complete sincerity spoken entirely from the love which shone from his heart's every crevice for his wife, their daughter, and their family.
Everyone always says that I wear my heart on my sleeve for the people I love, but it just doesn't feel like I have to anymore to show how much I care about them because, well, we're all connected by something so much stronger than ourselves.
I don't honestly know if that comes with having just defeated all our past villains in one night or becoming a parent or, or if it's just me finally seeing my life from a different perspective, but either way, I don't think I ever want it, this feeling of freedom, of love, of happiness to go away.
"Not that I wasn't before, it just feels..." Barry began, though his sentence quickly trailed off as his mind fought to find the exact perfect way to combine all the speedster's racing thoughts into words that sounded like at least a somewhat comprehensible explanation.
It's my wedding vows all over the best possible way...but still...
"Different?" Iris finished, her singular suggestion somehow managing to encapsulate exactly what her husband was saying while barely saying anything at all as her head slowly pulled away from her lover's chest in order to let their gazes meet between, her long brunette hair brushing quietly across his upper body as she moved.
Barry couldn't help but smile at his wife's words, his head just nodding agreeingly as he took in every feature of her beautiful complexion under the morning's magically gleaming sunlight.
"I feel it, too. I have ever since we had her," Iris added, tears delicately shining in her own eyes, too, as the couple's bonded gazes fell upon the brightly colored crib where their baby lay.
Nora's tiny body was still rolling goofily on her pajamaed back, only with the slight catch that grasped inside her mouth was now the violet purple pacifier as opposed to her own thumb.
Though, that didn't even in the slightest take any amount of cuteness away from the baby, at least not to her parents, anyway.
I mean, she's Nora. She's never not going to be our little girl.
"Me too. But not just for her. For both of you. Because without you, without your support, your strength, your love I would've never gotten to be here for this in the first place. To be our daughter's father. To be your everything," Barry spoke, his eyes momentarily turning back to meet Iris' as his hand gently took her right one in his own.
I might've chosen her first back when we were kids, but that wasn't even a choice. I mean, she's Iris! She's beyond perfect in every possible way. But me? I've always been an awkward, hopelessly romantic, nervous-wreck of a guy and that was before she even knew I was The Flash!
But none of it mattered. None of it ever mattered. Because she knew we'd both have to work on it, have to work on us, more than most couples, but she didn't care. She just wanted me.
"Barry, since the first moment we met her, you were always meant to be her dad," Iris commented, softly blushing at the feeling of her lover's fingertips pressing against her knuckles.
The moment was still practically plastered onto every wall of the mother's mind;
The endlessly optimistic smile which had covered their daughter's face as she'd entered the West Family home, the same violet purple and white leather jacket worn unzipped over her shoulders. The way her short brunette hair had waved excitedly in front of her ears as she proudly labeled off all of their friends' names without any regret as to how weird it may have sounded coming from, well, a stranger.
But the thing she would always remember best of all was the gentle way in which her hazel brown eyes looked so admiringly up into her father's, taking in every detail of her favorite person's face in the very same way that Barry always had with his own Dad.
With nothing short of love.
"Maybe. But even before we met her, I always knew you were going to make a better mom than anyone else ever could. And now that we're actually getting to live out that amazing dream together, it only proves how right that feeling was from the start," Barry reasoned, his lighthearted voice echoing serenely off their Loft living room's white-painted walls, each reverberated syllable holding almost as much passion as the fragile family photographs that lovingly lined their smooth surface.
"Only because I had you there to do it with me," Iris added, her tears finally finding their way down her cheeks at her husband's encouragement, words which were ones she was afraid she'd never get to feel, yet had always hoped would come true.
There was never a single doubt in my mind that Iris, the most caring, compassionate, and supportive woman in the world would make the best possible mom. I'm just glad that she gets to see that now, too.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," Barry beamed, his free hand carefully wiping the tiny droplets from his wife's face, the sensation of her appreciative tears on his hand feeling strangely soothing against his skin before he gently leaned in for a romantic kiss.
One which could've lasted for seconds or the rest of time without either lover being able to tell the difference, their lips pressed softly against one another's in a moment that would forever be frozen in the frame of Barry's mind.
Through every tear we've cried on each other's shoulders.
Every awkward laugh I've stuttered just to get your attention.
Every smile you've flashed my way when you know I couldn't do it for myself.
Every time you've let me just wrap my arms around you in a loving embrace to remind you how great you are.
