Lighting Your Way

Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, NoraXSWest-AllenFam, and @Bloodypunkk for their amazing support of my Arrowverse work! I truly couldn't do this without any of you :)

Author's Notes: Hi, everyone! Hope you all are having a great day and thank you for reading this next oneshot! I appreciate your support!

This particular oneshot's storyline is seeing an inner look at what a parent (in this case, Iris and especially, Barry) feels when they have to leave their kids, Nora and Bart, for a day for a Team Flash mission. I honestly felt like it was just an interesting concept to get to examine those feelings of doubt, longing, and overall anxiety that parents feel leaving their children alone for the first time in general, but I personally think it adds an extra layer of connection for the readers because you are getting to see it all from Barry's perspective, feeling all of his mixed emotions, too.

Anyways, love you all and thank you again for reading :)

"Wow, I really thought we packed light this time around," thought Barry, frustratedly as he pressed his hands against an old leather brown suitcase's top with as much strength as he possibly could (without using super-speed, of course, because I'm guaranteed that would blow the hinges right off of this thing).

But despite his very best efforts, nothing seemed to be happening, aside from the speedster losing his breath and the occasional piece of clothing randomly fluttering onto the floor.

"Ugh," Barry sighed in frustration as he dropped down on their yellow-comforter covered mattress, the soles of his blue sneakers hitting against the ground with just as much force as he'd been trying to stuff the suitcase closed with.

Why can't I just get this thing done already?

But deep down, he knew that his and Iris' overstuffed luggage was far from where his actual worries lie.

This mission that she and I are going on today, it's dangerous. And yeah, of course it's in the typical Team Flash-style of danger, but now everything's different. Now, we have two wonderfully amazing kids that need us to come back. That we want to come back to. And it just feels, feels impossible to be leaving them, no matter what the reason is.

His gaze seemed to drift around the quaint room, examining all of the objects which stood casually upon their various pieces of wooden furniture. A gentle light from the early morning sun shined in through their ivory-curtains that swayed ever so gracefully in the AC's breeze. A small but organized polished chestnut desk was positioned in the far right hand side of the room, CCC Media's biggest accomplishments framed elegantly for everyone to see.

She's worked so hard for those awards and she deserves all the praise they can give her and more. Though, that's what I always thought she's always deserved.

But his attention was particularly grabbed by a single silver-framed photograph that casually sat on top of the couple's three-draw dresser, four smiling faces happily looking back at him.

In the photo, he was dressed in a navy blue and forest green flannel shirt paired with worn-out jeans, his spiky brunette hair tousled messily on top of his head, leading even more credence to the busy day he'd previously had. To the right of him stood Iris who was outfitted in a nice coral orange blouse paired with slick black jeans that exactly mirrored the small strands of curly black hair that sprouted energetically from their cute baby boy's head, his body fully supported in her caring arms. Lastly, to his left vibrantly beamed a little girl, her short brunette hair perfectly matching the craziness of her father's, though she was dressed in a bright purple jacket and blue skirt that resembled her mother's style much more. Her brown eyes seemed to pierce through Barry's chest, bringing an unrequited love that could only be described as the tenderness of his Sweet Nora's heart.

Nora, she's always been one of the most special kids in the world. And I know, I just know she's going to do something with that big heart of hers that's really amazing one day. They both are.

"Barry, have you seen..." began Iris as she walked into their white-walled bedroom, though her words quickly trailed off once she saw her husband's face buried deep in his hands.

She slowly moved over to him, the gentle clicking of her purple high heels drifting off as she sat down beside him, though Barry didn't even seem to notice her presence.

"Okay, tell me what's wrong," urged Iris, softly as she placed her hand on his left knee.

His head lifted slightly at her touch, a loving warmth spreading throughout his every muscle.

"I don't really know. I mean, we do this type of work all the time and we've always been okay. I guess I'm just a little anxious about this one," explained Barry, honestly.

"You mean that you're worried about leaving the kids," reasoned Iris as her loving brown eyes met his with a sort of understanding gaze.

