You Have Made Me The Happiest Father In This World (Season 2, Episode 22)

Dedicated to NoraXSWest-AllenFam, @bloodypunkkk, @CamrynKissel, and olivermanwh0requeen for their amazingly kind support of my Arrowverse work. I truly appreciate all of your votes and comments :)

Author's Notes: Hi, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well, today.

Before I quickly explain exactly why I chose to recreate this scene, I must put one disclaimer first; this story has a high likelihood of making you cry.

This particular recreation of mine details the scene where Henry Allen is killed by Zoom in front of his son, Barry (with a little bit of extra parts in the mix to add even more emphasis as to just how great the Allens’ relationship truly was). It took all the determination I had in my heart to write this because I literally could not stop crying, when watching the scene or writing this here, because I’m going to be completely honest when I say that when Barry cries, I cry, too.

Anyways, love you all and hope you enjoy :)

“And that’s the moment I realized just how embarrassed your mother truly was by my dancing,” finished Henry Allen, a soft laugh soon following the end of his story he so fondly told his son as they walked down the gravel paved sidewalk of one of Central City’s many winding streets.

He wore a casual navy blue sweater that matched well with his worn old black jeans that looked years old, despite only being bought weeks prior. His gray hair was tousled on top of his head, leading even more credence to the lack of attention he paid towards his physical appearance. One of the only things that prison hadn’t changed in his life. Along with the immense love he felt for his son, that is.

“Oh, is that why she never wanted to go to those community dances with us?” Confirmed Barry, a feeling of humorous realization slowly rushing over his body.

An optimistic smile seemed to be plastered onto the young man’s face, complete joy running through his veins as if a million tiny sparks of energy practically jumped at his every movement forward.

I don’t know how I got lucky enough to have moments like these. To get to have him here next to me after being separated for so many years, to get to see his smile without a plexiglass barrier breaking us apart. But I will always love every second of it. Just like I’ve always loved him.

“Yes, that and the fact that most of those dances were only a two person thing and we both knew you were a better dancer than the two of us combined so, we had to give you a challenge,” joked Henry as he watched his son’s black and white sneakers click against the ground with quiet appreciation at his father’s words.

“I’m not really sure that’s true,” protested Barry, politely, the moon’s evening white light reflecting off of his wide smile with a sort of gentle glow.

“I’m sure it is. In every sense of the word,” reassured Henry, honestly as he placed a comforting arm around his son’s shoulders, the latter leaning his head close to his dad’s chest as they slowly walked forward, talking in nearly every little object which lay around them. A habit they had picked up ever since the older man was released from prison nearly a year ago. 

I know he says I’m better than they ever were, I just don’t think that’s a level anyone can reach.

The crisp night breeze blew lightly against the two men’s backs, the tips of Barry’s spiky brunette hair moving slightly under the weather’s pressure. Various colored cars raced past them, the roar of their loud engines blaring through the young man’s eardrums louder than a blow horn, though he seemed to only truly hear the slow beat of his father’s kind heart against the side of his head. Tall oak trees’ green leaves were littered across the dirty pavement, their pointy stems crunching under the men’s feet as they walked thoughtfully towards the West Household.

I wouldn’t honestly mind if this lasted for a while more…you know, if Iris hadn’t told me that she wanted to talk to me about something. But if it were any other circumstance, then yes!

“So, how are things going with Iris?” Inquired Henry, a knowing smirk covering his face as they turned left towards the road that lay only a few houses away from the Wests’ home.

A fact Barry knew by heart at this point.

“What do you mean? Iris and I are just friends,” replied Barry quickly, his cheeks flushing bright red in embarrassment.

“Not with the way you two’ve been looking at each other,” commented Henry, humorously.

“C’mon, Dad, we’re just…wait, was she really looking at me like that?” Asked Barry, unable to hold back his excitement towards the possibility of Iris ever liking him as anything more than a friend.

I mean, she’s Iris. Anyone would be crazy not to want to be with her.

