Chapter 17: Agent Hangout
Weather News: And later in the evening, there will be a chance of rain that will...
A couple of days went by since Tadayoshi chatted with Alex. It's early in the afternoon, as Tadayoshi is sitting on the couch surrounded by paperwork, struggling to figure out his bills
Tadayoshi: ... Should have enough for now but I'm gonna need my next paycheck soon...
Suddenly he hears the door knocking which he gets up from the couch and makes his way to the door. He looks through the peephole to see someone looking through the peephole as well and then backs away for Tadayoshi to see who it is. He opens the door only to see Vivian run up and hug him
Tadayoshi: Oh hey kid
Vivian: ...
Tadayoshi: What's the matter with you?
Vivian: Are you... Feeling ok?
Tadayoshi: Kid, it has been almost two weeks, I'm fine
Vivian: I know... just want to do this
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: You didn't have to hug him!
He looks ahead of him to see Tracer and Kiryu in front of him and Amelia outside of his yard, looking away in disgust
Tadayoshi: What are you guys doing here?
Tracer: We came to see you
Kiryu: It's been a while since we last saw you, you doing alright?
Tadayoshi: I'm fine what do you want?
Tracer: Well it's our free day from the Guardian missions and we were wondering if you want to come and hang out
Tadayoshi: Why?
Kiryu: You know get to know each other, I still barely know about you and her... but also Vivian wanted you to come
He looks down at Vivian who looks up and gives him a cute smile
Amelia: Still we didn't need to bring HIM out of all people
Tadayoshi: You know you can say that in your mind
Amelia: I thought you don't care what I say?!
Tadayoshi: I don't, I'm just saying...
Tracer: So do you wanna come?
Tadayoshi: I... fine I'll go, just give me a second
Kiryu: Sure
Tadayoshi walks back inside, shutting the door behind which Amelia lets out a sigh
Kiryu: Did you have to be rude to him
Amelia: Well excuse me, it's not my fault I didn't want to come here of all place
Tracer: So why did you come?
Amelia: I came here just to make sure she doesn't get near him
They all look at Vivian who was hopping from stone to stone on the pavement, trying not to touch the lines
Amelia: And I'm glad I came cause you two are being so gullible around him
Tracer: Come on he's not a bad guy, sure he's negative but I doubt he would a dick around a woman that acts like a 10-year-old
Vivian: Hey...
Amelia: You sure about that, cause the last time I remembered he revealed that he know everything about BeatBox, and yet none of you knew that!
Tracer: I know, that's why we're trying to have him come with us so we get to know about each other, besides the barely knows about you and your brother
Amelia: ... I'm starting to hate you...
Kiryu: Amelia please, just try to... tolerate him just for today, and then you don't have to worry about him... for now
Amelia: *sigh* fine...
Soon Tadayoshi exits the house with his spear as the others turn their attention to him
Tadayoshi: Did I interrupt something?
Tracer: Nope
Kiryu: Nah
Tadayoshi: ... Whatever where are we heading
Tracer: Well we were going to do some shopping, I'm still getting some stuff since I'm staying with theses guys
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...
Kiryu: Also didn't you wear those clothes last week
Tadayoshi: No
Kiryu: I swear it's the same one I saw you wear last time
Tadayoshi: I have two clothes, they just so happen to be the same thing...
Kiryu: ... Wait don't tell me that's your only clothing?
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: Well now you have a reason to do shopping with us
Tadayoshi: Whatever...
Amelia: Are we done talking? Cause I'm getting sick of being near his place!
Kiryu: Yes we're good
Amelia: Good, oh and demon, you better not try anything funny or I'll skin you!
She stomps off as the other starts to follow her while Tadayoshi decides to walk behind them but Vivian decides to walk beside him while slightly looking up at him in curious
Tadayoshi: What do you want?
Vivian: ... You don't look scary
Tadayoshi: What?
Vivian: Amelia always said to stay away from you cause you are scary... I don't see why?
Tadayoshi: ... is she always like this?
Vivian: No, she's a really nice girl!
Tadayoshi: -_-
Vivian: She is!
Tadayoshi: If you say so...
Vivian: ... Why are you always so grouchy?
Tadayoshi: Kid you wouldn't understand
Vivian: I'm not a kid!
Tadayoshi: Yet you act like one...
Vivian puffs her cheek and starts to lightly punching him while Tadayoshi ignores her punches
Tadayoshi: "This kid..."