"Is it that obvious?" Barry quietly laughed as his eyes remained locked on the framed faces of his family.

I've never been a good liar, but usually I can make it a little farther than this with most people. But then again, Iris is so much more than most people.

"Only because I know you so well," replied Iris, a sympathetic smile still shining on her face.

Barry smiled half-heartedly at her sweet response, though he couldn't seem to shake the nervous feeling that was quickly boiling in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm just worried, you know? That we're missing too many special moments with them. And of course, I love the feeling of being The Flash, getting to do the impossible, saving lives everyday. I just don't want that to take away from what we have as parents. What we get to be for them," explained Barry, a heavy sigh following his words.

I'm not even sure if what I'm saying makes sense. But what I do know is that talking to her always makes me feel better.

"Hey, wasn't that picture taken the first week we brought Bart home?" Confirmed Iris, softly as her eyes met the photograph that had caught his attention a few minutes prior, her free hand rubbing his back, caringly.

"The exact Saturday afterwards," he answered, expressions of appreciation forming on both of the parents' loving faces.

The moment I saw the little smile on Bart's face as Iris held him in her arms that day, I knew, I just knew he was going to change our world in the best possible way. Just like Nora did.

"Ah, yeah. That was the time Nora tried so hard to pick Bart out the perfect welcome home present, but she just ended up coming back empty-handed. And when I asked her why, she said, "Because there's nothing good enough for him, Mommy," Iris, reminisced, only fondness for their daughter's sweetness ringing throughout her voice as she spoke.

"Yep, and that's when I told her that the best gift she could give him was just to be there for her, like we always would be for both of them," added Barry, smiling thoughtfully at the memory.

Iris linked her hand in his, squeezing it softly as both of their hearts beat only for their family's love. The sweetest warmth either parent had felt.

Those types of moments are the ones I will always keep closest to my heart.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. The same way I do any day I get to spend with you," finished Barry, his ocean blue eyes staring thankfully into his wife's as they sat side by side, their bodies so close they may as well have been one single person.

"Which is exactly why you have nothing to worry about, Barry. Because as long as you keep holding onto those moments as tightly as you can, you'll never miss anything," reasoned Iris as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, her long black hair brushing against his chest with a sort of loving sweep.

She's right. I need to focus on living in the moment with them, not on what I could miss because living in the past will never do me any favors. I've learned that lesson too many times.

"I really am the luckiest man alive, aren't I?" Barry smiled happily at his wife as he carefully placed his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, and why is that?" Asked Iris, her brown eyes now looking up into his as they spoke.

"Because I have you in my life," replied Barry before they both leaned into a kiss, their soft lips touching one another's with practiced grace.

"Really, because I was thinking the same thing about you," added Iris, laughing quietly before leaning back into their kiss.

She's always been the perfect woman for me.

"Ewwwwww! Mom, Dad, that's so gross!" Exclaimed Bart as the five year-old dramatically pretended to throw his tiny hands over his eyes in horror at their romance.

His pointy black hair stuck out at various odd angles on top of his head, though that was the exact way he liked it for it brought much more attention to the always optimistic smile that forever covered his face. He sported a long sleeve red shirt paired with shiny silver leggings that perfectly matched the color of his painted nails.

It's nice of Nora to paint his nails every weekend because he really does love it.

"Aha, sure... But just remember, one day you might have something just as great as we have to share with your special someone," reminded Iris, teasingly as she gently kissed Barry one more time so as to fully put the image into their son's mind.

"No, stop! I can't take anymore," pleaded Bart as he flopped down onto the tan-carpeted floor in his parents' bedroom, shutting his eyes as if he'd just been forced to die a painful death.

Both of the parents just laughed, clapping their hands together in congratulations of his wonderfully acted performance.

"Thank you, I'll be here all day," announced Bart, energetically jumping back to his feet before taking an elegantly slow bow.

He really is just our little ball of energy, isn't he?

"Thank you, Bart, but we can't just let you give us these amazing shows without any type of payment," reasoned Barry as he and Iris both slid off the bed's edge, the latter scooping their little boy up into her arms for a loving embrace.

