Old Enough? (Bleach Fanfic)

Old Enough? (Bleach Fanfic)

204 8 1

Is Toshiro old enough to be liking girls let alone dating them? Renji starts teasingly suggesting people Toshiro may have a crush on.Dislcaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 08-17-09…

Deserted Memories (Bleach Fanfic)

Deserted Memories (Bleach Fanfic)

55 3 1

What happened to the second seat before Toshiro while he was under the command of Isshin. Did he really die like everyone thinks? Relates to my fanfic "Admiration".Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 07-10-09.…

Fishing (Bleach Fanfic)

Fishing (Bleach Fanfic)

104 9 1

Traditions are traditions, even if they are, to say the least... rather on the odd side of things... but are they really? And can they continue even when people are separated from each other?Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 06-23-09.…

Coffee (Bleach Fanfic)

Coffee (Bleach Fanfic)

383 23 1

Karin runs into Toshiro as he's coming out of a coffee shop. They happen to talk, only for Rangiku to find them.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 06-18-2009.…

Medicine for Matsumoto (Bleach Fanfic)

Medicine for Matsumoto (Bleach Fanfic)

243 13 1

Rangiku's necklace goes missing because she was careless. The next thing she knows she's catching her small taicho flirting with a couple of girls in the park, none to pleased that this is going on.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 06-08-2009…

She's a Quincy [Bleach Oneshot]

She's a Quincy [Bleach Oneshot]

409 9 1

Toshiro asks why he has to get along with his twin sister. There are plenty of reasons for them not to get along, one of them being that he doesn't let people in and there is no way to let others know what he is thinking or feeling. Then Bambietta stole a device from twelfth division which caused there minds to be switched.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach.Note - Written for FanFicFriday contest "Genderstudies".…

Eww to More Eww [Bleach Oneshot]

Eww to More Eww [Bleach Oneshot]

330 6 1

An accident happens at Mayuri's lab to the young captain of the tenth division. If hitting puberty as a male wasn't bad enough... or gross enough... for the young taicho, things are worse now that Hitsugaya Toshiro is female. It's now, really, really gross.…

Hinamori's Letter (Bleach Fanfic)

Hinamori's Letter (Bleach Fanfic)

142 6 1

Momo-chan decides to get her frustrations out by writing a letter to a former taicho. Unfortunatly, instead of being towards her former taicho, it is to Hitsugaya Toshiro's.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 06-07-2009.…

Red and White (Bleach Fanfic)

Red and White (Bleach Fanfic)

4,432 161 12

Karin made chocolates for Valentine's day and has Rukia deliver the gift declaring it is chocolate made from friendship. Toshiro wants to return the favor as he's pleased at finally making a friend, but Rukia feels there is more to it and she and other Shinigami start to intervene. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 08-22-2009.…

Softly Snowing (Bleach Fanfic)

Softly Snowing (Bleach Fanfic)

3,944 164 10

Prejudical eyes followed Toshiro around as a child, before he went into the academy. He believed that no one outside granny and Momo thought of him as anything but a jinx. However, his careful eyes missed something he hadn't expected to see.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication 06-02-2009.Note: I've read a lot of stories where an OC is supposed to be Toshiro's childhood friend and it is their job to melt his heart so they can be in a romantic relationship with each other. The problem is that Toshiro was never able to make friends easily and his only relationships prior to becoming a Shinigami were his foster sister Momo, his granny and Kusaka from the academy. If he had just one friend things would be very different, but the writers always forget this fact.I asked myself what solution would I come up with and it was to create an acquaintance who has a crush on Toshiro but was always to shy to approach him. This also said, she's also they kind of girl that is very likely not to have her feelings reciprocated by the boy she likes.…

Cyber and Saber (X-Men Evolution/Sigma 6 Crossover)

Cyber and Saber (X-Men Evolution/Sigma 6 Crossover)

154 8 5

Abernathy is now part of the X-men and Kitty thinks they need code names like everyone else. Jean thinks that Kitty is rushing into things, particularly since there are no plans on sending out a non-mutant. Some strange things are also going on around town. Disclaimer - I don't own X-Men Evolution or G.I. Joe: Sigma 6. Original publication date 05-30-2008.…

Ice-cream (Bleach Fanfic)

Ice-cream (Bleach Fanfic)

114 6 1

Some childhood memories are the kind that one can never forget easily... ...like when Toshiro's former taicho teaches him what ice-cream is.Disclamier - I don't own Bleach. Original Publication date 06-02-2009.…

Momo's Nightmare (Bleach Fanfic)

Momo's Nightmare (Bleach Fanfic)

183 8 1

Hinamori Momo had her mind rather twisted up by Aizen, so it should be no surprise if she dreamed of someones death. However, it isn't Aizen's that she is dreaming of.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. The original publication date 05-19-2009.…

One Soul Cutter, Two Swords (Bleach Fanfic)

One Soul Cutter, Two Swords (Bleach Fanfic)

172 8 1

The captain of twelfth division wants to experiment on Toshiro after the events of Diamond Dust Rebellion, and why wouldn't he. Of course, a general has something else to say about that.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 05-18-2009.…

Chatter (Bleach Fanfic)

Chatter (Bleach Fanfic)

278 12 1

Hinamori is sent to the real world to try to get a break. She ends up separated from Toshiro and runs into Karin, with whom she has an interesting time talking too, much to a certain taicho's ire.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 05-15-2009.…

Dried Persimmon Chocolates (Bleach Fanfic)

Dried Persimmon Chocolates (Bleach Fanfic)

85 7 1

Chocolates aren't always given for romantic feelings, but can be gifts representing other things, as Matsumoto comes to find out with her nearly emotionless taicho.Disclaimer - i don't own Bleach. Original publication date 05-10-2009.…

Effects of War (Bleach Fanfic)

Effects of War (Bleach Fanfic)

112 5 1

After the Winter War, somethings end up hard to deal with, leading for some unsound judgement from someone who usually makes sound judgement.Disclaimer -I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 05-08-09. Canon divergent as of chapter 354-355…

Vizards are Annoying (Bleach Fanfic)

Vizards are Annoying (Bleach Fanfic)

156 8 1

Toshiro finds out through bad luck how vizards, whom he had never met before, are annoying. Perhaps even more insane then some shingami he knows.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 04-30-2009. Divergent from canon plot as of chapter 354.…

Stage Fright (Ayatsuri Sakon Fanfic)

Stage Fright (Ayatsuri Sakon Fanfic)

31 0 4

Zenkichi drags Sakon and Ukon along on one of his photoshoots. What he doesn't tell Sakon is that some of the students putting on the play are some of the kids who bullied Sakon during elementary school. During the dress rehearsal a suicide occurs... or is it suicide? Sakon's aunt is dragged into the mess.Disclaimer - I don't own Ayatsuri Sakon - 06-05-2009.…

Understanding (Bleach Fanfic)

Understanding (Bleach Fanfic)

6,709 204 23

One small thing can change the world and in this world the small thing that ended up changing everything was the fact Momo didn't go into a comma. Words end up being said between her and a certain small taicho that in turn causes him to go down an unexpected path that crosses with the Kurosaki family. Perhaps too everyone else will be dragged into the mess.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication date 06-01-10.…