3. four

Cammie walked into Scoops Ahoy the next afternoon, after having skated Max home to see her mother for a few hours before Max, inevitably, returned to Cammie's house for the night again. Cammie had decided to see Steve, and Robin, and get some free ice cream.

"Rob!" Cammie smiled as she reached the counter.

"Hey, love. Want your brother?" Robin asked.

"Yeah," Cammie said.

"Dustin's here, too. They're in the back. Come on," she said. Cammie nodded and followed her into the back. "All right, babysitting time is over. Your sister is here and you need to get in there. Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds," Robin whined, seeing the data on her board had been wiped off.

"Hey, Cams," Steve said. Dustin nodded his hello.

"Hey," Cammie said.

"I guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data," Dustin said.

"Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?" Robin said.

"Russians?" Cammie asked.

"How does she know about the Russians?" Dustin said.

"I don't know," Steve shook his head.

"What Russians?" Cammie said.

"You told her about-"

"It wasn't me,"

"Hello, I can hear you. Actually, I can hear everything. You are both extremely loud. You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a word because you didn't realize Russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. Sound about right?" Robin said.

"Wait, what?" Cammie said.

Robin reached for the tape but Steve grabbed it first.

"Whoa! What do you think you're doing?" he shouted.

"I wanna hear it," Robin said.

"Why?" Steve and Dustin said.

"'Cause maybe I can help. I'm fluent in four languages, you know," Robin said.

"Russian?" Dustin asked.

"Ou-yay are-yay umb-day," Robin said. Steve laughed and turned to Dustin.

"Oh-ho-ho!" he said.

"Holy shit!" Dustin smiled widely.

"That was Pig Latin, dingus," Robin rolled her eyes, making Cammie giggle.

"Idiot," Steve slapped Dustin's arm.

"But I can speak Spanish and French and Italian, and I've been in band for 12 years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me," Robin said.

"Uh..." Dustin trailed off.

"I'll supervise," Cammie said.

"Come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate. I don't even want credit. I'm just bored," Robin said. Steve swapped Robin's scoop for the recorder and walked out to the front of the shop, a pout on his face.

Cammie stared at the Russian alphabet she'd wrote onto Robin's board, eyes wide and confused. Dustin was handling the tape, while Robin was doing the translating. It wasn't going very well, if Cammie was being honest.

"Wait, that last part, just one more time," Robin said.

"Okay," Dustin rewinded the tape.

"Okay, that word. Um... It's pronounced...dly-nna-ya." Robin frowned.

"Dly-nna-ya..." Dustin repeated.

"Which is spelled..." Cammie held up the board with a frown. "No, I'm not sure," she said.

"D... D, D, D..." Dustin mumbled, looking at the Russian alphabet. "The- The chair. The chair-looking thingy," he said. Robin nodded.

"Yeah, okay," she said. Robin opened the window of the shop to see Steve. "Got our first sentence," she said.

"Really?" he said.

"Yeah," Robin said. Cammie peered out of the window and smirked.

"The week is long," Cammie put on a Russian accent. Steve frowned.

"Well, that's thrilling," he said.

"Yet accurate," Cammie said.

"I know. But, progress," he said. He smiled at Cammie. "El and Max are here," he said.

She frowned and looked over his shoulder, seeing them waiting for ice cream. She climbed through the gap and leaned against the counter.

"What are you two doing here? El, you're not allowed out," Cammie said.

"But you're not gonna tell, right?" Max said.

Cammie rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't blow you two up. What are you two doing, anyway? I thought you didn't hang out," Cammie said.

"El and I are bonding," Max said.

"You two are bonding," Cammie said skeptically.

It wasn't that she didn't believe they could be friends, because she knew they'd be really good friends if they actually talked, but Eleven was always attached to Mike's side whenever they hung out as a group and Max didn't go to Hopper's cabin with Cammie so Cammie and El could have sister time, so they weren't close.

"Yeah," Max said.

"I'm your sister. Max is your girlfriend. I'm making an effort, for you," Eleven said.

Cammie smiled slightly.