They arrive at Coltopia to find the city quite busy and they see a long line of people waiting to get into the colosseums
Tracer: Damn lots of people are out today
Tadayoshi: You think?
Kiryu: Apparently they're almost done with the construction so they are allowing a few people to enter at a time
Tracer: That explains the line...
They make their way into a clothing store where the clerk greets them
Clerk: Good evening, I hope you find what you are looking for!
Kiryu: Thanks!
Amelia: Ok we'll just go and find what we need and get going
Tracer: How about we make things interesting
Amelia: Huh?
Tracer: How about all go and look for clothing for each other and we decide who's the best!
Vivian: *gasp* like exchanging gifts!
Tracer: Sure, I guess
Amelia: Then count me out...
Kiryu: Same, I don't really need any new clothing
Vivian: Then you can be judges!
Amelia: ... Fine
Tadayoshi: ... Can I not participate?
Tracer: Sorry but you need new clothing
Tadayoshi: ... Fuck
Vivian: Ok let's go!
Tracer and Vivian runs off around the store while Tadayoshi just walks over to the clothing he was nearby as Amelia and Terrence make their way to the changing room to wait for them
Tadayoshi: ... How the fuck am I supposed to know what size fits them...
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: ?
He walks over to where he heard Vivian but he somehow couldn't find her until he felt someone tugging on his arm which he looks to see Vivian hiding in the round clothing racks
Tadayoshi: What are you doing in there?
Vivian: It looks cool in here!
Tadayoshi: ... Did you just call me here just so you can try to surprise me?
Vivian: No
She gets out of the round clothing racks and points up at a t-shirt on the wall above which Tadayoshi looks up at
Vivian: Can you reach that?
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
He grabs the clothing which was a red t-shirt with the brand name on the back of the shirt and hands it to her
Vivian: Thank you!
Tadayoshi: Mhm...
Before Tadayoshi could leave, he notice Vivian putting the shirt in front of Tadayoshi to see it fits him
Tadayoshi: ... Is there anything else you need?
Vivian: Oh yeah! Do you-
Amelia: Hey...
Tadayoshi and Vivian look beside them to see Amelia with a disappointed look on her face before turning her attention to Tadayoshi
Amelia: Vivian, cover your ears, please
Vivian: Ok?...
She covers her ears and then points up at Tadayoshi's face which Tadayoshi leans back away from her in annoyance
Amelia: Listen here! Stay away from her! You're going to be a bad influence on her
Tadayoshi: Just because I spoke to her?
Amelia: Just stay away, I'll help her!
Tadayoshi: Whatever...
Amelia: Ok you can stop covering your ears
Vivian stops covers her ears and notices Tadayoshi walking away
Vivian: Tadayoshi, where are you going-
Amelia: Don't worry about him, I'll help you
Vivian: But-
Amelia: It's fine, he said he wanted me to help you
Vivian: ... Ok
A few minutes go by as they got the clothing and they make their way to where Kiryu is waiting
Kiryu: Alright who's going first
Vivian: Me! Me!
Kiryu: Go for it then!
Tracer and Tadayoshi hand her their choice of clothing which Vivian takes and makes her way into the changing room. After a quick change,
Vivian exits out of the room, revealing her clothing which is wearing a white sundress with pink polka dots on it
Tracer: That one is my choice! 10/10!
Amelia: ... 8
Kiryu: 7, I like the look on you but I feel like the polka dots make it feel... ehh weird in my opinion
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: Next clothing
Vivian: Ok!
After a quick change, Vivian comes out with Tadayoshi's clothing, which is a light blue T-shirt with ducks and ducklings on the shirt and black leggings with a white line going down on her sides
Kiryu/Amelia/ Tracer: So plain... 5
Tadayoshi: Like I said I don't care...
Vivian: I'll still keep them! Cause the ducks are cute!
Tadayoshi: If you say so kid...
Tracer: My turn!
Vivian quickly changes back into her normal clothing and walks out as Tracer goes in to change. After a quick change, she comes out with Vivian's clothing choice which is a dark red shirt with an octopus in front of the shirt and tentacles on the back, which blue jeans
Tracer: I like this clothing, especially the shirt!
Amelia: 7
Kiryu: 7, it's simple but not unique
Vivian: 10!
Tracer: I'm going to keep this, but let's try your clothing Tadayoshi, which I'm actually curious
She enters the changing room and after the quick change, she comes out with a black fitted crop cami top and with short tight jeans
Tracer: Oooh, I didn't think you would choose this for me~
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: Sorry, did it again
Tadayoshi noticed Amelia who was glaring at him in annoyance
Amelia: Pervert...
