When a photographer talks about shooting someone, he is talking about taking their picture. He usually does not expect them to shoot back. "In the Frame" was written for the 10 April prompt, "appear.""The Nature Photographer" was inspired by the 17 April 2020 prompt "start".…
Rocky thought he had finally hit the big time. All he had to do was answer five questions. Written for the 3/27/20 prompt "Penalty". The second story, "Ms Collins", is about retribution, plain and simple. But how do you get even for something that happened thirty years ago? Written for the 4/3/2020 prompt "friend".…
Harold and Elizabeth are taking a daring vacation trip. But has the technology been tested enough to get them there and home safely? Written for the 21 Feb prompt "Ticket".…
A chance encounter, a snippet of conversation. These are the seeds to our stories. As writers, we see things, we hear parts of conversations and we want to know "what happens next? It is how we are wired. This happened this morning and fitted nicely with the prompt "exit".…
Do you speak up when you see something happening that isn't right?Or does it depend on the degree of wrongness? Or how about the size of the offender? How do you know when to take a stand?…
Jerry's success was due to his credo "Hard work always pays off." or maybe it was "Don't share the spotlight." Either way, he seemed to know how to get things done. But this is a cautionary tale for those who would emulate him.Written for the 25 January prompt: "team".Part two continues the story to support the 1 Feb. prompt "Arrive".Part three continues with 'The Catch'.…
The breakfast table is usually the place our day begins."Leadership" is the first in, I hope, a series of stories about our morning chats.The inspiration for this volume came from the 7 December 2018 prompt "Debate".Part 2, "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Assassins", was not supposed to be in this volume at all. It began as a stand-alone story about an assassin writing a self-help book to respond to the March first prompt "List". But I was having trouble making it work. Then my muse, my wife, showed me how to fix it. But I still liked the title. I apologise for any confusion this may engender.…
Crooks can have a social conscious even if their values are a bit skewed. This is a tale of good versus evil slightly turned on its head.Written for the 30 November prompt "value" it also attempts to satisfy the four previous prompts of steal, repeat, package, and ruin.All of that packed into a five minute story. I hope you enjoy it.…
Do you believe that marriage is a package deal? That you get the bad with the good? How many brides have said "Well, that will have to change once we are married."?Marty seems like Mister Perfect but Clara knows he has a bad habit that will have to change if they are going to have a long life together.…