Fears, Dreams, and Everything Inbetween

Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @CamrynKissel, @bloodypunkkk, @damianflashpoint, and joshuasmith943 for all of your amazingly kind support of my Flash stories! I truly could not do this without all of you :)

Author's Notes:

Hi, everyone! I hope you're having an amazing day and that this oneshot only makes it brighter :)

This particular story is set during the ninth season of Flash and is based around Barry and Iris during the latter's pregnancy because it's just too sweet not to want to write stories about, right?

But as to exactly what this West-Allen oneshot is introduction wise, I don't really know exactly what to say because it's a combination of heart, humor, and a little bit of relationship building packed in between. Lol.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy and can't wait to hear any feedback you may have!

Love you all,

As always :)

"It only took me two hours but I finally finished it!" Barry announced, excitement carrying his light voice's every syllable as he practically jumped back up onto his scarlet-red sneakered feet, his hands casually placed on his hips as he admired the colorful structure which stood in front of him.
Or rather, stumbled back onto his feet due to the extreme sense of tiredness that his long, lanky navy jean-covered legs were currently trying to battle so fiercely.
But all the effort and the mild case of leg cramping I'll probably get later tonight will definitely be worth getting to make this for her. For our baby. Our Sweet Nora.

Placed in front of the man was a smooth wooden oak bassinet, its small but sturdy support beams decorated with vibrant lines of violet purple and sunshine yellow, the very colors that were their future daughter's favorite ones. Multiple cozy blankets were laid with care inside the crib's interior, each comfy color providing a contrasting pattern to one another that much more accurately resembled that of a jumbled rainbow than the delicate designing of the little structure's exterior.

Though, the thing that stood out to the man above all the wonderfully cute colors of the baby's bed setup that he and Iris had picked out together the day prior were most certainly the shining golden lightning bolt emblems which the speedster had intricately painted in the center of each of the crib's pillars, the tiny shapes practically glowing with an added touch of glittery charm their daughter was sure to love.
This way, Nora can have something to always remind her of the brightness her future holds. Just like how she does for us...not that I've thought about the meaning behind it or anything...

Barry breathed a tired breath as his smile grew at the sight of his own handiwork, his left hand instinctively pushing a loose strand or two of his short brunette hair back into their rightful places on top of his head.
I just hope it's good enough for a kid as special as she will be. If that's even possible in the first place.

"And it looks amazing, Babe," Iris replied, an appreciative expression covering her face as she smiled back at Barry.
She was dressed in a soft purple cashmere sweater and black jeans that identically matched her long, twin flowing Goddess braids. Her gray-socked feet rested casually on their bedroom sofa's coffee table, her legs crossed comfortably over each other on top of the slick wooden surface. Though, the thing about Iris that would always bring the largest rush of love to Barry's heart, the very thing that sent his already superhumanly quick heartbeat going faster, was the comfort of home she never failed to bring to every moment of her husband's life.
She's been my everything since the first moment we met when we were kids and there's not a single doubt in my mind that she'll always hold that same place for the rest of my life. And I'm thankful everyday that she chose me to be her always, too.

"You really think so? Because if it's not, you can definitely tell me and I'll repaint it or even remodel the thing entirely if it's not good enough yet," Barry rambled, his feelings of simultaneous excitement and nervousness creating a perfectly confusing mess of inaudible words which his relaxing wife did not have the energy to unravel at the moment.
Though, she didn't need to hear everything her husband had said to be able to reassure him, for she could mostly tell by the continuous tapping of his right foot against their bedroom's tan-carpeted flooring that he was, indeed, very anxious.

"Barry, just breathe," stated Iris, her voice held softly as she watched him drop down onto the edge of their bedroom's sofa beside her, the soles of his sneakers running quietly across the ground as he moved.
"Um, yeah, that would probably be a good idea," Barry mumbled, vaguely shaking his head in agreement with his wife's gentle suggestion.
Slowing down's never really been my thing, but there's nothing I won't do for her. Or more realistically in this case, TRY and do for her.

"Barry, it looks really amazing, trust me. But even if it didn't, you wouldn't have anything to worry about because Nora and I already have everything we've ever wanted right here with us. You,," Iris explained, her chestnut brown eyes lingering appreciatively on the precious little gift known as their daughter that currently resided inside her stomach.
"And that's especially true when it comes to her," Iris spoke as she gently took one of her husband's hands and placed it on top of hers, letting the light thumping of their little baby girl's soft heartbeat press against both of their palms, the small action bringing immediate smiles of happiness to both of the soon-to-be-parents' faces.

Barry breathed a calming breath of the apple-scented afternoon air which filled their bedroom's cozy space, the feeling of his family's love vanquishing any anxiety which had been so strongly threatening to crawl up his spine.
It didn't matter how many times they'd spoken the words aloud, never would something be as heartwarming, as perfect, as getting to say their wonderful baby's name; Nora.
Perfect just isn't a good enough word to describe her.

"Well, that's only because you both make me want to be the best version of myself," replied Barry, softly, as he brushed a strand of his lover's long black hair behind her ear, letting the full beauty of her complexion shine just as clearly to the outside world as it always would to him.
Iris shut her eyes quietly as she felt his hand touch her cheek, a feeling of unmatched love coursing through her body as her eyes met her husband's kind blue ones.
"Then, it's a good thing that you already are that person, isn't it?" Iris smiled, admiringly at Barry before she leaned forward, letting the faded pink make-up that covered her lips rub off slightly on his.
She's right. About all of it. It doesn't matter what bumps we face on the road because as long as I have her here with me, everything's always going to be better than I ever could've wished for.

"Thanks. But just so I know, I was doing that whole rambling thing again, wasn't I?" Asked Barry as he momentarily pulled out of their embrace, his voice holding a hopefulness that he doubted matter very much in the end.
When I don't worry about everything then, that's when she can tell something's really wrong with me.
"When are you not?" Iris countered, raising a curious eyebrow at her husband, her face wearing the same playful smirk that would always make her husband smile.
"Yeah, you're right," Barry shrugged, half-jokingly dropping his shoulders down slightly in embarrassment.

"But I think that just makes you even cuter," stated Iris as she placed the palm of her hand caringly on Barry's knee that was closest to her, squeezing it ever so gently.
She's probably the only person who thinks that my awkwardness is an upside, and that includes me. And honestly, that just makes me love her even more. Well, you know, if that was even possible to do in the first place, that is.

"Oh, really?" Barry laughed lightly at her response, his goofily embarrassed smile changing to one of appreciative confidence as he placed his other hand on top of hers, the pair's eyes still staring thoughtfully into one another's romantic gaze as their lips met for what could've been a single second or an eternity. But to the lovers, there would never be a difference. And slowly, the rest of the world faded into the warm, glowing light otherwise known as the pair's love for one another.