And every kiss we've shared, you've given me something better than a perfect life, Iris.
You gave me us.
Well, at least it could've lasted for an infinity if not for Nora's loud wailing breaking through her parents' embrace.
A sound which immediately snapped both Barry and Iris' actions back onto their baby as the pair quickly made their way over to their daughter's crib, the latter of which gently scooped their little bundle of joy up in her arms.
Okay, so we may still have a few things to learn, but at least we're getting to do it together.
"It's okay, Nora. Mommy and Daddy are here," Iris cooed, softly rocking Nora back and forth in her sweatered embrace, letting her daughter rest her tiny head against her mother's heart so as to soothe her sobbing.
"And we always will be," Barry whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around Iris, his gray sneakered feet effortlessly following his wife's swaying movements.
And we're never, ever going anywhere.
Slowly but surely, Nora's loud sobbing began to subside under the soothing motions which were her parents' swaying, ones which neither minded in the slightest bit continuing for hours to come if it meant feeling their daughter's heartbeat's endless kindness.
A trait which Barry was certain was much too extraordinary to come from anywhere except, singularly, his wife's love.
There's only two people in the entire multiverse who are that compassionate and they're both right here with me.
"Don't worry, Nora, we're here for you," Barry spoke, reassuringly as Nora gently nestled her bonneted head ever so slightly closer to Iris' chest, letting its soft violet fabric brush delicately across her mother's long brunette hair, her hand playfully batting one of blonde strands out of her view.
An action which perfectly freed up just the opportunity the infant needed in order for her to fully take in the warm smiles held effortlessly on her parents' faces.
"Because we love you," Iris added, her smile somehow growing even larger at the sensation of her daughter's stubby fingers touching her hair.
Even Baby Nora can tell how beautiful Iris is.
The couple spent the next several minutes repeating the same gracefully perfect steps with their daughter until they finally found their way over to the sofa, Nora giggling happily at the tiny bounce of their descent.
"I know how awful this is gonna sound, especially since I was the one who suggested it in the first place, but God, do I wish we didn't have to leave, today," Iris remarked, her gaze still mesmerized by Nora's cute little face.
Though, the latter fact never changed, regardless of if Nora was lying sweetly in her mother's arms or not for their love knew no distance.
Because that's what true love is; infinite across all space, time, and everything that comes in between.
"Then we don't have to," Barry stated, his hand gently interlocking inside his lover's as they both comfortably leaned back against the sofa's standing tan cushions.
"As tempting as that offer is, we promised Dad and Cecile we'd be there in less than an hour," Iris reasoned, though she still couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto her face at just the gesture Barry was offering her.
"I know, but I just kinda want to stay in, today, too. You know, with just us and Nora," Barry sighed, his eyes lingering appreciatively down on their daughter's scrunched up face.
Yeah, nothing is ever gonna be more adorable than that.
"You sure?" Iris questioned, her right eyebrow raising skeptically so as to ensure that her undeniably sweet husband wasn't just saying yes for her sake.
Well, at least not only her sake, anyway.
"Completely," Barry answered, his voice carrying just the level of honesty his wife was hoping to hear, not that there was ever any doubt in her mind, really, considering they were talking about Nora, after all.
"Okay, we'll stay. Just let me text Dad before..." Iris began, though her words were abruptly cut short of a sudden flash of orange light dancing momentarily where her husband used to be.
"Already done," Barry announced, sliding easily back onto their couch's soft cushions beside his wife, prompting an almost immediate playful laugh from her in the process.
"What can I say? I'm just kinda fast, sometimes," Barry joked, an equally jovial grin covering his face as he stretched his left arm outward and rewrapped it around Iris' shoulders, taking extra care so as to move as close to their baby as he could.
Let's just say, she's far from the only one of the two of us who never wants to leave her side.
A very fact which Iris thought was only fair considering the immeasurable amount of times their future daughter had proven she would always do the same for her father, too.
"Yeah, I think I've seen that a few times, myself," Iris remarked, playfully bumping shoulders with him before letting her head rest gently against his left broad shoulder blade.
"Oh, have you?" Barry smirked as he leaned down slowly for a quick kiss, both the parents' arms still supporting their baby girl, together.
Remember those types of moments I said we never really forget, no matter how much time goes by? Yeah, well, just sitting here on the couch with Iris and Nora, feeling their love, and letting them feel mine?
Those times are always going to be one of them.
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