"You're going to give me something!" Exclaimed Bart, an even wider smile growing on his already adorable face.

"Of course! How does freshly made strawberry pancakes sound?" Asked Iris as Barry playfully tickled their son's stomach, his giggles of joy echoing around the morning-lit room.

I'm so glad I got lucky enough to have kids who are so ticklish.

"As long as Daddy's making them then, yes," replied Bart between laughs.

Barry barely stifled a laugh himself at their son's joke as Iris rolled her eyes.

"You know, one of these days you and your sister are going to have to accept that sometimes, I might be the one cooking the food," stated Iris, a hint of playful intrigue carrying her gentle-toned voice.

"I sure hope not," smirked Bart as he winked knowingly at his father.

A trait the five year-old had no doubt picked up from watching his socially savvy older sister hang out with her friends.

It's so sweet how much he admires her and I honestly could not think of any person who'd be a better role-model for him than her.

"Speaking of Nora, I should probably go check on her and make sure she has everything she needs before we leave," commented Barry as he gave Bart a quick kiss on the forehead, his grateful eyes meeting Iris' for a brief moment, before walking down their winding old oak steps and into the living room.

He felt the early morning sunlight shine in through the room's tall, clear glass-paned windows opposite the steps, nearly every object illuminated with its light. The soft tawny-patterned fabric couch's immovable lines seemed to gracefully sway from side to side, their worn cobble fireplace's every stone reflecting the beautiful sight known as their living room.

A long, simple lighting fixture hung down from the tall ceiling, its circular shade preventing the entry of any type of darkness into its protection.

Though, by far the most beautiful thing Barry saw throughout the entire space was the short-haired, smiling young girl who sat on one of the couch's pressed armrests, bobbing her head quietly to the music playing through her metallic purple headphones.

There's nothing I love more than seeing her face.

"It's hard to look right at you, Baby." She sang, her cheery voice filling Barry's ears with its sweet sound as he slowly walked closer to her.

Well, I mean, it wouldn't hurt just to listen for a couple more seconds, would it?

"But here's my number so, call me maybe!" Exclaimed Nora as she suddenly sprung up off the couch, throwing her hands out with as much enthusiasm as she possibly could.

Though, unfortunately, her father had stepped just a few places too close to his happy daughter for in her excitement, her left hand accidentally shot out and smacked him directly in the face, knocking him onto the ground.

I guess I spoke too soon on that one...

"Dad, are you okay?! What happened?" Asked Nora as she frantically kneeled down beside him, the patterned navy blue patches on her jeans brushing swiftly against his red denim jacket's sleeve.

"Oh, you know me, just kinda tripped again, but I'm fine," Barry reassured her as he pushed himself into a sitting position beside her, feeling a bruise forming around his right eye.

Nothing speed healing can't take care of.

"Oh, of course! I totally get that, especially since I do it almost as often as you do," joked Nora, awkwardly scratching the back of her head before quickly pulling her Dad back onto his feet.

"Yeah, pretty sure that one's on me considering I gave you those clumsy genes," reasoned Barry as he nodded thankfully at her help.

"Well, yeah, but the great stuff you gave me will always far outweigh the bad," complimented Nora, love sparkling behind both father and daughter's eyes as they dropped down onto the sofa beside one another.

She really does get sweeter every moment I'm with her.

"So...what'd you want to talk about?" Asked Nora, the palms of her hands tapping her knees in excitement despite not even knowing yet what he was going to say.

Though, nothing her Dad said was ever anything short of perfection.

At least not to her, that is.

"I just wanted to check in and make sure you were set up with everything you'd need while your Mom and I are working that case in Coast City for the day," answered Barry, genuine care for his daughter's comfort carrying his entire voice.

"Of course! I already have all of my homework done for the entire weekend, got all of Bart's activities for the day set up, and wrote down every emergency number Mom told me to keep. You know, just in case Uncle Jay forgets them, again," declared Nora, energetically counting off each and every item on her fingers as she spoke.

