Family Training Day

Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @Bloodypunkkk, and @CamrynKissel for their amazing support of all my Arrowverse stories! Truly appreciate it :)

And a special dedication to matthewmanwhore for all the love they've shown my work these past few weeks. Love you all :)

Author's Notes: Hi, everyone! Thank you for coming back to read another one of my Flash oneshots! Your support means the world to me :)

This story takes place towards the end of season seven, mainly because I wanted to include the Flash Family dynamic, though it doesn't really have anything to do with the actual storyline of the seventh season. Honestly, it's mostly just exploring the various special connections all four of the West-Allens share with one another and how their differing personalities can help each other grow into better people. Just like any family does for one another.

Anyways, love you all and thank you for reading :)

"C'mon, you're just training your kids? How hard can it be?" Barry thought, his red-gloved fingers anxiously tapping the thin metal bar that lined the Cortex's main console.

The wide room's space waw filled with the sort of peaceful bliss that the Team had longed for since the army of mysterious Godspeeds had attacked Central City, racing around with only the intent of rampaging its streets. At least, so the Team had thought until they had found the real August Heart. The true man who had proclaimed himself the so-called, "God of Speed," (other than Savitar, but that's definitely not a story I need to be getting back into right now) using a bio-engineered speed drug based on Zoom's velocity nine.

But Heart wasn't the only speedster who had dropped by unannounced in the last few days.

Iris and I, we never knew how long it would be before we got to see Nora, our Nora again and now that she's back here, it's like my heart is full again. Getting to see her excited smile, to hear her awkward laugh, to hold my daughter in my arms again. Nothing could make my heart feel more full. At least, that's what I thought until I found out that we had a son, too. That we had Bart.

The energetic bounce in his every step and the flair he puts into his superhero moves paired with the perfectly goofy smile that never seems to leave his sweet face, it's like I couldn't imagine ever living a life without him. Without either of them. Because my family, all three of them, they're what makes everyday worth living.

"The kids are almost done setting up for your guys' training down in the Speed Lab with Jay," announced Iris, her sweet-toned voice immediately shaking Barry out of his thoughts as he brought his eyes' attention up to greet his wife.

She was dressed in a casual plum dress shirt, its extended lower fabric tucked tightly into her smooth black jeans which perfectly matched the short black hair that rested gracefully against her broad shoulder blades.

How does her smile get prettier every time I see it?

"Okay, great! So they're ready to do their first training with us? Or the us of this time, anyway," confirmed Barry, his fingers still tingling with excited nervousness as they spoke.

"Yeah, they're more than ready, but we should probably get down there soon because I think Nora is nervous pacing again," commented Iris as she leaned up against the railing beside her husband, appreciative smiles shining on both their loving faces.

"That's our Nora," Barry joked lightly, Iris resting her hand softly on top of his.

There were so many things the couple had to be thankful for in their lives right now. From stopping Godspeed to Dion almost having completely fixed Iris' time sickness and finding out they had a son, but nothing would ever compare to the joy the parents felt for finally having Nora back.

She made us better people by just being our daughter.

"Iris, can I tell you something?" Barry asked, his kind eyes still held fully on the beautiful woman that stood so close to him.

"Anything," replied Iris, nodding her head encouragingly.

Barry smiled thankfully at her, gently taking her other hand in his, his heart beating loudly against his chest with the love he felt for his family.

"Before Nora and Bart showed up a few days ago, I felt alone. Like, I couldn't do anything to save the people I wanted to be fighting for the most. To save you. But now that we're standing here and Heart's defeated. That we have the two most wonderfully excessive kids in the world. And I got to renew the vows I'd been thinking about forever with the woman I love, it's almost impossible to even remember those feelings anymore. To remember anything but the love I have for you," Barry explained, the words forming in his heart nearly as easily as one breathes.

I think that's why I haven't been able to stop smiling ever since we reunited in the Time Vault. Ever since I felt her touch again.

"That's what your love makes me feel like everyday," smiled Iris, softly before she leaned up and kissed him, their lips gently meeting each other's with nothing short of love coursing through their veins.

As the couple slowly pulled out of their romantic embrace, the pair's eyes both fell upon the beautiful silver rings that shone exquisitely under the Cortex's bright lighting fixtures.

"Did these things somehow get nicer in the last few days or is it just the whole renewal thing?" Commented Iris, gently smiling at her husband as their metal jewelry quietly touched against one another's.

"I'm pretty sure that if anything, you make the ring look prettier," complimented Barry, the man returning a soft smile to his wife.

Not that she could ever look more perfect than the first time I met her.

"Well, I can think of one that I look better with," countered Iris, vaguely, her brown eyes still gazing lovingly into her husband's.

"And what's that?" Barry asked, curiosity carrying his intentionally innocent voice.

He may not have known exactly what her comment was going to be, though he had a feeling he was going to like the answer.

