Chapter 11: Escape a criminal planet (Lemon)
On Edens Zero that is hanging near the planet of Guilts. We see Quinlan, Leiko, Yei and Witch at the bridge with the rest of Oki's rebel crew as they monitor things up above.
Witch was just down fixing Happy and once that Happy woke up and sat up and calls out.
Happy: Rebecca!
They all turn to see Happy online and Quinlan, Leiko and Yei walk over to him.
Quinlan: You alright Happy?
Happy: Y-Yeah but where's Rebecca?
Leiko: She got captured and she is taking in Guilts but luckily Y/n and the rest are down there and rescuing her.
Happy: That's good to hear.
Male rebel crew: Ma'am, we've detected something massive heading towards Guilts.
Witch: But it on screen.
The crew nods and puts up a hologram of a massive dragon like creature flying through space and heading towards Guilts.
Yei: What in the galaxy is that?
Witch: That's Chronophage, a space creature that eate planets and sent it through 50 years into the past.
Quinlan: Just like what happened to River.
Happy: But Y/n and the rest are in there. What happens Chronophage eats the planet while their in there?
Witch: Then they will be erased from existence.
They were horrified by this and they know they only have 15 minutes until Chronophage would reach the planet.
Quinlan: Quickly we have to get down there and save them.
Male rebel crew: I'll contact them down below and tell them what's going on.
Witch: Understood. All hands, full speed to guilts. Let's rescue the demon King and his friends.
Rebel crew: Yes ma'am!
Edens Zero made full speed to Guilts to rescue Shiki and the rest before Chronophage will eat up the planet and erased them from existence.
Within the planet or Guilts we see Weisz, Oki and Homura holding out the captured Rogue out's along with the Oki's rebel soldiers as they hold off the base against the in coming assassin driods and bandits.
A few rebel soldiers were taking out and losing the front line so Oki calls in a retreat and they all enter the church and shut the door while assassin driods continues to fire at the door.
Inside the church we see a few rebel troops try to heck through the rouge out systems to find another way out. Oki walks up to them and asked.
Oki: Any luck so far?
Male Rebel soldier: Almost done ma'am.
Oki: Alright. These driods are gonna breach in very soon.
Weisz: Why not ask your driod unit in Lancer's ship to blast the driods away and we can get to the tower?
Homura: PL-D3 told me he there's too many activity at his end. It seems something must have happened where Y/n and the rest are.
Oki: Guess we're on our own then.
A load thud made some to look at the door and see the driods are gonna break through.
Male Rebel soldier 3: Ma'am I've gotten news up at Edens Zero.
Oki: What is it?
Male rebel soldier 3: Not good. A space creature called Chronophage is heading towards here and we only have 15 minutes until this planet will be time travelled to 50 years into the past.
They were shocked by this but then the soldiers managed to open a second trap down on the stage just as the assassin driods burst through the door and open fire at them.
Weisz: Let's go!
They fire back at the assassin driods before they jump into the hole and made their escape underneath the church. Once landed on there feet, Oki slam the back of her blaster pistol at the button and the trap door above them shuts on the driods.
Oki: That will hold them.
Weisz: Yeah but the big question is how long?
Homura: Hold it. Something is here.
They rias their blasters and aim at a door that swings open and see a room filled with wires and cables that is connected to something that is attached to a wall.
Oki: What the heck is all this?
Within the storage room within Illega tower, we see Illega still unconscious and in the room was Y/n and Rebecca as Y/n see the golden either gear slowly vanished put or his arm.
Rebecca: I never know you have a either gear.
Y/n: I'm just as confused as you are. Guess I'm like Shiki and the rest who have it.
Rebecca: (smile) I have one as well.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? How did you know?
Rebecca: Let's just say.....there is a reason why there is a large hole within the women's spar room.
Y/n: O...k?
Pino: Y/n, Rebecca!
They turn to see Pino, Shiki and Yogi rush into the room along with the other B-Cubers who gotten their clothes on.
Y/n: Where's Lancer?
Yogi: He said he's gonna shut down the Anti aircraft turrets so we can make a clean get away.
Rebecca: Lancer?
Y/n: It's a long story but I'll explain after we made our escape.
Copa: (smile) Mister, thank you so much for saving us.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Jinn: Yous will not escape from us.
They turn to see Jinn. Yogi ready his blasters but Y/n wave his hand and said.
