Newly Weds' Double Date

Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam , @bloodypunkk, and @CamrynKissel for their amazing support of my writing :)

Author's Notes: Hi again all my fellow Team Flash members!

This story takes place only a week or two after Crisis on Earth-X so, we're still in the freshly blissful West-Allen love phase (one of my favorite ones of theirs, actually. Lol)!

Honestly, this is basically just a romantic one-shot filled with lots of sweet moments between the newlyweds, Barry and Iris and as you probably could've guessed from the cover image, Oliver and Felicity, too.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a total Olicity shipper most of the time, though this story does take on a bit more of a humorous aspect revolving around their sudden marriage that kinda disrupted Barry and Iris' whole wedding because even the ones of us who do like them together have to be honest and admit that they did steal a lot of time away from the two people whom the day was supposed to be about. Lol.

Anyways, love you all and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it :)

"This date is going to be great! But to be fair, any day that I get to spend with Iris is always great," thought Barry, a wide smile of enthusiastic happiness covering the young man's face as he examined his appearance in their circular, golden-rimmed bedroom vanity mirror.

He was dressed in a slick azure blue tuxedo that complemented his maroon red tie and walnut brown dress shoes with a sort of laid-back elegance. His usually tousled brunette hair sat on top of his head (I can't believe that even having superspeed wasn't enough to completely comb it back), his light blue eyes staring back in the glass' clear reflection. His hands shook slightly at his sides in anticipation as he shifted uncomfortably in place, his gaze seemingly falling upon the tan carpeted ground that lay beneath his feet.

Never in his entire life would a day go by where he didn't try his absolute best to make everything perfect, whether that be by saving the city from a dangerous metahuman as The Flash or making a massive strawberry pancake banquet every morning, for the indescribably beautiful woman who was the love of his life.

So many times have we both proven that we'd do anything to keep each other safe, that we love each other more than anything else in this world. I just feel like I could be doing more for her. You know, now that I am her husband and all.

"You almost ready, Babe?" Asked Iris, patiently as she leaned up against their bedroom's open amber-colored doorframe, the soft clicking sound of her navy blue high heels' echoing off the quiet room's walls.

"Yeah, sorry," replied Barry, quickly pushing his mounting worries to the back of his mind in favor of spending the day with his wife.

But even he was not prepared for the sight that awaited his eyes as he turned around to meet Iris'.

Wow, she looks...incredible.

She wore a stunning ruby red cocktail dress that stopped just below her smooth knees, her wavy black hair falling delicately over her left shoulder in a way that closely resembled that of a true princess. A pair of simple straight silver earrings hung beneath her hair, adding an extra sparkling glow to her already shining self, though Barry thought little about the material objects that covered her body, rather the beauty of the person who wore them.

"I swear, you get more beautiful every time I see you," smiled Barry, lovingly as he gave her a quick, but sweet kiss on the lips, letting her cherry-scented lipstick smear ever so slightly against his chapped ones.

Even just the simplest touch of her skin against his felt like he was breathing a breath of fresh air, vanquishing any thought except the love he felt for her.

"And that's why you're the best husband I could ask for," whispered Iris back as she pulled him a little closer to her chest, their tender hearts beating in perfect time to their lover's.

"Husband? I like the sound of that," beamed Barry, happily as they pulled out of their romantic kiss, both laughing lightly at his comment.

"Not as much as I love saying it," smiled Iris back as the couple's eyes met, sending a powerful warmth shooting up Barry's spine.

I love her. I love her so much.

"But, we really should look at going. Otherwise, Oliver might get himself kicked out of the restaurant before we even show up," joked Iris, playfully as she pulled a small white purse's sleeve over her right shoulder.

"Yeah," laughed Barry in agreement, knowing her remark was much closer to the truth than the average person would probably expect it to be.

I mean, Oliver's a great guy in more ways than I can count but when it comes to being nice to others...let's just say it doesn't exactly come easily to him.

"Can we just mutually agree though, that we won't let them ruin this date like they did our wedding?" Confirmed Iris, a slight hint of annoyance hanging in her usually sweet-toned voice.