Time doesn't matter when you're with the person who makes your whole life worth living.
And Iris always has, and always will be so much more important to me than just that. You can give her almost any title in my life, from crush to best friend to girlfriend to wife but nothing would change because from that very first moment I looked into her eyes almost twenty-two years ago, she's occupied my every thought. Kept my soul tethered to somewhere I could always trust. Filled my and our kids' hearts with a love that even the largest of words can't even describe. And if there's one thing I'm certain that we got right about this whole parenting thing, it's giving Nora and Bart the best mother they could've ever asked for. Giving them Iris.

"Ugh, not again..." moaned Iris tiredly as she shifted uncomfortably in their soft, silk-sheeted bed, the slick fabric rubbing irritatedly against her arm's bare skin as she continuously tousled back and forth.

Despite the somewhat sore aching she felt in her upper back, she wasn't having in the least bit of problems falling asleep, especially with the comforting thoughts of knowing Barry was lying right there beside her, his arm still hugging her close to his muscular chest. The AC temperature was set at just the medium range her husband had taken extra care to prepare for her since she'd first gotten pregnant, creating just the perfect huddle of loving warmth she needed within their almost canopy-esque sort of King bed.

Even Iris' hair was kept up the exact way she preferred in a comfortable forest green night bonnet which matched her two piece, sleeveless pajamas with near perfect accuracy. Though, even through all those amazing beneficial factors at play, no amount of her husband's or her own planning could've prepared the woman for the enormous heightening of hunger which was forcing its way into her gurgling stomach, making her insides passionately plead for any type of sugary and or cheesy nourishment they could get their ever-growing hands on.

It's like Nora really is with me already, bringing joy to our lives with just her smile. And I know that any sensible person probably would say that it's impossible to be feeling this way considering I only just finished the first trimester, but that doesn't change the fact that I do. That I can somehow hear our little girl's heartbeat inside me practically calling out for her parents' love. In the form of food, of course. And that's exactly what I'm going to give her as soon as I just get a few more minutes of rest...

The sleepy woman easily pushed their multiple layers of plaid blankets away from her body as she felt the heels of her bare feet kick quietly under the bed's thick covering, absentmindedly tossing the quilt completely over Barry's resting form, masking his light breath which still smelled strongly of the sugary vanilla bean ice cream they shared earlier that night.
"Please give me two more minutes, Nora," Iris whispered, hopingly to herself as she lazily fluffed her two head pillows once more before throwing herself back down on top of the soft cushioned-backboard, quickly closing her eyes in an attempt to drown out the muted morning light which was creeping through their closed white curtains covering the tall window across the room.
I love Nora more than anything but sometimes, a pregnant mom's just gonna get some sleep.

Iris laid beneath the couple's covers for several seconds, her eyes still shut as she listened to the continuous ticking of her nightstand's clock, each second seemingly counting down the already thin patience of the growling in her stomach as she breathed a slow breath, trying her very best to push the yearning down for as long as she feasibly could.
"No, I'm not going to do it. We've had a long few days and Barry's comfortable here, so there's no need for me to cause problems for no reason," Iris harshly reminded herself, huffing frustratedly as she unintentionally shuffled once again under the suffocatingly soft layer of thin sheets covering her body.

Though, Iris' anger slowly started to dissipate as her shifting brown eyes fell upon her husband, lingering intently on the steady beating which was the speedster's immeasurably large heart, its every movement bringing the smallest of smiles to her face.
But I honestly never really noticed a difference between now and when we were kids because I don't think it would be humanly possible for anyone to have a bigger heart than Barry already did, even before that bolt of lightning. Except maybe our kids because he gave them both his whole heart. Just like he gives me every day of our lives. But it's still that part of his love that shines through us all the most.

"Nora, she's gonna love it. Just like she loves you," Barry muttered vaguely in his sleep, his head practically consumed by the adoring smile which had yet to leave his happy face since the moment he'd fallen asleep several hours prior as his hand slowly extended across the small white-sheeted space which separated the couple, his gentle fingers locking compassionately in hers as their tips pressed ever so smoothly against her palm.
Iris couldn't help but smile warmly across at her sweet lover, letting a tear of appreciation slip down her right cheek as she snuggled up closer to her husband's body, her head resting softly against his bare muscled chest.
Only Barry could somehow find a way to be sweet, even when he's not awake. But I guess that's kinda just a common recurrence for the two of us.

She brushed a loose strand of her partner's short messy brunette hair to the left side of his face, the softest of sensations passing up her arm at the feeling of her fingers' touching his skin.
"What if I'm not good enough...for her...Nora..." Barry suddenly mumbled, his half-audible words still somehow carrying a strong sense of insecurity as his grip tightened around his and Iris' interlocked hands.
His head rolled from side to side against their bed's supporting pillows for a few short seconds as his body stirred restlessly in place, though his eyes remained just as peacefully sealed shut as if he'd never spoken any words in the first place.
He's right. Good doesn't describe how amazing of a dad he's going to be for our baby. I just sometimes wish he could see how amazing he is, too.

And without waiting a single moment, Iris slowly nestled her body closer to his, her legs now aligned nearly exactly with Barry's, despite the rather noticeable disparity in their length.
"You always have been and always will be the only father great enough for our daughter. Just like how you're the only man meant for me, too," Iris stated, softly, her heart fully overtaken by the love she felt for Barry as she planted a soft kiss on his forehead before gently taking his free hand from beside him and placing it on top of her stomach.
The very place which sheltered the precious little gift that was their baby.

I don't know what's a better feeling, having Nora with me, no matter where I go, getting to feel the beautiful love that her heart holds right there beside mine. Or getting to experience all of these wonderful moments with the sweetest man in the world. But why choose just one when I can have both?

Barry's form gradually began to stop shifting, the anxiety that had momentarily pressed against his tense shoulders disappearing as the enchanting feeling of their daughter's sweetness washed away any of his skeptical thoughts. And against all reasoning, the man's already beamingly bright smile increased in the smallest bit, his face displaying almost as much love as he felt for the two people lying beside him as his gentle fingers slowly rubbed his wife's stomach.

And before long, his head sleepily fell on top of Iris' lean shoulder, his hands still placed delicately within both of hers.
"Yeah, good is never going to be enough for him," Iris commented briefly to herself at the simple sensation of her lover's head nudging hers ever so slightly, his action sending a tenderness shooting through his wife's veins that was just the soothing touch she needed to allow her once racing mind to fade into the background in favor of her husband's love.
Somehow, even though Nora's not born yet, they still find a way to remind one another just how much they need each other.