Y/n: Get them out of here. I'll deal with him.
Shiki: (smirk) I'll join you. Friends never leave other friends alone.
Y/n smiles as he nods before he activat his lightsaber and get into a battle stand.
Yogi: Alright everyone, let's move it!
The B-Cubers run out of the room with Pino and Yogi follow and Rebecca turn to Y/n and Shiki before she rush out of the room.
Jinn: You think you can defeat a highly deadly bounty hunter Jedi?
Y/n: (smirk) I'm not doing this alone. Together, we will defeat you.
Shiki: (smirk) Yeah. Because friends will stick together no matter what.
Jinn: So be it.
Jinn rias his fist and his arm fired out of him and flies towards them but Y/n reach out of the force and hold it still while Shiki rush at him and float up into the air before slaming at Jinn.
But Jinn dodges it and Y/n force push his arm towards him and his fist slow down and attached back to Jinn's arm. Then he looks up and his shot out fire at Jinn and he dodges it while Y/n land onto his feet.
Then Shiki leap over Y/n and Jinn try to dodges it but Y/n dashes over and gotten behind him and kick him forward and then Shiki grabs Jinn by the face and slam him onto the ground as the floor below them cracks.
Jinn kicks off Shiki and he leaps up only to dodge a slice of Y/n's lightsaber from behind and he turn to try to strike at him but he dodge it and Y/n force push Jinn towards and Shiki grabs Jinn by the arms and the two were sent flying towards the ceiling and Jinn slams onto the ceiling and then Shiki throws him to the ground.
Jinn slams onto the ground while both Shiki and Y/n stand over him as Jinn slowly stands up and looks up at them..
Jinn: How is that possible? How can both of you manage to defeat me?
Shiki: (smirk) Because no matter what we stick together.
Y/n: (smirk) As friends.
The two fist pumped before the doors open and Sister and Ganoff step into the room.
Sister: May I see we have meet again and I see you've already defeated one of my crew.
Y/n: It's over. The B-Cubers are free and your base has been taking. It's over.
Sister: (smirk) It doesn't matter how many of our forces you have taking out. We can still defeat you and get our reward.
Shiki: Your gonna pay for taking Rebecca from us like that.
Sister: (smirk) This is what this Galaxy is. Nothing but crime, death and kidnapped. We all need to survive this galaxy. But you already know that, right jedi.
Y/n was silent and knows how it feels to survive a new galaxy but he now has new friends and he's not gonna let them down. Then Sister took off her nun clothes to reveal a large tub like claw was machine like parts on her before.
Shiki: So she's a machine.
Y/n: Looks like it. Let's take them out.
Shiki: Right.
Sister smirks once more and swings her claw at them but they leap back and land on their feet but blaster fire from Ganoff get them into cover as he keeps on firing at them.
Y/n took out his blaster while Shiki summon three gravity like balls out of his knuckles. He peek out of cover and fires one at Ganoff and he suddenly feels heavy and he slam onto the ground.
Y/n: (smirk) Nice shot Shiki.
Shiki smiles with a node and he fires another at Sister but Sister grabs Jinn and she use him as shield to block Shiki's blast and Jinn slams onto the ground.
Y/n: Usw your own crew as meat shield. Some leader you are.
Sister: (smirk) And how do you know? I've learned about your kind, that you took an army of slaved Clones into a war against the sith and in the end, they gunned your jedi brothers and sisters down and let the with rise.
Y/n: Just shut up!
He peek out a fire a fee blaster rounds at Sister but she dodges them and swings her claw at him and it hits him and sent him flying and he crash onto the wall.
Shiki: Y/n!
Y/n fell onto the ground and fall unconscious while Shiki turns to see Jinn and Ganoff up and all three charge at him. Shiki learn this from Rebecca when they play a shooter game and from Yogi on how to fire a blaster.
Shiki took a deep breath, leap out, aim at the three and fire three gravity balls and they hit all three of them and they slam onto the ground.
They can't stand up as Shiki stood up and smirk to himself before he blow on his knuckles and said.
Shiki: (smirk) Bullseye.
Rebecca, Yogi and Pino were leading the other B-Cubers out of the tower and Rebecca can see that Y/n literally did clear all the assassin driods while his way to save her.
Yogi got ahead and open a door and wave to the other B-Cubers.
