chapter twenty six
Luxemburg woke to Denmark shaking him, the male was on the hallway floor.
"Where is lillesøster?!", the Dane asked frantically.
The Luxembourgish man got up and looked around, he saw the body of the one who attacked him.
The Estonian.
"One must have taken her.", Luxembourg spoke in a almost angry way.
Denmark got even more furious.
"I'll kill anyone who dares to harm her."
Gilen had woken up with his neck being hugged by a passed out female.
Her skin had a sickly pallor to it, worse than her usual alabaster.
He noticed his lack of a shirt and braided hair, the female must have don't that when he fell asleep.
(Y/n) was still asleep and curled up in Gilen's hold, her head resting on the male's shoulder.
The female had a grip on him that might leave bruises if he tried to move.
The Prussian heard snickering and looked up to the door, his brother and Kuro were laughing at him and taking pictures.
Gilen realized how bad it looked, her dress was crumpled and on the floor.
"Have fun last night?", Lutz snickered as the albino male put two and two together.
This looked real bad.
Kuro whistled to tease the Prussian further.
"Both of-a you shut-a up and get-a back to work!", Luciano yelled.
The yelling made (y/n) wake up with a start, as soon as she had light hit her eyes she doubled over.
Gilen motioned for Luciano to quiet down, the Italian muttered and walked back to his office.
The Prussian got up and turned the lights off before walked back to the horrified female, the albino was crying and holding her head.
The silver haired male did not know what to say to the upset woman, so he just got her some medicine to help with the headache.
He came back to find her crying about how she cheated on her boyfriend, the Prussian sighed.
He knew it was not true, she did not do a thing.
"Please take zhis? It vill make jour headache go avay.", Gilen spoke softly as he remembered how the others were on their hangovers.
He was relieved when the albino female took the medicine.
The Prussian sat beside her and tried to not look at her, "if jou were vondering, nothing happened. Jou vere giggling and braided my hair."
(Y/n) looked at the messy braids that had some ribbons in them, she saw Gilen's scarred torso as well.
Scarred badly, similar to hers.
"I'll let jou be alone for a while.", Gilen said softly and got up.
He was pulled back down, "Don't go. I'm scared."
The male sat back down next to her, he placed his hand on her back.
The scarred skin was warm to the touch.
"May I ask where I am?", (y/n) questioned.
"Jou're in Luciano's home.", Gilen answered and saw the fear on the female's face, "Mein bruder took Jou from zhat attack."
"Your brother?", the silver haired female asked.
"Ja. Lutz, he tried to get you before at that amusement park.", the Prussian answered, he finally looked to her face.
The expression she was making was one of childlike curiosity, the innocence of it made Gilen's heart warm.
He felt that that was something he needed to protect, he had to keep Luciano and the others from getting to her.
"I-I am sorry. I vill make sure jou are okay during jour stay.", the Prussian said, "I honestly don't vant jou here, like zhis."
The female gripped the blanket that Gilen put over her, "have you met my mother and father? Fathers?"
Gilen thought a bit, "I did."
"Could you tell me about my fathers? I know enough about mother.", (y/n) asked.
The Prussian looked at the female then up to the painting on his wall.
"Your father... was like you. Kind and curious.", The albino man spoke with a little smile, "he was the one to always greet and smile to whoever he met."
The silver haired female listened to the male speak in complete awe, his words were soft and gentle as he told her everything he knew.
She heard how her dad was probably the sweetest the man she would have ever met, that loki and egil's father was a huge goofball, and that Thurston and Bernard's father was skilled.
The silver haired female listened to the stories Gilen told her,his hands take as much as he did when he finally got comfortable with her.
Both (y/n) and Gilen were enthralled with the past, both the storytelling and the learning.
"How did Luciano learn of me?", the Scandinavian finally asked.
"He called your mother here when she was pregnant with you, he wanted to propose an alliance of some sort.", Gilen replied, "he was completely dumbstruck when he did see her. She told him off and that she would never have anything to do with him."
(Y/n) covered her head with her hands, the stave she had poked at Gilen's chest.
"Luciano became angry, but then became curious.", Gilen continued and placed his hand gently on her back, "he Talked to Bernard's father, and he gave out the information freely."
"That-a Scandinavia was-a pregnant with a bambina.", an Italian voice interrupted, "and as-a much I would-a like to talk to-a you like-a this, You need to-a get dressed."
Luciano laughed as (y/n) hid from him, he left to go back to his office.
the Italian man enjoyed how scared she was of him, it was amusing and quite cute.
He knew it was not an act like others would to get his attention, because he induced it into her from both threats and delivery of the threat.