Unfortunately for the couple, their rest was extremely short-lived for their little baby girl was far from as ready for sleep as they were. And within the time of just two minutes, the cheesy craving easily pushed itself back to the four-front of her mother's mind, only this time with an even more excessive intensity than before, eliminating any chance the woman had at possibly fighting the urge as her eyes slowly reopened.
"Okay, fine, Nora. You win this time..." Thought Iris as she sighed a long breath of defeat at her daughter's resurfaced craving.

She gently unlocked her hand from Barry's, taking extra caution to lay her lover's head down softly on the fluffy pillows lined up behind them before pushing herself into an upright position, the palms of her hands pressed vaguely against their mattress' top. Iris carefully pulled the tight forest green nightcap off her head, letting the messy curls of her black hair bounce loosely against the upper section of her silk-covered pajamas.
I have a feeling that I'm probably not going to be getting much more sleep, so why not?

"Okay, Nora, let's find us something to eat, shall we?" Remarked Iris, laughing lightheartedly as she rubbed her growling stomach with the same gentle touch she used whenever she was with her children.
Though, it took only a single moment for the mother to realize exactly what her baby was asking to eat. Or rather, demanding to devour the contents of as the taste of Phillpina's Italian-Centric Cheese House's three layered nachos lingered intently on her lips.
Well, I guess she really does want her Dad's help after all...

"Babe," spoke Iris as she gently pushed her hand against his shoulder in an attempt to get her husband's attention in the least startling way she possibly could.
Though, her nice efforts proved to backfire for Barry didn't in the slightest bit acknowledge his wife's polite urging. Unless, you count moaning tiredly before absentmindedly rolling over onto the other side of the bed acknowledging her request, but she far from did.
Let's just say that if that was the case, we'd be having a much different conversation right now...

Iris bit down frustratedly on her lower lip, letting her lungs take in a deep breath of calming lavender air which filled their quaint bedroom's dimly lit space.
It's okay, Iris, you just have to try again...Yeah, it's fine. We got this, Nora...
"Honey, please get up," Iris repeated, giving her husband's sleeping form an extra forceful jostling with the help of their daughter's additional pushing, though it yielded mostly the same results as her prior efforts.
"Iris...you're so...pretty..." Barry smiled, his mumbled sentence trailing off even quicker than last time, his few words raising a short laugh out of his wife.
Yeah, he's definitely the best example of adorkable. But that's not what my focus should be on right now! No, my attention needs to be completely on eating something before Nora gets even hungrier.

"Babe, you need to just get up," Iris repeated loudly, the growling inside her lower chest swiftly intensifying as she used both the palms of her hands to try and force her partner awake.
But no matter how much strength the determined woman used, her superhero of a husband continued to lay as still and unmovable as a rock, his peaceful snores occasionally breaking up her constant heaving.
Okay, I'm done!

"Barry, get up!" Iris shouted, exasperatedly shoving her husband once more, letting both hers and their daughter's building frustration power the forceful push.
Unfortunately, she used a little too much strength for rather than just startle her husband awake, she sent him flying straight off the opposite side of the bed, knocking his previous resting form onto the hard, tan-carpeted ground that surrounded their bed's metal frame as the center of Barry's forehead slammed roughly against the lip of his nearby nightstand.
Iris' hands immediately jumped to her mouth, a mixture of shock and embarrassment covering her face as she looked down at her husband's slowly stirring legs.
Oh my God, why did I do that?!

Though Iris only had to wait a few seconds for relief due to Barry's sleepy form wobbling suddenly onto his bare feet, his fists held defensively in front of shirtless chest. His usually smoothly combed back brunette hair looked even more disheveled than before, half of his loose gray sweatpants yanked higher up than his waist while the other section was pulled tightly down to his ankles. Overall, he mostly just resembled his teenage self, just with more muscles and without one of the many various science fiction graphic t-shirts Iris almost always saw him wearing at night.
Honestly, it made laundry a lot easier for Dad to do. But let's just say that his multiple day old gym socks were not the most pleasant thing to smell by the girl whose room was only just across from his.

"Iris, are you alright?!" Barry exclaimed, his eyes dancing around their wide-spaced bedroom in panic, the rest of his senses still slightly disoriented as he teetered clumsily in place.
Though, his mounting anxiety fell nearly as swiftly as it appeared as his eyes met the gentle chestnut ones of his wife's, their beautiful glint sending a rush of serenity shooting through the man's whole body as his hands dropped easily back down to his sides.
"Yeah, I'm okay, Barry," Iris quickly reassured her worried husband as she slid to his side of their bed, her legs now swaying lightly over its flat border.
"Great, that's good..." Barry breathed, nodding his head once or twice in jovial acknowledgment of his wife's words, his left hand rubbing the lower section of his sore back that he'd just fallen on.

"But I should be the one asking if you're okay," commented Iris, slight concern seeping into her usually calm voice as she ran her fingers across the small bruise already forming on her husband's forehead.
Punching my husband is not really exactly what I'd call the nicest thing I've done with him.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sore, I guess," Barry replied, the adoring smile covering his face only being momentarily broken up by the conspicuous yawn that escaped his mouth.
"Well, that's nice to hear. Though, it's still kinda weird that you just rolled out of bed, even for someone as clumsy as you are," Iris remarked, her intentionally playful lie not going unnoticed by her perceptive husband.
Hey, I may not be as bad of a liar as he is, but that doesn't mean I'm good at it. Or maybe it's just because he knows me too well not to notice.

"Sure..." smirked Barry, stifling a knowing laugh under his breath as he grabbed a plain gray t-shirt off their bedroom's nearby taffy couch and pulled it over his muscular chest.
"What, you don't believe me?" Scoffed Iris, roughly punching her husband's shoulder as she slid her bare feet into a pair of fluffy white slippers.
Barry just shrugged jokingly at her, his face wearing just the goofy smile Iris would never get tired of seeing.
Just seeing his smile, seeing him happy, makes everything in my life better. Makes our lives better.

Though, before Iris could throw her next teasing retort, she felt the growling in her stomach return with a fury of hunger stronger than all the others she'd felt throughout the night, a fact that her husband immediately caught onto as he gently helped her sit back down on the bed's lower lip.
"Thanks, Barry. Honestly, the reason I woke you up is-" Began Iris, though her words were instantaneously cut short by the whooshing sound of her husband speeding off, the faint sparks of orange lightning dissipating into the warm air which filled their bedroom for the briefest of moments before Barry resumed his position right by his wife's side.

Only, this time, with a peace offering for their hungry baby in the form of a freshly prepared plate of crisp nachos, each of the multiple layers of various cheeses sending a fiercer sensation of eagerness shooting through her body.
The doctors say that these cravings are going to get more frequent as my pregnancy continues, but I don't honestly know how that's possible without me literally eating everything in sight. But then again, this is our little girl we're talking about here who not only has super-speed but also has a knack for being excessive.

