Partners in Crime • Happy Lowman ✔

Partners in Crime • Happy Lowman ✔

2,324 247 43

[Completed. 63.617 words.] Naomi has always accepted that protecting her loved ones means getting her hands dirty-even if it means taking lives. But when she's assigned to eliminate her first love, it's a hard pill to swallow. Not just because he's become a notorious hitman himself, but because he holds the key to secrets Naomi has kept buried for years. One of those secrets is her twenty-year-old son, Foss. While he occasionally helps her take down targets, this time, he stands in her way. Foss is determined to meet his father before Naomi can put a bullet in his head-and once he does, he's confronted with a heart-wrenching decision. Who will he send to an early grave? The father he never got to know, or the mother who's always been by his side?…

Reap What You Sow 🌈

Reap What You Sow 🌈

20,572 1,627 64

Emilio always despised gay people, doing unforgivable things to them when he was in high school. The tables are turned when he falls in love with a boy himself, six years later. However, his former victims are determined to make his life miserable. Grown up in a strict christian community, Rory lost everyone he cared about when he came out of the closet. Having a thing for homophobic bad boys doesn't exactly help him to find happiness either - until he meets Emilio. However, when the boy's dark past comes to light, Rory's world is about to crumble once again.…

Rivals 🌈 ✔

Rivals 🌈 ✔

220,471 9,540 92

[Completed. Words: 161,083] Long hours pass by when Juice and Raine are both stuck in an elevator. The moment the doors open, their ways part and they intend to forget about the past hours. However, Juice can't get the guy out of his head. The seeds of friendship are planted, but since they are both members of rival gangs, there isn't much room for them to grow. When Juice starts to believe it aren't just feelings of friendship he's struggling with, he is torn between his loyalty to the club and a chance on a love he craved for his whole life.[The beautiful cover is made by Samcrosfaith]…

Phantom 🌈

Phantom 🌈

441 44 5

Being gay has always been dangerous in the world of gangs and MC's in which Phantom grew up. When he meets Ezra, hope is blossoming that there's a chance for love for him. However, when Ezra's brother turns out to be the murderer of someone he deeply loved, all warm feelings die.Two years later, Phantom has a chance to avenge the one he lost by using Ezra. He finds out that taking revenge is not easy when it's not only the hate that grows...…

Last Kiss Goodbye  • Teenage Juice Ortiz

Last Kiss Goodbye • Teenage Juice Ortiz

15,777 1,415 94

Now the club wants him dead, Juice's despair drives him right back to the only woman he ever loved and trusted. Without a proper goodbye he abandoned her fifteen years ago, but she never left his mind. Despite the years that passed, June still turns out to be his tower of strength. She however mended the pieces of her broken heart, moved on with her life and told her eldest son his father was a hero when he died, instead of a punk who abandoned them. Juice, unaware of having a son, is once again confronted with the wrong choices he made in the past and gets a glimpse of the beautiful life he could have had if he'd loved June a little less.[25% of the story takes place in the present, 75% in the past (high school)]…

Where Angels Die 🌈 ✔

Where Angels Die 🌈 ✔

18,276 787 28

[Completed. Words: 39,425] Being framed by his lover, Rick is sent to prison. Among all monsters lurking in the dark, there is one angel who makes his heart beat faster. The boy is owned by Moloch, the most feared criminal around. While he isn't even allowed to talk to other people, Rick is determined to ease his pain, his soul too bright to foresee the devastating consequences of his love.…

Only You [BxB]

Only You [BxB]

2,106 152 21

Living in a boarding school for young adults with powers that still need to be controlled isn't easy. Being the clumsiest boy around doesn't exactly help. Nor does falling in love with someone who likes to taunt the people everyone else is afraid of.Against all odds, Fox and Kris are drawn like magnets towards each other. Not giving a shit about everyone else's opinions, they find a love nobody can ever extinguish. Or can they? Having enemies turns out to be much, much more devastating when you love someone.…

Illusions • Fred Weasley/Loki

Illusions • Fred Weasley/Loki

107 19 3

Fred is bored to death now that George has a clingy girlfriend. He sneaks off to the Forbidden Section of the library and finds a book about a legendary prank master locked up somewhere. Lacking anything better to do, Fred follows the instructions, not really believing he will free anyone. He however scratches behind the ears when he does indeed help a wayward young man back into life-none other than the Norse god Loki, who has a bone to pick with someone and is not afraid to use Fred in the process. The awesome cover is made by melodyXriddle.…

