Chapter 18: Clone Utopia
We see Edens Zero flying through space and as we can see it's barely damaged after Spider hacked into Edens Zero's symptoms and shut off the engines so the Empire will destroy it but thanks to Delta Squad and a help with Hermit, they managed to not only fixed Edens Zero's systems but scared the Empire fleet to leave them alone by tricking tjem to believing they are gonna blow up their fleet but fired fireworks instead.
Still we see everyone fixing the ship while some like Y/n, Quinlan, Shiki, Boss and Lancer are being brought to Witch to show them something but while that we see Fixer, Scorch and Hermit within the changing room and Fixer is bend down at a machine and fixing it while Scorch stand next to Hermit and look at the machine and asked.
Scorch: So what is this thing?
Hermit: This machine is programmed to pick out any clothes you want and you can get changed into the clothes without needed for taking off yourself.
Scorch: (surprised) Nice.
Fixer: Must say this technology is very impressive unlike ours.
Hermit: Yeah thanks for that. I want to apologise for holding you and your Squad back.
Scorch: It's fine Hermit, at least it was a perfect timing because I'll give you a point on that.
Hermit: (smile) Thanks, Sister Irvy on the other hand always tastes me a lot.
Scorch: Really, how so?
Hermit: Just some things that I don't like. I sometimes hate her.
Fixer: But she cares for you. For example, us Commandos maybe different to all clone brothers during the Clone wars but we care for them including each other, that's why we were trained to only work as team but as brothers.
Hermit: I guess. It is nice to talk to you two rather then listening to Sister Irvy all day.
Scorch: (smile) Never worry, any trouble you come to us.
Fixer: Still, what do you think Y/n and the rest are doing at the bridge?
Scorch: No clue but what ever they are doing, bet they have something important that is waiting to show us on what ever it might be.
At the bridge we see Witch showing Shiki, Y/n, Quinlan,Boss and Lancer a message from a Clone Commander Doom and after the message ends they look to each other and Quinlan asked.
Quinlan: Have you gotten the coordinates?
Witch: Indeed. It's at a far off planet called tropical-Land.
Shiki: Tropical-Land?
Y/n: Rebecca told me something about that planet. Rare people find that planet and use it as their vacation or honeymoons. It's the onky planet that has less people and onky a few people know about it.
Lancer: But how is that possible? Commander Doom is a straight up Commander and by the books Clone. I never knew he remove his inhibitor chip.
Boss: It's maybe a trap set up by the empire to lower us in and us.
Lancer: Maybe not. Perhaps we can check it out.
Boss: I understand that your shock by this but there is no way a Clone like him be in the Unknown Region. It's impossible.
Quinlan: Maybe your wrong. Maybe there is som eclones that didn't obey to order 66 and head to the unknown region to hide from the empire.
Lancer: Still we need an army but more importantly a base. To all due respect but Kisho might be right on one thing. We have only have one ship anethe empire has a massive are. We may have a crew but we need a bigger crew but more ships to fight back against the empire
Witch: And find Valkyrie, the last member of the four shinning stars. Still I see the clone Captains point. What do you think Demon Lord?
Shiki: (smirk) I think we head there. Besides, it be awesome to have all your Clone brothers be back together and they can be our friends!
Boss: Still I don't know.
Quinlan: (smirk) Well ain't that fun if we ignore it.
Y/n: (smirk) I gonna say I agree with that.
Shiki: (smirk) Looks like we are a vote.
Boss: Alright, let's check if this message is true or not.
Shiki: (smirk) Alright! Witch set the coordinates to Tropical-Land!
Witch: As you wish demon Lord.
Then Edens Zero jump into Hyper space and head to Tropical-Land.
On board the empire space station we see Kisho walking through the halls and heading to Zen's private quarters and soon he stand in front of his door and opens it.
There we see him including Flanker in the room as Zen talks to Flanker about a project that the empire has planed when they turn to see Kisho walk into the room and he stood and bow down to Zen.
Zen: (smirk) I heard you've been tricked by my padawan and run off like a scaredy-cat.
Kisho: (anger) Don't put this blame on me! They tricked me!
Flanker step forward a bit but Zen wave his hand to him and he step back while Zen looks at him.
Zen: (smirk) And here I thought you this brave grand Admiral that show no fear ans strike fear to those who threatening the Empire.
He then start to force chock him as Kishi grabs his neck while he was lifted up from the ground while Zen smirks at him even more and gose on to say.
Zen: (smirk) But I see now your just a coward that gotten scared by some fireworks by my Padawan ans his friends. What a shame.
He then throws Kisho to a wall and he was slamed at the wall ane fell to the ground while he cough to catch his breath while Zen turns to Flanker.
