Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun

3 1 1

Sometimes, even when we think we're being a good friend, sister, shoulder to cry on, to those who need us most, those close to us, we're not. We're not really listening. We've not truly opened our ears. Occasionally we need to stop finishing our relative or friend's sentences, stop impatiently filling in their blanks, interrupting and jumping to conclusions and really take on board what they're saying, what they're suffering to truly be a good confidant.…

Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

8 0 1

I think everyone has some sort of addiction- alcoholism, drugs, gambling, eating, exercise, shopping, sex, working, you name it I think we're all prone to at least one. We're only human after all, having a weakness is part of that. But I also reckon we've all got it in us, if we want it hard enough, to overcome and deal with our addictions, which is the ultimate test. That's what this poem's about :D…

Always a Way

Always a Way

1 0 1

Because I've learnt that no matter how bad a situation seems, how desperate life seems, with a little hope and a dash of faith, there's always a way and that way's usually the way through.…

Ignorant Because You Can Be

Ignorant Because You Can Be

3 0 1

Despite the media making out that there's much suffering in the world, there's many people, especially in the Western Societies, that are completely ignorant of and untouched by actual true plight of others that the media bases its exaggerated portrayal of some people's conditions on. When we're growing up as children we're taught that being ignorant- not listening when we're being spoken to-is a sin. But to be able to be ignorant of life's sufferings, I think, is a blessing. This poem is about that blessing but also about not being naive in our ignorance, occasionally let the worst, most horrific scenarios and potential situations cross your mind, just so that you're prepared if something dreadful, heaven forbid, was to happen to you or those you love, but to also remind you of how blessed you are now, right here, in real life.…

Lives We Touch

Lives We Touch

3 0 1

We don't realise it at the time but when we're feeling down and low at rock bottom we ought to think how many lives we've touched. Just ponder how many people you've very paid a compliment to, ever taught something new to or ever made smile. You're more valuable than you can ever possibly know and that's what this one's about- for all those who don't know their own self-worth :D…



2 0 1

I've just enjoyed what will be the last holiday with my parents and sister before our boyfriends start coming along or we just go on holidays as couples and siblings. It reminded me once again that although my childhood has faded away, the sense of home I've been lucky enough to enjoy never will, so I thought it was fitting that I share this poem. Enjoy!…

Cosmic Countdown

Cosmic Countdown

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Because death comes for us all in the end. We can't run from it, hide from it or escape it. So we must come for life and live it with everything we've got.…



10 1 1

I used to believe in God quite literally and would will him to 'make' a miracle happen just to 'prove' that he really did exist. As I got older I realized this wasn't really believing. Now I'm not sure if I believe in 'God' per say but I definitely think the saying "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing" rings true. There's certain magic to seeing the everyday miracles- leaves changing colour, The Northern Lights, Solar Eclipse, shooting stars, babies being born etc and having a little faith- it doesn't have to be in a God or religion but a little faith, means hope. That's what this one's about.…

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes

14 1 1

Whether it's doctors and nurses on the ground floor, soldiers on the front line, teachers in front of a classroom full of expectant children, multi-tasking mums or bus drivers doing the night shift, there's so many more sides to the word 'hero' than superpowers and fame. Unsung heroes who operate quietly behind the scenes working daily miracles- that's what this one's about.…

Diamond Droplets

Diamond Droplets

2 1 1

Not that I'm a seasoned sailor or anything but whenever I've been lucky enough to go on a ferry or cruise I've always been enchanted by the endless and eternal waves of the ocean. It's funny how we take land for granted and think that we we're high and mighty, being the dominant species industrializing, farming and populating the land, when really the oceans span over 70% of the Earth's surface and there are vast abysses of it still to be discovered...…

The Rising Tide

The Rising Tide

1 0 1

I'm a cryer. I don't shout, yell or rebel. My default setting when I'm overwhelmed with emotion, grief or helplessness is to cry. After childhood this is seen as a weakness and to be honest it does feel pretty pathetic. But, like the tide it can't be controlled. I tend to find, just like for those people who's default upset setting is anger, it's always better to let the tide rise, the river burst its banks and the dam to burst, to embrace the rising tide, before you can ever hope to calm down and move forward. That's what this one's about.…

The Descent

The Descent

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I wrote this very recent poem about the fine line between taking a cheeky risk, occasional gamble indulging in the slightly wild and the danger of addiction, obsession and being completely consumed by something. I hope you enjoy!…

Poor Prime Minister

Poor Prime Minister

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This was inspired by when I had a random, unexplain-able lightning strike of empathy for whoever was Prime Minister at the time. He is essentially just a bloke who chose to take on the world's most scrutinized and criticized jobs and I know we need to hold him to account but people seem to want any excuse to judge him even though he's only human. Just a bloke.…



7 0 1

Lots of changes happen in life, as we navigate life's milestones, experiences and changes, we change, progress and grow. Along the way we realise things, our perspective, views, ambitions and desire change. Sometimes realising that happens gradually, but occasionally an epiphany hits us like a tidal wave- when was the last time you were open to a tidal wave epiphany?…

Grand Plan

Grand Plan

2 0 1

My partner is terrified of getting old. I'm not too keen on the idea either but I think there's a unique beauty in the way humans a born fresh, experience, live, laugh, learn and grow and then age and grow old. The shortness of life encourages us to make the most of it, just as believing in something that we can't see gives us hope. We can't cheat death or avoid age so why fight it? Embrace it, enjoy it!…

One of Those Days

One of Those Days

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Because sometimes you just want one bad day to end so you can start again and make it better the next day and see if tomorrow lives up to its promise.…

Day of Reckoning

Day of Reckoning

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Normally I share a poem I wrote a few year's or month's ago but this one came to me this morning in the shower- (Oversharing I know but isn't it amazing how some of the crazy or creative ideas we get when we least expect, like when we're in the shower...eating tea...or about to drift off to sleep)- anyway...this one's nothing impressive but I was thinking about all the people responsible for the horrific recent terror attacks and how they would have looked like regular joes in the street, people we queued behind in the shop, sat next to on the train. Then I got thinking about how satisfying it would be to those who had been wronged that their tormentor would finally face justice- that what inspired this one :)…



13 1 1

There's always that one person that gets undervalued, underestimated and under appreciated. No one ever pays them any attention, they slink into the shadows, not expecting praise or a thank you. They blend into the background not expecting reverence or reward. One day it could be you, it could be your brother, colleague, employee, child or friend. The underdog. One day, just one day, it might be the underdog's day- to step out of the shadows, shine, impress and dazzle. This poem's about why we should never dismiss anyone- everyone has potential :D…

A Kind of Magic

A Kind of Magic

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I've just watched One Love Manchester - a concert facilitating the strength and courage in unity and togetherness, the very opposite of what the Manchester bomber and culprits behind it wanted to achieve on 22nd May 2017. I wrote this poem about the magic of live music a few years ago but it resonated with me after watching the gig, the true resilience of humanity and the ability of humans to bounce back in style and look out for one another.…

Light and Dark

Light and Dark

5 0 1

Although it's tempting to listen to the nay-sayers and doubters, those that condescend, mock us and make us feel small, the best thing you can do for yourself (not for them!) is to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and bounce back- in whatever form that takes- whether its getting successful, rich, a new set of friends etc. It maybe easier said than done but think about it... it will definitely be worth it to see the look on those doubters' faces! That bouncing back is what this one's about - enjoy!…