The Terror of Our Overconfidence (Season 2, Episode 6)
Dedicated to @NoraXSWest-AllenFam for our mutual appreciation of this terrifying scene!
"How, how did that not work! My plan was supposed to be flawless! They're always flawless!" Thought Harry Wells as he furiously paced back and forth inside Star Labs' tech room, occasionally picking up a rogue tool lying on one of the many metal desks that were positioned around the room and throwing it across the lab in anger.
Harry hated every minute of what had just happened at the Central City dock. He hated that his brilliant plan had failed despite flawless execution on his part (Allen didn't take it nearly as seriously as he should have, but that's what I get for working alongside a kid from another dimension). He hated how awfully Linda had performed her role as Dr. Light, stupidly firing her highly destructive light blasts at everything but the actual targets she was supposed to be hitting.
But most of all, he hated himself for failing.
He kept pacing around the room for several more seconds, his heavy-booted feet stomping loudly against the ground with every step.
"There has to be another way that the others aren't seeing, that I'm not seeing," thought Harry, firmly as he cocked his massive speed bazooka's slide, its head tilted at a firing angle.
He would never give up, he could never give up, until the mission was completed and everyone was safe with their families.
I just want what's best for everyone.
Harry repeated these same actions of anger and contemplation for another half an hour (several of Cisco's innocent gadgets suffered horrific fates that day) before finally joining Barry and Cisco in the Cortex, pure rage still coursing through his veins. Every step he took forward seemed to drag him further into the depths of regret, his heart beating faster as each second flew by.
Zoom is going to reveal himself and when he does, I'm going to make sure I catch him this time.
"There you go. It's like you think these things grow on trees or something," announced Cisco, sighing disappointedly as he attached a brand new yellow and white Flash emblem to the center plate of the speedster's dark red suit.
The super suit lay on top of a gray mannequin, hope practically radiating from its chest.
And I thought that the Flash of my Earth was treated too nicely...
Barry just shrugged, stuffing his hands into his navy jean pockets, absentmindedly.
But just as Harry was storming into the Cortex, anger seeping into his every syllable, his eyes caught sight of Barry.
The only person who was even slightly as frustrated by Zoom's reluctance to show up was Barry for he, too, had a secret agenda for their mission, only Harry wasn't exactly sure what it was yet.
I'm one-hundred percent sure that if I ever was forced into going into Barry Allen's mind, I would see literal puppies jumping over rainbows...
"And we threw away the last one for nothing," teased Barry, a slight smile cresting onto his face as he watched Cisco playfully clench one of his fists.
Harry pushed past the two young men, his eyes set on a small computer screen near the medic bay. He immediately threw himself down into a rolling desk chair and started typing away at the computer, nervousness threatening to creep into his heart, the longer that he went without stopping Zoom.
He's my problem to deal with, not all these newbie tech nerds who love to joke around at work.
Harry found absolutely nothing of help to the situation amongst Star-Labs', most prominently, where Zoom was at that very moment.
Caitlin quietly walked over to Harry, her black high heels clicking gently against Star Labs' hard floors. She'd always been a strong-willed young woman, trying to keep the others in line when things needed to be taken seriously, though Harry didn't need reminding of the severity of the circumstances they soon would face.
"You've been going over this footage dozens of times, everything went exactly according to plan," reassured Caitlin, her inner medical skills showing evidently on her no-nonsense face.
It's laughable how much these people think I actually care about their opinions.
"If it had then, Zoom would've shown up," stated Harry, his head resting on top of his left hand as his right hand scrolled through multiple stages of Team Flash's recording, his eyes scanning intently for their plan's hidden flaw.
"Maybe Light was wrong, maybe he can't see through the breaches," reasoned Cisco, sighing disappointedly.
Harry's gaze didn't move from the computer screen, his hand brushing against his face, the other three scientists stuttering slightly at the man's anger.
"Or maybe he finally decided to give up? Commented Barry as he watched Harry spin backwards in his chair.
Harry pulled off his black-rimmed glasses, shutting his eyes tightly.
How could I let myself work with a team of such optimistic idiots?
Harry heard a sudden beeping noise blare throughout the Cortex, his head quickly shaking out of his thoughts. It wasn't just any old alarm system, though. It was the emergency system that only activated when a criminal they were searching for was nearby.
"Iris, Iris, slow down, I can't understand you," asked Barry, worriedly as his adopted sister's nervous voice shouted through the phone.
Harry couldn't exactly tell you what the pair was saying to each other, only that it wasn't important enough for him to listen.
She's just lucky that I'm feeling generous today...