"You," Iris remarked, her words spoken in such a simple way that they were somehow even more genuine than Barry could've expected.

"We make each other better," Barry stated softly, thankfulness shining in his ocean blue eyes.

"And we always will," added Iris, Barry cocking his head to the side, lovingly at his wife's comment before the two leaned back in for one last quick kiss.

Every moment she's in my life makes me a better person.

There was a loud shoosh of yellow lightning as Impulse sped into the room, their son's signature red and golden sneakers' squeaking to a stop just a few feet away from the center console, their soles gliding elegantly across the Cortex's slick porcelain gray tile ground.

"Hey, are you guys almost ready because Nora and I have been waiting for..." Began Bart, his impatient words abruptly stopping as he saw his parents' romantic exchange.

"Hhm? Everything alright down there?" Barry asked as the two lovers' quickly turned their attention to their son, hoping that he hadn't caught too much of their interaction.

Why does this keep happening to us...

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine! Just hoping you might be ready to teach us all those flashy moves of yours, Dad? Mainly in the field, though the other type would work, too," grinned Bart, a knowing smirk covering his face.

"No, no, no, it's fine. Let's go," Barry awkwardly dismissed their son's obvious chance at embarrassing them, Iris' cheeks flushing a vibrant red for a few seconds as they spoke.

"Yes! Okay, then let's go!" Exclaimed Bart, gesturing excitedly towards the open exit, the long hallway lit up by the intricately placed blue light lines across its tan walls.

Barry just laughed lightly at his son's enthusiasm before the latter grabbed his father's arm and pulled him forward playfully.

Neither of the parents may have known their new son for even the span of a week yet, they already knew they'd forever love his contagious optimism.

And that smile? It doesn't get better than that.

"Have fun, guys," called Iris, waving lovingly as she watched the pair moving towards the door.

"Wait, you're not coming?" Questioned Bart, confusedly as he immediately stopped in his speeding tracks, spinning both he and Barry around on their heels.

Don't get him wrong, Barry really wanted Iris to come with them, too, his senses were just a little jumbled trying to keep up with their son.

Is this what Joe always felt like with me? Huh...

"Oh, I just thought that this was like a speedster family thing. You know, with your sister and Uncle Jay and all," explained Iris, honestly masking any of the disappointment Barry knew she was feeling at the thought of being left out.

"Well, yeah it is, but that includes you, mom," stated Bart as he quickly sped back next to Iris, tiny sparks of yellow energy jumping off of his energetic body.

"Really?" Confirmed Iris, an appreciation carrying her voice that only her kids could bring to her heart.

"Ah, duh! I mean, you're practically the coolest superhero there is! Well, other than possibly me, but I'll leave that up to all of you to judge," Bart winked, jokingly as he spun lightly in a circle, his arms thrown out in a perfect showman form that brought a laugh out of both his parents.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Barry smiled happily at their exchange.

I can really see Iris' kindness shining through him and I love it.

"See, Dad agrees! So will you please train with us, mom? I promise to listen to you! Well, at least as long as I usually listen to directions in general, that is," pleaded Bart, his shoulders shrugging dismissively at his last words.

"Well, with a request like that, how could I say no?" Replied Iris, smiling caringly at their son.

"Yes! Thanks, Mom!" Bart exclaimed, happily hugging both of his parents before speeding back off down the hall to meet them in the Speed Lab.

"That was," began Iris, though her gratitude seemed too large to put into words.

"Perfect?" Suggested Barry, helpfully.

"Just the word I was looking for. Just like he is," Iris said, a wide smile still covering her face from their son's sweet request.

"Yeah, he really is. Now, let's get going before one of them decides to start without us," declared Barry, beaming brightly at his wife before he grabbed her hand and sped off, his trail of orange electricity bouncing excitedly behind the pair.

Maybe bonding over hero training can be our own little family thing?

The speedster sped to a stop just outside the large room's open blue-door entrance, carefully placing Iris on the ground beside him. Barry's eyes were soon met with the familiar thin metal desks his best friends, Cisco and Caitlin, had set up so many years prior, their large computer screens already lit up with all three of the speedsters' various suits' diagnostics.

The tall white ceiling lights shone down brightly from the arched overhead roof, the winding speed wing encompassing the space with a sort of unacknowledged scientifical elegance.

Well, at least that's how Barry had always described his friends' base of operations.

This place isn't just a lab, it's our home. And I'm not even just talking about the lab itself, but the people I met here. The moments we've shared here. That I got lucky enough to share with them.

Though the room's shining lights were nothing compared to the excited smiles that covered their two kids' faces as they talked avidly with their Uncle Jay, the latter adjusting his golden lightning-detailed belt buckle and nodding his head every few minutes just for good measure.

To be fair, nothing can really compete with them.

