Sylveon p.o.v
I was sitting outside thinking about what happened for the past two stomach still hurts and my par fur was getting worse.I don't know what is wrong with it but it's been hurting.I didn't tell anyone about it yet because I feel like if I did it would grow quicker.
I miss my Pokemon team.My little Cotton,Stary,Lil'C and more ughhh i miss them all.Maybe if I go back and get them that would be great.I slowly got up and tried to walk to the portal but something was pulling on my ribbon.Probably eevee.I turned around but instead it was a rock near to my size.
I tried to pick it up but that isn't working so I used swift but that didn't work.I kicked it hard until it rolled of then I moved my ribbon quickly away."YES"I shouted the walked to the portal.I jumped in the portal to Lucy's house.atleast I remember the way home.
-Time skipped to her house-
I just remembered my mother is on vacation and totally forgot about mom I thought you loved me but I guess not :/.I walked upstairs to my room and put on my bag around my neck then I grabbed all of my Pokemon and put it inside.I put a egg in it also just in case then I walked back downstairs to a Arcaine
"Arcaine it's me.Bella"
He looked at me confused then sniffed me
He licked my face while jumping and his tail wagging quickly
"Arcaine I gotta go"
"Can I come with master?"
"Sure come on lets go"
I walked back to Lucy's backyard and walked through the portal with Arcaine.he looked to excited.TO excited.he team around in the grass rolling all in it taking in everything.
While he did all of that I took off my bag and put it on the ground."alright my first Pokemon.COME ON OUT COTTON"I threw the pokeball then a shiny Loponny came out looking at me
"Hey cotton"
"Hi Ms?"
"It's your trainer Bella"
Her eyes went wide then she hugged me.did I forget to mention that she hugs really tight.
"Bella you worried me and you forgot about your mega stone"she put it on my wrist that was a different color.
"Why is your paw blue?"
" cause"
She looked at me weirdly and I just swetdropped and smiled.
I looked at my last Pokemon I wanted to bring out bit I was scared that something might happen.
"Are you okay Bella? You seem stressed"
I didn't want to answer cotton with a no because then she would hug me until she felt that I was better.
Crap I stuttered.Take me into your arms so I can finish this nightmare.
"Alright who is it"
Huh she didn't get me yet?
"Its Z.."
"Don't bring him out he's going to be all over me with my cute charm" Cotton said.And she's right Z would be all over her.
"Your right atleast Stary won't"I said
She nodded at me then Stary came out of his ultra ball so I felt something growling behind me but I didn't care.
Stary was yelling something out but I couldn't tell what it was.Cotton moved back alittle looking scared
"Cotton are you okay?"
She didn't answer but instead was about to use double kick.oh no....I closed my eyes trying to not see what will happen but instead I heard a loud whimper and I looked to see who it was.Jake....
"Jake oh my gosh are you okay"
He didn't answer but instead groaned and rolled over to his back.
"You know him?"
"Yes I do.H-He's my....friend! Heh friend.."
I can't tell her I like him.She's going to FLIP!!
I nudged Umbreon to see if he would get up.
"Jake my dude.get up"
He put his paw on my nose and whispered
"I can't....I'm ded" and fainted
Jake just fainted and I picked him and his beaten self up and walked him to his bed room.I set him down on his bed and put the blanket over him.
Good night~
~At night~
Starys p.o.v.
I was looking at the stars and the full moon.I felt so worn out and tired but I was thinking about someone I miss dearly....all because of a stupid mistake I girlfriend died because of me.
"Stary~".Sky said leaning on him.
"Remember to come back home before midnight so our trainer won't be mad."
"I will."I said as I flew off to get some berries for her and the egg.
When I was close to the house I heard a scream that sounded just like Sky.I grabbed the bags I had full of berries and flew back home to see a bloody trail of a Pokemon.then I saw my girlfriends dead body...the dead body of a Shiny Moltic.....I grabbed the egg and looked at the paw prints of the Pokemon that looked like a braviary.(I think that's how you spell it)
AI saw the cuts all over her chest.I didn't want to see anymore of what happened until I heard a voice coming from Sky.
"S-Sky....?"I started crying.
"Stary.....please.......take care of the egg and also this....."her tail glowed and a small necklace came with three points.

I took it and put my head on her chest.Crying.Letting all the tears come out.
"Please don't die.....please..."I whimpered.
"Stary I have to.....just take care of the things I perished...please..."those were the last words I heard come from her mouth.I cried and cried wanting her to come back in my life.
I put on the necklace after I calmed down alittle bit and I held onto the egg tightly.
~Flashback end~
I cried after I remembered what had happened.I still miss her so much.I wish I could see her one more time...I will protect this egg with all of my life and whom ever wants it has to get through me."Stary?"I heard a familiar voice said and I screached alittle."Cotton don't do that please"I said and hugged the egg that was on my chest.
"Your thinking about her huh?"
"Yeah..."I said whiping away my tears.Cotton moved next to me and leaned on my chest.what is she doing..."Stary...I'm so sorry about what happened..."she said and i started crying again.Cotton put her hand on the top of my chin."Stary if you ever need someone to babysit your egg or if you need any comforting.I'm here for you"I cried on her shoulder as she wrapped her ears against the back of my neck rubbing it.I whimpered alittle and purred."Aweee you purred~"
My face grew red "N-No I did not"she smiled and laughed alittle I don't know why but...her smile reminds me of someone...
Finally i finished this chapter it has deep feels I know rip Sky.what fo you think will happen to cotton and Stary.don't be shy comment! Plus this was *checks how many words I wrote* 1198 words wow just wow
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