So Small
Sometimes the paradox of humanity- how we are all so unique and special yet so small and insignificant at the same time simply fascinates me- that's what this one's about. Enjoy :)…
Sometimes the paradox of humanity- how we are all so unique and special yet so small and insignificant at the same time simply fascinates me- that's what this one's about. Enjoy :)…
Sometimes feeling confused and not knowing what you want or how you feel can be worse than actually experiencing the emotions of guilt, anger, hurt and sorrow. What we've got to remember is we can't help how we feel and have nothing to apologise for- all we can control is how we express those feelings and react. That's what this one's about.…
Just a nod to the fact that sometimes, even when we're majorly out of our depth, don't feel like we measure up or make the cut, we have to force ourselves out of our comfort zone- otherwise what's thee point of living? Ok that's a little deep but enjoy reading all the same :)…
Change always looks more appealing when we're turning away from something bad, a negative experience or chapter in our lives, we welcome it and are keen to move forward. Change when our existing situation is rosy is bittersweet- we know change is inevitable. Change is needed to grow, evolve, learn and become the next person we need to be, should be. It's exciting and It's sad. One door opens as another closes. It's only when we're at the very edge, standing at the precipice that we reflect. Look back, remembering what experiences have gone before. The known. And look ahead with hope or dread to what lies ahead. The unknown. Only when we're teetering on the in-between.…
Just think about how much time, effort and energy we waste wanting to be something we're not or trying to have the impossible. Yes, there are things we can change and it's always good to aspire to be better in some way, shape or form, but there's also a magic and beauty in just reveling in the wonders of what we have right here, right now- that's what this one's about :)…
Sometimes we are trying to be so many people, roles, jobs at once we get a bit lost and the identities we're trying to emulate aren't even the perceptions and impressions of ourselves that other people see. This one's about some aspects of that age old 'who am I?' question :)…
In every group of people there seems to be that one person whom everyone trust with their secrets and goes to for advice, values their guidance and their listening ear, but are all those other people ever a shoulder to cry on, or friend to lean on for that trusted person when they need it the most? Being a non-judgmental confidant should always work two ways, this one's about that message :)…
We're all prone to wondering that pesky 'What If?' when we allow our minds to clear and wander, when we're walking, daydreaming or driving. It can be torturous full of regrets or innocent and curious. This one was about once such time I let my mind roam freely. Innocently curious about if I had met them in the different circumstances would I still have made friends with the people I enjoy relationships with or people similar to them? Food for thought.…
This is about those in the background who go unnoticed. Most of the time they aren't quiet shadows, they mean something to someone, they just choose to have a smaller circle of friends. It's also about that transition, realization and change of going from being king or queen of your own kingdom and castle to a little fish in a very big sea... enjoy :)…
Sometimes, when you have no where else to go, no one else to turn to, there's nothing left to do, you feel no one will understand and you're in a big mess, religious or not, it can help to say a little prayer.…
Sometimes the best things happen when we're winging it, least prepared and not specifically looking for something in particular but for them to happen we have to be open to new ways of thinking, different approaches, other people's advice and ideas- how else are we going to be inspired by anyone or how else is anything going to serve as our muse?…
Just a poetic nod to that burning desire we all have in some form, that yearning for freedom and to be set free from whoever or whatever we feel drags us down.…
Sometimes we see others in a worst off position than ourselves highlighting how lucky we are. Other times we feel guilty or ashamed for being content. And on other occasions we know how blessed we are yet ten minutes later we're in a mood about something petty. This one's about what a wonderful gift being purely happy is and how we should treasure the feeling whenever we experience it.…
An old one written about the riots that happened across London and wider England in 2011.…
Sometimes we're always looking for someone or something to blame. it's human nature. We can't handle responsibility and accountability. Makes us feel ashamed, we can't handle the guilt. Lucky for us sometimes there's no one or nothing to blame, though that in itself can be harder to accept. This one's about that search to give blame a face, a name.…
This one's simply about how powerful that urge is, that we're all prone to experiencing in some way, to give life to something creatively- in my case it's using your case it could be something entirely different...…
Goodbye carries so much weight, with it's permanence and finality. It can knock you for six when someone close to your bids farewell, like a slap in the face. Sometimes, though distance makes the heart grow fonder or so they say and occasionally we have to part ways in order to grow as individuals- plus it's never goodbye really is it? ;)…
We often just accept it, blinkedly, ignorantly, obliviously, don't have the time or energy to question, too wrapped in ourselves, our lives. It astounds me the sheer, stark polar opposites between the wealthy Western World and the torn and troublesome Third World. That's what this poem's about.…
Personally, I've not known many people in the army but Remembrance Sunday touches me every year, not because of the sheer number that died during the two World Wars and the battles since, but the fact that unfathomable amounts of sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, neighbors, friends, uncles, aunties, cousins, nieces and nephews and colleagues made the ultimate sacrifice to follow orders for their country and those back home. This one's for the fallen and their continued legacy.…
One of the very early one's a wrote but one that I hope still has a good message to it...…