Last Kiss Goodbye [Nederlandse Versie]

Last Kiss Goodbye [Nederlandse Versie]

50 5 8

Als zijn motorclub hem dood wil, drijft Juice' wanhoop hem recht in de armen van de enige vrouw van wie hij ooit gehouden heeft. Zonder een fatsoenlijk afscheid verliet hij haar vijftien jaar geleden, maar er is sindsdien geen dag voorbijgegaan zonder dat hij aan haar dacht. Nog steeds blijkt ze zijn rots in de branding te zijn. Zij heeft echter de brokstukken van haar hart weer aan elkaar gelijmd en is verdergegaan met haar leven. Haar oudste zoon heeft ze op de mouw gespeld dat zijn vader als een held is gestorven, in plaats van toe te geven dat hij een klootzak is die hen verlaten heeft. Juice, die niet weet dat hij een zoon heeft, wordt opnieuw geconfronteerd met de verkeerde keuzes die hij in het verleden heeft gemaakt en vangt een glimp op van het prachtige leven dat hij had kunnen leiden als hij ietsje minder van June had gehouden.Een verhaal over fouten maken en vergeving vinden, over de verwoestende kracht van groepsdruk en de wanhopige zoektocht naar acceptatie.[Het verhaal speelt zich in de twee tijden af; het heden en de Highschool-periode van Juice en June.]…

The Darkness Inside Me

The Darkness Inside Me

2,696 171 15

Juice's life is turned upside down when he is transferred from Stockton Prison to Sea Gate Prison. After being released unexpectedly, he is awaited by a man who claims to be his twin. Juice is torn apart by his longing for love and safety while the voices in his head are telling him that trusting the infamous gangster is the stupidest thing he can do. Juice however convinces himself that he is imagining the darkness in his brother's eyes, desperately craving for the love and acceptance of someone who doesn't want to stab him in the back.…

The Darkness Inside Me [Nederlandse versie]

The Darkness Inside Me [Nederlandse versie]

51 12 5

Juice' leven staat op zijn kop wanneer hij van Stockton naar Sea Gate prison wordt overgeplaatst. Nadat hij onverwacht wordt vrijgelaten, wordt hij door een man opgewacht die zijn tweelingbroer beweert te zijn. Juice wordt verscheurd door zijn verlangen naar liefde en geborgenheid en zijn innerlijke stemmen die zeggen dat hij de beruchte gangster niet kan vertrouwen. Juice ziet echter ook geen andere mogelijkheden en hoopt maar dat hij zich de duisternis die hij in Shades' ogen denkt te zien verbeeldt.…

Courage  ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

Courage ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

1,308 86 24

Alyssae is een jonge elf die gevangen zit in de kerkers van de aardmannen. Omdat zij van Koninklijke komaf is, wordt ze voor losgeld gevangen gehouden.Wanneer ze op een dag door een groep dwergen wordt bevrijd, besluit ze hen te helpen bij hun queeste. Ze hebben hun inbreker verloren en ze wil hen graag bedanken voor het redden van haar leven.Toch wordt ze met een schuin oog aan gekeken door de leider van de groep: de norse Thorin. Hij lijkt bijzonder weinig met elven op te hebben en al helemaal niet met vrouwen. Zijn minachting is zelfs zo groot dat Alyssae niet durft te vertellen wie ze werkelijk is, bang dat hij zijn wrok jegens de tekortkomingen van haar volk tegenover haar zal uiten. Alyssae weigert echter te vertrekken: ze is mijlenver van haar verwanten vandaan en daarnaast heeft ze redenen om niet direct met haar familie herenigd te willen worden.Na verloop van tijd ontwikkelt ze gevoelens voor de starre Thorin - een liefde die naar alle schijn onbeantwoord zal blijven. Wat misschien maar goed is ook, want Alyssae weet dat een wederzijdse liefde verstrekkende gevolgen zal hebben...Niet alleen voor hen, maar voor hun hele ras...[Afgerond. Aantal woorden: 115.863]…

Courage ✔

Courage ✔

192,079 3,425 25

[Completed. 107.100 words]After being a captive of goblins for weeks, Alyssae is rescued by dwarfs. As Bilbo Baggins gives his life to save her, she is steadfast to take his place in Thorin Oakenshield's company to help them finish their mysterious quest. She however discovers its hard to be trusted by a dwarf when you're an elf, but she does everything in her power to show her worth... and to postpone her return to her own kin.…

Eclipse of Hearts  ✔

Eclipse of Hearts ✔

18,862 1,585 118

[Completed. Words: 93.173]*This story is a sequel to "Courage"* "Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart. Once upon a time there was light in my life, but now there's only love in the dark. Nothing I can say, a total eclipse of the heart."…

Eclipse of Hearts ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

Eclipse of Hearts ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

355 23 14

Vervolg op 'Courage'.…

Roomies ✔

Roomies ✔

16,560 1,072 40

[Completed. Words: 84.589]#1 Creative Awards 2019! --- Getting a room mate sounded like an easy way to save money. However, being stuck with the most annoying girl on the planet wasn't what Juice had in mind when he opened his apartment to what he thought was a decent and quiet young man.To make matters even worse, the naive girl falls in love with a Mayan and refuses to believe that her connection to the Sons is the only reason he's interested in her."91/100 -- It was an extremely well developed action novel with some romance but it was nicely balanced out and overall had barely any spelling or grammatical errors." - Creative Awards 2019…

