Our Love is Stronger than Any Universe (Season 8, Episode 4)

Dedicated to @CamrynKissel for their sweet support of my Arrowverse work!

And a special thank you to the amazing writer known as NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their constantly incredible writing! You are truly one of the best Flash writers I've seen and I really hope you enjoy reading this :)

Author's Note: Hey, everyone! So I actually got the inspiration to write this particular recreation literally as I was watching the scene because let's be honest, shipping West-Allen is one of the best parts of watching The Flash. They are truly an amazing couple that I really hope gets their special happy ending when the series does eventually end.

Anyways, hope your heart is warmed by this recreation just as much as mine was watching the scene :)

"Damian's right. It doesn't matter how small of a chance I have at reversing time because as long as I'm still breathing, I need to fight to protect the ones I love. But the only way I'll have the strength to do that is if she believes in me. Without her, there's no hope," thought Barry as he raced along the vacant streets of Central City 2031.

To an outsider, the world seemed calm, every building being filled with an intricately built community no villain could break. Only, one already had infiltrated the very place they called home without even the slightest knowledge of its citizens. And no one would be safe until Thawne was behind bars for good.

His black sneakered feet flew across the pavement ground faster than the eye could see, uneven lines of faded red lightning sharply jutting out in his wake. Never in all the tragedies he'd endured over the years did he expect his enemy to go as far as to steal the woman he loved right from within his fingertips.

No. I won't let him take Iris from me. I won't let him take anything from me ever again.

He finally skidded to a stop just outside their loft's polished wooden front door. A sense of combined anxiety and comfort rushed through his veins as he ran his shaking hand over its smooth surface, his heart beating quickly against his chest. Every bit of evidence showed that Iris would never help him, would never believe in him. But Barry knew that there was one thing stronger than any amount of logic that Thawne's twisted world tested him with.

Nothing, not even Thawne, will ever be able to take away the love we feel for each other.

He shut his exhausted eyes, taking one last deep breath of cozy-scented air before phasing through the loft's entrance. The room inside his home was dimly lit, candles' flames dancing gracefully in the midnight air as the quiet sound of keys clicking filled his ears. The writer's hands were delicate, each word typed only kept if considered complete perfection.

Barry's heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he smiled lovingly at the back of his wife's head, her beautiful rosewood pink hair hanging casually against her broad shoulders. He stood frozen in place as he heard her sigh tiredly, her right hand carefully shutting her laptop's screen with a sort of unacknowledged skepticism. He wanted more than anything to wrap his arms around his wife, letting the weight that consumed his every thought disappear into the abyss, their love drowning any pain once felt. But that was the very thing he couldn't do.

"I was just thinking about..." started Iris, a wide smile covering her face as she spun around on a kitchen bar stool, her words suddenly stopping short as she laid eyes on the awful psychopath who dared to break into her own home.

Barry slowly put his hands in the air, his panting only getting heavier with each movement he spent his little speed completing.

This is the only chance I'm going to get at this so, I need to make every moment count.

Iris immediately pulled a small pistol out of her black jeans' pocket, aiming its silver head towards the very man who'd tried to kill her soon-to-be husband so many times before.

"I just want to talk, I swear," promised Barry, his hands still held clearly in front of his body like two calling signs towards his vulnerability in the situation.

There's no one else I trust more than her, no matter what timeline or universe we're in.

"You take one more step and I'm gonna shoot you," warned Iris, her voice held steady as both her hands gripped onto the weapon even tighter than before.

"Okay," agreed Barry through another deep breath.

Even standing seemed impossible without feeling the love of the woman he loved coursing through his body.

The last thing I ever want to do is scare her.

But as these thoughts of anxiety filled his mind, he felt an oddly unnerving sensation pass over his arm. His eyes instinctively looked down, being met with the worrying sight of his right hand fading in and out of the air itself. A blinking reminder that every minute was a precious gift that would not be taken lightly.

I need to make this go a little quicker if I want to be in one piece long enough to save everyone.

"What's wrong with you? Are you dying?" Questioned Iris, her stern brown eyes darting towards his disappearing hand for only a mere moment before riveting back towards her target.

"Something like that," answered Barry, his voice even softer of a whisper than its usual self.

Iris' hands shifted uncomfortably around the small gun's handle, though her firm gaze never moved from the man across from her.

"I came here because I'm about to do something impossible," started Barry, his hands still shaking slightly from the pressure.

Iris didn't move, her breathing getting more intense as every second passed by that such a terrible foe stood in front of her, yet something small, distant within her chest wanted to hear the rest of his explanation.

"And even though it might not work, I couldn't leave this world without telling you that-" spoke Barry, his words suddenly catching in his throat as he heard the all-too familiar noise of his worst enemy dashing into the room.

He was dressed from head to toe in a bright red suit embroidered with golden lines, a circular white emblem carrying The Flash's signature lightning bolt. His gray hair was tousled messily upon his head, only leading more credence to his building frustration.

"Nice try, Allen, but she doesn't love you. She loves me," stated Thawne, a small smirk hidden beneath his fake smile.

Barry kept his hands up, his kind eyes only momentarily flickering onto the villain before looking back at the beautiful wife he'd known for so long.

C'mon Iris, I know you're smart enough to see Thawne for who he really is.

"Tell him, Iris," urged Thawne, excitement practically crawling into his every syllable.

Iris remained unmoving, her gun still held readily in front of her. He seemed to notice the skepticism tempting her to stand down for he took a few steps closer to his fiancee.

"Better yet, shoot him," suggested Thawne, his voice sounding much more like a command than a request.

"Iris," pleaded Barry as he took a careful step forward, his hands still held up in defeat.

I need you Iris. I always have.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot him!" Shouted Thawne, his patience growing increasingly thin.

