Chapter 5: Back to Somewhat Normal.
(I am happy to announce that Tears of the ORC is becoming my main book for a while. This is a story I really want to focus on for a month or two so expect a lot for updates for this book.)
It had been a few days since Asia was saved. Rias had pulled some strings and Asia and Zelda were now staying with Issei, Y/n , and their parents. Goro and Miki had taking a liking to both of the blondes the second they had arrived and insisted the two girls called them Father and Mother, which Zelda and Asia were both happy to much to Issei and Y/n's embarrassment. Asia and Zelda ended up sharing a room which they were fine with but sometimes Zelda spent more time in Y/n's room then her own.
Speaking of the two their relationship was blossoming quickly. The two were rarely seen apart whether it was at school or even at home. Their bonding usually consisted of Y/n teaching Zelda how to play video games or them just listening to music together. In school it was the opposite, it was Zelda who would make sure Y/n payed attention in class and took really good notes, something he was decent at before but Zelda was better then him. Of course, the two were still naturally competitive with each other especially when it came to cooking. Whenever the two were on cooking duty together, they would try to one-up each other with their cooking. However, they usually ended up going too far leading to Issei and Asia having to separate the two before it got too bad, but at the end of the day the two would laugh it off and go back to being pretty much best friends.
Right now, it was after school and everyone was in the ORC Clubroom. Rias was standing at the front of the room.
Rias: Alright, I think it's time to get Issei and Asia some familiars.
Issei: A familiar is like a animal or creature you make a contract with right? I remember hearing about those is old fantasy novels.
Rias: You are correct. Y/n, Zelda?
Y/n: Yeah?
Zelda: What is it Rias?
Rias: Would you like to get some Familiars?
Y/n: That sounds pretty cool.
Zelda: I would love to.
Rias: Alright, but first let us show you our familiars.
Rias then held out her hand and a bat like creature appeared on her hand.
Rias: This is my familar. Does she look familiar to you Issei?
Issei: Uh, is she supposed to?
The familiar then turned into a girl and Issei remembered who she was.
Issei: So she's the one who gave me the flier?
Rias nodded and the familar turned back into a bat.
Akeno: This is mine.
Akeno then had two imps appear in her hand.
Y/n: Imps? Huh, for some reason that seems fitting...
Koneko then summoned her familiar, which was a little white cat.
Zelda then ran up and started petting the cat.
Zelda: Aren't you the most adorable thing in the world, yes you are! Yes you are!
Y/n chuckled at her reaction.
Kiba: Mine's badass.
Issei: Oh? Well let's see if that statement is true.
Kiba then summoned his familiar.
Issei: Alright, that's a pretty badass hawk.
Y/n: Hell yeah it is.
Issei then looked at Rias.
Issei: So how do we get one?
A knock was then heard at the door.
Akeno: Come in.
The door opened and Sona, along with the rest of the student council walk in. And Y/n and Issei looked at Sona.
Issei: Wait a second...
Y/n: Oh I should have seen this coming. Your a devil too ain't ya Souna?
Zelda: I knew she gave off Devil energy I just couldn't pinpoint it.
Akeno: Well look at you Y/n, Zelda, figuring it out. Yes her real name is Sona Sitri. The next head of the Sitri household.
Sona: I came to congratulate you on increasing the number of your servants. Is it safe to assume that Y/n and Zelda aren't your servants from what you told me.
Rias: You would be correct on that statement, Y/n and Zelda are indeed my closest allies
Rias then notices a boy with blonde hair.
Rias: Is he the new pawn you mentioned?
Sona: He is, go ahead and introduce yourself.
The blonde boy steps up and gives a light bow.
Saji: My name is Saji Genshirou, a pawn in the service of Lady Sona Sitri, a pleasure to meet you all.
Rias: Well he's quite mannered, I was expecting him to be quite cocky.
Saji: Oh believe me I was, but I was then taught a lesson when I faced someone who was far stronger then me. He gave me a right ass kicking for my attitude. He's the queen of Sona's sisters peerage.
Rias: Well if it was him, I'm sure you deserved it. But anyway, my newest servants are Issei my pawn and Asia my bishop.
Saji then walks up to Issei and holds out a handshake.
Saji: It's nice to meet a fellow pawn, do you mind if I ask how many pawn pieces you took up?
Issei: If I remember correctly, it was 8 Mutated Pawns.
Saji: 8 mutated pawns huh? I took up 4 myself. Don't think just because you have 4 more mutated pawns that you are stronger then me.
Issei: Heh, is that a challenge?
Saji: It is, from now on we are rivals and I will surpass you.
Issei: May the best man win.
Saji: Heh, I plan to.
Y/n: Heh, it looks like my little brother has found himself a rival.
Zelda: That he has.
Rias: If we can back on track please. You came at a strange time Sona.
Sona: And why is that?
Rias: We just got done showing off our familiars.