“One-hundred percent,” stated Henry, clearly as a small grin formed on his lined face.

“That would be so great…I just don’t know if I’m good enough for a girl like her,” admitted Barry, sighing heavily at the thought.

For so many years he had wanted nothing more than to tell Iris how he felt about her, to tell her that she was his everything, like she’d always had been, but the time he originally picked wasn’t exactly opportune, to say the least.

I just don’t think either of us could take going through that again if she isn’t ready for something more yet.

“Son, you’re great enough for any girl you want, especially Iris. And I know that if you keep showing her that big heart of yours then, one of these days she’ll notice what an amazing man you are. Like I’ve always known,” reassured Henry as he clapped his hands on each of his son’s shoulders, proudly.

Barry’s already happy smile seemed to grow a little bigger at his father’s words, his eyes seemingly searching the ground in thought.

“Thanks, Dad, for everything,” replied Barry, appreciatively, his head still resting against his father’s shoulder as he leaned a little closer into the embrace he’d been forced to go so long without. 

“Anytime, Barry. Anytime,” whispered Henry back, a warmth that could only be described as a father’s love for his child coursing through his veins.

Could we really have a chance at trying this out? You knew, like the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing! That would literally be the best thing to have ever happened to me!

The two Allens soon felt the soles of their shoes tap lightly against the red-painted wooden steps of the cozy West home, the older man’s worn hand brushing gently against one of the white rails that protected its incoming residents and or guests. The slightly slanted old oat brown and white roof casting a calm shadow over the two men’s heads as they walked up to the maroon oak front door.

A few orange lights shone dimly from inside, showing that someone was indeed waiting inside to greet them.

There’s no way something Iris planned for Dad or I could ever be bad. Or anything she does in general, for that matter. 

“Oh, wait, wait, wait, Dad!” exclaimed Barry, hurriedly shooting his arm out in front of Henry so as to get his attention as quickly as possible.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Henry asked his son, confusedly.

“Well, you know, we should act surprised when we see whatever she has planned,” reasoned Barry, smiling awkwardly at his father.

“Considering we don’t even really know what it is yet, that shouldn’t be a problem, Slugger,” replied Henry, honestly, a sort of comforting understanding hidden behind his hazel eyes for he could tell how nervous he was about going inside.

I could just be making something out of nothing, too. I mean, maybe she and Joe just called us over to watch TV…

“What in the world…” thought Barry aloud, a look of appreciation covering his face at the house’s interior.

The smooth dining room table was covered with plastic teal blue plates and shiny silver utensils, two leafy green bouquets of white roses standing elegantly on the table’s center. Various serving dishes filled with spaghetti, Hawaiian rolls, green beans, gravy, and steak filled the portions of the table where the places were not already set as Iris, Caitlin, and Wally put the final touches on its display of deliciousness.

Wow, this looks amazing!

“What is this?” Asked Barry in disbelief, his eyes seemingly gathering the full list of his closest family and friends who idled around the tan-walled space (with the exception of Harry because he was still resting in Star Labs after his injury following Black Siren’s recent attack).

“Blame Iris,” answered Cisco, knowingly as he poured half a glass of red wine for Joe and himself, a playful smirk covering his face.

“Okay, I just figured that since Henry is officially back for good, we should celebrate,” started Iris, side-eyeing Cisco slightly in annoyance, though her attention seemed mostly only focused on the Allen men.

Or rather, one of them in particular.

Barry smiled over at Henry, both in appreciation of Iris’ nice gesture and just for being there with him. Something his father returned in kind as evenly as he could when it came to someone trying to out smile Barry.

“And since Zoom is gone for good, and the city is quiet right now,” finished Iris, happily as the loose wavy strands of her black, Hollywood high-up bun of hair brushed lightly against the thin upper section of the olive green and yellow flower dress that ended just above her knees.

She honestly looks beautiful in anything, but that dress perfectly matches her smile.

