Chapter 13
"Sorry if I offend you but who are you people?"
A guy with red hair just hugged me.
"Um excuse me but who are you and why are you hugging me." I asked getting irritated from the lack of answers I received.
"Bart she doesn't remember anything ." A boy with black hair and a white streak in his hair said to the red head. I just gave a confused look at all of them because I was honestly confused I looked in the group and I saw my brother behind a mask.
"Skyler." My mother said and I turned around to face her.
"Yes." I answered and everyone looked at me.
"What's wrong?."
"Do you remember us?" A guy with black hair asked.
"No. So I'm gonna ask again who are you people." Im starting to get irritated.
"Skyler so you remember your name right can you tell me some more stuff just so I can make sure." Mother asked sitting next to me and running her hands through my hair witch was soothing.
"Um ok ? My name is Skyler something something. I'm 14. I had black hair don't remember dying it though. I'm an assasin? Oh ya Mother I'm not stupid I do recognize you Damian even with that stupid costume." I said with a smirk how would they think I would forget them. But I had no idea who the rest of the people were. But that didn't stop on of them from smiling like an idiot.
"Why is that one smiling so much. " I said pointing at the red head who's smile instantly turn to sorrow witch confused me. Then Damian sat next to me and hugged me.
"How do you remember him and me." Mother asked. I just shrugged.
"I don't know but do me two favors Damian." I got up from the bed and started walking god knows where.
"Sure what do want." Damian said eagerly.
"Since when are you so eager your always brooding."
"Since we moved to um never mind."
"No tell me."
"Mother will tell you." I just rolled my eyes.
"Whatever so yeah that favor."
"Yeah what did you want." Damian asked still in a weird costume and mother and the people who were in my room 5feet behind us.
"Ok first why the costume it's ridiculous." I stated and he just rolled his eyes.
"That will be explained to even tho I don't even know why ether."
"Ok then second WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE." I yelled turning around to the people following us and Damian took a sharp breath and walked up to a man with a Bat kowl on his head it didn't scare me it was just wired. My mother came next to me and told me to sit down.
"Um Skyler this is your father." Mother said. While the people who were following me took of there mask and Kowl.
"Witch one." I laughed and Damian just glared. He Pointed to the man with the bat kowl over his head.
"Oh that makes sense but what about the other 5." I asked.
"These are my kids to." He pointed at the three guys minus the red head. I walked up to Damian I whispered 'this dude gets more action then slade how can he have 3 kids plus you and I.' I whispered and Damian full on laughed witch was funny to look at.
" There adopted." A girl in black said.
"How did you hear what I said."
"What did she say." My 'Father' said.
"I said you get more action than Slade to have that much kids anyway didn't Jason said he didn't want to be your son and Dick moved like 3 months ago so." I said. When the realization hit me with what I said. Then flashbacks hit me. 'Jay and I pranking Dick by replacing his shampoo with blond hair dye'. 'Him and I on patrol kicking ass'. 'Hanging upside down from the roof because we pranked Damian in his sleep by writing Second best on his forehead.' 'Our talks about how life was before everything.' 'Dickhead always bringing something fun for us to do. Him throwing me into the pool. And him always being a fuck boy to everyone that I had to slap him because of how annoying it was.'
Everyone's eyes went wide with what I said. I ran to Jay and Dickhead.
"Jay,Dick head" I shouted at them.
"Yay she remembers us." Dick and Jay yelled.
"I still need an explanation because I know your my father but I don't know who you are. And I have know idea who those 2 are." I pointed at the girl in black and the red head.
"Well this I Sonance." Damian said putting his arms around her and smiling and I just smirked.
"Oh Damian got a girlfriend how long was I dead." Everyone's emotions went from happy to sad and heartbroken. So I decided not to bring it up until I found out how I died.
"Yes I do and she's your best friend."
I was just stunned for a bit.
"Since when."
"Since you moved to Sonance. "
Sonance said hugging me so tight that that surge of electricity started pulsing again that I pulled away and excused myself I went too my bathroom and held on to my sink and calmed down then snow came out of my hands. I touched my mirror and on the frame ice started to form.