"Is this..." began Iris, her words of awe quickly being completed by her loving husband.
"From Phillipina's Cheese House? Yep," Barry added, an energetic bounce seemingly carrying his every movement as he popped the clear plastic take-out container's top off his wife's tasty snack, letting the full scent of its savory goodness waft through the air.
An enthusiasm that only his wife and daughter could bring out of the less than early bird of a speedster.
And that's not just because he likes to say that he never sleeps like Oliver Queen. Not that I'd ever actually let him do that, for more than one reason.

"Best husband ever," Iris announced, appreciatively taking the plate from her lover and digging the plastic fork he'd previously given to her through three of its many thick rows of cheese and various other toppings, letting its stringy-textured exterior wrap around her throwaway utensil's smooth points.
Though, not before planting a quick, but sweet kiss on her husband's soft lips.
He deserves more than all the credit I can give him. But I think this is a pretty good starting point.
"Maybe, but that's only because I get to have you as my wife," Barry spoke, his words of genuine love making Iris quietly blush as he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders, pulling her body closer to his.

"Thank you, for all of this. But are you sure you don't want to go back to bed? I know you said you were pretty tired last night and I'm probably gonna have to stay up until this whole plate's empty. And maybe another one or two after that," Iris asked between bits of salty chips as she rested her head against his shoulderblade, letting his warmth spread across her whole body, soothing any of her stomach's prior discomfort.
A normal wife would have to make sure that their husband had bought more than one dish for their craving baby, but when it came to Barry? Iris didn't even have to ask to already know that he'd gotten more than enough extra entrees to last his two favorite girls the whole night.

"I appreciate the offer, but there's nowhere else I'd ever rather be than here with you two," Barry reassured her, a smile of genuine happiness covering his face as he leaned down and gently kissed his wife's stomach.
Iris felt her heart warm at his kind words, her eyes looking across admiringly into her husband's with a passion that could only be described as true love.
"I couldn't agree more," Iris whispered back, watching the sun's rising light cast its bright shadow over her lover's face through their closed white curtains.

I know it seems really silly to say, but these small moments with him, the nights we spend sitting around our little fireplace snuggled up next to each other, somehow talking about almost everything and absolutely nothing all at once are the best parts of my day because I get to spend them with the man I love. With Barry. I just wish that I could do more for him. Like he's always doing for me, no matter what crazy thing is going on in our lives. And that's not even including all the love and support he's given me since the first moment we found out that I was pregnant.

But in that very moment, an idea struck Iris quicker and more suddenly than the bolt of lightning which had hit Barry all those years ago, bringing an energized bounce to the woman stronger than even that of her husband's current one.

Wait, what's stopping me from doing just that? I mean, yeah sure, Barry's usually the one who puts together our romantic dates and that's really sweet and all, but there's no reason I can't try and do it for him. I'll just keep it simple so I don't overexert myself, and because, well, it's such a last second thing...but that doesn't matter because anyone who knows Barry as well as I do should know that you don't have to buy or do expensive things to make him happy. You just have to show him how much you care. And that's exactly what I'm gonna for him now!

"Is everything alright?" Asked Barry, slight confusion ringing throughout his voice as he watched his wife quickly shoveling the rest of her nachos into her mouth faster than even the likes of he could with super-speed, the hot cheesy substance only momentarily burning the back of her throat at her swift movements.
"With me? Yeah, I'm totally fine! Just really hungry, I guess," Iris replied, though the excited smile tugging at her face far outmatched her vague response as she slowly pushed herself back onto her white-slippered feet.
I swear, I'm usually a lot better at hiding surprises from him than this. But the pregnancy hormones MAY have a little something to do with that one...

And without another word, Iris swiftly began to tidy up their bedroom's spacious area, pulling their rumpled covers back up to their rightful lengths just beneath the couple's feathery white pillows, each task being completed nearly twice as quickly as before, the woman taking only an occasional second's break for another bite of food before continuing on her newfound mission.
"Are you sure? Because if there's anything wrong, you can always tell me," Barry commented, cautiously as he hurriedly followed his wife's rapid pacing around the room.
"Of course, Babe. Now, do me a favor and just fold this, please," Iris responded, distractedly tossing one of their many flannel blankets backwards at her husband, the latter barely jumping to the side in time to catch the incoming projectile.

Though, the man's near-failed catch could be much closer attributed to his lack of athletic coordination rather than that of his super-speed.
"Yeah, no problem..." said Barry, his words abruptly cutting short as his eyes vaguely looked down at the object held in his hands before racing back off after his wife who now had her head tucked deep inside their closet's thick wall of hanging clothes.
With how fast I'm doing this stuff, maybe they should call me The Flash, instead. Well, I'd probably not go THAT far, but still.

Iris thoughtfully flipped through the various styles of attire she and her husband had hung up in their closet's interior, each jacket's colors much in contrast to even just the ones beside it. Ranging from Barry's young adult phase of brightly colored sweater vests to Iris' newest set of casual work blouses. Needless to say, the entirety of the wardrobe resembled that of a time capsule, only one with slightly more of the prior's dirty socks and crumbled up t-shirts than one would usually expect.
Normal couples probably would hate having their stuff mixed up like this, but I never will. Other than the whole dirty clothes thing, that is. That is definitely something I could live without. But that's just something that I've come to terms with since we got married because I know Barry can't live without it.

"When was the last time we cleaned this place out?" Iris called over her shoulder, her head currently buried between one of her many velvet leather jackets and her husband's favorite beige denim one.
"Um, I don't know. Maybe like four months ago?" Answered Barry, his hand free of their now folded blanket scratching the back of his head in thought for he was far from sure his guess was accurate.
Simply put, a speedster's usually racing mind can easily wander on random things when they're tired, especially when said person is the notoriously heavy sleeper known as Barry Allen.

"Yeah, well, that would explain why the jacket Sue said she was just temporarily storing here still's up front," Iris remarked, absentmindedly tossing a few pairs of worn old sneakers out behind her, their scuffed soles nearly colliding with her husband's stomach as he speedily dodged to the right, the slightest hint of orange electricity sparking inconspicuously off of his gray t-shirted back.
Though Barry's breath of relief was short-lived for within mere seconds another barrage of clothes were thrown out at him followed immediately by the unfortunate circumstance of his wife's thick blue heel slamming directly into his already bruised forehead.

"But jokes on her because I'm totally stealing it now," Iris declared, a proud grin covering her face as she finally whipped Sue's jacket out from within their forest of clothing, successfully having acquired the exact soft plum-covered trench coat she was looking for.
Say what you want about Sue, but there's no denying that she has a great sense of style. To say the least.