“I appreciate it, Iris. Thank you,” replied Henry as he and Barry casually removed their coats before joining their friends across the room, the latter merely dropping his khaki-colored denim jacket on the ground beside the short-stepped stairs nearby.

A habit he had no doubt picked up while living with Joe and Iris in the house’s walls for so many years.

“Hi, Tina,” said Henry, jovially as his right hand inconspicuously twiddled with the soft collar of his jacket.

“Hello, Henry,” responded Tina with just as much enthusiasm in her voice as the older gentleman had spoken with moments prior.

“Jesse, hi,” added Henry, cordially to which she nodded, walking out of the living room as quickly as her black high heels could carry her.

Needless to say, she was extremely intelligent in more ways than one.

“I hope you don’t mind that I invited Doctor Mcgee,” commented Iris, her gentle hand resting placidly on top of one of the dining room chairs as Barry leaned up against the closest seat to hers.

“It seems like somebody’s glad you did,” he responded, smiling knowingly as the pair looked across the room at where Henry and Mcgee sat on the couch talking avidly with one another.

“Mmhum,” Iris laughed, lightly at the unexpected turn of uvents she definitely hadn’t anticipated when inviting the woman.

It looks like I’m not the only one here hoping to talk to a special someone…

“So, I guess you are invincible,” sighed Iris, her hands folded over one another, thoughtfully.

“Told you, the speed force is with us,” stated Barry, a goofy grin held on his face as his fingers tapped the table’s top, excitedly.

Iris nodded in agreement, the bright smile Barry knew so well still shining vibrantly under the ceiling’s orange tinted light.

Now that I’ve finally dealt with some of my grief about my mother’s death, confronted that pain that’s haunted me for so long, I just feel so, so free. More so than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

“Since I’m feeling extra invincible lately, what do you say you and I maybe give this a shot?” Asked Barry, his every word sending a powerful wave of excitement and hope shooting through him.

Usually, this would be the very moment where crippling anxiety would spread throughout his whole body, awaiting to hear her inevitable denial of his question, yet for some reason that he couldn’t quite explain, he felt as if everything was going to be okay, no matter what happened.

I love her and now that I know that she has feelings for me, too, I’ll wait as long as I have to if that means I get to be with her.

Iris’ brown eyes stared into his blue ones for several seconds, a smile still covering her beautiful face.

“Yeah, I would like that,” Iris replied, warm tension immediately filling the minimal air that stood between the two possible lovers.

I can’t believe I’m actually going to get to go on a date with thee Iris West! The literal girl of my dreams! This day could not get any better.

The pair suddenly snapped out of their shared gaze as Wally walked back over to the table, his thin gray dress shirt rubbing softly against his chest as he moved.

“So, is it true? You saved The Flash’s life?” Asked Jesse, curiously as she casually placed another small bowl of dinner rolls next to the overly gigantic serving dish of fresh green salad.

“Ohhh, I mean, um, I was just in the right place at the right time,” answered Wally as he looked down, modestly.

“I’m proud of you, Wally. You did good,” corrected Joe, kindly.

Barry nodded in agreement, having had a certain level of extra appreciation for the kid’s recent actions.

I think that kinda’s bound to happen though when someone saves you from a sonic screaming metahuman who’s about to kill you. But Wally, he’s a great kid and he deserves more credit than he gives himself, too.

“Thanks, Dad,” smiled Wally, his external motions clearly not even showing a fraction of the amount of thankfulness he felt towards his father’s words.

Jesse giggled lightly at the father-son exchange, a small smile covering her face.

“What?” Urged Wally, interestedly.

“I’m just proud of you, too,” shrugged Jesse, bumping shoulders gently with him.

Wally laughed quietly back, a look of awkward intrigue lingering on his dimpled face.

“Soup’s on,” announced Caitlin, a tan oven mitt held jovially in each of her extended hands.

“Yes, takin out a city full of monsters makes a man hungry,” quipped Cisco, rubbing his hands together excitedly as the remaining members of the group slowly gathered around the table.