To put it simply, an unidentified Earth's super-powered Nazi army was not the only invasion that had disrupted their special day.

"I promise. But just so we're clear, no one could ever ruin any moment in my life if you're there with me," spoke Barry, softly as he tied the last remaining lace on his polished dress shoes.

"I feel the same way," added Iris, an appreciation for her husband's words carrying her every syllable.

The two's eyes seemed to stay locked within one another's loving gaze for what could've been seconds or an eternity before Barry finally pushed himself off their nicely made King bed and back onto his feet beside Iris.

"Before we leave, I just had one little surprise for my newly wed wife," stated Barry, mysteriously as he carefully pulled a small, black velvet-cased box out of his dress coat's lower right pocket.

"Oh, Barry, you didn't have to get me anything," protested Iris, politely as her eyes fell on the small box currently grasped in his hand.

"I know, I just felt like getting my wife a little extra something to remind you how special you are," smiled Barry, softly as he placed the delicate little box in her hands, gently closing her fingers around its satiny surface.

"Thank you, but I'll always have you here to do that for me," stated Iris as she lightly squeezed her husband's hand.

There's no amount of things I could give her that would show just how much I love her.

Iris smiled thankfully at him for a few more seconds before slowly lifting up the package's lid, revealing the heartwarming present that lay within its fancy outer casing. A thin silver chain necklace lay folded within its interior, a shiny violet heart pendant attached to its center with three small words intricately etched into its metallic surface;
I believe you.

"How did you find this?" Asked Iris, a look of complete awe covering her face.

"Well, I was getting coffee at Jitters with Cisco and Caitlin yesterday and we passed by this new jewelry store so, I figured it might have something new I could get you. Unfortunately, nothing really felt right. Not because there weren't tons of great things, there were! I mean, Caitlin even bought this nice topaz bracelet for herself, too. Just none of them seemed good enough for you. And then I found this," explained Barry, his words rambling on and on until finally he found the actual thing he was trying to say.

Though, Iris would never mind hearing his voice, regardless of what he was saying.

"They're the first words you said to me when I came to live with you and Joe after my mom died. Even when everyone thought I was just a crazy kid for believing in the impossible, you believed in me. You've always believed in me. Just like how I'll always believe in us," finished Barry, his voice cracking with emotion at the very act of speaking the words aloud.

For so long, I tried avoiding talking about that night. And when someone did happen to get me to talk about my mother's death, it always felt like carrying an invisible boulder on my chest, forever pressing deeper and deeper into my heart as time went by. But now, now I can look back on it as the day I became a part of the West family. The moment my life with Iris officially started. And that's something that I'll never take for granted again.

"This is the best gift I've ever gotten. Thank you," cried Iris, tears of gratitude slipping down her cheeks as Barry carefully placed the piece of jewelry around his wife's neck, her hands resting gently against his as their palms remained on her bare shoulders for several more seconds.

"Anything for you," smiled Barry back, a few tears falling from his eyes, too, as he generously extended his arm out for her to take.

"How did I get lucky enough to marry the sweetest man in the world," commented Iris, kindly as she took his hand in hers.

"The same way I got lucky enough to have you as my wife," replied Barry, softly as the couple walked down their loft's light oak laminate steps, their hands still locked within one another's.

A quiet glow gently illuminated the white walls' surface, bringing a sort of uplifting feeling to its residents' hearts.

Across the room from the short steps stood a built-in gray-tiled stone fireplace, tiny lightly lit candles and silver-framed family photographs sitting delicately upon its smooth top. There were a few artificial plants placed on various tabletops around the wide-spaced room, their long forest green leaves adding an even more casual feel to the already comfortable home.

Though, Barry's favorite spot in the entire place would always be the tall, square bay window just a few inches away from the couch, its draped Tiffany blue curtains covering the rim of the clear glass pane with muted protection.