"And that's exactly why I should be the one who gets to show Dad my special skill first! And that's not even including the fact that my energy whip is way cooler than your lightning constructs," Nora declared, firmly placing her white-gloved hands on her hips, a successful smile covering her sweet face.

She was dressed in her violet leather-studded superhero suit, the very same suit Iris had worn in her short time as a speedster three years prior, its inner gray center decorated proudly with her small gold and black XS emblem. Her short brunette hair was brushed casually behind one of her ears, her lips covered in the unique dark magenta lip gloss that only added to their daughter's beauty. Though, somehow the thing that seemed to grab Barry's attention the most was her kind smile. The very smile that warmed his heart just to look at.

She's always going to be one of the greatest things that's happened to me and I will never stop appreciating every day I get to be her father. And even more importantly, that I get to have her as my daughter.

"Okay, firstly, they're called flying shuriken stars, and secondly, there is no way that you're cooler than I am," protested Bart, a slightly overconfident smirk hanging on his face.

He was outfitted in a metallic shiny silver and red suit, his constantly tapping feet covered by high-rise red and gold-accented boots that's brightness perfectly matched their son's enthusiasm. Two golden-angled lightning bolts similar to that of Barry's own emblem ran down his suit's chest, wrapping around the young man's back to create an evenly excessive flare.

Let's just say, I could've never pulled off the things he wears.

"How long until you think they'll notice we're here?" Whispered Barry, jokingly as he leaned up against the doorframe, his hands held casually at his red suit's sides.

"I'd give them two minutes, depending how long it takes for Jay to actually diffuse their argument," answered Iris, playfully watching their kids' conversation from what would be considered a fairly reasonable distance so as not to be in their obvious sight.

Or at least, what the parents' considered a reasonable distance.

"So, probably a lot longer?" Grinned Barry, knowingly.

There's a lot of things about him that are different from my Dad, but one trait that they both fully share is their sense of humor. Particularly when it comes to family.

"Yeah, mostly," Iris laughed quietly in agreement.

"Um, I don't think so considering I was the one who got promoted to head junior hero in the Future Speedster League," stated Nora as she folded her hands together, a mixed sense of appreciation and bragging carrying her voice.

"See, you keep saying that but I don't even think that's a thing! Like, I've literally never heard anyone else talking about it!" Complained Bart, frustratedly throwing his hands down.

"Well, they have!" Dismissed Nora, her eyes darting around the room nervously.

"Really, who?" Asked Bart, genuine curiosity held in his energetic voice as he bounced on the heels of his brightly sneakered feet.

Needless to say, the youngest speedster hadn't exactly found the best balance between his annoyance and admiration of his big sister.

But honestly, I think that just makes them even sweeter together.

"Um, there's me, and, and...Dad! Yeah, Dad was actually the one who formed the group in the first place which is probably why I'm the only full-fledged hero he let in since I'm his daughter and all," rambled Nora, her shoulders lifting up and down after every few words she spoke.

"What are the odds that you think she's lying about the whole "Speedster League" thing? Mainly because I'm guaranteed that you guys would've told Bart about it, even if he wasn't old enough to join," Iris commented, though she got no response from Barry for his eyes seemed to be locked lovingly on their daughter.

"Barry?" Repeated Iris, confusedly turning over to her husband.

"What? Oh, um, yeah, I totally think she was lying about it," replied Barry as he quickly shook his head to focus his attention back on his wife.

"You were thinking about what it would be like to be in a club with just you and Nora, weren't you?" She remarked, plainly.

"No...." Began Barry, his syllables extending on way too long not to look suspicious.

Iris just raised an eyebrow, skeptically at him.

"Okay, yeah, I was. But wouldn't it be so sweet?" Conceded Barry, a wide smile finally breaking its way onto his face.

"Of course, it would," Iris laughed lightly, a knowing smile covering her face as they turned back around to listen to the rest of their kids' conversation.

What can I say? She's my daughter, there's nothing I don't want her to be included in. Even if it's just, you know, a fake club and all.

"Aha, sure...what do you think Uncle Jay?" Bart inquired, his eyes looking searchingly into his Uncle's, their urging sweetness clearly displaying his exact intentions.

"Maybe it wouldn't be the best idea to ask him..." mumbled Nora, awkward nervousness breaking through the confident facade she was putting on in front of her little brother, though there wasn't much to protest against considering their Uncle was standing right next to them.

Jay just nodded his head encouragingly at his two grandkids, his wizened hands adjusting his slick belt automatically.

Okay, what is he playing at?

"Um, Uncle Jay, you alright?" Asked Bart, a mix of concern and confusion creeping its way into his voice as he waved his hand in front of the older man's face.

Though, in the act of trying to get his Uncle's attention, the younger man's fingers accidentally slammed into the thin metal rim of the Crimson Comet's famous silver kettle helmet, knocking it straight off the older man's head.