That was probably a good idea of Iris', especially after last Easter when Ralph dared Cisco and Chester to turn his phone into a garbage cube like from Wall-E.

"That's great, Nora. Thank you," Barry smiled proudly at her, loving nothing more than to see her enthusiasm at taking charge and helping others, just like her mother.

"Oh, no problem, Dad. I'd do anything to help you guys," Nora blushed, her cheeks turning a soft red at his kind words.

"Which is why you can never get enough credit, especially when it's coming from your Dad," grinned Barry before pulling her in for a hug.

"Well, when you put it like that, I kinda have to agree with you," laughed Nora, lightly as she squeezed him back for several more seconds before both father and daughter let go.

If we didn't have an unidentified meta-human murderer roaming around Coast City then, I would one-hundred percent just spend this entire weekend with her.

But as they slowly pulled away, Barry noticed Nora's excited face fall slightly, her shoulders quietly tensing up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Asked Barry, concernedly as he watched his daughter's eyes start to sparkle with tears.

"It's just, it's the first time that you're both going to be gone for the whole day and I don't know if I can take care of Bart by myself. Or anything without you, really," admitted Nora, a few tears slipping down her cheeks as she hung her head down, sadly.

She hated letting her dad down in any way, but she knew she just had to get the words off her chest.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay," spoke Barry as his thumb gently wiped away the tear falling down her right cheek.

Nora looked up into his comforting blue eyes, yearning to hear the words of reassurance she knew he would give, even if she didn't exactly think she deserved them.

"You're going to do great, like you always have with him and everything else. You just have to trust yourself," explained Barry, softly as he brushed a loose strand of his daughter's hair back behind her ear, revealing the wonderfully pretty face he'd always loved.

She puts too much pressure on herself, just like I always have. But that's something I can teach her to manage, hopefully in a much healthier way than I do.

"That's a lot easier said than done," laughed Nora, nervously.

"Well, if it helps make it easier, I've always believed in you," Barry affirmed, looking caringly into his daughter's sweet brown eyes.

Nora said nothing, just throwing her arms around his chest with as much force as she had in her speedforce-powered body.

"It helps everything, Dad. Thank you," whispered Nora, letting her few remaining tears slide down the back of his jacket.

Their small droplets made a gentle raincoat sound as they disappeared into tiny spots on his back, fading in favor of the love the pair felt for one another.

"Anytime for you," whispered Barry back as he pulled her closer to the place she forever belonged in, his heart.

After several more seconds, the pair slowly pulled out of their embrace, smiles of endless happiness covering their faces as they looked at one another.

"And if you ever need a reminder of how great you are, just remember, what do we have?" Asked Barry, gently as he held up the flat palm of his right hand.

"Lightning bolts," replied Nora as she linked her hand in his, the tips of their fingers pressed against each other's knuckles.

"And what do they give us?" He asked once more, his eyes now sparkling with tears, too.

"Love," smiled Nora, happily as both father and daughter squeezed each other's hands.

"Now and always," finished Barry as he tenderly smiled back at her.

Never will a moment go by where I'm not thinking about this incredible girl. My Sweet Nora, one of the three most perfect gifts I've ever been blessed with.

"Aw, you two are so cute together!" Exclaimed Bart as he jumped down the last few steps of the stairs, his recently bought shiny gold sneakers squeaking with each hop he landed.

"I couldn't agree more," smiled Iris, panting slightly as she finally caught up to the energetically bouncing ball known as her son.

He may not have had super-speed yet, but with how quickly he seemed to run without it, most people couldn't tell the difference.

Barry and Nora smiled at one another, still holding onto each other's hands as they pushed themselves to their feet before temporarily severing their loving handhold from one another's grasp.

I won't really ever let go of her, though.

"So, is it pancake time now?" Asked Bart, cutely cocking his little head to the side in anticipation.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Offered Iris, mysteriously whisper-talking to Barry behind her hand as if their two kids standing beside them couldn't hear their conversation.

"Tell us what?" Pushed Bart jumping up and down in excitement.

"No, you can," Barry nodded vaguely at Iris so as to add to her layer of mystery.

