Chapter 28: The search begins

It was a nice day as we see Lop stepping out onto the balcony of the Republic base and looks out to the amazing veiw of the Republic city with amazement. She never have been off world in her life so this was the first she ever been off world before.

She sees Republic gunships fly by and a few Ventator class star destroyer above the city including the Defender hovering over head as she looks up in amazement.

Y/n: I can sense you never been off planet before huh Lop?

She turn to see Y/n with a smile on his face as he approaches her and stand next to her as she nods to him.

Lop: (smile) I never knew what it's like to go off world and go to other planets. My father told me there is many other life out there in the stars and legends to be unlock.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah Shiki have that feeling as well until me, Happy and Rebecca met him.

Lop: Dose he miss his home?

Y/n: Yes...very much so.

The two stand there in silent looking out to the veiw when Lop ask Y/n.

Lop: So what now?

Y/n: We just have to wait for Hermit and the rest of the technology crew to coordinate where one of the map pieces are, get it and search for the rest.

Lop: You know the empire will track us down you know that right?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but we can handle them and get the map before they get it first.

Lop smiles and then Ella came to the balcony and hugs Y/n which he hugs her back.

Ella: (smile) Morning Daddy!

Y/n: (smile) Same to you Ella, how well did you slept.

Ella: (smile) Very peaceful.

Y/n: (smile) That good to hear.

Lop was a bit confused which Y/n sense so he tells Lop to Ella.

Y/n: (smile) Guess you haven't met Ella. My bad, this is Ella me and Rebecca's daughter. Well not actually but Rebecca wants to keep her so Yeah, she is our daughter now.

Lop: (surprised) Wow I never knew that.

Ella: (smile) Hi there.

Lop: (smile) Hey there.

Ella: (smile) Daddy we're having a meeting to discuss our next moves right now.

Y/n: Oh right I forgot about that. Thanks Ella, you go and check up on Boss and his squad while I take this meeting okay?

Ella: (smile) Okay.

She rushes off while Y/n watch her as Lop smiles and tells him.

Lop: (smile) She really is cute.

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's why Rebecca wants to keep her. And to be completely honest I would as well.

Lop giggles and then the two head off to the meeting to plan their next moves.


In the meeting room the crew of Edens Zero, Quinlan, Commander Flanker, Doom and Fordo along with Miwa, Leiko and Yei were gathered around the holo table as Lancer starts the meeting off by saying.

Lancer: Okay with some help with Hermit and the rest of the Republic technology crew, we've managed to find the coordinates of the first map on the planet called Atlas fist.

Witch: I heard that planet before. It used to be an old military planet a long time ago. Until the Chronophage eat the planet and those who lived on the planet were gone.

Weisz: And now the Empire ruled over the planet?

Pino: Actually no. The empire haven't even noticed the planet, not just yet.

Yogi: But I heard that planet is turned into a criminal like planet just like Guilts. Fun fact: after guilts was eating by Chronograph, those who escape the planets moved to Atlas fist to continue on their crime.

Shiki: Guess that means we have to get pass all of them and get that map.

Hermit: Yes but the problem is that we don't really know where the map is. We know where the map is bit we don't exactly know where it is within the planet.

Sister Irvy: So we still have no idea where this map is. Just great.

Homura: (mutter) Maybe only a jedi can find it.

Rebecca: Did you say something Homura?

Homura: Sorry, I was wondering that maybe a Jedi can find it by using the force. Think about it, the Hyper Crystal was hidden by a Jedi, including the maps right? Maybe a jedi can find it once they are on planet side?

Y/n: Homura is right! Maybe if a jedi is down planet, maybe they can sense it through the force!

Shiki: (smile) Alright, guess we're not gonna be stuck after all!

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah.

Lancer: Well with that out of away let's discuss the problem we might have here and it's about Blue Garden.

Yogi: What do you mean by that?

Flanker: Sister Irvy, can you explain.

Sister Irvy: Well I was taking a job by Blue Garden's guild master to Guilts and...Well you know the rest.

Mosco: We were captured.

Sister Irvy: Think they already know that.

Fordo: And Rebecca, you said that the guild master wasn't there with you and the rest of the B-Cuber girls on the mercenary's ship?

Rebecca: Yeah but Clarsse said he is alright and return back to the guild unharmed.

Fordo: Well I don't want to sound like a jerk but I believe he might be working for the empire.

Rebecca: (shocked) That's crazy!

Fordo: Think about this for a minute. There is no way he could have escape those Mercenaries unharmed and do you think it is odd that he sent Sister Irvy and Mosco to the planet only to be captured and he didn't hire a rescue team to get them?

Y/n: Hmmm I swe your points commander. But he is a friendly person and I don't sense any dark side within him.

Flanker: Still it's maybe best to stay as far of Blye Garden unless it's necessary.

Yei: You think he knows where we are?

Fordo: No only Clarsse knows where we are and I tood her to keep an eye on the guild master in case he try anything suspicious.

Lop: So who is this guild master from Blue Garden?