Harry's silver watch suddenly started beeping, too, making his eyes swiftly dart to the object.
Caitlin moved past Harry, intently typing away at the computer.
"Zoom has Linda," stated Barry, a newfound level of confidence filling his voice at this new revelation of saving someone.
"He's on the roof," said Cisco in disbelief as he took a few steps back from the desk.
And before Harry could even blink, the young hero had already sped off into danger to save his friend, taking the Flash suit along the way.
Harry swiftly whipped his head around, followed quickly by Cisco and Caitlin as they all watched the main security feed surrounding Star Labs.
Finally, another chance. I want to win, I need to win, and I don't care what I have to do to make it happen.
The rest of the Star Labs team stood frozen for several seconds, awaiting any sign of Barry or Zoom. Harry impatiently tapped his boot against the ground, each second adding to his deep anxiety, though his facial expression remained calm despite his inner struggles.
C'mon, Allen, where are you?!
Suddenly, they saw a flash of orange lightning speed down the left side of Star Labs, The Flash immediately twisting his arms in circular motions to catch Linda as she plummeted to her death down the tall structure.
"You can do this, Barry," muttered Cisco, his hand held to his mouth, nervously.
After several seconds of tension-filled air, The Flash was finally able to catch the woman, her lean body falling gently into his extended arms.
"Yes!" Exclaimed Cisco and Caitlin as they high-fived each other, happily, Harry merely nodding at the hero's save.
We can celebrate once the mission is over.
"You need to get out of here, okay?" Stated The Flash as he quickly helped Linda back onto her feet.
"No, you can't fight that thing, it's a monster," protested Linda, her voice shaking with fear of the thing that was only seconds behind them.
"Just go," commanded The Flash, looking Linda one last time in the eyes before turning around to face his enemy.
The thing that's so-called name was "Zoom" was dressed head to toe in a eerily slick, gray suit similar to Barry's, only its emblem was intentionally cracked in several places. The monster's mouth was sealed shut, long lines of stitching replacing where its mouth should be. Sharp blue bolts of electricity covered the monster's body, sending chills down his enemies' spines as he cocked his head at the hero, curiously.
"Zoom can not be human," reasoned Caitlin in disbelief as she stared into the monitor's screen, her eyes watching the evil speedster, unsteadily.
"He is... or was," replied Harry, his gaze remaining unwavering upon the monster.
"How the hell is Barry supposed to defeat that?" Asked Cisco, his arms folded nervously around each other.
It doesn't matter how as long as he gets the job done.
But after only the second it took for Harry to blink, The Flash ran off, leaving Zoom standing in front of Star Labs, the dark night sky clouding him like a shadowy blur of terror.
"Why is he running away?" Demanded Harry, his hands placed on his hips, agitatedly.
All three of the Star Labs members watched the screen intently, anxiously waiting for Barry's next move.
"He's not scared. He's gonna thunderbolt him!" Shouted Cisco, excitement rushing through his veins as he awaited his best friend's power move.
Zoom's small-pupiled eyes watched The Flash whip around the building, slowly taking in his every action.
"What?" Questioned Harry, his eyes still locked firmly on his enemy.
"Jay taught him how to throw lightning," answered Caitlin, a hint of proudness ringing throughout her voice.
Not the time to deal with your love life, Doctor Snow.
Barry finally stopped in front of the monster, sending a powerful bolt of orange lightning shooting towards his enemy, only Zoom was prepared. The monster grabbed the sparking bolt with his bare hands, easily throwing it over his head. The massive energy blast hit The Flash's chest, sending him flying backwards into the outside of Star Labs, his face hitting the concrete ground with a rough thud that resounded loudly, even through just the comms.
Harry swiftly turned his back on the monitor, grabbing his speed bazooka from the medical lab.
"Did you guys see that?" Asked The Flash, panting as he felt his vision slightly blur for a second from the strong impact.
"That he caught a bolt of lightning with his demonic claws? Yeah, saw that," responded Cisco, frantically.
"Jay was right, he can not do this alone," stated Caitlin, worry covering her face as she stared over at the monitor.
"He's not alone," declared Harry, plainly as he adjusted the scope of his bazooka, automatically before storming out of the Cortex.
This is where your reign of terror ends, Zoom.
"Run, Barry," pleaded Caitlin through the comm.
"No, I'm gonna see if Wells' speed dampening serum works," stated The Flash as he pulled a small silver serum from inside his maroon-colored boot.
His face shone with determination, confidence ringing throughout his every syllable as he stared down his monstrous enemy.
Cisco and Caitlin exchanged worried looks, both fearing for their friend's safety.