"Ow!" Exclaimed Bart as he quickly shook his left hand, the pain slowly ebbing from his temporarily bruised fingertips.

"Idiot..." groaned Nora, face-palming agitatedly at her brother's mistake.

"What? What's going on? Wait, where did my helmet go?" Questioned Jay, his senses slightly disoriented as he felt where the helmet used to be covering his spiky gray hair.

The three speedsters swiftly whipped their heads around, their eyes watching tensely as the metal kettle slowly rolled like a spinning dreidel across the smooth tile ground (Please don't be towards us, please don't be towards us...), the two tiny lightning bolt-shaped decorations acting as its' top stopping it just before it slammed into the front of Iris' black high heel successfully revealing the two parents' hiding spots.

"Hey, kids," waved Iris as the pair fully stepped out into the middle of the room, Barry quickly picking up the older speedster's helmet and awkwardly handing it back to him.

"Mom, Dad! How long have you two been watching us?!" Exclaimed Nora, hoping beyond hope that maybe they hadn't at least seen her horrible attempt at a lie.

"Yeah, and please tell me you guys weren't doing what you were in Cortex earlier," added Bart, playfully gesturing between his two parents.

"What? Why would you even say that?!" Cried Nora, cringing dramatically at the thought of exactly what her brother was implying.

"Well, that's what they were doing just a few minutes ago so, I just thought..." Protested Bart as he rolled his hands over one another.

"No, don't think about it again!" Scolded Nora as she lightly punched his shoulder in frustration.

"No, no not at all! We were just, you know, listening from a safe distance," reassured Barry, his words spilling out of his mouth even more awkwardly than he thought they'd be.

"Which we won't be doing again for obvious reasons," reassured Iris, both parents firmly nodding in unison at their kids.

"Thanks, but we both know that's not true," joked Nora, playfully before both the kids pulled their parents into a group hug, Bart making sure to grab their Uncle Jay, too.

We really are lucky that future us raised such understanding kids.

"But in all seriousness, you didn't hear everything we were saying, did you, Dad?" Nora whispered quietly to her father, the two pulling ever so slightly out of their family hug.

Her desperate puppy dog eyes were the only indicator Barry needed to see to know how to answer his daughter's question.

"No, we only came in just a minute before Jay's helmet dropped. Is there something wrong?" Replied Barry, his words intentionally sounding coy.

I may not be the best liar, or even a half decent one, but when it comes to helping my daughter, nothing is too big of a task to ask for.

"Oh, no, Bart and I were just messing around with a few things," shrugged Nora, an excited bounce following her words before she quickly pulled her Dad back into a tight embrace.

The feel of his daughter's head pressing against his red-suited chest brought an immense rush of love to Barry's heart. The same exact rush he'd felt anytime he got to spend time with his daughter.

Yeah, thankful doesn't describe how glad I am to have her back in my life.

"I did just have one question to ask you though, Jay," began Iris, a look of perplexed intrigue covering her face as the five finally pulled out of their long embrace.

"Go ahead and ask away," encouraged Jay as he adjusted the collar of his red Crimson Comet leather jacket, Bart smiling widely as he did so.

Did he just do that every few seconds to impress his grandkids? Mostly, but Barry couldn't really complain considering how cool he thought it was anytime Oliver did it to impress him.

Not that he technically said those words aloud, but I'm sure he was thinking it.

"Why weren't you answering the kids' questions?" Asked Iris, quizzically.

"Yeah, Mom's right! Was something wrong?" Added Bart as he confusedly turned to his Uncle, the latter wearing a face of somewhat guiltiness.

Jay breathed a quick breath, his eyes darting conspicuously around the room as Barry and Iris shared a mutual look of annoyance.

"What did you do?" Pushed Barry, plainly, both parents already having a strong feeling that they weren't going to find his excuse as funny as he'd intended it to be.

I'm definitely starting to see who Bart learned his recklessness from.

"When you two started arguing earlier, I figured your parents would be right in so, I kinda, you know, just put earphones in so I wouldn't have to get in the middle of it," admitted Jay, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, though his facial expression still showed the proudness he held of his own plan.

"Really?!" Exclaimed Nora, throwing her hands out, agitatedly.

"Yeah, that's so not crash, Uncle Jay!" Moaned Bart, crossing his arms over one another in an attempt to look just as frustrated as his older sister.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Jay responded hurriedly which luckily for him was quick enough to avoid Iris' glare which would've soon followed if not for his swift apology to her children.

"Can we all just mostly agree to forget about anything we did earlier, today, and enjoy the time we're about to spend together? You know, training as a family and all," suggested Barry, his words spoken both to diffuse all of their growing frustrations and because he honestly was that excited to get to train his kids.

Who wouldn't be when you have a family like them?

"That sounds great!!" Agreed Nora, a wide smile covering her face at her father's offer.