Yogi: Everyone this, way Let's go!
They go through the door while Rebecca realised that Copa was not among the other B-Cubers.
Rebecca: Where's Copa?
Yogi: No clue. Maybe she must have split off.
Rebecca: I'll go find her. You two get out of here.
Yogi: You sure?
Pino: You'll be on your own.
Rebecca: Trust me, I'll be fine, now go.
Yogi and Pino node and they rush out while Rebecca head out to find Copa. She turn a corner and found Copa's hat on the ground and picks it up.
Rebecca: (thought) This is her hat but....where is she?
She turn to a door and she opens it and step inside. She was horrified to see status of the captured girls and turned into stone as she remembered Illega show them a video of one girl turn into a stone by a gun.
Rebecca: (thought) Is this were he keeps his collection of captured girls.
Genko: Don't move.
She turn to see Genko and Claw-Slice, Claw-Slice have Copa as a hostage with tears coming out of her eyes while Genko pinned his blaster at Rebecca.
Rebecca: Let her go!
Genko: Don't think so. Get down to your knees or this child will be killed.
Claw-Slice: You better listen. I'm not afraid to cut this kids throat off. (Chuckle)
Copa: (tears) B-Bi sis Rebecca.
Rebecca see she can't do anything without Happy and she is open against two so she compy and bend down to her knees. Genko walks up to her still have his blaster at her and he pinned her head onto the ground while he said.
Genko: Sense we don't get paid by either of our clients. I suppose we take you and that kid with us and sell you someone will more credits.
Claw-Slice: And maybe torment them until they scream like litter girls. Like this one!
Claw-Slice pulls Copa's hair and she scream while she cry.
Rebecca: I swear you two are gonna regret it.
Genko: How? You have no Jedi with you and your friends ain't here as well. Face it B-Cuber, your alone and your Jedi bodyguard is not here to save either of yous.
???: He won't, but I will.
Then a blaster fire knocks Genko's blaster away and he looks up and Lancer leap down from the second floor and punches Genko in the face. He was sent flying and he crash onto the wall and he falls unconscious.
Rebecca looks up as Lancer points his blaster at Claw-Slice as he points a blaster at Copa's head and there was a stand off as the two star at each other for a moment.
Then Claw-Slice quickly swing his blaster at Lancer and fire a shot but he dodge it just in time and fires back at Claw-Slice and shot him in the head and he let's go of Copa and fell backwards and hit the ground.
Lancer stand up and slide his blaster pistol to his holster and turn to Rebecca and help her up.
Lancer: You must be Rebecca right? You alright?
Rebecca: Y-Yeah I'm fine. Thanks, who are you?
Lancer: My name is Lancer. I'm a clone trooper who is General Zen and Y/n's clone unit.
Rebecca: (surprised) Your a clone trooper?!
Lancer: It's a long story but I'll explain once we get out or here.
Genko slowly walks up and slowly aim his blaster at Lancer while he have his back turn but suddenly he was hit oh the hat by a pot. Rebecca and Lancee turn to see Copa knock him out again and she turns to them.
Lancer: Nice save kid.
Copa smiles before suddenly there was a shake and Rebecca asked.
Rebecca: Whats going on?
Lancer: Oki told me a space creature is gonna come here and eat this planet and sent it 50 years into the past.
Rebecca: (shocked) What?!
Lancer: Indeed. We should get out of here before it's to late.
Copa: What about the other girls who are turned into stone?
Lancer looms around and find the same gun that turn things into stone so he walks over and take it and he change it and he fire it at all the stoned girls and they turned back to normal.
Lancer: Looks like jobs down.
Rebecca: Let's get them clothes and get out of here.
Lancer: On it.
Shiki: Hey Y/n wake up! Y/n!
Y/n slowly wakes up and see they are still at the storage room and see sister, Ganoff and Jinn are defeated. He slowly stand up and shake his head.
Y/n: Looks like we won.
Shiki: (smile) Yep.
Y/n smiles as well before the doors open and Oki, Weisz and Homora enter the room.
Weisz: Yo Shiki we got a problem.
Oki: This planet is gonna be eaten by Chronophage and we need to get out of here.
Y/n: That's not good.
???: So this is the Jedi yous managed?
Then a very familiar sister walks up to them and at first they get into a battle stand but then Weisz says.