Laughter emulated around the room at the scientist’s joke, agreeing whole-heartedly with his sentiments.

That’s an especially true fact for speedsters, though.

“First, a toast,” declared Joe as he raised his quarter full wine glass up high, everyone soon following his same motions.

“To family,” finished Joe, proudly looking at the three wonderful people across from him whom he was lucky enough to call his kids.

“To family,” they all repeated with just as much appreciation as the wise older man, Barry smiling lovingly at both of his fathers.

All the best people I’ve known are standing right here with me and that is something I’ll always be grateful for.

  “That’s my kind of toast. Short and sweet, let’s eat,” said Cisco as he gestured towards the excellent aroma that wafted up from the many dishes that lined the table’s surface.

Joe just laughed, jovially as they all took a small sip of their variously colored beverages.

But just as he was moving up to his chair, Cisco suddenly froze in place, his eyes seemingly lost to the void that was his inner thoughts.

Barry’s smile slowly faded as he saw his friend take a few steps backwards, seemingly trying to blink away an awful nightmare he’d just been forced to bear witness to.

“Cisco, what is it?” Asked Barry, cautiously as he instinctively placed his glass down on the table so as to free his hands for any fight that would surely be coming.

He’s never vibed anything good yet. 

Cisco’s eyes darted around the room, his senses still heavily disoriented by his prophetic vision.

“What’d you see?” Urged Barry, his whole body going rigid with anticipation at what his friend’s response may be.

“What’d you mean see?” Questioned Wally as he looked from Barry to Cisco in confusion.

“Cisco gets visions,” Caitlin answered, her attention held just as strongly on Cisco as Barry’s was.

If there was one person standing in the room that was more scared of the terrifying monster known as Zoom, it was definitely Caitlin.

“I don’t understand,” sighed Cisco, his eyes drifting around the room in disbelief.

“What Cisco?” Pushed Joe, sternly staring at the younger man, searching determinedly for an explanation like a good detective always does at the sign of danger.

“Earth-2 splitting in half, straight down to the poles,” began Cisco, as everyone around the table exchanged looks of worry.

No, there’s no way we’re going to let that happen. Zoom’s already caused enough damage as it is.

“Tell me I didn’t just vibe the future. Please tell me I did not just see the end of the world,” stated Cisco, desperately hoping to hear any of his friends’ protests.

But just as Barry was about to answer, he felt a spine-numbingly cold chill rush through his veins like freezing cold ice.

There was only one person, one thing that could cause that sort of feeling.


Within the single moment it took for the others to blink, a terrifying masked black blur raced through the locked front door, blue energy pulsating off of its deformed body. Barry’s eyes went wide as he watched the monster wrap its left muscular arm around Henry’s neck, its demonic claws resting menacingly against his father’s shoulder.

“Our story continues, Flash,” spat Zoom, his low, raspy voice ringing throughout the entire house as Henry struggled under the creature’s grasp.

His endlessly dark slits for eyes ferociously locked with his enemy’s before racing out of the room.

Without a second’s hesitation, Barry blasted out of the house after Zoom, orange lightning flying past his entire body as he pushed forward as forcibly as he could.

No, not Dad. He’s not going to take him from me.

Barry watched as various outlines of buildings in his beloved city flew past him faster than the average person could breathe, every thought extinguished from his mind except the sole goal of saving his father. 

I have to save him. I just, I just have to.

The speedsters ran across the dirtied road that separated the familiar sight of a certain silent street, bringing back distant memories Barry refused to let himself dwell on.

He pushed himself as hard as he could forward, his face mere inches from touching the monster’s back as the latter threw open the creaky old door of Barry’s nearly forgotten home.

The chips on its surface still lay unfinished, much similar to that of the young boy’s trauma regarding the terrific event that had occurred within its smudged blue walls. 

“Dad, Dad,” called Barry, softly as his eyes frantically searched every possible place where the monster could be holding his father hostage until finally, he stopped just outside his old home’s living room.