Zen: Trace their ship and track them down. This time I wnat them dead.
Flanker: Yes sir.
Then Flanker walks out of thr room to complete his mission while Zen turns to Kisho and Kisho just glare at him which Zen just chuckle a little and walks out of thr room leaving Kisho to anger Y/n and his friends even more.
Y/n and the rest arrived to Tropical-Land and Y/n, Rebecca, Weisz, Pino, Happy, Homura, Shiki and Delta Squad were sent down to the planet to see if the message was real or not.
Rebecca fly her ship over the ocean and she was exited to be in the planet as she looks around the landscape.
Rebecca: (smile) Man this planet is something I really wanna visit this planet. Its so nice, no distractions, no noises just peaceful landscapes and beautiful places to go to.
Happy: And a lot of yummy fishes what I've heard.
Scorch: But aren't you machine? How can you eat fish?
Boss: Enough chatter Squad. Reaching to our location sir.
Y/n: Right. Let's make sure this ain't a trap.
Weisz: Hope not, other wise we are in trouble.
Homura: If we're lucky, maybe my master might be here.
Fixer: One way to find out.
Soon Rebecca takes up to the air and they all looked down to see what looked like a massive military like city and they can see movement down there but can't tell if they were clones or Stormtroopers. Still Rebecca lands her ship at one of the landing pads and opens the hatch and they claim out of the ship.
They look around to see no one at first but then the hanger bay doors open and green Clone troopers rush out of the hanger bay and rushes towards them with blasters in hand
The Clone troopers aim their blasters at them and they think this was a trap and they were about to pull out their weapons when someone called out.
???: Troopers, stand down!
The Clone troopers move out of the way and an Arc trooper walks into them and turns to Y/n and the rest.
Y/n and the rest lower down as well while the Arc trooper turns to them and said in surprised.
???: (surprised) Your a jedi? Never knew some jedi's managed to survive.
Y/n: Well nice to see your not with the empire. What's your name?
Valkier: Arc trooper Valkier sir! Welcome to Clone Utopia.
Shiki: What's Arc trooper?
Y/n: They are highly skilled Clone troopers within the grand army of the Republic. Highly skilled and clever.
Shiki: (surprised) Awesome.
Valkier was also surprised to see Delta Squad here but he shakes it off and said.
Valkier: Please follow me and I can show you around.
They follow Valkier and his clone troopers oit of the landing pad and into the city. In the city were some Clones everywhere walking about and doing some work around the city.
They walk through the city and they were amazed to see how many clones where here.
Y/n: (surprised) This is incredible!
Boss: How many clones are there right now?
Valkier: Over 200 clones. They either remove their inhibitor chip or didn't like the empire's rules over the galaxy. A hand fiull of us decided to head to the unknown region and build a peaceful city and sent out a message to all clones who remove their inhibitor chip or quiet the empire to come here for peace.
Scorch: That's amazing.
Sev: Who is in charge of all of this?
Valkier: Doom and few others. Follow me, I'll take you to them.
They follow Valkier and walk to a large tower that looked similar to one of the towers of the Jedi Temple but there was onky one tower and they head inside and head up to the top floor.
Soon after they were at the tope and they head inside to see Clone officers on their computers and checking things are alright while in the middle looking down at the holotable was Doom ane Commandos Fordo who looks up at them which surprised Delta Squad and Y/n to see Fordo here.
Valkier: Commanders, these are the crew that we detected from our scanners. Along with Dekta Squad.
Doom: (surprised) Delta Squad? I thought you obay to order 66?
Boss: We did but not all of us.
Doom: I see. Well I'm also surprised to see we have a jedi and some none-Clones here.
Shiki: None-Clones?
Y/n: He ment by us. We're not clones.
Weisz: And whatever the difference to them?
Fordo and Doom took off their helmets and Weisz sees that they are Clones.
Weisz: Oh....we whatever.
Pino: But I am confused. I thought all Clones obay to order 66 and became a servant to the empire.
Doom: Not all of us. You see, during the Clone wars, our jedi General Master Tiplar was killed but Tup from the 501 Legion and we thought he betray the Republic but Fives believe there was something else. After a while he discovered something which is our inhibitor chip and try to warn the Republic about it but no one listened. No one expects for me. Seeing Tup killed my Jedi General with my eyes and the possibility that the inhibitor chip was the one that cost it, I decided to remove mine and convinced all my unit to dot it and they did.
When the empire rias we highjack a Republic Acclamator class assault ship and escape from the empire and head to the unknown region.
Fordo: It was actually my idea to head to the unknown region. Will all the empire troops all around our galaxy we have no choice but to hide. I heard about a Clone rebellion that failed so we decided to hide rather then fight.