They're both such smart kids that it's hard sometimes to actually surprise them with something. Especially since, you know, Nora already figured this one out, too.

"Okay, thanks," nodded Iris back before turning her attention to their two kids who seemed to be trying to inconspicuously lean closer to their parents in their attempts to try and eavesdrop.

Though, they were not in the least bit successfully hiding their pushiness.

"Your special babysitter should be bringing you both donuts in three, two, one," stated Iris, calmly pointing towards their front door.

As if on exact cue of her prior words, all four of the West-Allens heard a faint whooshing blow against the outside of their nicely finished front door, followed quickly by a polite knock on its wooden exterior.

"Woah, I can't believe I never realized you were a psychic before, Mommy," declared Bart, his jaw practically hanging open in awe of her special talent.

"It's always been my Mom power," grinned Iris, winking playfully at Barry as she nodded for them to go get the door.

Nora just cupped her hands over her mouth, barely being able to suppress her laughter at her brother's amazement as the latter ran across the room to get a better look at their new babysitter.

"Oh, you think that's funny? I can use my Mom powers on you instead, if you want?" Warned Iris as she tickled Nora's shoulders, playfully.

"No, Mom, stop! Okay, I give up!" Shouted Nora in fake annoyance before she joined Bart at the door.

Barry just smiled at all three of them as he watched Nora super-speed over to her brother, small sparks of vibrant purple lightning jumping off of her small body as she moved.

They're always going to be our little Tornado Twins.

"Mom powers always works," huffed Iris, a small grin covering her face as she gently locked eyes with her husband.

"Agreed, you can be pretty persuasive after all," joked Barry as he leaned in and kissed her, the taste of her strawberry lip gloss pressing sweetly against his.

"Yeah, you think?" Giggled Iris, a loving smile held firmly on her face.

Barry nodded, beaming from head to toe with happiness as he grabbed their four suitcases (That broken hinge wasn't too bad, I just had to give it a little extra push).

As soon as the parents reached their kids, they saw Bart excitedly yanking open the oak front door, the metal handle twisting swiftly to the side to reveal the guest who stood just behind its barrier.

He was an older man dressed in a light tan trench coat and worn old black jeans, his gray hair messily pointing out under his brown fedora at all ends. His shoes didn't match in color and looked way too big for his feet, though much comfort could be taken in the warm smile that hung on his wizened face as he looked into his grandchildren's eyes with nearly as much excitement as the kids themselves.

When it comes to greetings, Jay never disappoints.

"You called the Crimson Comet," announced Jay, flamboyantly adjusting the fedora on his head as if it were his famous silver helmet.

"Uncle Jay!" Exclaimed Nora and Bart as they happily threw their arms around their Uncle, Bart squeezing onto his legs extra tightly.

"So, you both like the surprise then?" Remarked Barry, playfully crossing his arms.

Both the siblings vigorously shook their heads in confirmation to his question.

"You two really do spoil me, don't you?" Grinned Jay as he scooped little Bart up in his left arm, the other draped around Nora's short shoulders.

"Because you're so crash!" Cried Bart, enthusiastically clapping his hands together.

"Yeah, basically what he said," laughed Nora, smiling widely at her baby brother's excitement.

"I get that a lot," Jay winked at Barry before gently lowering the young boy back onto the ground.

He's one of the coolest heroes I knew in my early years as The Flash. Behind Oliver, of course.

"Now, I'll leave you guys to your parents while I get our first activity set up," stated Jay, giving Nora one last kiss on the forehead before heading through the open door.

Both of the kids just looked patiently across at their parents, Nora shifting her feet ever so slightly in discomfort at the idea of them leaving.

"Don't worry, we're going to be back before you know it," reassured Iris as she placed her hand on Nora's shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"And in the meantime, just make sure not to eat too much sugar, okay?" Joked Barry as he kneeled down beside Bart, ruffling the top of his hair.

"No promises," replied Bart, a mischievous smile cresting onto his face as he threw his small arms around his Daddy's lower chest, the latter hugging him just as tightly back.