"Which I totally did not just say that quickly...oh, what the heck! I totally did! This is going to be so schway!!!" Beamed Nora brightly before she threw her arms around her Dad again, squeezing him tightly with excitement.

"Yeah, I think Nora said it perfectly," smiled Iris, her brown eyes looking lovingly into her husband's blue ones.

"I mean, someone would have to be pretty stupid to pass up a chance at getting trained by the legendary, "Flash!" Declared Bart as he bounced on the heels of his sneakers with almost as much enthusiasm as his sister smiled with.

"Anything to get me out of this conversation," nodded Jay, prompting a jovial laugh from both of his grandkids.

"As long as that's okay with you, that is?" He asked Iris, his voice holding a polite tone none of them had ever heard him fully reach before this very conversation.

Nora and Bart leaned in close to their father, each squeezing one of his arms tightly in anticipation as they carefully listened for their mother's response.

Is it okay to say that I love this? Because I really, really do.

"For the kids' sake, I guess that's okay," Iris finally conceded, laughing at their performance of sorts beside Barry.

"Thank you, Iris," smiled Jay, bowing slightly in appreciation before pushing the silver helmet back onto his head, flicking the front rim for an added sense of flair.

"Wow, that's awesome," Bart quietly remarked in awe, Barry and Nora smiling lightly at his comment.

"No problem, Jay. Now, let's get started on training before it gets too late," announced Iris, cupping her hands together with soft excitement.

Just the kind that made Barry's heart skip several beats with happiness.

"Yes! Especially since I'm already starving and Pops said he was going to pay for dinner which means there's no way I'm skipping that," quipped Bart, playfully spinning on his heels one last time for good measure.

Barry just laughed lightly at his son's remark.

Yeah, hearing my kids' call me Dad is never going to get old...

Within only two minutes (well twenty seconds of Flashtime anyway), the entire Speed Lab was transformed into the perfect training arena for the heroes. Multiple tan-foam dummies lined the wall opposite the arched entrance to the winding speed tunnel, their thick black bases positioned readily for the speedsters' punches. Tiny red targets were stuck to various sections of the room's metal pillars, enabling the young speedsters' pinpoint areas as to where they could feasibly throw their lightning bolts without damaging the large building's structural integrity.

Barry's personal favorite touch of the space though had to be the delicate glass, black-framed white board placed just between two of the computer set-ups, its new pane shining enticingly under the roof's bright white lights.

Let's just say that training with Allegra last week didn't exactly go as well as I'd anticipated. But luckily for us, this thing's been broken so many times that I'm pretty sure we'll always be able to put it back together at this point.

"And done!" Grinned Bart, confidently rubbing his hands together at a job well done.

"You mean, that the set-up is done," corrected Nora as her slick yellow-booted feet sped to a stop beside her father.

"Well, yeah, that's what I meant," shrugged Bart, vaguely brushing off his sister's objection.

Though, both those two things were far from out of the ordinary for the Tornado Twins to do to one another.

"Okay, in all seriousness, are you two ready to focus?" Confirmed Barry, his gentle fatherly tone only slightly more strict than he typically held it.

Which happened to be far kinder of an approach than the usual one he used with his trainees.

In my defense, Ralph needed the discipline. Wally, well...that one's mostly on me.

"Of course, Dad! I mean, yeah, if you are," Nora scoffed, trying her very best to embrace her mother's fierceness.

"Bring it on, old man," teased Bart, confidently.

Iris stifled back a laugh as she moved up the few steps that separated the computer systems from the training space, her high heels' soft clicking resounding around the wide space with perfect accuracy.

"Okay, Mister, just for that comment, I'm going to start with your sister first," Barry stated, jokingly as he gestured for Nora to join him at the front of the room.

"Wait, what? I was just joking," quickly corrected Bart, but it was too late for Nora wasted no time in taking up their father's offer.

"Told you I'd win," Nora whispered proudly in her little brother's ear before speeding over next to Barry.

Bart huffed frustratedly, dropping down into a nearby seat beside Jay.

"Don't worry Kid, it doesn't matter what place you go because you're going to impress them either way," he reassured his grandson, clapping an understanding hand on the youngest speedster's shoulder.

"I hope so," Bart replied, the slightest hint of nervousness creeping into his voice as he intently watched his sister's demonstration.

"So, what do you wanna start with first?" Asked Barry, his gentle smile bringing one of equal love to his daughter's face.

"Wait, you want me to choose? Are you sure because I'm sure you have the perfect idea in mind already," reasoned Nora, modestly looking up into her father's eyes.

"Any idea you have is the only perfect one for us," Barry stated, Nora's smile widening at his words.

I tried to baby her the first time around because I didn't want her getting hurt, but now that she's standing here beside me, I can see just how great of a hero, how great of a person she's grown into. And there is nothing I'd rather do than let her finally take the lead.

