Twin's Bio

There will be changes obviously and several of them so bare with me. I OWN NOTHING all all rights go to Riot Games and Mad Max. This will be on Archive since it will be a dark story because if you have seen Arcane and/or any Mad Max movie then you can understand why. The symbol that is being used as a cover for the book will be important later on.

Older Twin's Name- Furiosa Roth.

Age- 19. (The start she'll be twelve)

Height- 6'0- Yes I'm making her taller.

Personality- Serious, quiet, vengeful, cold, calculative, intimidating, hotheaded, hateful, distant, respectful sometimes, warrior like, disciplined, desensitized to violence, compassionate at times, honorable, very untrusting and patient. *Towards her brother* Loving, protective, sweet, trusting and at times motherly.

Reasons for fighting- Redemption, vengeance, independence and her brother.

Relationships- Adoptive and biological family.

Vander- Has high respect for Vander for saving her and her brother from Dementus though does view him as more of a savior than a father. Has self-hatred because of the injuries Vander suffered in order to save her and her brother despite being aware that Vander holds no grudge over the injuries and no hatred towards them.

Vi- The relationship is very hostile despite how similar the two are to each other. Vi blames both Furiosa and her brother for Vander's scars while Furiosa hates Vi's treatment of her brother so the two bicker more than Vi does with Mylo to the point its obvious the two hate each other with a fierce passion.

Mylo- Mylo like Vi hates the twins for the same reason but also is jealous of Furiosa's brother due to his strength, height and how girls in both Piltover and Zaun stare at him. Bickers with Furiosa more than Vi and hates how her and her brother make their own jobs and the fact that they manage to do a better job as two than the group of four can.

Claggor- Claggor doesn't like either of the two due to what he views as arrogance from their jobs and their attitude towards them. He also finds Powder's affinity towards the brother of the two. 

Powder- The only one of the kids that likes the duo and shows them kindness though doesn't like Powder's crush on her brother. Powder is the only one of the four to ever see Furiosa smile and the only one of the four to receive any kind of kindness back from her. Furiosa does call Powder her little sister which infuriates Vi. 

Ekko- Views him as a nice kid and finds his bravery and optimism admirable. Does find him to be a bit naive at times and him helping the other three a bit annoying though looks past it.

Brother- Her younger brother is the sole light of her life and the one person she trusts with all her heart. Being the "older" of the two she is more protective of him to the point she can be called his mother. Her brother is the only one that can say he sees her smiling as normal while being someone that Furiosa will kill and die for if the situation calls for it. The loving relationship the two have though is one that even Vander can say is strange as the two have been mistaken for a couple because of the love they use to show affection to the other.

Looks- A tall female even as a child with blazing red hair always down and a steely look that has intimidated many people. Often either has a emotionless but serious face or a vicious glare that terrified even the most hardened Enforcers. A tanned kind of skin tone and a lean muscular body that puts Vi's to shame with blue eyes that tell her emotions. Yes she will still have her arm even when she grows up.

Younger Twin's Name- Furious Roth.

Age- 19. (Will be twelve as well)

Height- 6'6.

Personality- Serious, quiet, distant, hateful, vengeful, hotheaded, respectful at times, intimidating (arguably more so than Furiosa) patient, untrusting, honorable, warrior like, desensitized to violence, disciplined, respectful at times, compassionate, cold, calculative, determined and fearless. *Towards his sister* Caring, loving, protective, gentle, trusting and safe.

Reasons for fighting- Vengeance, freedom, redemption and his sister.

Relationships- Towards biological and adoptive family.

Vander- Respects Vander for his bravery, skill and saving them but does hate himself for not being strong enough to save his sister on his own and for Vander's injuries. doesn't see Vander as a father figure but rather as a leader that is the opposite of Dementus.

Vi- Has physically fought her whenever she badmouths his sister and won every one of the fights and leaves without helping her, showing his hatred for her. Once said that Vi is a distorted cruel but weaker version of his sister Furiosa which enraged her to no end.

Mylo- Despises Mylo's underserved arrogance and his cruel taunts towards others though he saves the worst for them. Has broken Mylo's nose several times as a result but went so far as to break his right arm in two separate places after with Vi and Claggor devised a plan to try and leave them to be captured by the Enforcers.

Claggor- Finds him to just be a asshole and at times a wimp though says he finds him to be the less annoying of the trio. Refuses to be stuck with him despite that claim though.