"I actually agree with Bart on this one," smirked Nora as she hugged Iris, appreciatively.

"Like you always should," stated Bart, proudly placing his hands on his hips in victory at his older sister's defeat.

"Ugh," moaned Nora, rolling her eyes agitatedly at her brother's bragging.

It wouldn't be a true day in the West-Allen family home without hearing at least some of their cute sibling banter.

"Okay, I think that's enough arguing for one day," reasoned Iris, clearly as planted a long kiss on her son's forehead, the latter beaming brightly at his mother's show of affection.

"Okay, sorry. Love you, Mommy and Daddy!" Exclaimed Bart before turning around and cartwheeling back inside their Loft.

"Bartholomew Henry West-Allen, you're not allowed to cartwheel in the house," groaned Iris as she dashed back into their apartment to stop their son from hurting himself.

I REALLY hope Jay knows what he's getting himself into...

"So, I guess that just leaves us then," laughed Nora, nervously clapping her hands together as she averted her father's gaze.

"You're going to do great, trust me. Plus, if you need anything, I'll come running home to you," stated Barry, softly as he hugged his daughter tightly to his chest.

"Do you promise, Dad? Like as in, superhero swear?" Asked Nora, her big brown eyes staring up lovingly into his.

I'm still not entirely sure which of us came up with that name but it's still so cool to say!

"Always," promised Barry, love coursing through his every vein as they pulled out of their embrace.

"Then go get them, Dad," smiled Nora, happily before she reentered their Loft, Iris quickly rushing past her.

"Just got Bart settled down with Jay. Is everything okay with Nora?" Confirmed Iris as the two West-Allens grabbed their bags from against the door's frame, slowly walking down the tan-carpeted hallway.

"Yeah, everything's good," replied Barry, a wide smile covering his face as he watched Nora bustling around the living room alongside Jay.

They were trying to get every little object for their indoor bowling game set up, though that was becoming increasingly difficult due to Bart's constant need to knock every plastic pin down before they were finished.

You've got this, Nora. Like we've always known you do.

Eighteen Hours Later...

"Wow, this must be one of the only times that you've actually come almost on time for something," teased Iris as she and Barry walked up their apartment complex's staircase, both of their hands lugging up their heavy suitcases with extreme effort.

Her right arm was lined with small scratches, her hair still slightly damp from the shower she'd only just taken before they'd left.

And to say that they were exhausted from their escapade in Coast City would be the understatement of the year.

But we were able to catch Dislora, though and that's all that matters.

"Yeah, but it still feels an eternity since we last saw the kids," admitted Barry, pantingly as they finally walked up the last of what felt like an infinitely tall mountain to climb.

"You can say that again," nodded Iris, a loving smile covering her face as both West-Allens leaned up against the short hallway's tan-painted wall.

They were dressed in similarly patterned plaid shirts (only hers was maroon red as opposed to navy blue) and gray jeans, pairs of which both belonged to the speedster.

I still feel really bad about Ralph accidentally catching her suitcases on fire. But she looks just as incredible in anything she wears.

"Thanks again for stopping Dislora's blade from slicing my arm off back there," sighed Iris, thankfully as the couple sank down to the ground to take a slight breather before greeting their kids in the Loft.

"Anytime. But I should be thanking you considering you were the one who discovered how to reverse her deformed waves of mental confusion using Cecile's telekinesis," replied Barry, his eyes shutting gently as she carefully ran her fingertips over the cut that currently covered half his right cheek.

"Let's just say that we're each other's heroes," Iris smiled as the two lovers' eyes met with what could only be described as true love.

She's always been my hero. And she always will be. I'm just lucky enough to get to be hers, too.

They stayed there for another minute or two, their eyes locked in one another's loving gaze before finally pushing themselves back onto their feet.

"Now would probably be a good time to get inside before Bart burns the place down with another one of those explosive pizza plates. Or let's be honest, Jay does," reasoned Barry, jokingly as he adjusted the strap of one of the bags slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I completely agree," laughed Iris as she moved over to the door, quietly sliding her silver key into the lock so as to avoid causing disruption if the kids were asleep.