"Okay, well, thanks, Dad," Nora smiled brightly, his comforting words sending the confidence she needed rushing through her veins.

"Anything for you," said Barry, squeezing his daughter's shoulders, lovingly.

"Aw, they're so sweet together," remarked Bart, his tone held at just a level between teasing and sweet.

"Yeah, they really are," agreed Iris before she planted a gentle kiss on her son's forehead.

"Well, if I'm starting our hero training then, maybe I can show you how to use a lightning whip? You know, if you want to learn, that is," suggested Nora, excitedly.

"That's a great idea," Barry replied as the two speedsters quickly tapped their chest's lightning symbols' centers, activating Iris' status monitors.

I know I've technically already learned how to use that particular skill, but when it comes to being with my amazing daughter, there's nothing I'd ever turn down in place of spending time with her. Plus, I've long since learned that I never really know everything when it comes to our kids. Hence, you know, us having a second one and all.

"Everything good on your side?" Barry asked his wife as the red nano-tech Flash mask formed over his face, covering his tousled brunette hair.

"Yep, everything looks good on my side," answered Iris, nodding her head at her husband.

"Then let's run," Barry announced.

Both of the two speedsters pulled their right arms backwards, letting the force of their vibrantly colored purple and orange electricity, respectively, power their muscles' every movement before they yanked their arms forward, whips of bright lightning forming in their dominant hands. Both lines of electricity slashed forward at their according test blockers, only XS' moved much quicker, the impact of the attack slicing the head of the dummy clean off its foam neck where it rolled a few inches across the floor. Though, The Flash was far from as precise as his light weapon only cut the side of the tester's face before he stumbled slightly out of balance, barely catching himself on his own two feet before falling over.

Yeah, you're really going to impress them with skills like that, Barry.

He cocked his head slightly to the side, an expression of confused surprise covering his face.

"Oops, no!" Exclaimed Nora as she swiftly sped over and grabbed the dummy's head, tucking it under her arm in hopes of making the fake appendage invisible.

"Well, that was...something," commented Barry, a short sigh of annoyance at his own mistake breaking up his words.

"If by something, you mean awesome!" Cried Bart, practically jumping out of his seat, a wide grin of excitement covering his energetic face.

"Not that you're going to be doing that in the field yourself, right?" Confirmed Iris, taking extra caution to firmly meet her son's eyes.

"Oh, yeah, of course, Mom," he vaguely responded, his eyes darting to his Uncle for help.

"Eh, sorry, Kid. Gotta agree with your mom on this one," said Jay, honestly.

"Well, yeah, that's fair," sighed Bart, nodding his head understandingly at his Uncle's response.

"Glad we can agree," smiled Iris, softly at him as she casually leaned up against the desk.

"See, it's fine! Just needs a ltttle bit of a touch-up, that's all," stated Nora as she carefully secured the dummy's head back on its body.

Though that thoughtful act only lasted a few seconds before it proceeded to once again fall straight off its body.

"It's fine, we'll just fix it later," Barry said, gently waving his daughter's next attempt at fixing it off.

"Probably," giggled Nora, nervously brushing a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear.

I did that like a million times in just my first week here so, I'm pretty sure she's good.

"How about you try and-" Began Barry, his sentence suddenly being finished by his daughter.

"And adjust your arm positioning? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," said Nora as she hurriedly moved over to him, the latter nodding awkwardly in agreement.

It's really nice having someone almost as awkward as I am here. Makes for good company.

"Okay, you wanna pull your right arm back like this," Nora instructed, slowly demonstrating her words as she spoke.

"So like this?" Barry asked, his fingers pressed closely against one another as he drew his arm back in a similar motion to hers, only a little quicker.

"Yeah! Just if you could move your left leg back a little bit more," answered Nora as she lightly used her knee to bump her father's limb forward.

The other three family members watched the father-daughter pair intently, smiling appreciatively at how sweet they were together.

"You know, I'm kinda glad I let Nora go first," commented Bart, his smile only growing wider as the pair laughed jovially at her accidentally sweeping his lanky legs, both speedsters falling clumsily onto the tile ground.

"Me too," whispered Iris as she sat down on her son's opposite side, draping her arm caringly over his shoulders.

"I know I haven't technically said it too many times to this time's version of you, but I love you, Mom," spoke Bart, happily as he leaned closer into his mother's embrace, resting his head lightly against her shoulder blade.

Iris felt her heart fill with warmth at her son's words, gratitude once again nearly rendering her speechless.

"I love you, too, Bart," Iris replied, giving her son a gentle kiss on the forehead.

After about another half an hour, Nora was finally success in teaching her father the special skill she'd "perfected" over the years, the pair performing simultaneously perfect lightning whips, their purple and orange energies' colliding into one of the dummy's chest in what was both a powerful attack and a beautiful representation of their love for one another.