Iris didn't move, tears sparkling in her eyes as her heart beat rapidly against the inside of her chest. Torn between two choices that could easily change her life, one way or another.

"I need you to know, no matter what happens, after everything Thawne's taken from me, he can't take away my feelings for you. I love you, Iris," finished Barry, tears of love shining in his brown eyes brighter than his lightning sparked.

She was the very person who'd helped him through all the losses he'd had to face. The person whose love had given them two of the most wonderful kids in the entire multiverse. The very woman who made everyday of his life worth living.

I would rather die than live any life that doesn't have her in it.

"Enough," growled Thawne, his left hand vibrating violently as he raised it high into the air.

Barry took a step backwards as he watched his enemy moving forward to finally complete his lifelong goal. He was going to kill The Flash.

But just as Thawne was about to lunge forward, a bubble of purple energy consumed his whole body, making all his limbs go numb before he dropped onto the hardwood ground at Barry's feet, immobilized. Barry looked at Iris thankfully, a small smile cresting onto his face for the first time that day.

"Go, before I change my mind," breathed Iris, her gun lowered to her side in a temporary sign of truce.

Barry just stared into his wife's eyes one last time, the longing for more time ringing throughout his mind as he raced out of their loft, red lines of lightning following close behind.

If only I could have stayed longer because I know, I just know I would've been able to fully get through to her.

He stopped in the middle of a nearly empty road, his body now covered by the bright yellow suit that had outfitted his mother's murderer all those years ago. Strapped across his chest was a circular, teal-glowing tachyon-like enhancer infused with a little of Damian Darhk's magic (Cisco would be so freaking out if he were here right now).

"How'd it go with the Mrs.?" Asked Damian, seemingly waiting to hear the glorious news that he'd returned with her love.

It's oddly comforting having him here with me.

"I don't know, she let me go. It has to mean something," replied Barry through a deep sigh.

Nothing about their whole plan gave him much confidence, but knowing his wife still stood in the same room as Thawne, knowing she might not even love him anymore, seemed to be the only thought that occupied his jumbled mind.

"Well, let's do this thing. Now, I'll stay here at your point of origin, just in case we get some visitors but I'll be in touch," instructed Damian, a strong sense of determination carrying his naturally entertaining demeanor.

"How?" Asked Barry, questioningly, though his words were a far cry from the craziest thing he'd seen that day.

"Magic. You'll hear my voice wherever you go. Now remember, you've got two minutes to reach mach twenty and open that temporal portal," explained Damian, clearly.

Barry nodded, his worries slowly subsiding in favor of finding some semblance of focus on their plan.

"Damian, thank you," said Barry as he extended a hand out to the villain as a sign of friendship.

Damian just smiled, taking the hero's hand in a steady shake of friendship.

He's a lot better of a man than most people know.

"Get out of there," encouraged Damian as they both let their hands fall back to their sides.

Barry nodded a look of determination before speeding off down the street, a trail of red blasting behind him.

He felt the wind whip across his muscles as he sped across various domains of the world's diversely built terrain. Every step forward seemed to send another wave of exhausted breaths through his tight lungs, making him push his body forward even harder.

I have to do this to save all the innocent lives who'll die if I let Thawne continue to control this world. I have to do this to protect my family.

His surroundings became only a blur as he pushed onward, a black line left across the Earth's center.

"Hey, Flash, you got company," Rang Damian's voice through Barry's ears as the hero continued to race forward.

Why don't you just add it to my list of problems...

"It's not working. I'm still not fast enough," breathed Barry, the tension rising from within his chest as he struggled to keep his legs moving forward.

"I'm trying to save my daughter here, Allen. Focus!" Shouted Damian, frustratedly.

Blurs of yellow lines surrounded his body as he sprinted forward, his arms continuously fighting the immense force that was pulling him backwards.

"You're too late, Allen. You're too late!" Taunted Thawne, his malicious tone tearing through Barry's mind like a burning fire threatening to consume him as he extended his hand out as far as he could, trying his very best to slow down his enemy.

I have to just ignore him, otherwise I'm going to lose focus again.

Barry shut his eyes as tightly as he could, letting every weight that crushed his chest disappear into the void that flashed on both sides of him. A blinding white light filled his head as he let the memory of Iris' beautiful face take over his entire heart. His gentle hand pressed against her soft cheek as they shared their first kiss, passion coursing through their veins.

"Iris," whispered Barry, desperately calling out into the void.

He needed to know that she believed in him, it was the only way he could save everyone.

The hero people say I am, the person people say I am, he's nothing without her.

Barry felt his legs start to give out below him, his panting only getting heavier with each step he pushed towards his goal when a soft whisper rang through his head like a breath of fresh air.

Its echo was distant, yet felt closer to him than anything else in the world.

"Barry, I love you too," hummed Iris' voice, bringing an immediate smile of joy to the speedster's face.

He felt tears of happiness well in his eyes as the heavy burden of helplessness disappeared, leaving only devotion coursing through his veins.

A flash of memory covered his vision as he sped ahead for one last time, the thought of Iris' lips touching his on their second wedding day (It doesn't matter if it was a renewal or not, any second I get to have with her is the most special moment of my life) consuming his heart with an insurmountable wave of unrequited love.

And in that very moment, Barry felt his feet start to leave the ground before he jumped into a bright white portal, letting the world behind him fade into the infinite void that once surrounded the two enemies.

It doesn't matter what happens after this moment because as long as we love each other, everything's going to be okay...

Author's Note: Just real quick, I want to wish Grant Gustin an amazingly nice birthday! He's always been one of my biggest television inspirations and he seems like such a kind and optimistic guy in real life, too!

Anyways, this recreation is of course dedicated to him as always, too :)

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