The Moloski Swap
Can a young single mom from Cleveland defy the critics and win Gold?Follow Marcia in her first attempt on the world stage.Written for the 2/16 prompt "spin"…
Can a young single mom from Cleveland defy the critics and win Gold?Follow Marcia in her first attempt on the world stage.Written for the 2/16 prompt "spin"…
Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do. Maybe it breaks a few laws, but laws are meant to be broken. Evie thought she had gotten away with a perfect crime until Detective Cindy Moran caught the case. Now she is running from the law AND the mob.…
Sometimes the strongest resolve is melted by a pair of trusting eyes.Created for the 5 Jan. prompt "Love"…
Jeremy couldn't understand why it was such a big deal. He was just trying to return a top.Written for the 17 November weekend writein prompt: "Free."…
For many students, high school was a four year social event inconveniently interrupted by classes but for a select few, it was a creative challenge to see who could outsmart the adults. The adults hold all the cards, or do they?Written for the Nov 10th weekend writein prompt, "Game"…
Detective Wilson's first big case and time is slipping by.Written for the 3 Nov. weekend prompt "cold".…
You have won...Well, it doesn't matter. We all know that its a scam. Right? I should just ignore it.It's a scam, right?…
Some story ideas sound good as you imagine them but don't roll out quite they way you planned.Written for the 9/22/17 weekend writein prompt : "Stress".…
Harvey just wanted to drink his coffee and write his stories. A simple pleasure, really.What happens when that pleasure is denied?"still": In 500 words, tell what happens when something is still.…
The apps we load on our smartphones make daily transactions much easier in so many ways But what I worry about is with each iteration of new smart apps, we give up more control over our lives. Where is this technology taking us? What happens when a millennial app falls into the hands of a senior?I am not the first to sound the alarm but maybe I can entertain you at the same time.…
New technologies are often taken for granted. We may marvel at the newest innovation, but our admiration is fleeting. Soon we are saying "What else ya got?" Not one person in a hundred will stop to wonder what went in to bringing this to market. This is a story of the unsung heroes who spend countless hours making sure that when we get it, it works. I present to you... The Beta Testers.Written for the weekend prompt "Silent"…
You ever have a family story that gets told over and over and you say, 'someday I'm gonna have to write that down...' ?Well, here it is, minus some of the more fanciful embellishments that have grown with the story over the years. Here you have the truth, the whole truth, and mostly nothing but the truth.What's it about? You'll just have to trust me.…
Based on a true story, a bit of literary license was taken. This goes back to when any development of a robotic arm was a breakthrough.Written for the 25 August prompt: "rules".…
A bit of unexpected advice changed everything for Josh.Written for the weekend write in prompt "Field".…
Joe figures he has once chance left to convince Laura he has changed. Lyrics borrowed without permission from the song by 'The Clash'. Written for the Weekend prompt "Decision".…
Looking back engenders regret. "I could have done better."Going forward in life is an exercise in optimism. Written for the July 7th prompt "Life".Disclaimer: This story is over 500 words (but less than a thousand). Be warned.…
A sticky typewriter key leads to the answer to a decades old mystery and changes 3 lives forever.Written for the June 30th prompt "Broken", I could not decide between different interpretations of the prompt and so decide to write three stories. I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing them.…
A Ralph and Randy adventure.Originally written in three parts for story prompts at writeon, this has now been combined into one story, printed in a hand-crafted book, and was on display at The Lincoln Arts Center, Lincoln, Kansas.…
Bobbie is driven by a dream. He wants to sell his software program for millions. But is he willing to risk everything on it?Written for the June 23 prompt "Guilty".…
Is the way to a man's heart through his stomach? Or is there a shortcut?Written for the June 16th prompt "Taste"…