He sat down at his desk and waited, he could wait for a bit longer. He's waited for many years already.
Gilen picked up (y/n) after wrapping her up like a burrito in the blanket.
"Where are we going?", the Scandinavian asked.
"To Flavio.", The Prussian replied, "he'll make jou something to wear."
"B-but I'm afraid of Italians.", The silver haired female whined.
Jou have to get over zhat fear since jou are in Italy.", Gilen responded, "but I'll be right beside jou."
The female gripped onto Gilen, her worry evident by her grip.
The Prussian got to the Fabulous Italian's door, "Flavio, (y/n) needs clothes."
An audible gasp was heard from within the room and running footsteps preceeded the appearance of the man.
A very handsome man with tanned skin and dyed blonde hair with an odd curl swooping to the left, his rose tinted glasses were set in front of magenta eyes.
He wore clean white dress suit with a silk scarf.
"Oh Darling! You-a came to-a the right place!"
Even His voice was flamboyant.
Gilen followed the motioned Italian in and stood (y/n) on the modeling pedastal.
She stood stiffly as Flavio ran his finger over her skin when he was taking measurements, "Darling, I-a know skinny is-a in but you-a need to-a eat."
Gilen watched as the Italian started designing the perfect dress for the Scandinavian, he quickly settled on a design and got to work making it.
The Prussian held (y/n)'s hand as Flavio put the dress on her.
"And we're done! It is-a perfect!", the Italian exclaimed and clapped his hands together, "now-a run along to-a my fratello, he is-a going to want to-a see you~"
Gilen led (y/n) away, she felt Flavio watching her as she walked away.
Her hips anyway.
The Prussian led her by her hand to Luciano's office, he knocked on the door.
"Enter.", Came the response.
Luciano was leaning back in his chair when he heard the knock, he scrambled to sit up and pose accordingly before calling for entry.
He had recited what he was going to say over and over in his head, he anticipated any of the female's responses to what he was about to say.
He lost his breath for a moment.
His brother did it again.
The Scandinavian female, little sister of the enemy, looked like an angel.
"Dio mio.", He said below his breath.
The dress's bodice hugged the female's curves and accentuated her bust, while the skirt elegantly flowed around her legs.
Flavio went the extra mile to clean up her hair and face, Luciano could not speak for a few minutes.
(Y/n) felt a bit uncomfortable by his stare, his sharp eyes were burning on her and looking at every point of her like a predator's.
He cleared his throat and motioned her to come closer, she stepped closer while clutching her stave and Gilen's hand.
"Did you-a enjoy yourself last night?", Luciano asked.
(Y/n) did not answer, she only looked down.
"Don't look away, look at me.", The Italian ordered and the female looked back at him in fear, "good."
Gilen was about to reassure the silver haired Scandinavian before Luciano motioned for him to stop.
"You will-a be my personal assistant and assistant to my fratello.", Luciano spoke, "and when we are-a in public, you will-a be seen as-a my wife."
He saw the female's face change to shock, although she was pretty good at hiding it.
"My-a men will-a not pressure or harass you to-a do anything you don't like.", The Italian continued, "But here, you-a And Gilen will be the ones in charge of the chores."
His face twisted into a smirk, "I-a look forward to-a working with you, Mia molgie."
(Y/n) did not like the teasing tone he said the last words in, like he had won and she was the prize.
Gilen noticed her discomfort and reached up to place a reassuring hand on her again, only to be glared at by Luciano.
"Your-a first task Mia caro, is to bring me My coffee.", Luciano said with a bit of an edge, "Expresso with one sugar and milk."
(Y/n) nodded and walked out with Gilen, "Gilen, You-a stay. I need to-a speak to you."
The female was without Gilen as she went back to the kitchen and looked for the expresso.
Flavio was there and looked at the woman, "Luci sent you to make his expresso?"
The female looked down and nodded.
"Here, let-a me show you.", The fabulous Italian spoke and showed her where everything was then showed her how to put it together, "now-a take that to-a Luci."
The silver haired female took the cup and made a slight nod with her head to the Italian man before walking back to Luciano's office, she tapped the stave Against the door.
"Come-a in.", Came the man's voice.
(Y/n) went in and put the coffee on his desk before walking away, "get-a back here and-a hand it to me."
The female turned back before walking back and pickin up the cup, she gave it to Luciano.
She noticed that he did all that he could to make contact with her hands, she turned back to walk away again.
"No, get-a back here.", Luciano called out again, (y/n) could hear him smirking.
She was aware that the Italian's henchmen were watching this with amusement, she turned back the Italian.