Iris panted briefly, a happy smile covering her face as she promptly pulled the long coat over her green pajama-covered arms, fastening the buttons tightly in front of her night shirt so as to completely disguise her otherwise informal clothing.
Barry may be a speedster, but I don't really feel like taking the time to get myself fully put together at three in the morning. Plus, I'd honestly like to see anyone try and complain about my outfit because, pregnant or not, I'll still take them down a few pegs.

"Barry, what are you doing down there? We have to go!" Iris questioned, impatiently as her eyes caught sight of where the lump of various jackets, single shoes, and a blanket known as her husband was lying in the middle of at the foot of the couple's King bed, his only appendage sticking out of the mess being his awkwardly extended right leg.
Barry moaned quietly in frustration as he shifted vaguely under the soft pile of miscellaneous things, his free hand fumbling slightly to find grip on the seemingly unmovable cloth barrier wrapped so tightly around him.

"Um, Barry..." asked Iris, her eyebrow raised skeptically as she watched the many coats shuffling aggressively under the speedster's pushing pressure, though even through the man's efforts, they still somehow remained mostly in their original locations.
"Just a second, Honey!" Barry exclaimed, his tone carrying an equal amount of agitation and nervousness as he pressed the palm of his trapped hand against the inside of the bundled clothing, accidentally knocking the entirety of the tangled stack backwards and into the bed's lower metal bar.
Yeah, he definitely needs some help...

"Don't worry, I've got you," Iris reassured him, her impatience temporarily freezing as she carefully uncovered the thrown together pile of old clothes, successfully revealing the embarrassed face of her loving husband.
"Thanks. And sorry about that," Barry commented as he lifted the remainder of the covers off of his body, making an added emphasis to toss one of his wife's blue wedges a few feet away from him.
When Iris wasn't looking, that is.

"It's okay. Not like it's the first time that's happened to you and probably won't be the last," Iris smirked, playfully as she offered her lover a hand back up to his feet which he happily obliged to take.
"Yeah, I really want to say that's not true, but we both know I'm a terrible liar," Barry joked, sheepishly scratching the back of his head for a brief moment, the sensation sending a slight wave of pain through his head as his hand nearly got stuck within his now knotted strands of his short brunette hair.
"Trust me, it looks just as cute this way as it does every other day," Iris complimented as she gently pulled her husband's hand away from his head, giving his an extra squeeze for good measure.

"Then I guess it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks, does it?" Barry smiled, sweetly back at his wife, his fingers gently brushing against her left cheek.
"Not at all," Iris replied, wrapping her arms softly around her husband's neck before leaning in and kissing him.
Iris smiled warmly at the feeling of their lips touching, her mind momentarily drifting off into a blissful state which she only ever really felt when she was in her husband's comforting embrace.
No, Iris, you need to focus! Now may be the only chance for me to try and do something nice for Barry while he's tired enough not to be his impossibly sweet self and try to turn the attention back on me.

"But now that we have that figured out, let's get going," Iris suddenly announced, swiftly pulling herself out of her partner's embrace.
It's a good thing I'm so strong-willed because otherwise, I don't think I could've ever convinced myself to leave.
"Okay, but where exactly are we going?" Barry asked, a look of confusion once again covering his face at his wife's hurried declaration.

"It's a surprise that you'll get to see in just a few minutes if you actually help me get us ready to go," Iris remarked, agitatedly as she tried to inconspicuously pull her partner's arm through his own heavy navy denim jacket's sleeve.
Though, that task proved to be much more daunting than she'd first expected it to be due to her husband's body accidentally dozing back off into a light sleep.
I guess speedsters really do stop moving every once and awhile...

"Oh, right! Sorry!" Apologized Barry, quickly as he easily pulled his right arm through its thick matching sleeve, his eyes blinking the obvious tiredness out of his eyes.
"No problem," Iris panted, placing her hands on her hips, tiredly for a few moments.
I may need to take a nap after this...

"Are you sure it wouldn't be better if we just stay here? You know, try and get some rest," Barry suggested, his eyes darting down concernedly at the place where their baby laid so soundly in her mother's stomach.
Even though the words weren't fully spoken aloud, Iris could still tell Barry wasn't so much so saying we as you, in his own sweet Barry way, that is.
I really appreciate how much he cares about me and our baby but nothing is going to stop me from giving him the most spontaneously romantic morning wake up he's ever had.

"I love how much you love care, Barry, but we're okay. And trust me, Nora's a little too bouncy right now to sleep, anyways. Now, go out there and put these on and I'll meet you at the door in just a second," Iris urged as she mindlessly tossed a pair of miscellaneous gray sneakers into her husband's arms before pushing him out of their bedroom's doorway and closing it suddenly behind him.
Her words seemed to come out as much more of a command than a request but if that's what it took to finally give her favorite person in the world the night he deserved, then anything was worth the sacrifice.
Which is a good thing because I feel like I'm really beginning to embarrass myself and our night hasn't even started yet.

Iris sighed slightly in relief as she sat down on the edge of their white-comfortered mattress, pulling her own violet-colored sneakers onto her feet.
"But just to be clear, you do think the hair looks okay, right? Because I can totally just take a second and fix it if it doesn't," Barry abruptly blurted out, his head quietly poking back into their doorway.
"Yes, it looks great, Babe," Iris groaned, playfully rolling her eyes at her husband's excessiveness.
"Thanks," Barry smiled, appreciatively back at her before awkwardly ducking his head back out of their room to finish getting ready.

"I don't honestly know why he's so focused on looking his best when we're probably barely going to be talking to anyone," Iris laughed lightly to herself as she pushed herself back onto her purple-sneakered feet, the soles of the worn shoes shaking the slightest hint of dirt onto their otherwise clean carpeted flooring.
Though, not before her gaze got momentarily caught by her vanity's large mirror, the object perfectly reflecting the messy lump which was her own long black hair.
Then again, it wouldn't really slow us down THAT much if I did just brush it out a little before we leave, right? I mean, he's going to need more time to get ready, anyways...

"Wait, wait, wait, so you mean to tell me that all those times Cisco told me that no one was allowed inside the lower levels of Star Labs it wasn't to keep me safe, but so the three of you could just have your own personal disco dance space?!" Iris concluded playful annoyance partially carrying her voice as she walked alongside Barry down one of Central City's smooth-paved sidewalks, her silk forest green pajamas brushing quietly against the inside of her thick coat as they moved aimlessly through the city.

The faded early morning light seemed to cast its muted amber shadows across various sections of both the street and pavement's concrete ground, occasional small green shrubs sprouting up from within the tiny cracks hidden in their surface. Simply structured glass-paned buildings stood tall for as far as the eye could see, creating a sort of comfortable barrier between its residents and the cities that surrounded its borders. The air smelled of passerby's steaming hot coffee, the vibrant and delicious scent sending a rush of energy throughout the woman's still somewhat sleepy system. But there would never be anything in Central City that Iris loved more than just seeing its people talking avidly with one another, the happy faces of proud parents lighting up as their little boy or girl jumped into their outstretched arms with almost as much love as Iris had felt casually beating inside her ever since she found she was pregnant.
It's not going to be too long before we'll get to have those sweet moments with our little one, too. But until then, I'll just have to settle for spending my days with the most romantic man alive.