Y/n: Guess that make sense. What about you, why did you remove your inhibitor chip?
Fordo: Actually I never have one.
They were shocked by this and Fordo gose on to say.
Fordo: On one mission I was assigned with a Jedi and during the batyle order 66 ring out onto my helmet snd never understand what that means until I see my Arc troopers gunned down a jedi General right in front of me and when I try to stop they fire at me which confused me more.
Rebecca: (shocked) But I don't understand. How come you never have one?
Fordo: Even the Kaminoans never give some Clones inhibitor chips I fear mine or other clones skills will threatening them by the empire or it was just me.
Weisz: Weird.
Happy: Very weird.
Fordo: Still, you are welcome to be here. Is there anything we might do for you?
Y/n: Well there is a ship that is heavy damaged and we hope we could use some help fixing it.
Fordo: Of course. Set it down ane I have my troops fix it.
Shiki: (smile) Thanks, wanna be my friend?
Fordo: Um...sure?
Shiki: (smile) Awesome!
(Short while later)
Edens Zero make a landing at one of the landing pads and it was next to a few Republic ships while the clones gose in and out of the ship fixing the ship and making sure it's working perfectly.
Hermit, Witch, Sister Irvy and Mosco watch the clones do their work while Witch worries about Edens Zero.
Sister Irvy: (smirk) What wrong Witch, worry about you ship getting damaged just a bit?
Mosco: Mosco?
Witch: A bit but I have fate for the clones to fix it.
Sister Irvy: Gonan say, they are pretty good fixing ships.
Mosco: (smile) Mosco agree.
Clone trooper: (distance) Thanks for the assist Max.
Hermit was a bit surprised to hear that name ane looks over to see a Clone talking to a Clone Commando that handing him tools and the Clone walks off.
Max smiles and looks over and he was shocked to see Hermit standing there. The two stare at each other with Hermit asking.
Hermit: Max? Is that really you?
Max was shocked to see her but he walks away and Hermit calls out to him.
Hermit: Max wait!
He stoo but not turning to Hermit and said.
Max: I'm....I'm sorry. I'm really am.
Hermit:'s been so long.
Max: has....look I'm sorry but I gonna go.
But before Hermit could say anything, Max walks off. Hermit was a bit worried about him while Hermit was worried about him.
Sister Irvy: Guess your old friend left you.
Sister Irvy grabs Hermit on the shoulder while Hermit just looks away from her while Witch asked.
Witch: Why did he walk off? Should he be glad to finally meet you after so long?
Hermit: He might still be ashamed of himself for destroying Hook and thinks still hate him.
Sister Irvy: And you do?
Hermit: No! He was the one that saved me and I never thanked him and thought he was like Muller and the rrst but I was wrong. I just apologise to him.
We cut to Max walking away and looking down Still feel ashamed for what happened years ago and him doing nothing while they tortured her. He was angered at them but he is mostly himself.
We see Scorch, Rebecca snd Homura within the changing room and scorch have gotten the power to get the changing machine online.
Scorch: And Boom! It's online!
Rebecca: So this machine can allow us to get changed to any clothes we want?
Homura: How interesting.
Scorch: Yeah snd I looks like the controls ain't that hard so I might do this.
Rebecca thinks about it and the a smirk appear on her face and asked Scorch.
Rebecca: (smile) Hey Scorch, wanna do a prank with Y/n for us?
Scorch: Thought you never ask.
Homura: Prank? What prank is it?
Rebecca: (smirk) Just something to make him blush a bit more and your gonna help me with it.
Homura: (blush) R-Really? I mean I guess But-
Rebecca: (smile) Awesome so here is the plan!
(Few minutes later)
We see Y/n walking down through the halls after he helped a few clones, Miwa and Oki with the ship and was just wonder around the ship when Scorch walks up to him.
Scorch: Oh hey General, Rebecca and Homura need your help.
Y/n: What is it?
Scorch: Can't explain it but follow me.
He snickers a little which confused Y/n but he follows him and soon he reached a door and Scorch opens the door and says.
Scorch: Their in there.
Y/n walks inside and was confused ane can't see anything but Scorch shuts the door which cut out all light within the room.
Y/n: Hey! Scorch! What's going on here!? I can't see anything?! Hello? Scorch? Anyone?
Then the light suddenly turns on which nearly blinds him a little but when he open his eyes his faced blushed yo see Rebecca and Homura wearing what looked like different clothes that looked very sexxy to give Y/n's attention towards them.
Rebecca: (smirk) Well Meow there Y/n. How is your day meow~?
Y/n: (blushing) U-U-Um g-g-good but wh-what is this?