Powder- Admires Powder and does do kind gestures to the youngest of the four in different ways such as head pats, protecting her from Zaun's streets, alongside Furiosa training her in different hand to hand styles and even sharing ten percent of their earnings from their jobs to her. Is surprisingly not aware of Powder's crush on him due to not being able to spend enough time with her because of Vi's distrust and hatred if him and Furiosa.

Ekko- Considers him a close friend and will stand up for him if anyone decides to try and harm him and in exchange Ekko gives them the harder jobs due to them being faster, stronger and better than the other four so Furious gives him a ten percent share like Powder.

Furiosa- The one person he trusts with all his heart and the one person that can say Furious hugs them. Furious despite being the "younger" of the two is the taller so protects his sister whenever a threat appears or whenever Vi or Mylo try and fight her. The love the two have for the other is very noticeable but at times comes off as more couple like than family like.

Looks- A tall imposing figure and one of the few that can see eye to eye physically to Vander with broad shoulders, a raging eight pack and biceps that surprises even Vander himself. Like his sister he has blazing red hair and ocean blue eyes that gives him a handsome look. A fan of the color black that fits with his physique and unlike his sister who wears black makeup uses a black hood with a skull mouth cover to hide his face whenever he goes Topside or pummels some people in the Lanes.

Abilities- Born in a apocalyptic like wasteland and forced to survive on their own for a while after losing their mother while also being "raised" by Dementus had turned these two into a formidable opponent on their own but together a deadly force that makes them seem invincible. The brutal training the two have gone through has terrified Enforcers and impressed Vander himself though unlike Vander the two have no peace in their hearts or souls.
1- Peak Human Physiques- The two in their former lives with Dementus and their mother had made them rely on fruits and vegetables as well as fresh water so along with constant training had made them become the pinnacle of human perfection.
2- Peak Human Strength- Both the two have been able to lift at their maximum half a ton and shown off strength that has terrified Enforcers and gang members. Furiosa has carried a motorcycle on her shoulders with one arm after being left behind by Mylo and Vi while Furious has fought a man a foot taller than him but punched him with such force that it was described by the man who suffered a broken jaw, several lost teeth, a black eye and a shattered nose from one singular punch to be equivalent to a dozen bodybuilders on heavy steroids.
3- Peak Human Speed- Shown speed in their strikes and reaction that has shocked others. The duo run across rooftops where in a single minute can cover over five miles and have believed to have teleported in front of people due to how fast they are.
4- Peak Human Durability- The muscles, flesh and bones of these two are far far denser than other people and have been known to be tough as shit. Furiosa has taken hits by wooden bats and glass bottles without reacting and even punches by grown men with her time with Dementus as training and took the hits without crying. For Furious he had taken punches from Enforcers of Piltover and Zaun's gangs without even moving or reacting and during his time with Dementus had taken a sniper round between his ribs but kept fighting for five hours and didn't pass out when the mission was over but instead tore the bullet out and used a old shirt to patch himself up.
5- Peak Human Endurance- The endurance these two make them seem inhuman to the ordinary person. The two use to train for days on end with Dementus without water, food or even sleep as children and despite how normal people would have gone insane or have simply died, the duo remained calm to the point it startled Dementus and even Vander when he first met the duo. Furiosa has had fought several fights with one arm broken and came out the victor as well as had been stabbed through the stomach by a five inch blade and kept running through rooftops for hours with the blade still in her stomach and didn't react a single time to the overwhelming pain while Furious had fallen from high heights stomach or back first so many times that the pain of doing it no longer fazes him so he stands right back up and keeps running even when he did a forty foot belly drop onto a steel dumpster and didn't even react to the fact that there was eight beer bottles worth of broken glass on the top. 
6- Peak Human Stamina- The duo's musculature exhibits far less stamina than normal humans to the point the two can perform marathons and jump across rooftops for three and a half hours with showing any signs of fatigue. It is said the two don't run on sleep at all and even living with Vander the two have gone three days every week without food and sleep to strengthen themselves and it surprisingly does with Vander shocked to see that it doesn't effect them.
7- Peak Human Health- The two are at the pinnacle of human health that allows them peak metabolism, recovery, longevity and regeneration that is the envy of normal humans. The two are incapable of becoming intoxicated or gaining negative weight due to this as hinted when the duo downed a whole barrel each of heavy whiskey and weren't even the least bit tipsy. Their recovery is impressive as injuries that should take weeks for normal people to even move these two are up and moving three days later like it never even happened. 
8- SuperHuman Regeneration Level I- Injuries that leave huge scars for normal people like deep cuts, electrical shocks and severe burns heal within a few days while injuries and physical trauma to their organs heal within weeks at the least and a month at the most. The two have no physical scars because of this though the mental ones they have yet to heal.
9- Immortality- Self-Explanatory and will be explained.
10- Peak Human Agility/Reflexes- Effortlessly catches objects from punches, glass bottles and even throwing knives with ease and both have perfect coordination due to this. It had been proven that both Vi and Mylo have been unable to even touch them throughout the years.
11- Peak Human Senses- The two have been trained to turn their senses into impeccable weapons that turns the tide of any battle they are in. The two have 20/5 vision meaning they can see perfectly twenty feet away what people see only five feet of, can see perfectly in the dark, ultraviolet and infrared light with ease and use this too have perfect accuracy. Their touch is impressive as they can feel someone's breath, pulse or heartbeat to even slight vibrations in the air without being physically touched. Their hearing is 40khz so they can hear through thick brick walls and a mile away in complete silence and their smell is comparable to a bloodhound's.
12- Peak Human Mind- The two's minds are amazing and like the rest of them is peak human so they have maximum brain compacity and maximum concentration that make them impossible to psyche out, intimidate, enhances their already amazing accuracy, grants them amazing awareness of their surroundings and grants them flawless coordination.
13- Inhumane Intelligence- Their intelligence surpasses peak humans and impresses even Piltover's greatest scientists to the point they have wanted the two to enter Piltover schools. 