Rebecca: his name is Noah Glenfield, he's the guild master of Shooting starlight.

Shiki: Still if what is saying is true that means he is no friend of ours! He'll pay for getting Rebecca endanger like that!

Happy: Hang on a minute here. I've just realised something.

Rebecca: What is it?

Happy: Since we met many allies across the galaxy, there is still one group that we never made.

Rebecca: Oh right, the Interstellar Union army!

Lop: Who?

Y/n: This is the galaxies military force. Actually I never heard about them and don't know what happened to them.

Quinlan: I do.

They turn to Quinlan as he looks at everyone and tells them all.

Quinlan: They encountered the empire and they face a bloody war that lasted a few months. Then suddenly it stop, the empire won while Justice and his fleet disappeared into the stars.

Rebecca: (shocked) Really?!

Homura: (shocked) If that were true, that would mean that we're the only once strong enough to face the empire.

Quinlan: I believe so. Still it's best we stay away from them as possible, we might be fighting for good but they might not see it that way.

Y/n: I agree. So now let's discuss about the teams that will go to Atlas fist to find the first map.

Quinlan: Agree. Me, Lop and Y/n will go to the planet and use the force to find the map.

Shiki: (smirk) And Edens zero crew will come with you all as well!

Rebecca: (smile) Guess it's another adventure.

Weisz: As long there is some treasure I can keep, I can come.

Yogi: Same here.

Fordo: Good. Usually I would call Delta Squad or any Clone commando unit to come and assist you but I've gotten a transmission from a group of clones that surprised me.

Y/n: Who are they?

Fordo: You all be best to wait and see. They are coming here for an hour and these clones may surprise you all.

Quinlan: Well let's end thid meeting and take a breather before these clones arrive.

They all agree and they exit out of the meeting room and watch Sister Irvy walk off and Y/n remembered what Hermit told him so he follows her and find her standing in the large window looking out of the veiw while Y/n walks up next to her.

Y/n: Hey there Sister Irvy.

Sister Irvy: Hey.

Y/n:......Do you...wanna talk?

Sister Irvy: About what?

Y/n: Don't lie to me, I know your still upset about Valkyrie and her death.

Sister Irvy sighs to herself and gose on to tell Y/n.

Sister Irvy: Valkyrie was like family to us. She is strong, very cool and something like a person to trust to. When she is gone I can imagine her living on a mountain and standing by the edge of a cliff just waiting for someone to come and ask her to return to Edens zero. But....when you and the rest came by from sun Jewels I was....shock, I was....angry but I was also......sad.

Y/n: I know that feeling. I felt the same way when I found out my master turn to the dark side. I was upset, confused, angry and betrayed. He was like a father to me and he just betrayed me just like that. I just thought it was my fault or the Jedi orders but I just keep reminding myself that it wasn't no one's fault.

Sister Irvy: Tell me. What was the Jedi order like?

Y/n: It was a bit strict but it was home but...the order wasn't always perfect even though they said they were doing this to keep the galaxy safer.

Sister Irvy: Huh so they were dick heads?

Y/n: Weeeelllll.....just a little. It's like having an uncle who is a dick but not as a dick as your brothers who annoy you lot but you uncle either join in or stops it type or way.

Sister Irvy lend out a chuckle while she gose on to tell him.

Sister Irvy: Guess I'm not the only one with mixed feelings huh?

Y/n: Yeah but we get through this, I promise.

She smiled and hugs Y/n which made Y/n blush in surprised while she tells Y/n.

Sister Irvy: (smile) Thanks for coming here to check up on me. You really are such a cute Jedi boy.

Y/n blushes a bit but hugs her back as the two hugged for a bit until Y/n leaves yo check up on Ella and Delta squad.


We see Ella looking at all the weapons at the armory while Delta squad was there as she points a blaster pistol to Scorch while she asked.

Ella: What's that?

Scorch: Oh that's a blaster pistol, it's really dangerous so don't touch it.

Ella: (smile) Okay.

Sev: Seems like you two are getting along well?

Scorch: (smirk) What can I say. Kids are great to be around, especially in times that we need some comedy and cute stuff while on missions.

Sev: Well I don't think Y/n would not like bringing a kid to a battle zone.

Fixer: Hey may have a point there Scorch.

Scorch: Guess that make sense.

Ella walks over to Max who was on his datapad and ask him.

Ella: What are you doing?

Max: Oh hey kid, just looking through the data just to make sure everything is alright.

Ella: Is it fun?

Max: Well not so to you but if you think so, then yeah I guess.

Ella looks at the datapad and stare at it a bit and then start to press soke button which Max thinks she is gonna break it but to his surprise his datapad was working perfectly. Usually it would glitch out tike to time but now it's working normal.

Ella: (smile) Whoa your right! It is fun!

The rest of Delta squad were surprised by this just as Rebecca, Happy and Y/n enter and Ella race over to hug Rebecca.

Ella: (smile) Hey Mommy and Daddy! How was the meeting!

Rebecca: (smile) Great! Nice that you've been busy together.