Rebecca: (smirk) Nothing Meow. Thought me and Homura dress up a bit, that's all Moew.
Homura: (blush) Y-Y-Yes, j-just a dress up, bark.
Y/n was blushing red by this as Rebecca and Homura got onto the floor and walk over to Y/n with their arms and legs as they claw towards him and looked up at Y/n with sexxy eyes.
Rebecca: (smirk) Wanna pet us? We are good pets, Meow.
Homura: (blush) P-Pet would be nice, Bark.
Y/n felt his mind was about to blow which Homura noticed this and her personality change a bit and she said while she weg her tail.
Homura: (smirk) If you won't pet us, the we lick you!
Y/n: (Blush) W-Wait wha-
Homura jumps on him and start to lick him and Rebecca smirks and jump on in and joins in on the fun while Scorch laughs to himself and walks off letting them have their fun with Y/n before Y/n will realise he was apart of this plan as well.
We see Shiki and Weisz on an scouting patrol and company them were Arc troopers Bux and Kriegsbau.
They walk through the field with Weisz asking cause he is tired or walking through an open field.
Weisz: Why are we walking through a field?
Kriegsbau: Our sensors detected something landing nearby and we're gonna see who it might be.
Weisz: But I'm so tired or walking.
Kriegsbau: Well maybe you shouldn't have eaten one of your friends snacks.
Weisz: (anger) Oh shut up.
Shiki: So what is like being an Arc trooper?
Kriegsbau: Not much. We were sent on a few dangerous missions and we completed it.
Shiki: (surprised) Wow that's so cool!
Weisz: (mutter) You think everything is cool.
Bux riased his fist to signal them to stop and slowly walks up to a hill and lay down onto the grass and zoom in through his goggles and zoom in to see an imperial class shuttle and see Flanker ane his purge troopers down there ane loading up supplies. Shiki, Weisz and Kriegsbau lay down and crew up to Bux and see what's happening.
Kriegsbau: The empire is here.
Shiki: Looks like purge troopers.
Weisz: And Flanker is leading them.
Bux: We gonna report back to this.
Kriegsbau: Agree. Let's go.
They were about to leave but Shiki calls out.
Shiki: Wait. What about Flanker? He is one or your clone brothers right? Including the rest of the purge troopers, they are all clones.
Bux: Shiki they maybe pur brothers but there is nothing we could do.
Shiki: We could remove their inhibitor chip, just like we did for Sev.
Bux: The chances for that is slim. If we remove their inhibitor chips, who knows what will happen to them.
Shiki: Still you all remove your inhibitor chips.
Kriegsbau: Yes but that's different. We remove ours before order 66. Flanker still have his who known how long. Removing it maybe risky.
Shiki: Well I don't believe that. Y/n help us many time and proofing to be a best friend we all never have. Now...I think we give him something that he lost.
Then Shiki rushes down the hill while the trio rush over and watch Shiki rush over to them and calls out.
Shiki: Flanker!
Flanker and all the purge troopers see him and the purge troopers were about to fire but he use his gravity either gear to sent the purge troopers slaving onto the ground except for Flanker.
He fire a few blastee bolts at him but he dodges them ane elbows Flanker in the chin that cost his helmet to be removed and Shiki turn to see Flankers face as he turn and aim his blaster at him.
Shiki: Flanker you don't have to do this! You serve under Y/n and his master during the Clone wars. You can't turn your back on him now.
Flanker: I must. Good soldiers follow orders.
Shiki: But your human! Your not machine! You can't make your own decision, your own mind even with or without the inhibitor chip! Just please.....remember Y/n....REMEMBER YOUR OLR JEDI FRIEND! BECAUSE I KNOW DEEP DOWN YOU CARE FOR Y/N AND WANNA TO APOLOGISE TO HIM! JUST REMEMBER!
Then Flanker start to shake his blaster ane member of Y/n, himself and Zen pop into his head showing him many battles they did and the bound they have. The inhibitor chip try to control his mind but Flanker, the old Flanker fights it and Shiki sees in his face he is fighting the inhibitor chip.
But the inhibitor chip is shown to be stronger and he was about to pull the trigger when Flanker was stunned from behind by Bux and fell onto the floor.
Soon Kriegsbau and Weisz catch up and they walk up to the unconscious Flanker and Kriegsbau looks at Shiki and said.
Kriegsbau: If this doesn't work, then he might die similar to how Tup died.
Shiki: Still we gonna try. Y/n lost a friend back there and as his best friend, I think I'll help him by bringing back his old friend.
Weisz and the rest wasn't sure by this but they agree and looked down at the unconscious Flanker and hopes he still be alive once his inhibitor chip is removed.
To be continued...............
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