Nederlandse paperbacks

Nederlandse paperbacks

171 19 17

Ik schrijf niet alleen verhalen op Wattpad, maar ik heb ook een aantal boeken en novelles geschreven die bij reguliere uitgeverijen zijn uitgegeven, als paperback en ebook. Sommige verschijnen ook als ebook. Hier zal ik iets over deze boeken delen. Wanneer er iets nieuws uitkomt, verschijnt er een nieuw hoofdstuk in dit 'boek'.…

Of Princes and Thieves [Wesper one-shots]

Of Princes and Thieves [Wesper one-shots]

5,144 102 7

A collection of one-shots about Jesper and Wylan [Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone series], taking place in various AU's. The stories will be understandable for not-fans as well.The fanart I used as a cover is made by silvervanadis (Tumblr)/@fridamarijo (Instagram) and I have permission to use this wonderful piece.…

Alleen jij

Alleen jij

231 30 20

Op een kostschool zitten voor jongeren met bijzondere krachten die zij nog niet onder controle hebben is niet makkelijk. De meest onhandige jongen die daar woont zijn, helpt ook niet. Noch verliefd worden op iemand die er een hobby van maakt om de mensen die iedereen vreest te treiteren.Tegen alle verwachtingen in worden Fox en Kris als magneten naar elkaar toe getrokken. Zonder zich iets aan te trekken van de meningen van anderen, vinden ze een liefde die niemand kan doven. Of wel? Het hebben van vijanden blijkt veel, veel verwoestender wanneer je van iemand houdt.…

Where Angels Die  ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

Where Angels Die ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

410 40 26

Nadat Rick er door zijn vriend in is geluisd, wordt hij naar de gevangenis gestuurd. Tussen alle monsters die in het duister naar hem loeren, is er één engel die zijn hart sneller laat kloppen. De jongen is het bezit van Moloch, de meest gevreesde gevangene. Hoewel het de jongen niet eens is toegestaan om met anderen te praten, is Rick vastbesloten zijn pijn te verlichten. Naïef als hij is, is hij niet in staat om de verwoestende gevolgen van zijn liefde te overzien. 'Inhoud voor volwassenen' gemarkeerd vanwege heftige thema's zoals seksueel misbruik, verminking, poging tot moord en zelfdoding.…

Reap What You Sow [Nederlandse versie]

Reap What You Sow [Nederlandse versie]

879 72 56

Emilio heeft homo's altijd verafschuwd en hun onvergefelijke dingen aangedaan toen hij nog op de middelbare school zat. De rollen worden omgedraaid als hij zes jaar later zelf op een jongen verliefd wordt. Zijn voormalige slachoffers zijn er echter op gebrand om nu zíjn leven tot een hel te maken.Rory is opgegroeid in een streng christelijke gemeenschap en verloor iedereen om wie hij gaf toen hij uit de kast kwam. Een zwak hebben voor homofobische badboys maakt het leven ook niet bepaald makkelijker voor hem - totdat hij Emilio ontmoet. Wanneer het donkere verleden van de jongen echter aan het licht komt, dreigt zijn wereld opnieuw in te storten.…



2,553 69 47

As a hunting party for Maleficent goes out, Alesana's father disappears. In an attempt to find him, she leaves her safe haven and finds a passage to the Moren, a place which turns out to be less evil than people always told her. Despite all the beauty she's discovering, there are always eyes watching her and soon, she finds out that Maleficent isn't the only one being hunted. She gets help from Diaval, a young man who can turn into a raven. Will his help be sufficient to find her father and stay out of her pursuers' hands?…

Hunters ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

Hunters ✔ [Nederlandse versie]

1,769 146 52

De vader van Alesana verdwijnt als er een klopjacht op Maleficent wordt geopend. Ze verlaat haar veilige thuishaven en vindt een doorgang naar de gevreesde Moren, een plek die toch niet zo duivels is als de wereld haar heeft doen geloven. Ondanks alle pracht die ze ontdekt, zijn er toch altijd ogen die haar in de gaten houden en blijkt dat Maleficent niet de enige is op wie jacht wordt gemaakt. Ze krijgt hulp van Diaval, een jongeman die de gedaante van een raaf kan aannemen, maar is zijn hulp voldoende om haar vader op te sporen en uit handen van haar mysterieuze achtervolgers te blijven?[Afgerond. 37.972 woorden]…

