Hello and welcome to this One-shot-book!As you can read in the title, it's about the egos of Markiplier, a popular youtuber.This book contains mainly shippings between the egos, but there may will be pairings between the Ipliers and Septics and or Mark himself :)There will also be oneshots without a pairing, just a little adventure about one ego.I hope you'll enjoy reading these little treats and have a great time here!Love,The Author…
Mark, or rather known as Markiplier, is a popular youtuber with a huge community / fan base.Besides his lovingly community he has these.. "funny" counterparts of his:- Wilford Warfstache - Googleplier - The Host - Darkiplier -and many moreHowever, what did he not know was that they weren't only fiction. Oh no, the fans -the community- had so much more power than you could imagine. The power of fiction becoming real. That made up characters can be manifest in human like bodies. Like a transfer from the internet into the real world. And poor Mark didn't know that this was possible. - - - -One ego in specific had an eye out for him, and let me tell you, this ego had firstly nothing good on his mind. He only wanted a little fun with our little Markimoo.Honey did Mark know, a storm was coming for him. Quiet- silently- almost unnoticeable. A storm made of darkness and pure sadistic hatred against Mark. It would sweep his feet off the ground with great force, made him land on the cold, hard ground - to get him back to earth - to get Mark in his place where he belongs to: Sitting on the grounds of hell, desperate, while Dark would stand up above him before the gates to heaven, glaring victoriously down at his creator, a satisfied grin on his face, glimmering red eyes would bore into Mark's brown ones...So, my dear one, I would say: Let the story begin.Sincerely, MeThe author of this story.Warnings: cursing, angst, physical violence mentionedCover edited by me :3…
[Ego Kingdom AU!]Once upon a time, there was a world where kingdoms ruled the land.One kingdom in particular stood out, since it was ruled by one of the youngest kings the land had. His name: Wilford William Warfstache. He was the ruler of his kingdom called 'Armaetrosae', a rich and respected kingdom. But one day, a spy was send into Armaetrosae to collect information on how to overthrow the king and let his glorious kingdom fall. - - - - "Do you really think those fools are going to find us?", his companion laughed and took a sip of his drink."You are letting your guard down, Antonio.", he growled and looked around the busy tavern."Oh, so we're using our full names now, are we, Damien.", the other man snarled. As their conversation turned into a heated discussion, the tavern door was knocked down and guards entered the scene. As the two men got a glimpse on who entered the place, Antonio was the first of them who stood and rushed to the back of the pub to escape. "You over there! Freeze!", one of the guards shouted and ran up to Dark.Said man didn't know where to go and tried to escape the chase, but due to his wounded leg, he wasn't nearly as fast enough to run away, so he was tackled to the ground."On behalf of our king Wilford William Warfstache, I arrest you for spying, robbery, and murder!"…
Es sind die AvengersDIE AVENGERS!Ich kann es gar nicht fassen! Es passierte alles so plötzlich, so unerwartet!Aber lasse mich kurz zusammenfassen was passiert ist:Ich bin gerade erst Zuhause angekommen und habe mich hin gesetzt. Kurz darauf erschien dieses... Ding. Ich weiß nicht genau wie ich am Besten Beschreiben könnte, doch möchte ich behaupten, dass es eine Art Portal ist.Einer nach dem anderen kam daraus geschritten und landete auf einmal hier. Obwohl 'Hier' auch noch mal so eine Sache für sich ist...Irgendwas muss passiert sein, irgendwas intergalaktisches, etwas mit größerem Ausmaße, um dies alles hier ermöglicht zu haben.****Die ersten Tage mit den Helden waren mehr oder weniger entspannt, doch dann tauchte SIE auf.Sie stellte alles auf den Kopf. Veränderte von einer Minute auf die andere mein an sich schon chaotisches Leben. Doch was WAR sie überhaupt? Oder sollte ich eher Es sagen?Wie auch immer diese gesamte Chaos entstehe konnte, die Avengers, Loki, und ich werden dem auf die Schliche kommen. Sei es auf den einen Weg oder dem anderen.****-"Was machst du da, Kleine?"--"Ich, ähm, bin So-sophia. Schön sie kennen zulernen, Mr.-"--"Was- was geschieht hier?!"--"Was passiert mit mir?!"--"Bin ich dann ein- ein Monster?"--"Das glauben auch nur diese schwachen Kreaturen. Sie haben dich schon längst verloren. Verloren an mich!"-…
Herzlich Willkommen, liebe Leser.Das Buch "Mehr als nur Worte" ist ein Kurzgeschichten -One-Shot- Buch. Das bedeutet soviel wie, dass jedes Kapitel in sich abgeschlossen ist und nicht miteinander in Zusammenhang stehen. Was es aber besonders und einzigartig macht ist die Idee dahinter, wie jedes individuelle Kapitel entsteht:-Mir werden drei Worte geschickt, z.B. über die Kommentare, und ich werde aus diesen drei Wörtern eine Kurzgeschichte schreiben. Die Worte, die ihr mir sendet, werden höchstwahrscheinlich in der Story vorkommen, aber auch teils die Atmosphäre und die Handlung bestimmen. Ich hoffe ihr habt viel Spaß beim Lesen! Ich freue mich immer über Feedback und was ihr von der Idee haltet, dass ihr Kapital etwas nach euren Vorstellungen richten könnt.Die Idee ist mir vor etwas mehr als zwei Jahren gekommen, so Geschichten zu schreiben. Jedenfalls, ich hoffe, dass es euch gefallen wird!Warnung! Tod ist in den meisten Kapiteln involviert! Falls du sehr empfindlich darauf reagierst, empfehle ich das Buch nicht zu lesen, oder mit größter Vorsicht!…
Thinking clearly is a gift that we should hold with all what we have. So many things that go through ones mind once a day, a month; our whole lifetime.Thinking can be a deeper meaning of understanding.Without the gift of thinking, what would you do right now? - Reading this makes you think.Whether you do it aloud or inside your head; You do it all the time, even when you think you don't.There are rare occasions when you don't think. When just listening to your surroundings, for example, is enough to make that train of thoughts stop for even a breath moment.Here I present to you The DEPTHS of THINKING Written by @KureikoJashinow and here named with the alias Dreama…
Hi ihr da :)Dieses Buch existiert eigentlich nur, da ich getagged wurde und die Antworten irgendwohin packen muss.Nebenbei werde ich vielleicht von Zeit zur Zeit einfach ein paar Infos hier posten über mich und mein Leben. So könnt ihr mich ein wenig besser kennenzulernen :)Viel Spaß noch!…
Hello and welcome to this lovely book!I decided, since I personally love to read those as well, that I just open up a whole book for the Christmas prompt I'll be doing here!I hope you'll enjoy reading.Have a great time until Christmas Eve rolls around :)…
DarkiplierCold. Serious. Intimidating. Dangerous. A master of manipulation. And the leader of the Iplier egos.Now imagine: What if the dark ego was suddenly turned into a pinch sized version of his own? Several questions may form in your mind right now, do they? Like:How could that happen?What is the meaning behind this disaster?How could this happen?How would the other egos handle the situation?Was there any way to fix things back to normal again?But most importantly: How long does Dark really have to live in that tiny body? It may seems ridiculous to you, but all of that happened, because of a single wrong decision the dark entity made. And it all will come back to normal, because of a single card...…