"Yes! We did it!" Exclaimed Nora as she proudly high-fived her father, panting slightly from the excessive training.

"Well, I did have the best teacher," complimented Barry, his kind smile warming Nora's tired heart.

"Aw, Dad, you're gonna make me cry," giggled Nora, sweetly before she threw her short arms around her father's upper body.

It's the truth. She's the best teacher I've ever had, and it's not just because she's my daughter. It's because she's Nora.

"Great job, guys," congratulated Iris as the other three family members joined them across the room, Barry taking extra care to give his wife a quick kiss on the lips.

"I cannot believe you just did that! It was SO crash!" Exclaimed Bart as he and Nora grabbed each other's hands and jumped up and down in excitement, their matching metallic silver nails shining under the room's white lights.

"I know!!!" Beamed Nora, happily before the two siblings quickly returned to their casually calm positions as if they'd always been acting seriously around the experts known as their parents and Uncle.

"But we're only halfway done because now it's your turn to show me your crash skill, Bart," stated Barry, clapping his red-gloved hands together.

"Ugh, really, Pops? I thought we talked about using future slang," moaned Bart, playfully at his father's outdated understanding of his kids' hip new future lingo.

"What? Did I say it wrong again?" Asked Barry, confusedly looking from Bart to Nora.

"It was closer, Dad," replied Nora, her voice raised to such an octave that clearly showed she was lying.

"Now, let's give Bart and Dad a minute to talk," she quickly added, grabbing Iris and Jay's arms and forcibly speeding them back over to the computers.

"Good luck, Kid!" Jay called, vaguely over his shoulder before being yanked across the space by his granddaughter, a look of confused thoughtfulness still covering Barry's face.

It's the thought that counts, right?

"So...does that mean that it's my turn?" Confirmed Bart, the young man balancing impatiently on the tips of his toes.

"Well, technically, it's my turn to learn one of Impulse's many amazingly flashy talents," complimented Barry, playfully.

Bart just laughed happily at his Dad's pun, nodding his head approvingly.

"Better?" Barry confirmed, hopefulness carrying his voice.

"Much better," reassured Bart, acceptingly taking a bow similar to the one Jay had taken earlier, only his son's had a much more entertaining feel to it.

Or maybe it's just because we're talking about Bart that I feel that way.

"Now, I already have an idea as to what I want to teach you," Bart smiled, widely at his father.

Barry raised an eyebrow curiously at his son, excited to see what his response would be.

"You're going to learn the art of the flying golden shurikens of Impulse," Bart announced, proudly placing his hands on his hips.

"Can't wait," Barry smiled lovingly at his son.

Anything is fun as long as I'm getting to do it with him. But this? Yeah, this sounds like it's going to be pretty cool...

"Which is good because training starts now," stated Bart before he quickly sped off into the tunnel that encompassed the lower section of the space, bright yellow lightning sparking behind his shiny silver-suited back.

Though not before Barry inconspicuously wrapped one of their slick white statistic tracking bracelets on his son's right wrist.

I think he may have forgotten that his suit doesn't have the built-in icon like Nora and I's.

The glass-paned tunnel was soon blasted with light as the father-son speedster duo sped continuously around its curves, their orange and yellow electricity trails mixing together to create a blindingly beautiful scene that even the likes of Nora, who had vibrantly colored lightning herself, couldn't watch without getting a headache. The Flash felt the familiar force of gravity whipping roughly against his back, his legs effortlessly powering forward against the pressure.

Nothing will ever compare to this feeling. The feeling of running, of saving people's lives, of doing it all beside my family.

But as the two speedsters turned towards the exit of the tunnel, Barry realized one fatal flaw in his son's plan. He never gave him any directions!

"Uh, what exactly are they doing?" Thought Nora aloud as she and Iris watched the two racing speedsters' vitals cautiously, Jay keeping a keen eye on their flashy footwork.

"I'm not quite sure, but I have a feeling we're going to find out in a moment," replied Iris, slight tension hanging in voice.

"Get down now," urged Jay as he quickly ducked behind the desk, pulling both Nora and Iris down with him.

The Flash sped just outside the tunnel's exit, his red-booted feet smoothly coming to a stop.

Though, his plan of catching his son's attention was futile for when the younger speedster swiftly turned the corner, his lightning-fueled shuriken was already being released towards the room's center space where he'd anticipated for the dummy to be. Only, his intended target was covered by his father's unsuspecting form.

Oh no, not again...

And before The Flash could even move, the flying yellow throwing star crashed into the hero's chest, launching him backwards several feet and through the newly repaired glass whiteboard.

"Dad!" Cried Bart as he quickly sped over to his fallen father's side, kneeling down beside the shattered shards of glass that surrounded the injured hero, their other three family members close behind him.

"It's alright. I'm okay, Bart," breathed Barry, his breaths heavy as he slowly stirred in the whiteboard's tiny wreckage.