Tadayoshi: "this bitch..."
Amelia: 4
Vivian: 7?
Kiryu: For some reason... 9? Cause it somehow fits you well, especially who you are
Tracer: Hell yeah, your turn Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: ... Sure
After Tracer quickly changes back into her clothing, tadayoshi walks into the changing room with his chosen clothes, and he looks at what he was given
Tadayoshi: ... I'm starting to regret this...
After a quick change, he comes out, wearing a red t-shirt and a gray sweatpant
Vivian: That one of my choosing!
Kiryu: It feels... a bit off for you, 6
Tracer: 6
Amelia: I'm not going to answer it...
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: Is it bad?
Tadayoshi: It's fine... just feels off but I'll keep it cause it's the one of the only clothing that isn't the same looking...
Vivian gives him a little smile but Amelia interrupts them by letting out a loud cough
Amelia: Let's move on to the next and final clothing
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
He exits back into the changing room which he finds the next clothing a bit surprising. After changing, he exits out wearing a black shirt with a skull on it, a black leather jacket and ripped jeans
Amelia: You look like a thug...
Tadayoshi: You don't have to remind me...
Tracer: Nah, he looks like a bad boy to me, 10
Kiryu: 8, though he looks like he's about to rob a bank or something
Amelia: 3
Vivian: 8
Tadayoshi: Whatever, are we done now?
Kiryu: Yeah that all
Tadayoshi: About time...
He quickly changes back into his clothing and exits out with his old clothing
Tadayoshi: So now what? Since it seems we're just going to keep the clothing we got
Tracer: ... You know I'm curious, do you guys wanna go to the colosseum?
Kiryu: Why?
Tracer: Causes I'm curious to see who's the strongest in order other than Kiryu and Tadayoshi being the top dogs
Kiryu: I'm mean there's a long line and I don't think-
Tracer: Don't worry about that, I can handle it!
Kiryu: ... If you say so, you guy want to do it
Tadayoshi: I don't care...
Amelia: Let's do it... I have a rematch to settle...
Tadayoshi: "What is she planning now?..."
Vivian: Heck yeah!
Tracer: Wait you can fight?
Vivian: I can! I'm a strong girl!
Amelia: Trust her... I've seen her in a fight before
They all look in surprise as they turn at Vivian who was putting some coins in a donation box in happiness
Tadayoshi: "What is she capable of..."
This story bus interrupted by chibi Vivian hand Tadayoshi a donut while chibi Amelia glares at him
They all arrive at the Colosseums to still see the long line of people waiting to get into the Colosseum
Amelia: So what's your plan catgirl?
Tracer: Follow me!
They followed Tracer as they walk past the line which angers some people but the security guard, who is letting people in one at a time, stops them
Security guard: Hey! Get in the back, you people are not going to cut!
Tracer: Oh... I'm sorry...
Soon the group noticed Tracer has her shirt unbuttoned to show her cleavage and was swaying her hips while she looks away in embarrassment
Tracer: The line was so long... and I wanted to get inside soon because I have to get to my modeling soon...
Security: So hot! Go on ahead!
Tracer: On how sweet on you~ Come on guys!
She walks past the security guard, entering the colosseums while the others look at her with a disappointed look on their face as she buttons her shirt up again
Kiryu: Do you not feel any shame...
Tracer: Not really! As long as I don't fall in love of course ^_^
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: Wait... why did you have to show your boobs even though you-
Amelia: Ok no need for you to ask that...
They enter in a small arena to which Tadayoshi is surprised
Tadayoshi: I thought this place was just a big arena...
Kiryu: Well the Colosseums does changes itself a lot
Tadayoshi: What do you mean?
Kiryu: I mean the Colosseum can alter itself into multiple fighting grounds or a massive arena
Tadayoshi: Wait how?
Kiryu: Well the colosseum is a machine itself. Normally it stays as multiple fighting grounds so a lot of people can come in and fight in their own places, but it only changes for big events like the Colosseums of Champions
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...
Tracer: Alright! Who wants to battle me first? You two are not fighting me cause there's no way I'm beating you guys
Kiryu: Fair enough
Tadayoshi: Mhm...
Amelia: Let's go, I want to see how strong you are and besides I need a bit of warm-up
Tracer: Excellent! Let see who got the best skills!
Amelia: Sure...