Ella: (smile) Yep.

Y/n: (smile) So everything alright here?

Boss: Everything alright sir. Ready for our next mission for today.

Y/n: If you want to come, sure. We be getting some new clones to help us in our fight.

Scorch: Who is it?

Y/n: No clue but they should be here any minute know.

Witch: (speaker) Attending all Republic leaders, head to hanger A1. An Incoming ship is making it's landing.

Scorch: Well that was convenient.

Y/n: (smile) Well let's see who are these clones are.

They head out and make their way to hanged A2 and once there everyone else was already here as they see a ship making it's way towards them and Y/n can't help but seeing that ship before.

Shiki: What is that ship?

Weisz: Hey Fordo, you sure their Republic, because judging by the ship it looks like it belongs to the empire?

Fordo: You'll see once they make it's landing.

Pino: Is it me who is the ship not slowing down.

They soon realised the ship is barely slowing down.

Yogi: Take cover!

They get to cover as the ship flies through the hanger and make a screaking landing as sparks came out onto the floor as it slowly stop near them. Once that they all peak our to stare at the ship as the door opens and four clone commando units step out and they look completely different to the clone commando units they usually see like Delta Squad.

???: The cavalry has arrived!

Weisz: Who the heck are those guys?!

Fordo: These are Clone force 99 but also called the Bad Batch.

Lancer: (surprised) How did you get them?

Fordo: I've gotten their communication and sent 5hen to my coordinations.

Clone force 99 walks over up them as they take off their helmet and they were completely different to their clone brothers except for the one that has a robot arm. They walk up to them and Fordo shake the Sargents hand.

Fordo: Glad to see you here Sargent. Everyone meet Hunter, the squads leader.

Hunter: Nice to meet you all.

Shiki: (surprised) Wow you look so cool! Wanna be my friend?!

Hunter: I'm sorry what?

Rebecca: Just ignore him, he gets existed meeting new people and ask to be his friend.

Hunter: Oh okay then. Well let me introduce to the rest, this is Tech, anything you wanna know, he's your guy.

Tech: Greetings.

Hunter: The large one that your looking at is Wrecker, any path that is blocked, he is your man to do it.

Wrecker: (smirk) Sup.

Hunter: And our slicer and hacker is Echo.

Y/n: (surprised) Echo?!

Echo: (smile) Yep. Hey there Y/n. Been a long time hasn't it?

Homura: You know him?

Y/n: (surprised) Yeah. He used to be one of 501st along side ith Anakin and Rex during the clones wars. I thought you were-

Echo: Dead? No I was captured by the Separatist and tortured but was saved by the Bad batch, general Skywalker and Rex.

Y/n: (smile) Well it's good to see you again Echo.

Exhi smiles and nod to him and then a voice behind the bad batch calls out.

???: Who are these people?

They turn and Y/n and the rest see a female child with a bad Batch as she looks at them.

Homura: You have a child?

Hunter: Yep and our last member to the Bad batch, this is Omega.

Omega: (smile) Hi.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Omega.

Fordo: Where is Crosshair? Is he in the ship?

Tech: No. He has joined the empire.

Fordo: Oh I'm sorry about that.

Tech: No need for apologies. Crosshair has chosen his part while we do the same.

Wrecker: (smirk) Yeah as bounty hunters! Haha!

Shiki: Who is Crosshair?

Hunter: He is our sharpshooter of the squad but he join the empire.

Rebecca: Right because of his inhibitor chip right?

Hunter: Not exactly.

Boss: So he join the empire in his free will?

Shiki: (anger) That jerk! How can he betray his own brothers like that.

Hunter: Still enough standing around, let's get this job done.

Fordo: I agree. Wish you all good luck and may the force be with you all.

They nod and they all enter Edens zero and they take off with some Republic ships beside them as in the bridge we see everyone there as Tech was interested by the technical Edens zero has.

Tech: How interesting. This ship is running a different type of engine and the ship itself is controlled by a machine. How interesting.

Witch: (smile) There's a lot of things you be surprised in this galaxy.

Wrecker: Hey what's with that button on this machines belly?

Wrecker looks at Mosco's button and he was about to press it when Sister Irvy slap his hand.

Sister Irvy: Don't you dare touch it!

Wrecker: Okay fine! Man what is your probably?

Yogi: Don't blame you for doing that. I don't even know what that button dose.

Wrecker: Well if it active something fun! Hahaha! I wanna push it!

Sister Irvy: (anger) Don't you dare!

Y/n sees everyone getting along we Quinlan and Lop approach him as they look at the screen window and into space.

Lop: Let's go and find those map pieces and get that Hyper Crystal.

Quinlan: You think the empire will catch up?

Y/n: Without the map I don't think so.

Witch: We're ready to jump demon Lord.

Shiki: (smirk) Alright! Let's take off!

Witch nods and Edens zero and the other Republic fleets just into Hyper space to head to Atlas fist to find the first map of the Hyper Crystal and find the Hyper Crystal before the empire dose.

To be continued.................

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