I still remember the exact moment I proposed to Iris in that very spot. The wonderful look of surprise on her face, the late night light shining in on her beautiful body. And then that moment where I got down on one knee, where I asked her the question that would forever change our lives. That moment was nothing short of the best feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. Only tied with the day I actually got lucky enough to marry her.

"So, do you want me to super-speed us there?" Offered Barry as he helped Iris pull a long black fluffy coat over her shoulders.

Usually, Iris was not the type of woman who needed a man's help, though Barry wasn't just any man.

I really like doing the simple things with her because it's those small moments that make our lives so great.

"We could but...I was kinda hoping we could just walk there instead. You know, just the two of us," replied Iris, a knowing smirk covering her face as she comfortably adjusted the coat over her arms.

"That idea sounds amazing," Barry smiled widely at his wife, a mix of excitement and love coursing through his veins like warm hot chocolate on a cold winter's night.

"I'm glad you like it too," giggled Iris, lightly as she kissed her husband gently on the cheek.

"This date really is going to be the perfect..." Thought Barry, though his thoughts were abruptly disrupted by the blaring sound of his ringing cell phone.

Barry pulled the small, vibrating device out of his dress pants' pocket, its caller ID illuminated in bold across the cell phone's screen; Partner In Crime.

Barry chuckled quietly to himself as he answered the call, being well-aware just how much his friend would hate the wordplay he'd so cleverly concocted.

Well, it kinda makes sense in both uses of the word because Oliver's not only one of my best friends, but he also, you know, was a criminal. Not that that's something I support at all! Or that I'd ever be brave enough to say to his face...

"It's Oliver," whispered Barry to Iris, answering her confused look while his phone searched for the other man's line.

"No problem, Babe," nodded Iris, understandingly as she sat down on the couch's arm, her legs comfortably crossed over one another, though she did take some amusement in knowing that at least this time, Barry hadn't been the one making them arrive late.

Unfortunately, I doubt that's the way Oliver's going to see it.

"Hey, Oliver, is everything alright?" Asked Barry, his feet instinctively shifting in place, the sound of his best friend's deep voice ringing through the younger man's ears with a ferocity only that of Harry's frustrated groans could match.

"Other than the fact that Felicity and I have been waiting outside the restaurant for almost twenty minutes for you to show up. Yes, everything's fine, Barry," responded Oliver, his irritated tone needing no further specification as to exactly how annoyed the vigilante was.

"Well, at least twenty minutes isn't as bad as my usual tardiness, right?" Quipped Barry, jovially.

An uncomfortably long silence fell through the line that spent a nervous chill racing up his spine.

"You didn't find that funny, did you?" Laughed Barry, anxiously as he visibly heard his friend's sigh through the phone.

"No, not really," Oliver answered bluntly, his statement leaving no room for misinterpretations.

"Now will you please just get here so we can go inside and eat?" Oliver asked, urgingly.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," conceded Barry, scratching the back of his head, embarrassedly before hanging up the phone.

It doesn't matter how long I've known him for or how much I trust him, angry Oliver will never not be scary.

"Let me guess, Oliver's complaining about you being late again?" Confirmed Iris, plainly.

"Mostly," nodded Barry, jokingly as he stuffed his silver-cased phone back into his pocket.

"Yeah, I thought so. Unfortunately, that means we probably shouldn't do the whole romantic walk thing," reasoned Iris, her expression dropping disappointedly at the thought.

His eyes searched around the room before finally an idea struck him just as suddenly as the bolt of lightning that gave him his speed.

This is definitely something where my lightning abs come in handy...other than just making me look good, that is.

"Well, we might not be able to do that, but that doesn't mean we still can't have a little romance on the way there," stated Barry as he quickly scooped Iris off of the couch, pulling her chest close to his.

"You really do always find a way to sweep me off my feet, Barry West-Allen," Iris smiled, thankfully as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I try," smiled Barry back, before super-speeding his lovely wife out of their apartment, a few small trinkets sliding to the opposite side of their coffee table from the speedster's strong breeze.