Roomies ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

Roomies ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

141 39 38

Een huisgenoot nemen klonk als een makkelijke manier om geld te besparen. Echter, opgescheept zitten met het irritantste meisje van de wereld was niet wat Juice in gedachten had toen hij zijn appartement openstelde voor wat hij dacht dat een nette, rustige jongeman was.…

Ghosts  ✔

Ghosts ✔

31,194 2,276 130

[Completed. Words: 182.691]Ghosts is a sequel to 'Runaway'. "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."…

Guardian Angels ✔

Guardian Angels ✔

40,432 2,533 98

[Completed. Words: 158.329]A year after her little brother dies, Alex disguises herself as a man to join an outlaw motorclub, determined to get the top rocker her brother had set his eyes on; the perfect way to honor him. Everything however gets messy as she falls in love with the intelligence officer.…

Pariah ✔

Pariah ✔

10,477 385 18

[Completed. Words: 17.683] When Esai fucks up, his father fakes his death and sends him over the border to Mexico, not wishing to see him again. The only persons knowing that he's still alive, are his father, his so-called killer and his girlfriend's brother. Robbed of everything he ever was, he has no choice but to start over and bury the memories of a life he loved so much. Meanwhile Alesia moves on after her boyfriend's death and returns to Santo Pedro where she grew up. While she tries to find her place in a world she hates but can't break loose from, she falls in love again, not knowing that her presumed dead boyfriend is closer than ever.…

Upon Deaf Ears [On Hiatus]

Upon Deaf Ears [On Hiatus]

1,262 72 7

[Juice/OC][Happy/Kozik]While Juice moves to Tacoma to live with his father, he's blackmailed by his stepsister who threatens to expose his family secret to the rest of the school. He falls in love with Dana Lowman, a girl he's told to stay away from by various people. Meanwhile Kozik struggles with his feelings for his best friend, while helping him to get rid of his little sister's insane boyfriend.…

Taste of Innocence   ✔

Taste of Innocence ✔

65,211 1,714 32

[Completed. Words: 45.159]While Juice tries to find his angle around the Sons of Anarchy, he fears to have blown his chances to become a full patched member as he mistakes his sponsor's daughter for a croweater.…

Taste of Vengeance ✔

Taste of Vengeance ✔

6,175 405 26

[Completed. 21.832 words] 💀 Featured on WattpadDarkFantasy! 💀 As Juice wakes up in the morgue, he discovers that he has turned into one of the mightiest creatures on Earth. The road is open to countless possibilities, but he is still drawn back to the club with nothing but vengeance on his mind. Will his former girlfriend be able to lure him back to the light or will he be unstoppable on his path of destruction?…

Out of Control ✔

Out of Control ✔

74,349 1,908 29

[Completed. Words: 24,500] Right after her mother's passing, Juanita discovers a horrible family secret. With one brother in prison and the other wrapped up in the brutal MC-world she doesn't know who to trust. After a violent confrontation with her father she leaves the house and disappears into the night. Angel assumes the worst when his little sister disappears, while their father clothes himself in silence. In the five years that follow Juanita builds up a new life among Los Olvidados, but old wounds open up when her brother shows up in their camp, in the company of a man who turns out to be just as much out of control as she is.…

Resurrection [On Hiatus]

Resurrection [On Hiatus]

2,829 155 23

After years of imprisonment, Phobos and her friends escape from a facility. All of them robbed from their memories and owning deadly powers. They start looking for more of their kind, and when the bullet proof Luke Cage is murdered, they go to Harlem to avenge him.Phobos, talented in bringing up the fears and trauma's of others, comes face to face with Cage's murderer. When his biggest fear turns out to be her own death, her whole world is crumbling down.…

No Honor In Blood • Vikings [On Hiatus]

No Honor In Blood • Vikings [On Hiatus]

559 31 4

When the only important person in Maerwynn's life is taken from her, she leaves the lands she grew up in and promises God she won't rest before she finds him. Guided by the Lord's hand and the rumors about the infamous Ragnar Lothbrok, she wanders through the unknown lands. The moment Rune is saved by a mysterious young woman and learns about her search, he offers his help to thank her for saving his life. However, what the Christian girl doesn't know is that Rune has his own reasons to visit Kattegat.[Ragnar/OC, Lagertha/OC]"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein…

Last Hope  ✔

Last Hope ✔

13,753 340 10

[Completed. Words: 9,817] After a violent death, Amber is sent back to Earth to save a lost soul. If she can ignite love in the cold heart of the Tacoma Killer, she gets her life back. If not, she slowly fades.…

Whispering Voices

Whispering Voices

11,957 878 65

Aella believes her life is over when she is hit by lightning. Still she wakes up in the hospital. At first sight nothing seems wrong with her, until she finds out she has infallible reflexes and never becomes tired. There however is a disadvantage: she sleeps no longer and hears voices - the voices of dying people. Doubting her mental health she sees only one option: to follow the whispering voices.Aella goes looking for the source of the whispers, assisted by three divine creatures, who all have their own reasons to help her - or pretend to do so.…