"That's sweet, actually," she said.

Steve handed them their ice creams and put a hand on Cammie's shoulder.

"She's having boyfriend troubles with Mike. He lied to get out of seeing her today. We figured we'd come here and say hello for a while," Max smiled.

"He lied?" Cammie said.

"He said his nana was sick. Dying," Eleven said. Cammie scoffed.

"His nan is practically Hitler. She's not going anywhere. Why did he lie?" she asked.

"Why do boys do anything?" Max said.

"Exactly why I favour the ladies," Cammie rolled her eyes.

"Exactly why I do, too," Max smirked.

"What are your plans today, Cammie?" Eleven said.

"I'm hanging out with Steve and Robin," Cammie said.

She would've gone with them to enjoy their girls day, but she was really curious about this Russian code and she wanted to help Dustin figure it out. She had really missed him while he was away, and she didn't want to tell El or Max because they were finally being friends after almost a year of knowing each other.

"What time should I send Max to your house?" Eleven said.

"I'll radio and we'll figure it out later," Cammie smiled.

"Sounds good," Max smiled. "I'll see you later, princess," she said.

"Have fun," Cammie smiled at them.

"Bye," Steve waved.

Max and Eleven left the ice cream store and Steve handed Cammie a cherry ice cream cone.

"Go and do my translating, please. I don't trust Robin alone with Dustin. He can be really annoying when he's being a genius," Steve said.

"Yes, boss," Cammie nodded, heading into the back room to finish helping translating.

Cammie licked the ice cream cone Robin had made her before they closed the store, watching as Steve yanked the shutters down. The mall was empty, due to the late hour, and the four of them had made some progress with the translation.

"The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west," the four of them chorused.

Steve sighed and locked the shutter.

"I mean, it just... it just can't be right," Steve said.

"It's right," Robin said.

"Honestly, I think it's great news," Dustin said.

"How is this great news? I mean, so much for being American heroes. It's total nonsense," Steve rolled his eyes.

"It's not nonsense. It's too specific. It's obviously a code," Dustin said.

"He's right," Cammie agreed.

"What do you mean, a code?" Steve said.

"Like a super secret spy code," Dustin said.

"That's a total stretch," Steve frowned.

"I don't know, is it?" Robin said.

"You're buying into this?" Steve said.

"Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were gonna say, fire the warhead at noon?" Robin said.

"Exactly," Dustin said.

"And my translation is correct. I know that for sure, so... The silver cat feeds. Why would anyone talk like that unless they're trying to mask the meaning of their message?" Robin said.

"Exactly," Cammie nodded.

"And why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?" Robin said.

"Exactly," Dustin said.

"So, I guess that confirms your suspicion," Robin said.

"Evil Russians," Dustin said.

"I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians," Robin said.

"So, how do we crack it?" Cammie said.

"Well, I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges," Robin said.

"A pattern. Right, like maybe silver cat is a meeting place?" Dustin suggested.

"Or a person," Robin said.

"Or a weapon," Cammie said.

"It's probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but... Where's Steve?" Robin looked around them. They spotted him near a kids horse ride. "Hey, Steve. What are you doing?" she said.

"Uh, it's a quarter. I need- Do you have a quarter?" he asked. Robin laughed.

"Sure you're tall enough for that ride?" she teased.

"Quarter!" Steve snapped.

"Jeez," Cammie threw one over to him and he put it in the ride.

The music started playing and Robin laughed.

"You need help getting up, little Stevie?" she said.

"Shh!" Steve hissed. "Would you three just shut up and listen?" he snapped.

They walked over and listened to the music.

"Holy shit. The music. The music!" Dustin fumbled for the recorder and pressed play.

The man speaking Russian had the same music in the background.

"I'm not following," Robin admitted.

"It's the exact same song on the recording," Dustin said.

"Maybe they have horses like this in Russia," Robin said.

"Indiana Flyer? I don't... I don't think so. This code, it... didn't come from Russia. It came from here," Steve looked at Cammie.

She groaned and threw her ice cream in the bin.

Here they go again.

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