Though, by far the oddest thing that had occurred for the woman during the couple's exceptionally early morning was the fact that Barry had, indeed not touched a single strand of his hair before they left, leaving the messy brunette lump matching his plain gray t-shirt, simple worn old denim jeans and jacket with perfect accuracy.
Which really tells you how tired he is because otherwise, there's no way he would've let loose enough to leave the Loft without at least touching up his hair a bit.

"Okay, technically the answer is yes but in our defense! We really didn't want anyone seeing us doing that because let's just say, we're far from professionals. Something that I think can probably be proved by the bruises on your feet every time we slow dance together," Barry joked through a light yawn, his words bringing an immediate giggle out of his wife.
"Yeah, you can say that again," Iris agreed, barely hiding the large grin which was so strongly trying to creep its way onto her face.
"Huh, oh really? Because I clearly remember Dad having to teach us both dance lessons for our senior prom," Barry stated, his head tilted goofily to the side, unintentionally giving Iris the perfect gaze into her husband's bright blue eyes.

"Hey, I only took those lessons in the first place because you said it would be fun to learn how to slow dance," Iris countered, playfully bumping her lean shoulder against his broad one as they took a left down the mostly vacant stone pathway, letting their sneakered feet act as the only true indicator as to where they were going.
I have a special place I'm taking him before we go back home, but a short romantic walk on the way there won't hurt anything. Especially if said little adventure is with Barry.

"Yeah, that's true..." Barry conceded, biting down thoughtfully on his lower lip at the memory of exactly how the day of their senior prom had gone.
Specifically, the part involving his somewhat unclear attempts at hinting his hopes of dancing with the girl he loved. With Iris. Though, of course, said notions came to find very little success in that department or really, any department except embarrassing himself by declining any of the few girls who actually wanted to dance with him. Yet still, he wouldn't change a single thing about what had happened because he'd take a few secret glances and quiet smiles at Iris over a million dates with anyone else.

"But if we're being completely honest, they were the best dance lessons I ever had because I got to do them with you. Even if Dad refused to teach us any moves that weren't from the 80s," Iris added, smiling warmly at her husband, letting her words act as the only means of reassurance he needed to know how much his wife appreciated his awkwardly sweet attempts at showing her how much he cared.
Not that he really ever has to.
"I'd agree, but if we're being totally honest, any moment I get to spend with you could arguably be considered the best moment of my life," Barry smiled back, slowly interlocking one of his relaxed hands in his wife's, Iris' cheeks turning a light pink at her lover's sweet compliment.

"And that's one of the many reasons I'll always feel the same way about you," Iris replied before she leaned up on the tippy toes of her sneakers and planted a gentle kiss on Barry's cheek.
I may not have been able to see it then, but there was never going to be any guy great enough for me other than Barry. Because love is about so much more than just enjoying someone else's company. It's about caring for and trusting each other without hesitation or worry as to what could happen afterwards. And if there's one thing I'm sure of in my life, it's my love for him.

"Well, I can't really argue with logic as good as that. Otherwise, you wouldn't have chosen me, after all," Barry spoke, quietly, his eyes gazing appreciatively into his wife's, love practically sparking off of his entire form just by the simple act of him standing beside the love of his life.
"We chose each other," Iris whispered back, her body filled with the warmth that was her husband's heart, her smile slowly growing as she took his other hand in her own, their fingers pressed lightly against each other's knuckles.
Yeah, great doesn't really describe how much he means to me. How much they both do.

Though, Iris' chestnut brown eyes drifted slightly from her husband's sweet blue ones as her nose caught whiff of the freshly wrapped smell of a nearby street cart's hot dogs, sending a familiar wave of hunger shooting through her once full stomach.
"Um, hey, Babe, I know this is going to sound really inconsiderate because they're not exactly what someone would call the most romantic food, but would you be okay if we just make a quick stop and get some of those hot dogs?" Iris asked, the slightest bit of embarrassment slipping into her voice as she gestured over to the two grease-covered aproned men wrapping their juicy sausages automatically into silver tin foil, their actions bringing an oddly stronger sense of longing to the woman's stomach.
Okay, I get the whole sugar and cheese obsessions, but hot dogs? Really, Nora?

"Are you kidding? Hot dogs are definitely a date night er-morning food! And I think that sounds like a great idea," encouraged Barry, his face wearing a gentle smile that somehow told Iris that, despite not speaking the words aloud, that she had nothing to be worried about.
"Thanks, but as soon as we're done with this, we will be getting to your special surprise. I promise," Iris stated, firmly, her words more so spoken as a strict reminder for herself than Barry, though it never hurt to remind her sweet speedster husband just how much she appreciated his undying support.

"And I can't wait to see it, but you two just being here with me is the greatest gift I could ever ask for," Barry replied as he softly squeezed his wife's hand, letting their touching palms soothe any remaining insecurities she'd once been feeling.
Iris smiled warmly across at him, her voice seemingly at a complete loss as to what to follow his overly sweet comment up with.
There is never going to be anyone who can make me feel more special than he does.

"Sometimes you're just too romantic to handle, Barry West-Allen," Iris giggled softly, her tone still partially slowed down in appreciation of the wonderful words her husband had just spoken.
"Well, when I have a wife as great as you are, how could I not be, Iris West-Allen?" Barry grinned before he leaned in for one last kiss, letting his chapped morning lips lightly meet his wife's.

"Like I said; just too sweet. But seriously, we need to leave now because otherwise, I don't think Nora's ever going to get her snack," Iris commented, a loving smile still covering her face as she slowly pulled out of their kiss.
"Oh, right! That's probably a good idea...sorry. Again," Barry stammered as he swiftly took a few steps back, sheepishly readjusting the sleeve of his jacket.
Only Barry could be sweet enough to apologize to me for caring so much.

"I'm pretty sure Nora'll understand. As long as we leave now," Iris laughed lightly before gently taking her husband's hand back in her own and running off towards their long since awaited second midnight snack, her wavy black hair brushing softly against the back of her coat as they moved.

Despite the fact that the food cart was only just a little ways down the street, the quick run still seemed to leave the tired pair wishing to take a break on one of the many quaint wooden benches that leaned up against the front sides of almost every other building. Though, Iris' sneakered feet only remained sore for a matter of seconds before Barry, noticing his wife's sudden discomfort, speedily lifted his lover into his arms for the rest of their "travels."