"Whenever I say-a something to-a you, I expect an answer.", The auburn Italian spoke, "And I expect respectful answers, Mia cara molgie"
The female saw the smirk his voice gave away before, taunting and overconfident.
Luciano saw how terrified she was to be in the same room as him, he really did cement fear into her.
He wanted to see how much farther he could tease and play with her before she snaps.
The silver haired female was lookin at the floor again, this irritated Luciano.
"What-a did I-a tell you before?", the Italian asked the female.
"To l-look at you sir?", (y/n) asked and held her cross tighter.
Luciano rested his fingertips together, "and why are-a you not? You can-a tell me."
The silver haired female said something quietly.
"What-a was that?", Luciano asked in amusement, "speak up."
"You scare me.", he heard her say.
His mouth twisted into a large grin, "I do? That's interesting."
(Y/n) was still not looking at him.
"Come here.", The male spoke.
The Scandinavian hesitantly obeyed, She was closer to him but out of his reach.
"Closer.", Luciano said.
She did but was still out of reach.
Still out of reach.
"Closer.", he practically purred.
She was close enough to reach and touch with a finger.
"Closer.", Luciano smirked as he saw (y/n) shaking.
She stepped closer.
Luciano reached out and pulled her right next to him, "much better."
(Y/n) let out a little squeak when he too her arm, Luciano had smirked when she made the cute noise.
He went back to work with the nervous woman looking around in a bird like manner.
Her eyes darted around with inhuman speed.
The office was nice, it had beautiful decorations and was clean.
The papers were stacked neatly, "tsk tak, don't be nosy."
(Y/n) jumped when Luciano spoke to her, he erupted into chuckles.
He was playing with her.
The female looked alway from him and to some oil paintings, she started to count how many brush strokes were on the canvas.
She Ignored the two men who walked in and started talking to Luciano, she pushed their voices away as she counted the strokes.
Luciano and his men were talking business when Lutz looked at the female, "I think she is daydreaming."
The Italian looked to the girls back that was turned to him, he ran his finger cheekily up her spine.
The Scandinavian let out a surprised yelp, all three laughed at her reaction.
"I-a think so too Lutz", Luciano said with a smug smile on his face.
the female's cheeks bloomed a pinkish hue.
"I have patrol.", Kuro said and walked out of the office.
"I got work too boss.", Lutz gave a Salute and walked away.
Luciano watched his men leave then turned his attention once again to the frightened female, he knew quite a few ways to tease her.
Quite a few of them would get him slapped, but she would probably would not due to fear.
Once again she was focusing on something that was not him, he was looking at the pens on his desk.
"Guardami, mio caro.", Luciano said with a demanding tone.
The female looked shakily at him, she looked everywhere but his eyes.
Her cheeks were still pink, brightly pink and kissable.
The Italian chuckled a bit darkly, "Sei adorabile quando sei spaventato"
Her eyes widened and she turned from the male, "do you-a want a punishment for-a disobeying me?"
(Y/n) shook her head.
"Use your words.", his voice was taunting, playing with her fear.
He knew what he was doing and was loving it.
The female felt his hand playing with the length of her hair, his fingers slipped easily through the silky cascade.
He twisted a strand between his finger and thumb, the soft hair felt nice to the Italian.
Luciano pulled on her hair lightly, "speak up."
"Nej, please stop.", (y/n) whined.
"Was-a that so hard?", the Italian chuckled and let the hair go.
The silver haired female straightened out her hair, she had her back to Luciano again.
She felt a hand trace down her back, then back up.
"Remember, when-a we are-a in public we are married.", the Italian spoke, "now go get something for-a you to-a eat."
The female left and Luciano looked at the silver hair he was able to snag while playing with her hair, he played with it a little before smiling.
He had won so far.
The male pulled up the files on (y/n) from her high school years he had collected, he had bought the school so he had full access.
He looked at the video file of when she was first at the school he chuckled at some of her sass to the adults.
He looked at the other ones, he saw just how much she endured.
But he was not able to act but only watch as the female was beaten and bullied by the 'sister' she had.
Luciano had told the couple to take better care of the girls, but they did not listen ND went to party instead of watching their children.
The silver haired female had to take care of things on her own, she took care of her sister more than herself.
The Italian sighed, he should have intervened sooner.
But past was past.
And he had a whole future of screwing with the 2p Nordic bastards to look forward to.
Dio mio: my god
Mia molgie: my wife
Mia caro: my dear
Mia Cara molgie: my dear wife
Guardami: look at me
Sei adorabile quando sei spaventato: you're adorable when you're scared.
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