Barry suddenly froze as he saw the unmasked face of his enemy, Hunter Zolomon, staring back at him. 

“It’s poetic, returning to your childhood home,” remarked Zoom, utter cruelty carrying his every syllable as his grip tightened around Henry’s neck.

Barry felt the fingertips of his red-gloved hands shaking at his sides, the metallic yellow and white lightning bolt emblem reflecting the fear that lay hidden behind his father’s eyes.

I have to save him. I had to watch helplessly as Thawne killed my mother right here and there is no way in hell I’m doing that ever again. I won’t let it happen.

“Jay, don’t do this,” breathed Barry as he took a few steps towards the villain, his head shaking in disbelief.

“I’m begging you, I’m begging you! Take me! Kill me!” Pleaded Barry, desperation consuming his entire voice.

“No!” Shouted Henry, his words spoken clear as day despite the insurmountable pressure Zoom’s arm was pressing against his neck.

“You still won’t believe me that you and I are the same,” stated Zoom, his eyes never wavering from Barry’s, though he did shift slightly uncomfortably in place for a moment at the older man’s pleas.

“C’mon, c’mon,” sighed Barry, his repeated words quickly becoming meaningless to the monster of a man that stood before him.

“Barry, look at me, Son. Look at me,” urged Henry, gently as he watched the tears start to well in his son’s fearful blue eyes.

Never would there be a single moment where Barry was not the most important thing to his father. 

Even if he were seconds away from an inevitable fate.

“So, I’m gonna have to make you believe me,” growled Zoom, his voice lower and more murderous than the hero had ever heard it.

“Whatever happens, you have made me the happiest father,” began Henry, hurriedly as his gaze never drifted from his son’s.

“Dad,” repeated Barry, his entire body now shaking in terror at what his enemy was about to do.

No! I won’t lose him! I can’t lose him!

“This time, you’re gonna watch your parent die, just like I did,” declared Zoom, hatred rising swiftly through his black-leathered chest as each second that ticked by brought him closer to victory.

“No, no, no!” Protested Barry, hopelessly looking from Henry to Zoom.

“This is gonna make you just like me!” Boomed as he yanked his right hand backwards, his fingers perfectly aligned with one another.

“Your mother and I love you,” smiled Henry, lovingly before he felt the hand of the monster stab clear through his black sweatered chest, killing him from the inside out.

“Noooooooooooo!!!” Screamed Barry as a cry of absolute agony ripped through his lungs.

The ability to breathe was no longer an option for he was surely dead. He was kneeling beside his fallen father, a hand having been stabbed through his chest, too. He had to be. 

For no living person could bare the impossible torture that flooded every cell in his body like constantly igniting flames, their fiery infernos of utter destruction destroying any semblance of a man that lay beneath the red leather suit that covered what used to be his body.

He watched as his father helplessly fell to his knees, the echo of his lifelessness ringing through the young man’s ears like a raging river’s waves. Quiet yet, deafening.

No, I just got him back! He can’t be gone…

“Dad, Dad! Hey, hey, hey! Look at me, look at me! Dad, don’t leave, not again, not again,” pleaded Barry as he rushed over to his fallen father’s side, his hands pressed to his dad’s cheeks as if they were his very last lifeline holding his shattering hole of a heart together.

There was no pulse.

“Dad! C’mon, c’mon. Hey, it’s alright,” breathed Barry as he shook Henry’s shoulders in desperation.

There was no response. 

No reassurance from his father telling him to, “to keep his chin down, Slugger.”

“No, Dad,” sobbed Barry as he watched the little loving light leave Henry’s hazel eyes.

“Dad! Please!” Barry cried, another deafening scream of complete suffering bellowing from his nearly brittle lungs as tears of sadness poured down his cheeks and onto his dad’s dead body.

I failed. I failed again. I couldn’t, I couldn’t save mom back then and now…I couldn’t save Dad either. I failed both of them.

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