Which I really hope they are considering it's one in the morning...

As soon as the parents pushed the door open, their ears were met with the soft sounds of quiet TV playing from within the living room. The usually bright lights were dimmed, casting a sort of subdued comfort over the wide space's vacant places. Various leaves on their decorative plants' petioles swayed from side to side in the late night breeze that drifted in through the open, star-lit window. On the opposite side of the room, Jay sat in one of the wooden dining chairs, slowly sipping a cup of tea as he watched the cartoon playing on the screen across from him.

We owe him a big thank you because this place looks even cleaner than when we left it.

"Iris, Barry, you're home. Did everything go okay?" Asked Jay, an air of friendliness carrying his voice as he quietly placed his tea down on the table and moved over to them.

"By our usual mission standards, yes," responded Iris, Barry and Jay laughing softly at her joke as they dropped the couple's bags off in their room.

I couldn't agree more.

"Glad to hear it," nodded Jay, lightly.

"Okay but I just have to say, this place looks amazing," complimented Barry, his eyes still looking around the room in awe.

Nearly every item was still in the exact place the couple had left it, practically sparkling with cleanliness.

"One of the many benefits of having super-speed. And if we're being honest, the kids didn't make it too hard on me this time around," winked Jay, knowingly.

"I'm glad and thanks for coming over, we really appreciate the help," stated Iris, gratefully as she hung her (or rather, Barry's) black denim jacket on the coat hook near the door.

"Trust me, I should be thanking you guys because those kids, they're one of the best parts of my day," smiled Jay, appreciatively gazing across the room where the two Tornado Twins peacefully laid sleeping, Bart resting his head gently on top of his big sister's lap.

"Ours too," added Barry as he and Iris smiled lovingly at one another.

They're all the best parts of us combined into two wonderful children that I couldn't possibly love more than I already do.

"Well, I should be getting back to June now," announced Jay as he pulled an old leather jacket over his arms.

"Feel free to drop by anytime," commented Barry as he and Iris both gave him a quick side hug.

"I will definitely be taking you up on that offer," replied Jay, firmly, waving at his two friends before he left the Loft.

Barry and Iris exchanged smiles of joy at one another, both remembering a particularly similar moment they had once shared.

One of the first real moments I ever shared with her.

He gave his wife a quick kiss before they quietly kneeled down beside their resting children.

"I'll take him to bed, you take her," Iris softly whispered as she slid her arm under her sleeping son's back, his small body held tenderly to her chest.

"Love you, Mommy," breathed Bart, tiredly as he nestled as closely to her as he could before falling back to sleep.

"I love you, too, Bart," whispered Iris, tears of joy sparkling in her eyes at the sound of his words.

Barry just smiled lovingly at them as he watched his wife slowly carry their son into his bedroom.

I know we worry a lot about being the perfect parents for them, but she will always be better than that. She'll always be the only mom they'll ever need.

"Hey, Dad, you're back," exclaimed Nora, groggily as she clumsily threw her arms around Barry.

"Well, there's no way I'd ever miss being here with you," smiled Barry, playfully tapping her nose.

"Thanks, Daddy," giggled Nora, her eyes seemingly searching his face with skepticism until they finally landed on the cut across his cheek.

"Dad, did something happen while you were gone, today?" Questioned Nora, timidly staring up at him.

"What, this? No, I'm fine. Your Uncle Ralph just got a little overzealous with his punches," reassured Barry, gently.

"Oh, that makes sense," shrugged Nora through a big yawn.

She inconspicuously climbed onto her father's exposed lap, snuggling up close to him as she rested her head on his broad shoulder blade. Barry smiled appreciatively at his daughter as he wrapped one arm around her back, gently kissing her on the top of the head.

"Thank you for taking care of your brother today. You made your Mom and I very proud," whispered Barry, lovingly.

"Thanks, but I was only able to do it because I had such a great example," whispered Nora back, her mind slowly drifting into a deep sleep as her sweet brown eyes gently shut.

I know this moment really will last forever. At least in my heart.

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