"What do you want from me?" Questioned The Flash, his voice strong against the threat that laid before him.
Nothing else mattered when his loved ones were in danger except saving them, no matter the cost.
"Everything," responded Zoom, his demonic voice rattling the team's insides.
Never had they faced a threat this terrifying, not even Thawne.
"You wanna be me, is that it? You wanna be a hero?" The Flash scoffed, sarcastically.
The monster growled in anger, his booming echo bouncing through Harry's head as he raced outside to help his teammate, everything from the lab disappearing behind him.
I'm only going to get one shot at this which means no one can mess this up.
"Heroes die," spat Zoom, cocking his head to the side.
"Only if you can catch them," The Flash stated before dashing off, a trail of orange lightning following closely behind his feet.
Zoom quickly chased after him, blue sparks jumping from his former location as he took off after his enemy.
"Where are they?" Thought Harry, impatiently as he finally threw open the entrance's front door, his bazooka gripped tightly in his right hand.
The night air blew roughly against his face, his spiky brunette hair blowing in the wind.
His eyes searched the area for any sign of the speedsters, carefully examining each corner of the battlefield before noticing two blurs racing around the roof of Star Labs.
"How is Barry going to match Zoom's speed?" Asked Caitlin, her hands cupped together as she sat beside Cisco at the main console.
"Genius. He's not gonna match it, he's gonna take it out of the equation altogether," stated Cisco in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" Pushed Caitlin, confusion hanging in her voice.
"Terminal velocity. The highest velocity obtainable by a falling object," explained Cisco as he paced back and forth within the white-walled room.
"Falling through the air," confirmed Caitlin, throwing her hands down, skeptically.
"Yeah, free-fall fight. Their drag force equals the downward force of gravity equals net force zero," continued Cisco, a smile slowly forming on his face.
"Equal velocities! That is genius," finished Caitlin, happily nodding in agreement.
The Flash and Zoom's fists collided, each hitting the other roughly across their bodies. Their speeds may have been equaled by gravity, though the monster's blows were not for when his fist slammed against the Flash, he dropped the syringe, allowing his enemy to scoop it up before forcing the hero onto the concrete ground.
The monster held his arm firmly against The Flash's throat, watching as several small lines of blood streamed down the latter's face. The hero struggled to get free of his enemy's grip, but he was helpless to stop Zoom's relentless barrage of brutal punches slamming against his entire body, several minor bones snapping under the intense pressure.
Zoom then grabbed the hero by the shoulders, yanking him upwards before releasing another flurry of electricity-infused punches to The Flash's chest. He tried to move his arms up to block, but the monster merely punched them to the side before sending a powerful blow into his ribs, nearly knocking the hero onto his knees.
Harry's breath seemed to suddenly become heavier with each second that went by as he watched his plan slowly falling apart before his eyes.
No, I'm not going to fail! This monster has already taken away everything that I love and I'm not going to let him get away!
Zoom jerked his head around, watching as the hero struggled for breath before slashing the latter across the back with his razor-sharp claws, a loud bone-snapping noise ringing throughout the quiet night.
Cisco and Caitlin felt extreme worry returning to their bodies as they watched Barry stumble slightly backwards before finally succumbing to the crippling pain that covered his body. He let out a muffled moan before falling back first onto the cold concrete ground, his limbs sprawled out, painfully.
Harry watched as Zoom slowly moved over to his enemy's immobile body, his every foot step echoing with terror.
"This is my only chance," Thought Harry as he carefully aimed the bazooka before firing a single power-dampening shot at the beast.
Zoom swiftly turned his head, easily gripping the shot inside his calloused claws.
Harry lowered his gun, failure washing over his entire body as he watched Zoom's eyes lock onto him.
"Never forget, I am the fastest man alive," boomed Zoom, his head cocking demonically before stabbing the shot directly in the center of Barry's Flash emblem.
The hero let out a small whimper of pain, even the slightest use of his voice sending waves of crippling agony throughout his broken body.
"He's killing him!" Cried Caitlin, tears watering in her eyes as she watched Barry's vitals dip dangerously low.
"Barry," whispered Cisco, rubbing his temple, worriedly.
They wished more than anything that they could do something, anything to help their friend, but they could only watch his suffering, just as Harry could.
Zoom stood over the barely conscious hero, one foot pushing down on each of his arms.
"How, how did I miss?" Thought Harry as he stared into the demon's eyes in disbelief.
"You're next," growled the monster before speeding off with what remained of Barry's body.