Barry felt the wind whip across his whole body as he turned right through one of Star City's many dreary gray alleyways, Iris still gripped tightly in his loving arms. His eyes blasted past various worn street decorations such as rusted silver lampposts and beat-up trash cans, the city's residents practically frozen in time. Never would something feel more natural, more liberating, than the rush of energy that coursed through his veins every time he ran.

Other than the love I feel for her.

He carefully skidded to a stop just a few steps away from the tall restaurant positioned directly at the end of the concrete street, so as to avoid getting their mode of "transportation" caught on-camera.

"And that is what you call your very own speedster taxi service," joked Barry as he gently dropped Iris back onto her feet, giving her his right shoulder to steady herself while she adjusted her heels.

"One of which I'm hoping to get to take more often. Though, it might be smart to invest in some of that speed-proof hair spray," laughed Iris as she patted the mess of her black hair back into place.

"Yeah, probably," smiled Barry, agreeingly as he brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, revealing the beautiful complexion he'd always loved.

Iris couldn't help but smile at the touch of his hand against her cheek, letting her husband's warmth spread through her body before the couple walked towards their desired destination's entrance.

I don't even care how this double-date with Oliver and Felicity goes because she's already made this day better than I could've ever asked for.

The second the West-Allens turned the corner, the whole scope of their dining arrangements came into full view, making Barry stop suddenly in his tracks. The building stood nearly three stories taller than its surrounding competitors, its upper glass windows illuminated by the white glow of the moonlight. The exterior was painted a slick, metallic black that simultaneously reminded Barry just how contrasting so many places in Star City were. Various formally dressed men and women were lined up behind a long, velvet red and gold stanchion, delicate shaws pulled gracefully over most of the women's shoulders.

But amongst the large waiting crowd, Barry's eyes quickly found his two friends' faces towards the front of the entering crowd.

And that's probably our cue to join them.

"Um, excuse me, we're with Mayor Queen. Can we please just join him and his wife up there?" Asked Barry as he politely tapped one of the burly-build security guards on the back.

He was dressed in a baggy black bomber jacket paired with nearly identical pants, his scruffy beard only adding more personality to his already intimidating demeanor.

"Yeah, and I met thee Ray Palmer," scoffed the guard, his brown eyes rolling lazily at Barry.

"No, I mean, I actually know Mayor Queen," corrected Barry, softly, his voice shaking ever so slightly as he said it.

The amount of silent anxiety collecting in his chest seemed oddly unsettling, almost as if he felt he might be seconds away from getting punched, despite the guard making no motions as to actually doing so.

Wow, when people said you never really leave all the torture of high school behind, I always thought they were joking.

"Barry, there you are! Oliver, Felicity and I were looking all over for you," stated Iris as she linked her arm in his, letting her reassuring touch soothe all his worries as she showed the man her reservation pass that Felicity had given her days prior.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I just got a little lost," added Barry, taking extra caution to avoid the guard's prying eyes as they hurriedly walked away.

Well, that was unnecessarily stressful. I guess that's kinda my fault for forgetting we had a pass, though.

"You okay?" Asked Iris, quietly as the pair quickly made their way through the impatient crowd.

"Yeah, thanks. I don't really know why I was getting so nervous there," admitted Barry, his hand still gripping Iris' as they moved forward.

"You were just trying not to cause a commotion, that's all. But if anyone is ever bothering you, I'm always going to be here to help you," reassured Iris, compassion practically carrying her every word.

"Thanks," replied Barry, smiling appreciatively at his wife.

Even just seeing her smile makes me feel like I could run a marathon. And not just because I have super-speed. Because I love her that much.

"Iris! Barry! You're here!" Exclaimed an ecstatic voice as she ran over to her two close friends and greeted them with a wide-aemed welcome hug.

She wore a thickly strapped baby pink silk dress that ended just below her knees, her feet outfitted in nice golden heels. Her shoulder-length blonde hair hung comfortably against her exposed shoulders, attracting more attention to the bright smile that shined on her rosy-cheeked face.

Although, the man beside her had a much more stern expression, he still was dressed in just as formal of a black tux paired with a quiet white button-up shirt beneath it. His scruffy light brown beard matched his slightly spiky hair almost perfectly, though a tie was noticeably absent from his appearance.

