Chapter 22: A Show To Remember

Welp, let's get going!

Thank you all for over 23.4K reads and 650+ votes!

Shout out to SplatPIkachu, who is making a Splatoon story of their own, and for putting a cameo of me in their story.

I would've had this out sooner, but Friday, I had a killer headache all day and Saturday, I was streaming some horror games.

Keep the support coming!


(Y/N) woke up groggily on the couch. His eyes were fluttering as he was looking around, only half awake.

(Y/N): Huh? What?... Wh- Where's my chicken leg?

His face collapsed on the couch.

Knowing he needed to get up, he rolled to his side, hitting the floor face first.

He then proceeded to go into the kitchen. He made his way there, crawling like a caterpillar.

With his face still on the floor, he started throwing his hand in the air, at random, in the hopes he'd eventually find the refrigerator door handle.

Unfortunately, he couldn't reach the door. So, he did the only thing he thought may work.

He held his hand straight out in the direction of the fridge door and started trying to use his mind to open the door

Suddenly, the door opened.

(Y/N): *Gasp*... It worked!

Marina: *Giggles* Hardly.

(Y/N) lifted his head to see Marina standing there, holding the fridge door open, then setting his head back down onto the floor.

(Y/N): Why couldn't you just let me have this?

Marina then grabbed the milk and started walking to another part of the kitchen.

(Y/N) looked up and started moving his arms in a way of trying to reach for something.

Marina looked over.

Marina: Aw, does baby want some milk?

(Y/N) simply just nodded his head.

Marina: Okay.

She poured a glass of milk, then set it on top of the counter.

Marina looked over at (Y/N), smiling.

Marina: There you go.

(Y/N), on the other hand, was just pouting.

Marina then made herself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table, and ate as she watched what he would do.

(Y/N) then knew what he had to do. He started pulling himself up.

0:22 - 0:33

(Y/N) then reached over and grabbed the glass of milk and drank it.

Marina was just giving a slow, sarcastic clap.

(Y/N): I have overcome this challenge.

Pearl walked into the room.

Pearl: Yo, what the heck is goin' on?

(Y/N): I'm overcoming life's greatest struggles 'ere.

Marina: Oh yes; very triumphant.

They then all sat down and ate their breakfast.

Once they finished, (Y/N) washed their dishes, because Pearl and Marina had to get to work.

Pearl: Okay, Marina, let's get to work. We've got to rehearse before the concert.

Marina: Right!

Marina looked over at (Y/N).

Marina: See ya in a while. Thanks for doing our dishes.

She said as they started leaving the room.

(Y/N) looked back over to the sink.

(Y/N): No problem.


(Y/N) was in the game room, keeping himself entertained while they were rehearsing for the concert later that night.

(Y/N), obviously, was just playing a video game... alone.

Suddenly, he heard Pearl and Marina's voices a little ways away.

Pearl: Marina, calm down.

Marina: No, Pearl! I'm not ready. I can't do it!

Pearl: Marina. It's fine, you're just feeling uneasy.

The voices sounded like they were moving around.

Marina: No! The concert is tonight and I keep on messing everything up!

(Y/N) then exited the room and started following the voices, until he heard a door slam. When he arrived there, Pearl was outside of Marina's room, trying to talk her down, but Marina wasn't saying anything.

(Y/N): Pearl? What's going on?

Pearl motioned her hand towards the door.

Pearl: We were practicing and Marina kept freaking out over a couple mistakes until she snapped.

(Y/N): Well, is she okay?

Pearl: I don't know.

Pearl looked over at the door.

Pearl: She won't talk to me!

(Y/N) put his hand on Pearl's shoulder.

(Y/N): Pearl, why don't you run off? Let me deal with it.

Pearl: Whatever.

Then, she walked off.

Once Pearl was gone, (Y/N) turned towards the door. He knocked on the door a few times.

(Y/N): Marina?... It's me... Can you let me in?

He sat there for a few seconds without any response.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's fine.

He started sitting down in front of the door.

(Y/N): I guess the floor in front of the door looks more comfortable than the floor in the kitchen.

He set his back against the door.

(Y/N): So, you mind telling me what's wrong?


(Y/N): Why are you freaking out so much? You've never done this before.


(Y/N): Don't you want help?

... Nothing...

They sat there for minutes without any words being spoken.

(Y/N) was still sitting there with his head now sat on his arms, which were crossed and set on his knees.

(Y/N): You know... Isolating yourself doesn't help... It just leaves you with more problems than when you started... Even if those problems aren't your own. You make problems for the people you don't want to hurt...

The silence from the other side of the door continued.

(Y/N): Do you know how it feels to see someone you care about upset, but having to sit there without being able to help?... It hurts...

For a second, he thought he heard a sniffle from the other side of the door.

(Y/N): Can you please open the door?... Marina?...

After a minute of silence, he heard the door unlock.

He looked up in shock. He then stood up, grabbed the doorknob, sat there for a bit, then opened the door.

He walked into the room and shut the door behind him. He saw, on the bed, Marina was laying on her side, facing away from the door.

He walked over and sat down on the bed. He was going to place his hand on her shoulder, but he hesitated then retracted his hand.

(Y/N): Marina, I- uh... Wh-... Can you explain what's going on?

Without turning over, she spoke.

Marina: You wanna know what happened?... You wanna know what's wrong?!..... I'm scared...

(Y/N) looked over, then slowly looked away. A sadness in his eyes. He then looked back over at her. Then, he placed his hand on her arm, supportively.

She winced at his touch.

(Y/N): Scared of what?