Before Amelia can make her way to the fighting ground with Tracer, she stops near Tadayoshi and whispers to him
Amelia: Try to do anything to Vivian and I'll kill you
Tadayoshi: Like I'm going to anything to her...
Amelia: Know your place demon...
She enters the fighting ground as Tadayoshi clenches his fist in anger
Vivian: Aaaaaaaand... BEGIN!
Amelia pulls her weapon, an SMG, and fires at Tracer which she quickly dodges and starts to throw her throwing knives which Amelia quickly avoids them but catches one of them and throws it back at her which Tracer barely avoids. The second Tracer look at the knife that Amelia threw at her, Amelia appears in front of her and throws a punch in the stomach and then jumps up to kick her face but Tracer blocks it
Tracer: Take it easy! That one hurt you know!
Amelia: I don't care!
Vivian: Go Amelia go!
As they continue to fight Vivian turns his attention to Tadayoshi was had an annoyed look on his face
Vivian: You ok?
Tadayoshi: Hm? I'm fine kid
Vivian: ... Why did you walk away when we were at that store?
Tadayoshi: Your friend wanted me away from you since she wanted to help you
Vivian: I mean you both could've helped me, cause she said you wanted her to help me
Tadayoshi: As I said before, she wanted me away from you
Vivian: Oh...
Kiryu: Guess my sister is getting on your nerves, sorry about her
Tadayoshi: It's fine
Kiryu: But I'll just ask don't think of her as a sexist or anything
Tadayoshi: It's starting to get hard to...
Kiryu: I know, but she has a thing with... people with black hair
Tadayoshi: So she's racist?
Kiryu: No no no it's not that... we...
Tadayoshi: we what?
Kiryu: *sigh* we... lost our family and hometown to an Overlord...
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: An Overlord?
Kiryu: Yeah...
Vivian: ... What's that?
Kiryu: They- Wait you don't know about the Overlords?
Vivian: No, I heard about the name but Amelia always told me to not worry about it
Tadayoshi: She's really pampering you...
Vivian: What are they?
Kiryu: (Amelia if you find out I'm sorry) The Overlords are known as the world's most dangerous criminals in the world! They are known for they have their own country where they rule and have immense strength that rivals the Order! There is currently four of them in the world: Victor, WitchCraft, Admiral Kaison, and-
Tadayoshi: Mask...
Kiryu: Yeah... though it just his nickname since no one knows his real name...
Vivian: Oh... Which one of them took you home?
Kiryu: ...
Tadayoshi: Mostly Mask's Black Order commanders took their home
Kiryu: So you know about their commanders?
Tadayoshi: Yeah... I know a lot of things about them...
Vivian: Well at least you guys were lucky to survive and managed to escape!
Kiryu: I know... ever since that happened... she hated anyone with black hair since the Black Order is made up of people with black or grey hair...
Tadayoshi: ... It makes a lot of sense...
Vivian: Well if she tries to bully you next time! I'll stop her!
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... thanks?...
Tracer: I give up
They turn their attention to the fighting ground to see Tracer sitting down with her hands up and Amelia pointing her SMG at her
Amelia: Not bad...
Tracer: Thanks
Amelia reaches her hand out and helps Tracer up which she walks to where the others are
Amelia: Vivian, You're fighting me next! We have a rematch to settle!
Vivian: Yah! My turn!
Vivian skips her way to the fighting ground where she hops side to side in excitement
Tadayoshi: You said she's a strong fighter?
Kiryu: Trust me she is...
Tracer: And begin!
Amelia fires her SMG but Vivian pulls out her small scar Sc and charges at her. Amelia continues to fire at her but Vivian dodges the shots while firing back at her. Suddenly she appears behind Amelia but she quickly turns around smacking the weapon out of her hand, but Vivian pulls a small knife out of her gun and tackles her down, pointing the knife at her neck
Tadayoshi: Woah...
Tracer: Wait she had a knife on her weapon?
Kiryu: Oh yeah, when you have a firearm as your weapon, you are only allowed to have one attachment to your weapon
Tracer: Why one?
Kiryu: Cause the government says having one attachment to a weapon won't feel too difficult to take down someone with having casualties of that person goes rogue or something
Tracer: Ah
Vivian: I win!
Amelia: *sigh* Lost to you again... good job...
After Vivian helps her up she quickly turns to Tadayoshi and waves in excitement to her
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Did you see me take her down!
Tadayoshi: I saw it...
