
"Sean? Sean are you okay?"

A deep voice pulls the Irish man from his thoughts, his blue eyes darting to a red haired man that looked at him worriedly. Jack sucks in a couple breaths realizing he was still clinging to the wall.

He forces himself away and gulps silently, this man in front of him, of course it was his friend, but all his instincts told him to get away, told him to run. This was a hunter, one that would kill in a heartbeat if he knew what he truly was.

"I-I'm fine...."

Jack stutters, silently cussing himself for not being casual, he must've looked spastic, he could feel, every small twitch of his hand, every little jerky movement.

"You look white as a ghost... What's wrong?"

Mark asks reaching forward, as to gently place a hand on the Irish man's shoulder, worry lacing his voice. Instinctively Jack jerks his shoulder away, taking a step back in the process, averting his blue eyes from the man, unable to look at him. A small unintentional growl begins working up the Irish man's throat though he swallows it back, he couldn't look any more suspicious.

"Y-You know, I'm not feeling well... I-I think I'm going to go rest."

Jack stutters, silently trying to pull himself together, but the thought of being in the house with two hunters, it wasn't something he'd hoped to ever experience, and the way they talked about him. He was a monster, he hurt someone, but didn't remember a thing.

"That's probably a good-"

Mark begins before being cut off, the Irish man rushing past him and upstairs, a nervous energy following him all the way.


The red haired man finishes under his breath with a sigh. Pushing a hand through his dyed red hair as he walks back out into the living room where Felix stood looking at the stairs where Jack had nearly ran, he had clearly felt the nervous energy as well.

"What the hell was that about...?"

The Swede questions as Mark walks out, his blue eyes curious, suspicious.

"I have no idea... He said he wasn't feeling well..."

Mark explains softly, his brown eyes following the Swedish man's gaze to the stairs, something was definitely wrong with Sean.

~~~~~~~~In Jack's bedroom~~~~~~~~~

Jack's breaths come in short gulps, his throat dry, his stance tense, and blood pumping. What was he going to do? Felix and Mark weren't stupid, and with that spastic show downstairs, they had to suspect something.

However, they were friends, right? They wouldn't kill Jack, maybe they could help him.

A growl escapes him as he gently hits himself against the head with his palm.

"Stupid stupid stupid...."

He mutters under his breath, pacing the room anxiously. Of course two hunters wouldn't help a monster, they'd kill him. Jack couldn't think of them as friends anymore, he had to think of them as the enemy, and what would he normally do with an enemy? Get as far away from them as possible.

However that could be a problem, his flight wasn't for another week at least, and god knows he didn't have the money to afford an earlier one, he'd been saving for this trip for a while. It's not like he wanted to leave, however his life was in danger here.

He knew what he was, a beast, a monster. Although he didn't want to be, of course he'd hurt people, but he didn't want to, he hated hurting people, but his urges, urges to feed, they were difficult to contain, and sometimes they got out.

Jack had paced even faster as these terrible thoughts rocket through his brain, thoughts of what he was, the hunters, and his own death, that was sure to come soon.

"Pull yourself together you son of a bitch..."

He mutters, pushing a hand roughly through his green strands of hair, his blue eyes going to the door.

"I need some air..."

He murmurs to no one as he walks out of his bedroom, listening to the house around him which was quiet. He walks downstairs cautiously, blue eyes darting around for the hunters but not seeing them. He checks everywhere, but soon comes to the kitchen where a note sat on the counter.

Felix and I went out, you weren't feeling well so I didn't want to disturb you. We'll be back soon.

Jack releases a soft breath, his stance relaxing slightly. Of course he knew they were out hunting for him, but as long as he didn't shift, it'd be fine.

With that thought he walks out the door into the cool air and begins walking, no particular direction, but just enjoying the air, which calmed him down greatly.

~~~~~~~~~Somewhere near Mark's house~~~~~~~~~

Two men sat in a small black car, one blonde, and one with a dyed red head of hair. Their car rolled slowly down the road, their pair of eyes scanning the areas they drove by, looking for something.

By now it was around 8, the sky had darkened, and the roads were empty, silent.

"I don't know Felix, maybe it won't come out tonight..."

The red haired man says with a small sigh, his brown eyes continuing to scan the empty road. The blonde doesn't respond at first, his blue eyes focused before his shoulders move up and down in a shrug.

"Then we come back tomorrow, it's bound to show one of these days."

Felix responds nonchalantly, ignoring when another sigh escapes Mark.

"What about Jack... What if he gets suspicious?"

Mark finally asks after a short silence, his brown eyes moving away from the empty road to the blonde Swede beside him. Felix sucks in a soft breath, seeming to think for a second, about the green haired man, more specifically about his suspicious behavior not too long ago. Without another word Felix shrugs his shoulders again, refusing to look at Mark, though it seems he is now more focused on his thoughts than the search.

Mark opens his mouth to speak once again before a noise interrupts him, a clanging, his brown eyes dart towards the sound, an alley way.

Mark gestures for Felix to stop, but he already had, hearing the noise as well.

"Stay here, I'll go."

Mark mutters in command, reaching into Felix's backseat and pulling up a small hand gun. He quickly takes the magazine out, checking the ammo, pure silver bullets. Quickly putting the magazine in again he climbs out of the car and slowly follows the sound down the stone alley, gun up and raised and prepared.

His eyes scan his surroundings as he walks, careful to not make a sound. Not far down the small stone path a doglike creature digs through a few bags of trash. At a glance it looked like a normal large dog, but at closer inspection it was huge. Almost as big as a human.

Mark lifts his gun aiming at the creature, straight at its heart, ready to kill it. He steadily cocks the gun, the click louder than he had expected, echoing around the small enclosed alley way. Mark silently cusses as the wolf's ears twitch and its head slowly raises.

Mark holds the gun tighter as the wolf turns its head, a pair of animalistic, ocean blue eyes staring into his, almost looking human, and strangely familiar, though the red haired man can't tell where he'd seen them before.

The wolf lunges, forcing Mark to pull himself out of his thoughts and without a thought he pulls the trigger on his gun, a loud yelp escaping the beast as it halts its attack. Mark's heart beats against his ribcage as he looks at the beast.

He'd missed. Instead of hitting the heart where he tried to move, his silver bullet went straight through the beasts front, left leg, blood dripping from the wound and onto the dirty ground.

With another growl the beast turns and runs, of course the red haired man chases after him, though even with a wounded leg the monster was faster, soon Mark lost sight of it.

Out of breath, and frankly disappointed, he returns to Felix's car, tossing the gun into the backseat and earning a questioning look from the Swede. Mark shakes his head in response.

"Let's go... We'll try again later..."

Mark mutters simply. Felix watches him for another few seconds before nodding and driving towards Marks house. The red haired man stares out of his window, something about that wolf was familiar, those blue eyes. He'd seen them before... He was sure of it.

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