I've always wondered what his thing with ties is.

"Hi, guys, it's great to see you two," smiled Barry as the three friends pulled out of their hug, the speedster's eyes slightly gesturing for Oliver to join in.

"You'll get a hug from me when you actually show up on time, Barry," answered Oliver, plainly as he casually stuffed his hands into his black jacket's pockets.

"So never?" Joked Barry, smirkingly.

"Exactly," stated Oliver, agreeingly, though he did let the smallest of smiles slide onto his face.

I always do find a way to make him smile, even if, you know, it's because he's intentionally mocking me. But I still count that as a win when it comes to Oliver.

"Okay, Oliver, I think you've nagged Barry enough for one day," reasoned Felicity before gently leaning over and kissing her husband on the cheek.

"For now, sure, but there's still a whole lot left of the day," replied Oliver, winking at his friend before walking inside with his wife.

"Is he going to be acting this way all night?" Remarked Iris, rolling her eyes in agitation at the vigilante's jabs.

"Eh, probably, but that's just Oliver being Oliver. But worst case scenario, you just sneak out the back while they aren't looking," joked Barry as he once again locked arms with the woman whom he loved.

"Wow, I didn't know I had such a rebel for a husband," laughed Iris, jovially.

"It comes and goes," Barry winked playfully at his wife before they too entered the elegantly decorated restaurant.

The second they stepped through the establishment's tall glass doors, all of their senses were flooded with the wonderful feasts that filled nearly every one of the interior's circular polished oak tables. Cylinder-shaped dimly lit orange Christopher lights hung elegantly from the wide room's ceiling, quiet spotlights shining down on every customers' smile. The air smelled vividly of roasted rosemary turkey and sweet sugary sorbet that looked so good that it would make even the fullest of guests crave their delightful tastes. The hired band played classical music from on top of the smooth stage on the opposite side of the room, adding an even more romantic tone to the already amazing night.

"This place looks beautiful," said Iris, her brown eyes still looking around the room in amazement

"Yeah, it really does," spoke Barry, a loving smile covering his face as he looked at his wife.

Iris soon followed his gaze, squeezing his hand tightly at his sweet comment.

She makes me happier than anyone I've ever met.

They soon made their way over to the table located towards the far right corner of the room where Oliver and Felicity were currently sitting.

"Sorry about the bad seats, every other table was reserved before us," apologized Felicity, a small hint of bitterness hanging in her voice at the thought.

"Trust me, this is fancy enough," laughed Iris, reassuringly as Barry pulled one of the two empty dining chairs out for her.

"And I guess that's a consequence of getting married on the spot," added Oliver, thoughtfully as he looked over at Felicity.

And he said guys like us don't get the girls.

"Among other things," Iris quietly muttered to herself as she pretended to smile at the couple's romantic exchange.

"Hum?" Asked Felicity as she turned her attention back to their friends, seemingly oblivious to the sudden cut-off in their conversation.

"Oh, it's nothing," scoffed Iris, benignantly, though her frustration only seemed to be noticed by Barry.

The last thing I want is for this date to crash and burn this quickly, so now might be a good time to change the topic.

"So, how've things been going at the mayoral office, Oliver? God, that still sounds so weird to offense, of course!" Asked Barry as Iris passed the teal bowl of fresh dinner rolls around the table.

"No offense taken when I feel the same way, Barry," remarked Oliver, honestly.

"And things are going, well, they're going," answered Oliver, casually, his fingers flexing slightly in out of the palm of his right hand.

The man clearly had some stronger feelings about his new job, though never would he give the paparazzi that were most likely lurking somewhere around the building the chance to make him look like even more of a screw-up than the public already thought he was.

"Well, I'm sure it's going better than you think," reassured Barry, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"But on the note of things that are going well, William's been adjusting much better recently, especially with Oliver. I mean, just yesterday they actually went to a baseball game together," stated Felicity, a large smile covering her face at the thought.

"That's great," responded Iris, encouragingly nodding at them.

