A Different Kind of Hope
This Story Is For The #LookingForAlaskaContest…
This Story Is For The #LookingForAlaskaContest…
Betrayal and death have shrouded this world ever since the king's death. With Carson Blyke and Nel Reon dictating the country, a young man who goes by Ray is searching for comrades in an attempt to take down these monsters for good. Cyrin Sault (pronounced Siren Sue) seems to be just the girl to help, but there's a problem: Cyrin and Ray HATE each other. -----------------------------------A/N: If this seems familiar then you probably are my English teacher or one of my friends. So, as a Beytowner I am here to tell you that I did not plagerise my own story. Also, I decided to post this AFTER the Imaginitive Story project, no need to worry!…