Weisz: Wow take it easy you two. She's on our side.
Y/n: What? I don't understand?
Oki: This is Sister Ivry and apparently Sister used her powers and her appears just so she can be more powerful sense Sister Ivry is connected to the demon King.
Sister Ivry: Thanks for taking out the fake me. I thought I was gonna kill her for capturing me and taking my identity and powers.
Y/n: No problem but we need to move before it's to late.
Weisz: Lancer's droid told us he'll be arriving to pick us up.
Y/n: Let's go.
They rush out of the room and make their way outside so they can escape the planet.
They all made it outside and see that everyone within the planet have the same plans as they have. Ships fly over head as they try to escape the planet so they won't be eaten.
Rebecca: Guys!
They turn to see Rebecca and Lancer rush over and behind them where Oki's rebel troops, the B-Cubers, Yogi and Pino as they waited for their escape.
Y/n: We don't have long until Chronophage gets here and take us out.
Lancer agrees and open his comms and calls up PL-D3.
Lancer: PL, we need evca now! Where are you?
PL-D3: (comms) (beeping)
Lancer: Understood.
He cuts off his comm and turn to them.
Lancer: Heads up.
Then Lancers ship flies over and sets down on the freeway. Yogi gets everyone onto the ship and they too hop in as wall. Yogi and Laner hop into the pilot seat and Laancee calls out.
Lancer: Everyone in?!
Y/n: Yeah all in!
Lancer: Punching it!
The two fly the ship up to the sky and they break out of the planet and fly towards Edens Zero. Y/n and all turn to Guilts and see Chronophage sallow up Guilts and all life in it as well as the planet gose back to 50 years into the past and those that aren't live that planet were erased from existence.
They fly the ship through the hanger of Edens zero and Edens zero jump into hyper space to get ready from Chronophage as soon as they can.
(A while later)
News came around that the female B-Cubers return back safely and it was all thanks to Rebecca and her friends as they thank them for their rescue from Guilts.
Rebecca's views go to the roof when they heard about it and it was not just Rebecca but a video was somehow linked and on it was Y/n slicing up the assassin driods and use his force ability as news about it spread wild fire.
So much for keeping his jedi identity a secret huh? But still at least he saved the lives as a true Jedi and his jedi friends and master will be proud of him belong the force.
Lancer join the crew and he was welled liked within the crew as he train Oki's rebel troops how to fight and show bravery and that one day they can bring back their planet one day. Sister Ivry rejoin within Edens zero and it was so good to be back.
Now we see everyone asleep within Edens Zero as it hovers over Blue garden. Everyone except for Y/n who was giving g something by Quinlan so he can help him to becoming a jedi and this might be and last thing he will hear from one jedi master.
He sat on the floor and place down a Jedi holocron onto the floor.
Y/n sat on the floor and close his eyes as he use to force to active the holocron and after a while it float into the air and it start to open as it glows and then a hologram of Obi wan kenobi wearing a Jedi cloak appears in front of him as he said.
Obi Wan Kenobi: (hologram) This is master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our jedi order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving jedi. Trust in the force, do not return to the temple, that time has past, and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere, and in time a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you, always.
Then he vanished one last time as Y/n grabs the Holocron while tears came pouring down to his eyes. But he wipes them away and stood up and look at the holocron and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Thank you master Kenobi. I promise I'll keep my faith, hope and all that in me.
Then he heard a knock at his door. He slide in holocron into his draw and walks to the door and open it to see Rebecca.
Y/n: Hey Rebecca. You alright?
Rebecca: Can't sleep. Can i-?
Y/n: Sure. Come in.
Rebecca came in and Y/n shuts the door and Rebecca sat on Y/n's bed and Y/n sat beside her and he can senses something his bothing her and asked while he place a hand on her shoulder.
Y/n: You okay Rebecca?
Rebecca: I....I don't know why but every time I think about what happened to me during my capture....I can't feel but being scared. I know I was brave but now.....I feel scared now I think about it.
Then Rebecca start to cry and Y/n sense the fear in her so he hugs her and she hugs him back. Y/n looks at Rebecca's eyes and wipe the tears away and said.
Y/n: (smile) You don't have to be scared any more Rebecca. I'm here for you, and it's not just me but everyone else as well. We're more then just your friends....we're family and together, we make others happy no matter what.