"I'm so sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to," apologized Bart, his optimistic smile having been instantaneously replaced by a look of worry.

"It's okay, literally all of us have done this exact thing to him," commented Nora, her movements stopping short at her own words.

"That sounded a little bit better in my head," admitted Nora, sheepishly as Iris gently rubbed her daughter's back.

"It always does, Kid," sighed Jay, his words carried by just the type of mystery Barry loved hearing him talk about.

"No, it's alright, Bart. Your sister is right about it happening all the time, including me doing it several times myself during training," Barry reassured as he gratefully took one of Bart's and Jay's extended hands, the two men pulling The Scarlet Speedster back onto his bruised feet.

But unfortunately for me, most of the people I was training with back then didn't have speed-healing.

"Yeah, your father's right, Bart," added Iris, gently, her eyes meeting Barry, silently checking to make sure her husband was okay to which he nodded reassuringly.

"I know, but you're my Dad, I don't wanna hurt you," protested Bart, looking down at the ground, regretfully.

"And you never will," promised Barry, whole-heartedly believing his own words as he placed his hand gently on his son's shoulder.

And without another word, Bart just threw his arms around his Dad's body, pulling him into a tight hug. Barry slowly shut his eyes, a small smile covering his face as he felt his son's head resting gently on his shoulder.

The way that he cares so much about all of us...I just couldn't be happier to call him my son.

"Awwww, you guys are so sweet together," smiled Nora, happily.

"But not as sweet as us," joked Iris as she playfully placed an arm over her daughter's shoulder.

"Well, I don't think anyone could deny that," reasoned Nora, Barry and Bart laughing jovially at her comment.

Iris' smile perfectly matched her daughter's, her brown eyes filled with the loving softness Barry would never not love seeing.

"Ready to try again?" Bart asked Barry, the peppy bounce returned to his every step.

"With directions this time, you mean?" Teased Nora, bumping shoulders amusingly.

"Eh, we'll see," he winked, a wide grin covering his face as he spun around on his heels and sped back off to the tunnel's entrance.

"Please just make sure there's directions," Iris whispered to Barry, the latter just nodding his head in agreement before he joined his son across the room.

Second time's the charm...

An Hour Later...

"So...that wasn't bad...right?" Remarked Bart as he dropped down onto the Speed Lab's tile ground, his arms and legs sprawled out in exhaustion.

" were great..." Panted Barry as he sat beside his son, his right arm resting tiredly on top of his uplifted knee.

The experienced speedster was always up for a good training session, but even he had to admit that maybe now was a good time to take a break.

"Thanks. Wanna go again?" Offered Bart as he blinked the tiredness out of his brown eyes, wiggling his fingers slightly so as to help the numbing sensation dissipate.

"Uh, I think now might be a good time to call it a day. You know, so we can get to that dinner I promised you," answered Barry, hoping his redirection of the conversation would stop him from looking too tired.

Though, he didn't have to say it twice for his son to agree for he mostly felt the same way.

"I was hoping you'd say no," admitted Bart, honestly before they both pushed themselves back onto their feet.

I honestly don't know how Oliver used to do the whole "Never sleeping thing," but let's just say that that's a skill I'll probably never be able to go without.

The two speedsters slowly walked over to the computer set-up where their three family members were watching an action movie Jay had picked out for the group.

"Hey, guys, how'd everything go?" Asked Iris as she tapped the screen's film off, Nora and Jay soon pulling out their earbuds, too.

"Great for day one, but I think we both still have a lot to learn," replied Barry, their son returning his kind comment with a smile of equal love.

"Which we will totally be doing tomorrow but right now, I'm starving," declared Bart, his arms stretching out widely so as to dramatically demonstrate his hunger.

"But you're literally always eating," remarked Nora, incredulously as she pushed her metal desk chair in.

"Yeah, you're point?" Shrugged Bart, plainly.

"Ugh..." moaned Nora, rolling her eyes in agitation at her little brother's antics.

"Okay, how 'bout' I take you two back to the Loft to get ready for dinner so your parents can have a minute to talk," stated Jay as he pressed a hand on each of his grandkids' backs, lightly pushing them out the door, taking extra care to shoot both Barry and Iris a light head nod before the three speedsters disappeared among Star Labs' many long halls.

He can be responsible, occasionally.

"You did great with them, today," complimented Iris as she placed her arms delicately around her husband's neck, smiling softly at him.

"Thanks, but that's only because I had you here by my side the whole time," spoke Barry, his bright blue eyes looking lovingly into hers.

She's my everything. Always.

"We have the best kids," Barry whispered, gently as Iris laid her head on his muscular shoulder.

"And they have the best parents," added Iris, her light breath blowing gently across the back of Barry's neck.

We're all always going to be the best because of one reason; we have each other.

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