Marina: All of this. When I heard the Squid Sisters for the first time, my whole LIFE changed, but now that I'm here, about to perform with them, it just leaves me wondering... Do I even deserve all of this?

(Y/N) turned away from Marina, as he snickered at her reply a small bit.

He couldn't see it, but this made Marina's face turn into one of shock. Then, she sunk her self more into her bed, her face turning into one of sadness, with her eyes shut tightly; a tear or two protruding from the tightly closed gates that were her eyelids.

(Y/N): Are you serious?

Marina's eyes opened wide at this. And she turned her eyes in his direction, but still unable to see him due to her still laying on her side.

(Y/N): Marina, you're the hardest working person I know. You do everything you can to achieve your goals. Maybe instead of focusing on, "Do I even stand up against the Squid Sisters," you should focus on the fact that you ARE standing up with them. You made this happen. You followed what you wanted to do and you caught it... Are you really going to just let it go that easily?

Marina was taking in everything he was saying, then she sat up, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

He turned around to see her, then turned back away, with a smile on his face. Although, he was shocked when he suddenly felt her latch herself onto him. Hugging him very tightly.

He looked down at her, then he became less tense, and hugged her back.

They sat like this for a while.


Pearl POV

Pearl was basically biting her nails, frantically looking at her phone, checking the time.

Pearl: Oh, come on, Marina. It's almost time to leave.

Pearl was just looking around nervously.

Pearl: Where are you, Marina?

Suddenly, Pearl heard footsteps getting closer. She looked behind her and was filled with relief when she saw (Y/N) and Marina coming.

Pearl jumped up, then ran at Marina. She started hugging Marina as tight as she could.

Pearl: Marina! You're okay!

Marina: Pearl.

Pearl: You worried me so much!

Marina: Pearl.

Pearl: I didn't know what I was going to do!

Marina: Pearl!

Pearl then stopped.

Marina: I'm fine now. That's what matters.

Pearl smiled up at Marina.

Marina: Now, are you ready to throw one heck of a show?

Pearl: You know it!

And so, they got changed into their performing outfits, then left for the concert.



The three of them arrived at the place and entered through the back entrance, walking past all the photographers and journalists.

Then, they ran into Callie and Marie.

Marie: Ah! You're all here.

Then, she greeted (Y/N) with a hug, which he returned.

Marina just looked over, feeling upset at this.

Callie: We were beginning to worry you wouldn't show.

Marina gave an uneasy laugh.

Callie: You better head to your back rooms, prepare yourselves. We're going on in a little bit.

Pearl and Marina went to their room, while (Y/N) went with Callie and Marie since they were already ready. They just started a conversation while waiting for Pearl and Marina to return, and for the show to start.


Callie and Marie were at one side of the stage, behind the curtains, while Pearl and Marina were at the other with (Y/N).

Marina: Ooh! I'm so nervous.

(Y/N) placed his hand on Marina's shoulder.

(Y/N): It's going to be fine.

She was looking right at him and nodded her head.

He then placed his other hand on Pearl's shoulder.

(Y/N): And Pearl?

She looked over at him.

(Y/N): Knock 'em dead.

Pearl's smile grew wide at this.

The two groups then walked out on the stage as their show began. (Y/N) stayed on the side, watching the performance.

And here's this to get a grasp of it.


They were all backstage after the show had concluded.

Callie: That went GREAT!

Pearl: We knocked their socks off!

Marina: They loved us!

(Y/N) looked over at Marina.

(Y/N): What a surprise.

He said sarcastically.

Marina, meanwhile, just rubbed the back of her neck, giving an uneasy laugh.

Marie: So, (Y/N) how'd you like the show?

(Y/N): You all did great!

Pearl: As if there was ever any doubt.

They all laughed and were filled with the excitement of the show they had just performed.

Marina: Oh, wait! (Y/N)? Do you mind going to my stage room and grabbing my laptop for me?

(Y/N): Sure, no problem.

He then left to go do the task Marina had asked of him.

When he got to her room, he looked around for the laptop, then he spotted it on the counter.

He walked up to it, and as he was about to grab it, he noticed she left something open.

(Y/N): Hm... "♪MARINA'S CHAT★ROOM♪" huh? "CraigCuttlefish" eh? Why does that sound familiar? Eh, I shouldn't be going through Marina's things.

He closed the laptop, then went to bring it to Marina, as she asked.

(Y/N): Here you go, Marina. As you asked.

He handed her the laptop, which she gladly took.

Marina: Thank you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem.

They then chatted in the back rooms for a little while before they all decided to go back home.

Pearl, Marina, and (Y/N) said goodbye to Callie and Marie, then left.

They pushed past the photographers and journalist, and got to their vehicle and returned home.


They were back at Pearl's mansion now.

Pearl: *Yawn* I'm tired. Doing that big of a show really takes a lot out of me. I need to go rest my vocals, too.

Pearl then, sleepily, went to her room to go to bed.

(Y/N): I guess we better head to bed as we-

He was cut off by Marina hugging him tightly.

(Y/N): Marina?

Marina: I just wanted to thank you. Without you, I might not have even gone to the show. Ruining many people's nights.

She stopped hugging him.

(Y/N): Nah, it was all you, I just helped bring it out.

They were both standing there, looking into each other's eyes; silence overtook the room.

Marina then suddenly turned away, embarrassed.

Marina: Well, we should head to bed. It's pretty late.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll see ya, Marina. Good night.

Marina: Good night.

They then both left to their rooms, to go to sleep.

2148 Words

September 17, 2018 - 12:50 AM

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