Vivian: Now you can't call me kid if I took her out!
Tadayoshi: That's not why I call you that...
Amelia: ...
Security guard: Hey, you people got a few minutes so you guys can do one match and you gotta go
Kiryu: Alright, say Tadayoshi, wanna go for a fight? We never got the chance to fight after Armor's attack
Tadayoshi: Sure...
Kiryu and Tadayoshi make their way to the fighting ground Tadayoshi notices Amelia having an angry expression on her face when she passes him
Kiryu: So... may the best fighter win!
Tadayoshi: Whatever...
Vivian: Annnd... BEGIN!
The sun begins to set as the group makes their way out of the Colosseum. The clouds cover the sky as they believe the rain was about to come
Tracer: Did you two really need to go all out
Kiryu: I had to! He wasn't holding back!
Tadayoshi: When you're in a fight, you don't hold back at all unless you could kill someone with a punch...
Tracer: Yet you two could've destroyed part of the colosseum again...
Vivian: Still it was so cool to watch! Kiryu was moving so fast and then Tadayoshi somehow was managing to hit him at that speed! It was like watching a movie!
Tadayoshi: Sure...
Vivian: Tadayoshi, can I come to your place and hang out again!
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Amelia: No!
They turn at Amelia who stomps over to Tadayoshi and moves Vivian away from him
Amelia: I don't know what you are planning but I'm putting an end to this!
Tadayoshi: Do I look like I planned anything today?
Amelia: Maybe, I don't know! Ever since you joined the Guardian, people have been hanging out with you all of a sudden like you are so a famous person! You are a Forgotten and yet you act like you are not! Who are you?!
Tadayoshi: A person woman
Amelia: Yet you as a "person" are still hiding something more that we don't know? What else are you hiding! In fact, what are you planning?!
Kiryu: Amelia-
Amelia: Shut up Kiryu! This has nothing to do with you!
Kiryu: ...
Amelia: You know what? I don't need to ask, I know what you're planning! You're manipulating everyone!
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: You are so desperate to take something that you have to trick everyone to get close to you! Look at Tracer, she was probably living her own life until you came along and now she sticks around you because you "saved" her!
Tadayoshi: Yet you all accepted her...
Tracer: But he-
Amelia: Yeah we did, but I did just to make sure she doesn't get tricked by you! And now you're trying to take Vivian because of how innocent she is! She believes you a great guy cause of how nice you treat her, even though you hate everything!
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: I don't want you doing whatever you plan to do with her just like that legendary girl-
Suddenly Tadayoshi pulls out his spear and strikes it on the ground beside her, surprising everyone
Tadayoshi: Listen here bitch, I don't care what you think of me or what you call me... but don't you ever bring her up!
Amelia: Because you're afraid to lose someone existence you took?
Tadayoshi: I took nothing... and she is someone I don't want her to become me!
Amelia: Oh please, why would you care about her when you don't give a shit about anything!
Tadayoshi: Because I took that chance to be something other than a bitch who hates me for just existing... what's next I breathe and you gonna expose me to the public?
Amelia: You son of a-
She pulls her SMG out in anger and points at his head
Tadayoshi: Do it... if you hate me so much that you want me gone... pull the trigger
Vivian quickly runs in front of Tadayoshi and sticks her arms out defending him from Amelia
Amelia: Get out of the way Vivian!
Vivian: No! Stop this fighting!
Amelia: I don't want you associating with him!
Vivian: Why? Because he's a Forgotten? I don't care! I'm going to be hangout with him and you can't stop me!
Soon they begin to feel the rain pouring down as Amelia grinds her weapon in anger, seeing another one of her friends defending someone she despises. She lowers her weapon and stomps away from them
Amelia: Don't ever associate with me again, demon...
Tadayoshi: I don't plan to bitch...
They watch Amelia walk away and Kiryu decides to follow her as he opens up an umbrella
Kiryu: I'll... go follow her... just in case she does something. Hang out another time?
Tracer: Yeah... sure
Kiryu: Cool...
Kiryu begins to run to where Amelia went as Tracer takes Vivian's hand and begins walking home
Tracer: Well... see you later, Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: Mhm...
Vivian: Bye Tadayoshi!
Vivian waves bye to which Tadayoshi does the same back to her as he watches them run away home. He looks at the sky as he felt the raindrops fall on his face until looking down and letting out a sigh
Tadayoshi: This promise... is a lot harder than I thought it'll be...
Tadayoshi vs Alpha
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