Zoom blasted down various streets of the hero's sacred city, leaving long strides of blue lightning in his wake. This would be a glorious day for the villainous man that lay beneath the mask. This would show all who cast him aside just who they were dealing with. What they were dealing with. A True God.
He sped into Central City Picture News, throwing the glass doors open behind him. Several newspapers went flying through the air, making its residents jump in surprise as they felt the wind blow against their weary backs. The monster slammed The Flash's head against the main editor's wooden desk that lay in the center of the room, letting his bloodied face scrape across its smooth surface.
"Barry," whispered Iris as she saw the dying body of her childhood best friend, the very man who'd saved her so many times lying weakly in the monster's grasp.
A short man in the back of the crowd held up his large camera, his hands shaking in fear.
"Look at your hero," commanded Zoom, his gaze locked on the innocent civilians that stood in front of him, their eyes practically begging him for mercy.
Iris took a few cautious steps forward, desperation crepting into her heart.
"This man is no God," hissed Zoom, his raspy voice ringing throughout the small building as he held up The Flash's nearly dead body.
The hero's legs dangled loosely below him, his hands too weak to even move his bruised fingers.
"He is nothing," declared Zoom, terrifying ferocity carrying his every syllable.
The bystanders took several steps backwards, anxiety for their own lives filling their tiny minds as they watched the creature once again blast off, leaving sparks of blue behind him.
Zoom busted through the Police Precinct's heavy doors, racing up stairs to get to the highest possible ground.
He was in control.
"The days of The Flash protecting this city are over," stated Zoom as he lifted The Flash's limb body just above the balcony's railing for all to see.
"Hold your fire!" Commanded Joe, his pistol held at the ready as he watched the creature grasp his adoptive son tightly in his claws.
Zoom merely stared on, a sense of pride filling his chest at their utter terror.
"Put him down," demanded Patty, her blonde ponytail brushing against her back as she struggled to face the monster that lay before her.
"Now, what will you do without your precious hero," spat Zoom, his voice booming around the station's walls as he shook The Flash's body, laughingly.
"Shoot that thing now!" Yelled Captain Singh.
Bullets flew from every officer's gun towards Zoom, but the monster merely spun his hands in circular motions, catching every bullet within the palm of his hand as if they were simply child's play.
He stared down at the tiny objects for a second, letting the officers' feelings of dread sink in before dropping the bullets one by one to the ground, each one hitting the gray tiled floor with a loud Clang!
"Nice try," hissed the monster, cocking his head slightly to the side before speeding off, leaving every single one of the cities' protectors shaking in fear.
"Anything?" Asked Harry as he rushed into the Cortex, his bazooka still grasped tightly in his hand.
For the first time that day, the stern, calculated man looked worried, almost scared.
"No," replied Caitlin, her eyes still locked onto one of the monitors.
"Do you have him?" He questioned Cisco as he put his hand on the young scientist's shoulder, anxiously awaiting a better answer than the one he knew he'd receive.
"No," responded Cisco, tears now forming in his eyes, too.
How? How could I have let another person get hurt because of my mistakes?!
Harry suddenly felt a gust of wind blow against the tiny hairs on his neck, a smooth wave of chills shooting down his spine. The air around him turned so cold that one could expect its inhabitants' breath to freeze under the atmosphere's pressure. There was only one man, one creature, who could bring such a feeling out of Harry. Zoom.
"Barry!" Exclaimed Caitlin, immediately jumping from her desk chair.
Harry's fingers twitched slightly as they slid gently across the main console, his eyes locked onto the monster in front of him.
"Harrison Wells, you thought you could defeat me with this," sneered Zoom, blue lightning still sparking from his muscular body as he ripped off The Flash's mask, revealing the crippled face of Barry Allen.
Lines of blood streamed down both sides of the hero's face, his head still rolling from the immense impact of his enemy's blows.
I should never have sent Allen out there.
Cisco placed an arm around Caitlin's back, both scientists gulping roughly at the sight of their friend's condition. Somehow, it looked even worse in person.
"I made a mistake," breathed Harry, desperation crawling its way into his every word as he secretly pleaded that the monster would let the man live.
"Yes, a costly one," hissed Zoom as he grabbed Barry by the throat and lifted him into the air.
Barry's vision blurred as he tried to make out the shape of his enemy, the air slowly leaving his collapsed throat. He couldn't move, helpless to stop the monster that gripped him so firmly in its iron grasp. Zoom pulled his clawed right hand backwards before plunging it into the hero's side, its razors harshly stabbing into his chest like waves of fire burning over flesh.
Barry let out a silent moan of pain, his eyes going wide as tears streamed down his cheeks.