Sona: So does that mean you plan on going to the Familiar Forest?
Rias: Yes, I was thinking some time next week. I even invited Y/n and Zelda.
Sona: Well, that's a bit of a problem for us because he only takes people once a month and I was also going to invite Y/n and Zelda.
Rias: Well, in that case why don't we have a friendly little contest to sort this out?
Sona: A contest?
Rias: Right. and whoever wins can go to the forest first and gets to bring Y/n and Zelda with them.
Sona: I hope you aren't suggesting a Rating Game.
Rias: Of course not, we would never get permission for that.
Sona: Right. Besides, this isn't the time to cause attention to yourself now is it?
This made Rias give Sona an annoyed look and gave Akeno a worried expression, which Issei picked up on.
Issei: What the heck was that about?
Ddraig: So you noticed it as well?
Issei: There has to be something we are missing...
Rias: Don't go there Sona. Besides I was thinking of something that involved sports.
Everyone in the entire Kuoh Academy was now at the Academy tennis court, on the left side where Rias and Akeno in Tennis outfits
and on the right side was Sona and Tsubaki also in Tennis Outfits.
Rias: Akeno, we're in it, to win it.
Akeno: Got it, no mercy!
Rias started to bounce the ball on the ground.
Rias: Everyone ready?
Sona: May the best devil win.
Rias: Oh, I plan to.
Rias then served the ball thus begging the most intense tennis match that Y/n and Zelda had ever seen. They were watching with Koneko, Kiba, Issei, and Asia.
Kiba: I don't think I've ever seen this many people at a Tennis Match.
Y/n: I have a feeling that most people aren't here for the match...
Zelda: Then what would they be here for... Oh... I see now.
As the match continued, it started to get even more intense.
Koneko: Is anyone else thinking that this match is starting to get a bit too intense?
Zelda: No, but I do have to ask are they always this competitive?
Kiba: Not that I've seen.
The match started to get even more intense then before, it was because Rias and Sona were begging to use magic.
Kiba: I thought we agreed on no magic.
Y/n: Something tells me we are far far beyond the rules being in place..
Kiba: So we are kissing this rule book goodbye?
Y/n: More or less disintegrating it at this point.
Koneko: It's fine, Rias is gonna lay the smack down.
Zelda: Why do I feel...
Zelda: That this may have gone too far...
In the clubroom Zelda and Koneko were holding destroyed tennis rackets.
Koneko: Too bad it ended in a draw. And since nobody won, they're suggesting we compete ina team match where Y/n and Zelda are the referees.
Y/n: I will be the most non-biased referee there ever has and will be.
Zelda: I will make sure that statement stays true.
Y/n: It's like you have ZERO faith in me.
Zelda just shrugs and Y/n looks down.
Kiba: Anyway, they should be done deciding what we should play.
Rias and Akeno then walk into the room.
Rias: We chose dodgeball as the game. We meet tomorrow night in the gym and Y/n and Zelda will be the referees. So let's win this.
Y/n was walking up the stairs to his room when he heard Issei struggling in his room. He then decided to knock on the door.
Y/n: You alright in their Issei?
Issei: Yeah, you can come in.
Y/n opens the door and sees Issei struggling with a needle and thread.
Y/n: What are you doing in here Issei?
Issei: I'm just trying to make headbands for the ORC for tomorrow's dodge ball game.
Y/n: Headbands?
Issei: Yeah, I thought it would be a cool way to show my thanks for everything that everyone has done for me recently.
Y/n: Is that a so?
Zelda: No actually, it sounds like a wonderful idea.
The two brothers turn to see Zelda standing in the door way.
Y/n: Zelda? How long have you been standing there?
Zelda: Long enough to hear what Issei was saying. I assume you need help Issei?
Issei: Uh yeah.... are you good with a needle and thread?
Zelda: I am.
Issei: What about you Y/n?
Y/n pauses for a moment and looks at his arm and scrolls through it's touchscreen.
Y/n: Huh, this thing has a sewing mode. That's interesting...
Issei: Just what can't you arm do?
Y/n: No clue.
Zelda: Alright we can figure out the mystery of Y/n's arm later, let's get to work on these headbands!
Issei: Wait I forgot, wouldn't this count as you guys playing favorites?
Y/n: What Rias and Sona don't know....
Zelda: Won't hurt them.
The three then chuckle and get to work on the headbands.
(Timeskip and I'm skipping the dodgeball game cause it really doesn't involve Y/n that much and I want to get to a part I know yall are gonna love.)
The ORC ended up liking Issei's headband idea and Y/n and Zelda let him take all the credit for making them. Eventually the ORC ended up winning the dodgeball game after Issei pulled off an epic dodgeball dodge to win the game.
Y/n, Zelda, and The ORC were now at the club room.
Issei: So when are we getting our familiars?
Rias: Right now. It's a full moon tonight and it's our best chance to see him.
Akeno then summoned a magic circle and everyone stood on it.