Gilded Black 🌈 ✔

Gilded Black 🌈 ✔

1,401 128 19

[Completed. Words: 23,838] Moving to another town. Starting over. Will's mother is completely convinced it will do her son good, even when he has to leave all his friends behind. Since he has always been an outsider and is cursed with the social skills of a potato, Will's expectations of his new school aren't exactly high. Things seem to be too good to be true when Ivory invites him over for a game of Dungeons & Dragons. Ivory sets her sights on Will, and Will - who never got any female attention - doesn't know what hits him. Before he knows it, she calls him her boyfriend. While Will is trying really hard to ignore his confusing feelings for Ivory's older brother, the boy confides that his sister's motives to hang out with him are a little off...Will has no idea which of the two to trust. Turning his back on them however is impossible; nothing will stop Ivory from getting what she wants while her brother Onyx simply refuses to leave Will's mind. And then there's another brother, who is convinced Will belongs to him...…

Verguld zwart • Stranger Things ✔

Verguld zwart • Stranger Things ✔

392 46 19

Verhuizen. Ergens anders opnieuw beginnen. Wills moeder was ervan overtuigd dat het goed zou zijn voor haar zoon, zelfs al moest hij zijn vrienden achterlaten. Aangezien hij altijd al een buitenbeentje is geweest en hij de sociale skills van een aardappel heeft, heeft Will niet echt hoge verwachtingen van zijn nieuwe school.Alles lijkt dan ook te mooi om waar te zijn wanneer dungeon master Ivory hem voor een avondje Dungeons & Dragons uitnodigt. Ivory lijkt haar zinnen op Will te zetten en Will - die nooit aandacht van meisjes heeft gekregen - weet niet wat hem overkomt. Voor hij het weet noemt ze hem haar vriendje. Terwijl Will hard zijn best doet om zijn verwarrende gevoelens voor Ivory's geheimzinnige broer te negeren, vertrouwt de jongen hem toe dat zijn zusjes motieven niet helemaal zuiver zijn...Will heeft geen idee wie van de twee hij moet vertrouwen. Misschien wel hen allebei niet.…

Our Demise 🌈

Our Demise 🌈

4,441 422 24

Markus never considered himself as a man of great importance, but when his best friend commits mutiny on their slave ship, he turns from a no one into the captain's right hand. While his friend changes into the most fearless man he has ever seen, his feelings transcend those of friendship and admiration. Battling a longing for what he believes is a perverse love, he follows his captain on his path to become the world's most famous monster hunter. However, when their ship comes across another pirate ship of which the crew is nearly dead, Markus seems to lose grip on his friend's heart. A new monster is born. Jealousy; a more treacherous, poisonous and destructive beast than whatever creature that lives in the sea.________Note: This story is a fanfiction of the wonderful Wattpad story 'Rapture', written by athenamaddox, who gave me permission to write a fanfic. My story can be read as a stand alone, but I highly recommend to read her story too for no matter how much effort I will put into this story, it's never going to be as amazing as the original work. Just read it. I have never written fanfiction about a book so that's an indication of how amazing Rapture is. (:…

Bevroren watervallen ✔

Bevroren watervallen ✔

983 76 91

Angmar en Jayne zijn een van de weinige Dunedaín die Númenor konden ontvluchten toen vloedgolven het eiland overstelpten. De tweeling bouwt in Emyn Uial een nieuw bestaan op, waar ze er als premiejagers op uit worden gestuurd om gevaren te elimineren.Hun missie om een vuurdraak te slachten, brengt hen langs het elfenrijk van Eriador. De jonge prins Elrond wordt op slag verliefd op Jayne en laat zich meeslepen door haar onstuimigheid en verlangen naar avontuur.Niet alleen de half-elf zoekt het gezelschap van de Dunedaín-tweeling op. De mysterieuze elf Annatar heeft ook een bijzondere interesse in de magie-uitoefenende broer en zus. Als hij hen op hun queeste besluit te vergezellen, worden er harten verscheurd en valt iedere toekomstdroom in duigen.[Afgerond. 61.699 woorden]…

Runaway  ✔

Runaway ✔

149,847 6,577 160

[Completed. Words: 150.328] Love is blind. Nobody knows better than Dana Lowman. For four years she threw herself into a relationship in which her boyfriend was the only one who mattered, abandoning friends and family. When she discovered how toxic her relationship was, it was too late. He wouldn't let her leave.After a year Dana finds a way to escape. Her influential and criminal ex refuses to let her go and will kill everyone who is in his way to get his honor back. Dana seeks refuge at the motorclub of her brother. Struggling with all the horror she's been through, she falls in love again. But knowing a new lover would probably end up dead, she keeps him at distance. Her ex will kill everyone she cares about if she doesn't return to him. Again she loses loved ones. Does she have a choice at all?#1 in 'JuiceOrtiz' [august 2018]Featured on Wattpad's BadassReads…