"Goodbye, Flash, you too weren't fast enough," Announced Zoom as he hoisted the hero into the air, watching as the light left his eyes.
Harry's whole body froze, his heart pounding loudly against his chest as he watched his greatest mistake manifesting in front of his eyes.
But as Zoom pulled his right hand backwards to perform his finishing move to the hero's chest, he felt something sharp hit him in the neck. The monster immediately cried out in pain, yanking the speed-dampening shot out of his neck before falling onto the ground. Harry swiftly turned around to see Cisco holding his speed bazooka, a look of determination shining on his face.
Stupid but, brilliant move, Ramon.
Before Harry could even move an inch, Zoom raced out of the Cortex, leaving the hero's broken body lying on the ground.
"No. Nooooooo!" Screamed Harry in disbelief as he ran out into the hall, complete failure washing over his body.
I couldn't save them. I couldn't save her.
Caitlin and Cisco rushed over to Barry's side, kneeling down next to their injured friend.
"Stay with me. Stay with me, Barry. Stay with me please, Barry," whispered Caitlin, gently as she pressed both of her hands against his chest, hoping beyond hope that his heart was still beating.
"Harry, we need your help!" called Cisco, desperately from across the room, nervous sweat dripping down his forehead.
Harry didn't move, his feet frozen to the very ground that his enemy had just run on.
This was our only chance to defeat him and we, I, lost.
"Harry, Barry's going to die if we don't get him to the medic bay now!" Shouted Caitlin as she watched the little light remaining in their friend's eyes slowly fading into the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Harry breathed one last breath of regret before whipping around and running across the room, kneeling down carefully beside the other two scientists.
Without a second's thought, he instinctively lowered both of his arms under Barry's legs and back, supporting his broken bones as he carefully carried him into the white-walled medical bay just a few rooms away. He felt the young hero's head rest gently against his arm, vibrant red blood smearing onto Harry's black jacket sleeve as he pushed forward. Never had he seen a man that was so confident, so kind, look so weak. Broken. Just like I am.
And the second that Barry was placed onto the white medical bed, Caitlin pulled on a pair of elastic blue gloves and started her operation. She moved through multiple processes without a second's thought, every moment counting when it came to saving her best friend's life.
C'mon, Allen, you have to make it. I need you to make it.
Thirty Minutes Later...
"This is all you! If Barry dies, you die!" Shouted Joe, tears in his eyes as he pointed accusingly at Harry.
Harry looked away from Joe, a distant expression on his face. A parent will always hate the person who put their child in harm's way, regardless of how reasonable said accusation is.
"Joe, Barry's vitals have stabilized. Let's just let him go," reasoned Caitlin as she quickly intervened before Joe could punch Harry.
"No, Caitlin," stated Joe, his eyes staring firmly at the angry man that stood opposite of him.
"Why? What good does that do for Barry?" Exclaimed Caitlin, exasperatedly.
"It's gonna help me," roared Joe as he slammed Harry against the wall, blocking any attempt of the man's to get away.
He doesn't understand the half of the pain I'm going through right now.
"Joe, stop. Who's Jesse?" Asked Cisco, gently as he pulled Joe's hands off of Harry, calmly.
"How do...?" started Harry as he pushed past Joe, placing both his hands on Cisco's shoulders.
His few steps forward felt like running a marathon, each breath getting harder to breathe.
"Jesse's my daughter and Zoom has her. So, you did vibe me," explained Harry, desperate words pouring from his mouth.
"Yes," answered Cisco, shaking his head up and down, sympathetically.
"What did you see?" Begged Harry, tears now forming in his worn eyes, too.
"I saw your daughter, she was with Zoom," stated Cisco, his hands still shaking from the evening's events.
"But she's alive?" Confirmed Harry, a small tinge of hope filling his chest.
I need to know that she's okay...
"Yeah," nodded Cisco, honestly.
Harry removed his hands from the young scientist's shoulders, panting heavily as he took several steps backwards, relief flooding his body.
"Zoom sent you here like the others? You kill The Flash and you get your daughter back?" Shouted Joe, anger rising in his strong voice once again.
"The only way I get my daughter back is if I capture Zoom. Don't you understand?" Sighed Harry, agitatedly.
Joe took a step back, his breath lowering as he listened to Harry's words.
"You love Barry, I love my daughter. And none of these children are safe as long as Zoom is here! I tried on my Earth to capture him, I failed. I thought I could bring him down here, with Barry's help. I was wrong," admitted Harry, regret covering his face as he took one last look at the young hero's resting body that lay in the medical bay before storming out of the room.
I failed. I failed this team. I failed Allen. I failed my daughter.
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