"And here, we, go," Barry announced, happily as he slowly lowered Iris back onto her feet, the soles of her violet sneakers scuffing faintly against the dirtied concrete ground.
"My hero," Iris playfully smiled at him, giving his hand locked in hers an extra good squeeze in gratitude before the couple turned around towards the strong scent wafting up from the small street's New York-style catering cart, the prior's stomach growling loudly as her eyes met the casually wrapped hot dogs covered in vibrant silver tin foil.
I can already feel Nora's excitement at this one...

"Hi, can we possibly get two-no, four hot dogs, please," Barry requested, cordially, his order abruptly altering midway through due to his wife's inconspicuous whisper and light nudge to the arm.
I mean, if we've already gone this far then, why not just go all the way?
The stouter of the two men whose sloppily attached name tag read, "Daniel," glared grumpily at his rather overly enthusiastic customer, sighing loudly in annoyance before wordlessly bending down to grab their food from within their large propane-fueled heater beneath the slick metal tabletop.

Barry and Iris exchanged mutual looks of skepticism, jumping a few inches backwards at the sudden sound of the cart's lower metal rack slamming shut.
"Don't worry, he's actually really nice. Just isn't a morning person," The second man named, "Johnny," explained to which his fellow worker just grunted in a similar fashion to that of a Harrison Wells would in response.
"Oh yeah, we completely understand," Iris quickly dismissed, though her feelings were slightly stronger than the words she already used would first entail.
Nice isn't exactly the word I would use to describe him...

"What condiments do you want?" The gruff man questioned, his dark brown eyes staring sharply into Barry's, sending a silent wave of nervousness washing over his body.
"Oh, um, just ketchup on all four of them and mustard on two, please," Barry answered, quietly so as not to add to the worker's frustration.
"But no relish! Our little one's allergic to it! Or, at least, we think she will be. You know, because of genetics and all," he immediately added, his kind blue eyes stealing a glance at the tiniest of bumps which was his wife's stomach.
An action that Iris couldn't help but share a mutual smile with her lover at.
She's not even born yet and Barry's already doing everything he can to protect her.

"Sure, if you say so..." Daniel scoffed, rolling his eyes carelessly at the supposed father's excitement before harshly shoving the four sausages into Barry's denim jacketed arms.
"Thank you?" Barry responded, shifting his feet a few times in confusion.
"Daniel! Do you not remember what I said about you judging the customers!" Johnny exclaimed, smiling nervously over at Iris whose face looked less than pleased to hear Daniel's simultaneous insult at both her daughter and husband.
"Not to do it," Daniel shrugged, absentmindedly wiping the grease off the palms of his hands and onto his once white apron before returning to his chair stationed nearby their cart, his black booted feet resting obliviously on the closest section of the metal surface.
"Well, kind of, but you didn't even follow that rule!" Johnny shouted, his impatience quickly rising past whatever guard of camaraderie he was originally trying to put on for the two West-Allens.

"Am I the only one who thinks it would be better for us to just eat these on the way?" Iris whispered softly in her husband's ear, both their eyes cautiously watching the two men's arguing.
"Nope. Not just you," Barry agreed, nodding his anxious head a few times, carefully leaning over and placing the money down on the metal cart's top before the pair slowly backed away, their feet moving in silent unison as they steadily exited the men's eyesight.
Luckily for us, we mostly perfected the whole simultaneous sneak-out thing in high school. Well, at least as much as Barry could when he's such a bad liar.

"We're almost there, just a few more steps," stated Iris, excitement hanging in her voice as she carefully used the palms of her hands to guide her blindfolded husband forward, the sound of their sneakered feet's quick movements echoing throughout the otherwise vacant stairwell.
Barry felt his heart skip several beats at the feeling of Iris' hands touching his back as the warming sensation of her love spread delicately throughout his denim-jacketed chest.
Which I know sounds really overdramatic because we've been together for so many years now and I shouldn't still be swooning over everything she does like that, but I just can't help myself. Because, well, she's Iris.

"Take as long as you need. Honestly, it feels kinda nice. You know, you guiding me like you always have," Barry commented, a smile visibly shining on his face as Iris slowly directed her partner's body to the right so as to avoid slamming him into one of the building's many worn white-painted walls.
"You really know how to make a girl feel special," Iris blushed, giggling appreciatively as she chanced the slightest glance back at her lover's undeniably happy smile.
"Not just any girl," Barry spoke, his tone filled with only a fraction of the feelings that were threatening to overflow from inside him.
As weird as it may be to say, over these past few weeks, I've just felt really happy. And not even in the typical way that I do when I'm with Iris. In a way that feels, well, perfect. Like even if I was only able to have this singular moment with them, all my life would've been worth living just for those seconds I'd get to share with Iris, with our baby.

"Oh, and I was totally winking at you. But you know, there's the blindfold and all so..." Barry quickly added, his sentence swiftly trailing off due to his awkward rambling.
"I believe you," Iris laughed lightly as the pair finally reached the topmost of the tile steps, the prior's eyes freezing momentarily as they met the teal blue-painted door which stood in front of them.
And he didn't exactly know why, but in that moment, Barry felt an oddly sudden flash of distant memories rush through his mind, sending a wave of elated suspense shooting through his body.

"Are you ready for your special surprise, Mr. West-Allen?" Confirmed Iris as she quietly unlocked the secret building's heavy rusted metal door.
"Of course, Mrs. West-Allen," Barry replied, bouncing ever so slightly in excitement on the heels of his gray high tops as he felt his wife's fingers slowly unwrapping the slick black blindfold which was currently obstructing his sight.
I mean, how could it not be great if she planned it for me?
And as Barry's ocean blue eyes slowly opened, his already high expectations were somehow outmatched by the mesmerizing sight that was his wife's gift.

The rising sun's vibrant yellow and orange waves shone down beautifully on the uneven gray cobble granite which was the rooftop's flooring, its tiny stones scattered meticulously across the ground beneath their feet. Several short stone barriers surrounded the platform's center, shielding the place's hidden gem of memories within its intricately built enclosures. Memories which somehow felt like ancient moments from another lifetime ago, yet still just as fresh as if they'd happened the night before.

I still remember the smile on her face when I first talked to her as the "Streak," yeah, sounds like just as bad of a hero name now as it did then. Honestly, I remember every one of our secret meetings that were kinda like our first technical dates. If one half of the couple didn't know they were on an actual date, that is.

Barry didn't respond for several seconds, the speedster's breaths seemingly slowing to a near stop as his gaze remained fixated on the spacious rooftop which lay in front of him.
"I know it's not exactly as fancy or as romantic as all the things you've been giving Nora and I over the last few months but it's still something a little extra special I thought I could do for you without taking things too fast," Iris explained, her hands folded eagerly in front of her chest, her eyes hopefully watching her husband's frozen expression.