Zelda: So who exactly are we going to see?
Rias: The familiar master.
Everyone then teleported through the magic circle, they all looked around to see they were in a dark forest with a red sky.
Y/n: Huh, I was expecting a kind of garden for some reason, but this is not that bad.
???: Who want's me?
Everyone looked up towards the voice and saw a man with a yellow bag, blue cap, and wearing a white tank top with shorts. Issei and Y/n had the same exact thought when the saw him.
Y/n/Issei: ASH KETCHUM?!
Zelda: Is that him?
Asia: Wow.
Touji: If your goal is to find familiar galore, you've come at the right time that's for sue. The full moon is out to help you decide and I'll be the one to act as your guide!
Y/n and Zelda then both felt something and look in a different direction and began walking in that direction unknown to everyone else. After walking for a few minutes the two eventually came across a small clearing. The two then looked at each other.
Zelda: You felt drawn here as well yes?
Y/n: I did, can't explain why though.
Zelda: Dumb question, do you perhaps have an acoustic guitar you can summon.
Y/n nodded and summoned the acoustic guitar. It was then his eyes widened and he went to go sit down on a nearby rock in the center of the clearing with Zelda sitting next to him. He then began to play a song that he felt he knew he had to play.
Once Y/n had finishing playing the tune, the two sat in silence for a few seconds before they heard rustling behind them. The two turned around just as something came through the trees...
It was a horse, with a beautiful brown coat and a white mane. The two eyes widened and Y/n heard Link speak in his head.
Link: It's her... After all these years... she's still alive... Epona!
Epona then looked at Y/n and Zelda and walked up to the two, she sniffed them before the two saw tears in her eyes. The two couldn't help but tear up as well. Epona then bowed her head towards Y/n who took it into a gentle embrace.
Y/n: It's alright girl, you don't have to be alone anymore. I'm back. I know I'm not the Link you once knew, but I'll take good care of you.
Epona then looked at him and smiled.
???: Epona! What did I tell you about running off?
Y/n and Zelda turned to where the voice came from and saw a small figure float out from the trees. She had orange hair, red eyes with yellow scalera and a weird crown on her head. Her eyes widened when she saw the two.
???: Link? Zelda?
Zelda: Well yes,
Y/n: But techinally no?
Midna: Oh I see, you must be their descendents. Well anyway, those two assigned me to watch over Epona until she was claimed. The name's Midna.
Y/n: Nice to meet you Midna. Name's Y/n.
Zelda: And my name is Zelda, a pleasure.
Midna: Huh, Y/n? Interesting name, anyway it seems that Epona has finally reunited with you, which means shes now your familar. No need for the dumb ritual. Anyway, I've been bored here for so many years. You two mind if I join ya?
Zelda: Not at all.
Midna: Cool, now I'll have to become one of your guys's familars.
Zelda then raised her hand.
Midna: No need to raise your hand, since Y/n already has Epona as his it was obvious I was gonna be yours. Anyway, don't need to do that ritual for me either, honestly it's a waste of time. Now let's-
The group was interuppted when they heard screams.
Zelda: That sounded like everyone else!
Y/n: We need to go see what's going on.
Y/n then turns to Epona.
Y/n: Think you can get us their fast girl?
Epona neighs and nods. Y/n smiles and helps Zelda onto Epona before he hops on himself and they set off as Midna follows them. After a bit they arrive to see Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia covered in Slime.
Y/n: Guys! What happned?
Rias: This slime, appeared out of no-where and attacked us. It doesn't hurt, but it's burning our clothes.
Issei: I could remove the slime, but I might hurt them.
Kiba: Same here.
Midna: Step back, I got this.
Akeno: Oh? Who are you?
Midna: Name's Midna, Zelda's familar. Now let me show you how a pro does her work.
Midna then glows a bit before transforming into a more adult form.
She then sticks out her hands as shadows surronded the slimes before engulfing them and the slime disappears and she returns to her small form as Issei hands his jacket and t-shirt to Rias and Asia as Y/n does the same to Akeno and Koneko, leaving the brothers in tanktops.
Issei: So bro, you get a familar?
Y/n: Sure did, guys meet Epona.
Issei: A horse is your familar? She looks like a fine horse.
Asia: Can I pet her?
Epona neighs and walks up to Asia and bends her head down and Asia begins to pet her causing her to neigh happily. Suddenly, a slime emerges from the trees and jumps at Asia, but is hit by a bolt of lightning. It is revealed to be a blue baby Sprite Dragon who then lands on Asia's shoulder.
The blue baby sprite dragon was revealed to usually be jealous of other males, but when Issei walked up to the sprite dragon, it let him pet him much to everyone's surprise. Asia then decided to name him Rassei, which made Issei blush a bit.
Eventually, everyone made it home and settled in for the night, but this would be the last sleep filled night as the next night would be one of few sleepless nights to come as the biggest fight yet was just around the corner.
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