"Thanks, but he makes it easy to care," stated Oliver, a look of appreciation covering his hardened face.

"Just like his father," added Felicity as she linked her right arm in Oliver's left one, lovingly.

Barry and Iris just exchanged happy smiles, both having the same opinion about their friends' conversation.

Being parents really do suit them well, especially Oliver. He almost seems like a whole new person or rather, he's letting the good person he's always been shine through.

"But that's enough talk about us. I want to know how things are going with you and Barry," Felicity urged Iris, excitedly.

Iris smiled lightly, beushing a loose strand of her hair out of her face.

"Things have been great, just like they always are with him," replied Iris, her words coming out just as simple and clear as the woman felt they were.

Barry felt his cheeks turn a vibrant red in admiration, a smile seemingly glued to his face every moment he saw his wife.

"Aw, you two are so cute together!" Exclaimed Felicity, cocking her head to the side, admiringly.

"Yeah, I think so, too," agreed Iris, Barry still looking lovingly into her eyes.

A look which she was fully returning in kind with her husband.

My heart will always beat just for her.

"I agree," nodded Oliver, jovially before taking a large swig of his icy cold water.

All three of the table's other residents suddenly stopped in their conversation, their eyes falling skeptically on Oliver.

"What? I'm allowed to be in a good mood every once and awhile, aren't I?" Oliver protested, sarcastically.

"Of course, Honey, sorry," reassured Felicity as she gently patted the top of his calloused hand.

"Thank you," said Oliver, though he was far from in disagreement with them.

"I just didn't know he ever wanted to be," Iris whispered to Barry before quickly taking a bite of one of the table's sweetly delicious rolls.

Barry barely held back a laugh, an action Oliver clearly had caught onto due to the sudden glare the speedster received.

Yep, definitely not stealthy.

"How 'bout' we order ourselves some food?" Suggested Barry, clapping his hands together.

"That's a great idea, Babe," smiled Iris, agreeingly.

"Hey, can we get a few menus, please?" Oliver asked a nearby waiter as he loaded the next table over's many dirty dishes onto a gray rolling cart.

He was dressed in a formal black and white uniform, his shoulder-length blonde curls lying loosely against his broadly built shoulders.

Wow, all of this place's employees are very muscular. Maybe it's just a Star City thing?

"Of course, Mr. Queen," nodded the waiter, his voice cracking slightly with anxiety at talking to the mayor.

"Thank you. And don't worry, I don't bite," stated Oliver, patting the young man on the shoulder, cordially.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Queen, I'm just such a big fan of your work so far in the office. Truly revolutionary," admitted the man, his admiration shining clear as day through his shy demeanor.

"Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say revolutionary, but thank you. It means a lot to me to know that what I'm doing is helping someone," smiled Oliver, thankfully.

"That means so much to me, too! Thank you," praised the man, shaking Oliver's hand aggressively before quickly disappearing back into the kitchen.

"That was pretty nice of him," commented Barry, energetically grinning at Oliver.

I love seeing him get the good attention he deserves. I mean, with how much he helps everyone and all, he should get way more appreciation than I do.

"Yeah, a little too nice for my liking," replied Oliver, his eyes now seemingly examining the entire room of guests as possible suspects of some crime that had yet to be discovered.

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing Oliver," reassured Felicity, softly rubbing his back.

"Maybe..." said Oliver, vaguely, his attention still fully grasped by their surroundings.

"I completely understand the whole concerned hero thing considering I rarely ever know how to turn that off, but c'mon, tonight's about spending time with the women we love. So maybe you can just forget about the city's danger for a day," explained Barry, patting Oliver on the shoulder, encouragingly.

"Fine, but if this backfires on us then, I am one-hundred percent blaming you," stated Oliver firmly.

"Sure, Ollie," agreed Barry, mostly just for the sake of humoring his friend.

We've gotta relax every once and awhile with our loved ones. Even though that's a lot easier said than done.

"And that's the exact mmment where I realized knitting was not going to be my Saturday hobby," finished Felicity, jokingly.