"Whoa" I said in amazement then electricity came from my hand braking my mirror.
"Shit." I yelled and Sonance rushed in I grabbed her hand and I got another flashback.
'Sonance admitting she has feelings for my brother.' 'Her taking me to Olympus.' 'Us having a party and Trashing the Manor.'
"Hay Sonance I remember you."
She just hugged me tight and I hugged back. Then father rushed through the and put his hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was ok but ignored it. I was having another flashback.
'We we're having a father daughter talk about how I wanted to be a model.
'But father come on I've always wanted to please I'll still keep up with my work 'I said no Skyler. I eventually wore him down.' I was talking to father about being a model.
'I was in fathers office talking about being closer to the family because it affects the entire family'
'Father had an argument with Selena and I was trying to help him apologize and that was fun.
"Hay Father did that present work with Selena." He just smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"Is Alfred home because I wanna."
"Ya" I saw Tim look over to us.
"Hay ass hat get over here." I pointed at Tim to get over here
We were on the Bat Jet I said goodbye to mother for everything but she didn't tell me how I died all she told me was 'I'll find out in time'.
"Hay Sonance?" I asked.
"What's up sister from a different weirdo." I rolled my eyes at what she just said but in all honesty it was true.
"Who's the guys with the red hair." I guess I said that really loud because everyone except father turned around with a smirk on there faces except him he seemed sad.
"Um Sky."
"Ya Sonance." I looked back at her and then back to everyone else who was just smiling witch had me fucking nervous.
"His name is Bart Allen and he's...." before she finished Jason interrupted.
"We should let her figure that out on her own." He said grinning. I just raised my eyebrows.
"Oh ok then?."
"Alfie!!!" I screamed running and hugging Alfred.
"Miss Skyler nice to see you again."
"Ya nice to see you to so what been happening since I died." Alfred went from happy to sad I really need to stop bringing it up.
"I was getting ready to comfort everyone else if you didn't come back."
"Oh Alfred you should know I'll always come back." I grabbed an apple and went upstairs to my room when I opened it the door there were pictures or Bart and I on the wall a few with my family there was a polarized one on my mirror I took it down and held it in my hand.
"You two were really close." Sonance said.
"I see that what happened."
"Y-you withdrew from everyone."
She shrugged not wanting to answer.
"Oh so how did I die." I asked hopefully getting an answer. I didn't sadly."
Bart stayed the night due to his guardian being out of town.
I couldn't sleep I kept having nightmares but they were blurry but in them I heard my brothers crying mothers in the background. I heard someone saying my name over and over again and saying "why did you do it". I shot up sweating. I went down stairs to get some water but I was shaking so much that I dropped my glass braking it. I tried to picked up the glass, electricity came out of my fingers and it hit my body. I heard footsteps running down the stairs I assumed it was Damian or Sonance.
Bart was in front of me holding me trying to steady me so I don't fall. We were now sitting on the kitchen floor. he stroked my cheek as if knowing that was gonna calm me down.
"It's ok Sky your gonna be ok I won't let anything happen to you not again."
Ask he stroked my cheek I looked into his big brown eyes and I grabbed his hand and when I took it I had a flashback.
'Skyler would you like to be my....
I would love to be you girl friend Bartholomew Henry Allen II.
'This is one of my favorite spots to go when I'm strsssed.'
'It's beautiful '' just like you' I blushed
A boy was being an ass and Bart had transfered to Gotham Academy with help from my dad which surprised me but I didn't complain.
'Hay if it isn't the little princess doing anything later.' The boy asked and wrapped his hand around my waist and Bart didn't like that.'
'Can you take your hand off me like right now?' I asked getting irritated and Bart saw.
'Or what princess' he said and Bart zoom over to him kicked his aaaaaa and we left for or class. '
'I did warn him didn't i' I laughed.
Then I saw the nightmare I was having but it wasn't blurry it was real this was how I died this wasn't Barts it was mine is took a hand full of pills I felt nothing I died I left notes I was depressed. Bart was holding my bodies crying screaming 'why Skylar why?'
I killed my self.
Hay at least she remembers
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