The Creepypasta Princess Book 1 : The Sign
Chapter 1 : My morning
It was a normal day. Really! I can bet it!
Well ... Not exactly. You see, I like - no scratch that. I LOVE Creepypasta. I read the stories a lot at school. I can even remember my first story. It was Jeff the Killer. Seeing the picture of his face made me so excited to read it. I just love creepy things.
I also like anime and manga, but that's not what the story's about.
You see, I have "mental issues". Not exactly serious though. Just hallucinations and homicidal feelings. They don't come very often, but still. They happen. And to tell you the truth, they're all about Creepypasta.
My mom blames me for liking creepy things. I just don't think it's that reason. Everyone see things that are not there. But, the things I see are ... different. I ... I thought I saw -
The door opens and a dark silhouette appears. "Time to wake up!" It was my mom. I open my eyes slowly. They're sore and have eye crust on them. I hate that part in mornings. I got up and took my clothes to change.
"Today's another day of torture in that juvenile building we call school." I said.
I was really bored of school. I mean, who isn't. The only good part about going to school was seeing my friends. That's all school is useful for. Don't get me wrong though, there are still classes I like at school.
As I changed my clothes I went ahead and got my backpack and coat to the kitchen. Or I should say the living room. (My dad's friends were redecorating the kitchen. So the table was moved to 1 part of the living room.)
As I came to the kitchen, my mother was making coffee. We don't have a coffee maker, so we use instant coffee. "How did you sleep?" She asks. "Fine. Just had a bad dream. That's all." I told her. My mom looked at me with a straight face. She placed the spoon on top of the counter and her hands were on her hips. "Another one? How many nightmares did you have?" She said.
I counted my fingers. It was hard to keep track of all the nightmare I had. Especially since its been 2 or 3 months since my last nightmare.
"5." I told her. My mom sighed and went back to making her coffee. "Those pills are definitely not working. When it's your next therapist appointment, you tell her about that nightmare. Ok?" She said with another sigh.
I told her it was ok and that I will tell her. You see, if I told my mom about it, she wouldn't understand..
The nightmare was simply about BEN DROWNED sucking me into a computer. I was stuck as a slave with other ... creatures. When I finally realized how sad BEN must have been, he helped me escape. And when I got back into the real world, I found a Link doll.
Anyway, I went to the table and drank my coffee. It's the same routine everyday. Once I finished my coffee, I immediately put on my coat, grab my backpack, and headed to the window of my parents' room.
My friend picks me up all the time for school. As soon as the car came, a honk came from it. I quickly said to my mom goodbye and left in an instance.
School was the same as always too.
You know, to think that the principal would notice if the art teacher was mean to her students :(
My friend Alondra and I walked to the school and into the cafeteria. At least I did, she would always get breakfast and then head to the cafeteria.
As usual, our friend Fernando was there. "I'm bored!" he said. "We don't care." I told him. He was always bored, which was annoying.
"Well sorry!" he said. Alondra sat next to him while I sat across from the both of them. We just talked and talked about Pokemon and Sonic.
Yeah, we're THAT kind of people.
Our friend Olivia showed up, and then Kristen and Caitlin. Lastly, Cindy came.
Cindy always comes last. It was like, her job. No matter how late she is, she always comes last. She was rather ... strange. I don't know how, but I don't feel comfortable around her. Still, she's a nice friend. What I actually like in her is that she would always have a crazy yet cool ideas.
"Hey guys!" Cindy said. "I know what I'm going to do to tonight!".
"What is it this time?" I ask.
Cindy was so happy I asked that. "I'm going to the abandoned Teriteth manor." she said with a smile.
Teriteth manor, the creepiest place in town. Legend has it, a serial killer ended up in the house and killed Oz Teriteth and his daughter. When Sheila Teriteth (the wife of Oz) tried to escape, another killer came and killed her. Now, they haunt the house. Seeking revenge. The killers though ... they're still at large. It's been on the news a lot lately. Killers are coming into people's houses.
"I don't really believe in that." I said. I really don't.
"Then explain why it's abandoned." Caitlin said.
"I can't because I don't know." I told her.
"I don't believe in it either, but ... still. It can be possible." Alondra said.
I hugged her and told everyone that they stole her from me. Everyone laughed at that. Especially Alondra herself.
Ring ring! That was the bell. Now for the boringness to begin.
Chapter 2 : The fun begins
Dear school, why so boring?
I can hardly feel happy about my classes. All boring and ... Lame and ... You know what I mean.
I was so glad to hear the last bell rang. I was so happy to leave! As soon as I went to my locker, Cindy showed up.