All four of the newly weds' previously packed plates now lay nearly empty, even Barry's stomach feeling stuffed past what was reasonable.

That strawberry custard was just so good...I had to eat all of it.

"Yeah, you and me both, sister," sighed Iris, understandingly as she leaned closer into Barry's arm which rested gently on top of her shoulders.

"I can attest to that," laughed Barry, the memory of the last year's green Christmas sweaters flashing through his mind.

Iris raised an eyebrow, skeptically looking up at him.

"But they were still amazing! Like everything you do is," Barry quickly corrected himself, hoping that throwing a nice compliment in the mix would help cover up his unintentional jab.

"Mmhum," said Iris, rolling her eyes playfully at his comment.

Mental note, maybe I shouldn't say something like that around the time when she's making this year's sweaters.

"Hey, I'd like to make a toast," stated Oliver, tapping the rim of his rose-patterned glass with one of the many special silver spoons he had no idea the name of.

All three of the others politely turned their attention to him, raising their half-full glasses in typical toasting fashion.

"This is to us for being lucky enough to have someone so special to get the rest of our lives with. And who accepts us, flaws and all, for who we really are. Something only true love can do" announced Oliver, his loving gaze never moving from Felicity as he spoke.

I couldn't have said it better.

Barry and Iris smiled at one another before both couples took a sip of their vibrant red wine.

"And to the people who spontaneously get married during another Earth's Nazi attack like all of us, just hang in there because it gets better," finished Oliver, jokingly.

Both the West-Allens nearly choked on their drinks at his final words, Felicity still listening intently to her husband's speech.

You were so close, Oliver. Why?

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Confirmed Iris, her voice kept to only that of a quiet whisper.

"Just ignore him. We've almost gotten out of here in one piece," sighed Barry, though his eyes did momentarily dart to the back door.

Nope, don't even think about it, Barry. You can do this.

"Well, thank you for having dinner with us, but we should probably be getting back to William," stated Oliver as both he and Felicity got up and pushed their chairs back under the table.

"Oh, so soon?" Asked Iris, successfully masking her relief with disappointment as she and Barry quickly followed their fellow couple's prior actions.

"Yeah, but maybe we can do this again soon," responded Felicity as she pulled a thin white cardigan over her arms.

"That would be great," smiled Barry, honestly.

They're always going to be two of my best friends, even if they can be kinda self-absorbed sometimes.

"Now that's what I call good food," stated Iris as she and Barry both dropped down onto their tan living room couch, exhaustedly.

Whether that be from having to deal with their friends or the dinner itself, neither of the West-Allens were quite sure.

"Yeah, even with my speed metabolism I don't think I could eat anything more," joked Barry, tiredly as he placed an arm around his wife's shoulders.

Iris just laughed lightly, leaning in close to her husband's chest, her head resting gently against his lean shoulder blade.

"But all jokes aside, you made today one of the best dates I've ever gone on. Along with, you know, every other moment I've ever shared with you," smiled Barry, genuine love carrying his entire voice.

I literally feel like I could sing her a proposal all over again, though that might not be the best thing to do after I've eaten this much.

"I couldn't agree more," smiled Iris back as she wrapped her left hand in his right, their fingers interlocked in perfect harmony.

Barry felt their silver rings clang gently against one another, the new sound spreading an immediate feeling of warmth throughout the young man's body.

"Hey, Iris. Can I tell you something?" Started Barry, his kind blue eyes never wavering from his wife's.

"Yeah, Barry?" Asked Iris, quietly as she brushed a strand of his short brunette hair out of his face, the latter breathing comfortably at her touch.

"I love being Barry West-Allen," he spoke softly, a smile of complete happiness covering his entire face at the words.

"I love being Iris West-Allen, too," added Iris, gently as she shut her eyes and snuggled up close to him, their hands still locked within one another's love.

I know people tend to say that you never really know how long something in your life will last, but I do. I know that she's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I wake, when I go to bed, and everything in between. All I want is for her to be by my side because she will always be the best thing in my life.

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