Rebecca knows he is right and smiles a bit. The two stare at each other before they lend in and their lips touched as they kissed once more. The two wrap their arms around each other as they kissed.
Then Y/n realised Rebecca is kissing him kinda hard and suddenly he was pulled down onto his bed as Rebecca starts to make out with Y/n while Y/n was blushing bright red in surprise.
Rebecca see he was surprised and sat up on top of him and look at him in a sexxy way and said.
Rebecca: (smirk) What's wrong? Never have a girl kiss you like that before?
Y/n: (blush) N-N-No.
Rebecca giggles to see his cute blush as she lend down with her breast pressed against his chest that made him more blushed and Rebecca giggle once more.
Rebecca: (giggle) Your cute when you blush.
Y/n was trying to find the right words to say but he was too blushy and nervous to say anything but Rebecca put her finger to Y/n's lips and said.
Rebecca: (smirk) Shhh, I'm gonna show you some "fun" that you ever have before. (Giggle)
(Lemon start)
Rebecca lend down to his pants and took off his trousers off and his underwear. She see his dick and it was big which made Rebecca wanna lick. She dose so and she made some sense moans while she dose it so she can turn Y/n on.
Y/n can feel it and it was amazing as his dick gets bigger and bigger before Rebecca puts her whole mouth in and start giving Y/n a blow job.
Y/n was grabing onto the blanket as she dose it while Y/n try to hold on the moans but he let out a few and Rebecca thinks his moans are adorable and she continues doing it as Y/n lend back his head and calls out.
Y/n: By the force this is wonderful!
Rebecca continues sucking his dick faster and faster and then Y/n can feel something that is ready to blow and after a while he cry out and milk exploded into Rebecca's mouth while Y/n lend out a moan.
Rebecca remove her whole mouth and licks the milk into her mouth like a cat.
Rebecca: Meow~That is some milk.
Y/n was breathing heavily while Rebecca crawl over to him like a cat and he looks at Rebecca as she smirk at him and she lend in for a kiss.
But Y/n bet her an lend in and kiss her as they rolled over and Y/n was now on top of her as the two make out. Rebecca moaned when she felt Y/n's hand grab one of her breast and rubbing and squeezing it and that turns her on good and kisses him harder and so did Y/n.
After they make out Y/n lend back and Rebecca took off her toop and her bra to let Y/n see her breast without a bra on her.
Y/n was surprised how huge her breast was and lend down and lick one of her breast's nipplies and soon he sucks at them while he grop the other. Rebecca moans a few times and she really enjoys it as she lend back while Y/n dose his job.
Rebecca: (moaning) Whoa! Your national, don't stop!
Y/n complys and continues doing it while Rebecca made a almost load moan when milk exploded onto Y/n.
Y/n lend back and lick the milk off him and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Now that's some milk I can have, Meow.
The way he said meow was soo hot to Rebecca. So hot in fact she took off her shorts and pants and she turn over and stick out her butt into the air and said.
Rebecca: Insert it through me.
Y/n nods and stand up of his bed and stick his dick into Rebecca's butt and he start thrusting it in and out. Rebecca stick out her tongue as she enjoys it very well as the bed moves as they done it. Rebecca lend out a few moans as Y/n gone faster and harder and Rebecca can't help but call out.
Rebecca: (moaning) Oh yes don't stop Y/n! Are you feeling it?!
Y/n: (moaning) I am ! It feels.....WONDERFUL!
After a while the two lend out a load moan and that was done.
Y/n stick out his dick from Rebecca while Rebecca lay on Y/n's bed and breathing heavily and feels extremely tired. Y/n also feel that as well and crawled up next to her and the two lay on the bed together and feel like they are gonna pass out soon.
(Lemon ends)
Y/n pulls over the covers over them as they feel like they will soon pass out soon so Rebecca cuddles Y/n and the two look at each others eye's and Rebecca said.
Rebecca: (smile) That was.....wonderful.
Y/n: (panting) Y-Yeah. I never have that type of "fun" like forver.
Rebecca: (giggle) Yeah and other girls might have their turn with you.
Y/n: Really?
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah but I don't mind. We love you and nothing will change that.
Y/n: (smile) Right. I live you Rebecca.
Rebecca: (smile) I love you too Y/n.
The two kissed before they shut their eyes and fall asleep and they have a nice night together.
To be continued................
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