"I told the group to come along and they agreed." She said.
I looked at her. She's crazy! To think I would go all Ghost Busters on this trip.
"I'm not going." I said. "I'm far too busy."
Cindy frowned at me. Then an idea came to her head.
"This chance will prove once and for all if the manor IS haunted or not." She said with a grin.
Ok. I really like how she thinks.
"Fine. I'll tag along." I said.
Cindy smiled, hugged me, said thank you, and left.
Looks like I know what I'm going to do tonight.
Ok. So it's 9:00 and everyone in my family is sound asleep. I try as hard as I can to go to the back door. I can't go to the front door because my parents' room is there. Plus, the back door is closer to my room.
I put pillows on my bed so she. My parents come to check on me, they can "see" me sleeping.
Ok. I walk towards the door. Carefully opening it. It's making a little noise, but I can still make it. I'm opening it.
The back porch is cold, but I have my sweater on. I can make it.
Closing the door behind me. It made a quiet sound. I can make it.
Doing the same to the last door. This door is harder. I push on it. It opened.
The stairs are made of metal and my dog is asleep. I carefully take two steps. I shut the door quietly. I walk to the ground and into the front gate door.
I open it carefully. This one's noisy. I quickly open the door.
Heart pounding!
I'm sweating!
My parent's room is right there!
I don't think I can make it!
My parents' room light turns on.
I quickly closed the door and run for my life! I hid away from sight.
I checked the window. The light went off. I walk away from my house. I did it.
I'm free.
Chapter 3 : The Teriteth manor
To think you would know a person when they agree to join someone to search for ghosts in an abandoned manor.
It was only Olivia and Alondra that agreed to come. Cindy said that Fernando, Kristen, and Caitlin couldn't come because they know how strict their parents were. Great.
We enter the manor. It's dark, but we can still see. Even with my sweater, it was still cold. I don't know what to say at least. Cindy ... she's acting like she knows EXACTLY what she's doing.
"Let's check the room where Oz and his daughter were murdered." She said.
We all followed her. And to tell you the truth ... I was surprised to see this.
Once Cindy opened the door, right in front of us.
The dead bodies of Oz Teriteth and his daughter.
I'm starting to believe the legend. I don't know how this could be real, but it is. Cindy took a closer look at Oz.
"Wow. Look at this! Real dead bodies!".
How can she be excited to see this?!?!
I looked at my friends. Olivia and Alondra seem scared. And just when everything needed to get scary, the door shut.
Olivia tried to open the door, but it was stuck.
Alondra aimed towards the windows. Then ... I can't believe what I saw. Cindy grabbed her arm and pulled her to the floor.
"It's no use." She said. "You are stuck here. With no where to run."
Cindy ... her voice was ... different. To me, it sounds ... familiar. I heard a voice like that in one of my nightmares. The voice said ... "We found you.".
Cindy grabbed a knife from her pocket and ran toward us. Olivia was scared now. She pushed the door hard until it finally opened. We all ran for it.
Cindy was right behind me.
I don't know what to do!
My friends seem to have made it, I can't see them. I might have went the wrong way because now ... I'm at a dead end.
"Finally ... we found you." Cindy said.
I didn't know what to say. All I saw next was a psychopath fading away. It was like she was a ghost!
She was completely gone by the time I got calm. I ran towards the door when I felt someone behind me.
I turned around to only find ... no one.
I turned back to the door and headed straight home.
Never mentioning this day.
Chapter 4 : The Sign
Ever since that day, my nightmares came again. This time it was different.
The same ones came up. The dream about the voice, the dream about BEN, even a dream about marrying a demon came back.
I was confused. I talked to my therapist about it, but she just prescribed me with more medicine. I've been having headaches here and there, but that was also normal.
I don't know what to do. I might as well sleep though. I'm on my bed when ... I saw him ... I saw him again.
There was a hallucination I had of Jeff the Killer. I saw the hallucination again. Same face, same pose, same ... everything.
I jumped up. I realized that now ... I can't do anything to stop these hallucinations from happening. I just went to bed. Trying to sleep it off.
Hey ...
Hey. Wake up ...
WAKE UP!!!!!
I did what the voice told me to do. I jumped up and was face to face with him.
One second it was Cindy saying that they found me, the next was ... him.
"Hi there princess. The name is Jeff. Jeff the Killer. And it looks like we found you."
Ok! I hope all of you readers out there can enjoy this book. It's my first time writing a book on Wattpad, so I hope I get a lot of readers! See you next time in ... The Creepypasta Princess Book 2 : The Awakening. :D
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