Skills- Obtained from their mother, Dementus and being self taught.
1- Peak Human Combat- This includes peak human attack and peak human defense.
2- Tactical Analysis- Can easily come up with ideas to take out entire groups.
3- Weakness Detection- Can see the weaknesses of others with mere glances.
4- Master Hand to Hand Combatants- Even young they have bested other seasoned fighters on their own to the point that even Vander admits he can't best even one of them.
5- Master Marksman/Markswoman- Accuracy is unrivaled and have mastery in any kind of guns.
6- Mastery In Melee- Any weapon bladed or not is deadly in their hands. 
7- Environmental Advantage- Can use anything in their environment as a weapon or advantage.
8- Peak Human Tracking- Masters at finding what they want to find.
9- Emotion Masking- Comes off as emotionless to anyone that meets them so it is impossible for anyone to read them from Vander to even Silco and Grayson.
10- Inhuman Memory- Can remember anything in amazing detail from the most minor and can remember than for much longer periods of time and can remember things without anything to trigger their memory. This though has the weakness of making it impossible to forgot what they want to forgot from their mother's death and the numerous murders they have committed.
11- Intimidation- They have a reputation of being feared by most of Piltover and Zaun with even other kingdoms having come to known how brutal, ruthless and merciless these can be towards they have a hatred or resentment to though Furious is said to be more physical intimidating.

Furiosa's Weapons

Colt M19- Given as a prize from Dementus.

Taurus PT99- Stole as a reward from a job.

Smith & Wesson Model 13- Killed some scumbag from Dementus's gang and took the gun.

SKS with large after-market scopes- Made herself as a reminder of her mother.

Sawed Off Double Barrel- Got as a gift from Furious.

AKM- Killed a motorcyclist on the very first job the two did together.

Serrated Combat Machete- Got after killing one of Silco's greatest enforcers on her own on her first job without Furious by her side.

Furious's Weapons

44 Magnum- Given as a prize from Dementus.

Colt Python- Retrieved after killing a gang member threatening Powder.

El Diablo- Made himself as a reminder of his mother.

Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun- Given as a gift from Furiosa.

Type 56- Originally a AK-47 but was fitted with a Chinese 75 Round Drum magazine and Furious got this on the first job he ever did alone for Dementus where he assassinated a high ranking member of Immortan Joe's cult and made it back alive despite taking a burtal beating from three men and even having a bullet lodged into his left shoulder though ended up murdering the trio on his own and made it back into his older twin's arms.

Tactical Combat Sword- Obtained as a thank you reward for killing five gang members trying to rob a shop in Zaun so the owner gave this sword to him free as a thank you.

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