"It's amazing! You're amazing. Thank you!" Barry exclaimed, a smile beaming brightly on his face as a powerful wave of happiness filled his veins.
And without another word, Barry threw his arms around his lover's body as tightly as he possibly could, a few tears of overjoyed appreciation falling down onto Iris' jacketed shoulder.
"Oh, wait, no squishing the baby, sorry," Barry stuttered as he quickly loosened his arms' grip around his wife's lower chest.
"Eh, I don't think she'd mind it just this one time," Iris remarked, delicately as she pulled herself back into her husband's loving embrace.
Barry just smiled gratefully at Iris, rewrapping his long arms around her lean shoulders as he lovingly gave her a light squeeze.
"I guess not," Barry replied, softly, giving his wife the gentlest of kisses on the forehead.
Yep, every smile.

"Barry, can I tell you something?" Iris whispered, her head resting comfortably on her husband's broad right shoulder.
"Of course. Anything," Barry replied, his voice holding just as quiet of a tone as his wife.
It's like she always says, any burden, no matter what type, is one we both carry.

"I wasn't entirely honest with you when I said I wanted to surprise you this morning. I didn't even come up with the idea for this place until like two hours ago. But you've just been doing so much for our baby, for me, that I really wanted to do something that would show you how thankful I am for all of it. How thankful I am for you. And I just feel like I didn't do a very good job," Iris explained, scoffing disappointedly at her last words.
She slowly tore away from Barry's comforting warmth, cupping the palm of her hand to her forehead in frustration.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," reassured Barry, his smile turning from one of happiness to sympathy as he gently rubbed his wife's back.
"It's not about things not being okay, Barry. They're better than okay right now," Iris began, the pair's eyes momentarily gazing down at the prior's stomach.

"It's about making you feel just as loved and appreciated as you make me feel everyday," admitted Iris, her voice cracking slightly, tears glistening in her chestnut brown eyes.
Barry said nothing as he instinctively pulled his wife into another hug, letting Iris' tears now be the ones which fell onto his denim jacket, the watery sensation sending a silent pain shooting through the man's body.
I don't like seeing her cry about anything, but about this? About not being good enough? There's just no way that could ever be possible about anything. Especially to me.

"Hey, look at me," Barry tenderly urged, gently using the tip of his thumb to help lift Iris' chin up, letting his wife look into his loving blue eyes.
"There is no world where I ever want you to feel like you're not good enough. I mean, you're thee Iris West-Allen! You're literally the smartest,kindest, most badass person I've ever met! And the only parent our amazing kids deserve to have. But most of all, you're the woman I love more than anything else in this entire world. And no matter what happens, nothing is ever going to change any of those things. If anything, you've always been the one who's too incredible for me," Barry explained, his voice holding more confidence than anything either of the two lovers had spoken throughout that entire night.
She's always believed in me. Now, It's my turn to show her that I believe in her, too.

"That's not really possible," Iris commented, her eyes now meeting Barry's gaze with slightly less hurt than before.
"Then you have your answer, too," reasoned Barry, genuine honesty carrying firmly throughout every word he spoke.
Iris said nothing more as she just gently rested her head back on her husband's soft shoulder, shutting her eyes as one last tear slipped down her left cheek.

They stayed in each other's embrace for several moments, letting their love burn away any pain that had once fallen over the woman's mind, neither lover thinking about anything except each other.
"Thank you," Iris whispered, her place in Barry's arms never wavering as they remained standing in the middle of the cobble-floored rooftop, the sun's bright light perfectly bringing out the small smiles the pair wore.
"For you, always," reassured Barry as he brushed a strand of Iris' delicate black hair blowing in the wind behind her ear, letting the full beauty of his wife fill his heart with even more love than before.
There's nothing I'd rather do, nowhere I'd rather be, then right here with the beautiful woman which I'm lucky enough to get to call my wife.

"Iris, Iris wake up," Iris heard her husband's soft voice ringing distantly through her ears, the noise slowly bringing her out of the deep food-induced coma sleep she and Nora had fallen into just a few hours prior.
At least, I think it was just a few hours ago? Then again, Barry and I did have a very long morning last night. In the best possible way. Well, other than those hot dogs I threw up, that is. But I guess it wasn't so bad because even that Barry somehow found a way to do with me.
Also, just a side note for me to remember, say no next time Nora wants street food.

"Hey, Babe," Iris yawned, blinking the sleepiness out of her eyes as she leisurely sat up in bed, her back pressed gently against her pillows.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Barry asked, gently as he too sat up beside her, though his attention seemed much more lively than that of his partner's.
Though, to be fair, that wasn't exactly saying very much at the moment.
But even when he's tired, he still makes time to check up on me.

"After what you said to me last night, how could I not?" Countered Iris, smiling over appreciatively at her husband.
"Thanks, but I think that's just the magic of our special spot. Or should I say, the magic of you," Barry replied, his face wearing a smile of equal warmth to his wife's.
"I would try and give you a compliment right now, but I think we both know that you're the only person who can just wake up and already have me swooning," Iris commented, jokingly, though that didn't stop the genuine love she felt towards his words from carrying the entirety of her voice.
"You already do that just by being you," Barry reassured her before he leaned over and gave his lover a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Words cannot describe how much I love him right now.

"Would it be okay if, you know, we just lie here for awhile longer?" She asked, blowing a loose strand of her knotted black hair out of her face.
Though, she still took the slightest bit of pride in knowing it still looked better than that of her husband's in its current state of chaos.
Not that anything can really look bad on him, anyways.
"You don't have to tell me twice," Barry laughed in agreement before he playfully flipped their white comforter back over their bodies, taking extra care to fluff his wife's pillows before she rested her head back down on them.

"I know I say it a lot but I'm still going to say it again because it's just that true; Best. Husband. Ever," Iris stated, lovingly snuggling up close to her husband's gray t-shirted chest, her head pressed softly against his muscular form.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's okay because I'm never going to get tired of hearing it," Barry grinned, jokingly, though his sly attempt at a brag only got halfway through before he yawned.
"I don't know, it really does seem like you do get tired of some things," Iris giggled lightly, her legs casually laying on top of her husband's, his knees tucked warmly beneath hers.

"Maybe some things, but not this. Not you," Barry spoke, softly as he locked his hand in his wife's, the familiar feeling of his fingers brushing her knuckles bringing an even wider smile to the woman's face.
"I couldn't agree more," Iris whispered back, the couple's hands slowly moving onto her stomach, the very place which held the gift they'd made together.
Their Nora.

It doesn't matter what time of day it is or what we're doing, the love I feel for Barry, that we feel for each other, has no limit. Because I want to spend every early morning, every midnight, and anything that comes between with him. And nothing can ever change that. Because with Barry, love isn't a choice.

It's everything.

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