Chapter 86: soba man
Back at Inkopolis, H1P-H0P and yui were sitting at a table near crusty seans food truck, chatting
Yui: so your the girl that asked BeatBox out?
H1P-H0P: y-yeah...
Yui: you know his head is a Boombox right?
H1P-H0P: I know that! You don't have to point it out
Yui: *sigh* I helped you get into this town and you already asked your crush out?
H1P-H0P: hey! He accepted it, and besides I heard that you found someone, and you have been stalking him!
Yui: I'm not stalking him... I'm just worried if he ends up finding someone else, so I have to keep an eye on him...
H1P-H0P: ... *sigh* honestly, you're gonna get yourself arrested
Yui: well I'll be honest, I think he likes me
H1P-H0P: ... lucky
???: you two
Both girls look up to see Marie in front of them.
H1P-H0P: M-M-M-M-
Yui: Marie!?
Marie: shhhh! come with me
Marie begins walking away as both H1P-H0P and yui look at each other and then follows her where Marie dives into the drain
Yui: ... she's kidding... she wants us to go down there?
H1P-H0P: either I don't go in there, or I just take the risk
H1P-H0P turns into her squid form and dives into the drain, which yui sighs and follows in. They exit out of the drain to find the idols and agents waiting
Yui: where are we?
Pearl: come here and sit
Both girls approach them and they sat down on the chairs
Marina: sorry if we disturbed you two, but we have some questions
Yui: ok?
Amelia: first of all, did you take my brother?
Yui: wait... I know you! Your my boyfri- I mean Terrence's sister
Amelia: yes, but answer the question!
Yui: uh no
Callie: don't lie to us! Tadayoshi went missing too because when I went to his place, i found him completely gone
Yui: I'm telling you I don't know! I went to his place so I can surprise him with my breakfast! But he wasn't there!
Tracer: wait... was that why there was already food on the table when we woke up?
Yui: well... you guys are his friends, so I thought it would be rude of me to not make you anything...
Bridgett: thank you for the breakfast! It was good!
Yui: you're welcome
H1P-H0P: wait, you guys said those boys went missing?
Marie: yes
H1P-H0P: so I wasn't the only one...
Pearl: what do you mean?
H1P-H0P: this morning I went to BeatBox's place to hangout but he wasn't there
All the girls went quiet for a bit
Marina: so the boys are pretty much gone...
Yui: I guess...
Capn: what are you girls talking about?
The girls turn to see the capn walking toward them.
Callie: hi gramps
Yui: gramps?
Capn: yes Callie and Marie are my grandkids, but what are you girls gossiping about?
Tracer: well... we found out the boys are gone and-
Capn: didn't they tell you that they're going to Kyoto?
Girls: ...
Pearl: what?
Capn: I bumped into Tadayoshi last night, he told me that he was going to Kyoto with the guys
Amelia: so they left us...
H1P-H0P: without telling us
Yui: "wait if Terrence are with the boys does that mean... no..."
The boys were in a love hotel as they were shirtless and cuddling each other.
Tadayoshi: round 2 boys?
Terrence: yes~
BeatBox: don't leave me out~
Vision end:
Yui stand up and grabs his head as everyone turns at her surprised
All: huh?
Marina: umm.., I think we should let the boys have some fun without us disturbing them...
Yui: yeah, but what if they start making love
Pearl/Callie: making love...
Tadayoshi finds some hot and thicc girls in the Kyoto as they remove them revealing their bodies to Tadayoshi
Girl: be gentle...
Girl 2: taste me~
Tadayoshi: with pleasure
Vision ended:
Callie/pearl: NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Both Callie and pearl stands up from their seats and they all looked at them suprised
Marie: Jesus Callie..
Marina: calm down pearlie...
Tracer: seriously, I don't think it's such a big deal
Pearl: you guys really want someone to take your man when they're in Kyoto
They all thought for a moment
H1P-H0P: I'm going to Kyoto
Amelia: me too
Bridgett: I wanna see a dragon!
Marina: well... maybe a vacation wouldn't be too bad
Marie: I heard the clothing there is great
Tracer: "they're all making excuses..."
Tracer *sigh* so we're pretty much going to Kyoto?
They all nodded very fast
Capn: well if you're all going there, tell the boys I said hi
Callie: yes gramps
Marie/marina/tracer: "sorry Tadayoshi"
Back at Kyoto Terrence and BeatBox were slurping up soba noddle as Tadayoshi was drinking some warm green tea
Tadayoshi: this tea is good
Terrence: same with this soba noddles
BeatBox: guys, are we just going to ignore the fact that this was made by a blind old guy?!
Tadayoshi: that was rude
???: it's alright I'm use to this
BeatBox: you sure you don't need any help mister?
Blind inkling: no, it's fine
Terrence: well this man has talent...
Blind inkling: I never heard your voices before, are you boys new here
BeatBox: yep!
Blind inkling: interesting...
He hands BeatBox another plate of soba and starts making another batch
Blind inkling: so who are you boys?
BeatBox: my name is BeatBox, I'm a Dj
Blind inkling: a DJ?
BeatBox: yep... are you guys gonna tell your names?
Tadayoshi: I don't give away my name to random people
Blind inkling: it's fine if you don't want to tell me
Terrence: well, my name is Terrence
The blind man stops cooking and he turns.
Blind inkling: Terrence?
The blind man was looking behind them and facing back of them
Tadayoshi: turn around old man, we're behind you
Blind inkling: behind, oh my apologies...
??: Oi!
The boys turn around and they see a group of samurais
Samurai: you're Terrence right?
Terrence: yeah so?
Samurai: you're under arrest!
Terrence: huh?
BeatBox! Woah woah woah, we're knew here and we didn't-
Samurai: your under arrest for being from the blood line of the dangerous man
Terrence: huh?!
Tadayoshi: something's up, just ignore them, he must be trying to false accuse us
Terrence: yeah you're right
The boys continue to eat and drink at the soba stand and the samurais got annoyed
Samurai: are you trying to ignore us?
Blind inkling: excuse me boys for a sec
Tadayoshi: go ahead old man
The blind inkling uses his stick to walk toward the samurai and the boys watches
Blind inkling: I'm sorry, but you are disturbing my customers, can you boys leave?
Samurai: huh? Are you trying to fight us old man? Get out of this!
The blind man couldn't see but looks up at them
Blind man: I guess I'll just have to send you all to hell
BeatBox: um... should we help him?
Tadayoshi: no, I want to see what's going to happen
Terrence slurps up some soba as they watch him
Samurai 2: Is that an insult!
Samurai 3: for that you're gonna pay with your head!
They pull out swords and surround the old blind inkling. They were quiet for a few minutes until one of them charges at him and he goes to cut him, the blind inkling dodges and trips him with his walking stick
Blind inkling: was that a dog I tripped?, my bad I'm sorry
Samurai 2: you bastard!
They all began charging at him, as soon as they do, the blind inkling pulls a sword out of his walking stick and disappears
Samurai: huh?
They heard humming as they all turn to see the blind inkling behind him and then putting his sword away, as he puts his sword away slowly, the samurais began to feel their bodys being cut. Once he puts his sword away, ink shot out of the samurai, killing them instantly
BeatBox: woah...
Tadayoshi: he's strong... for a blind inkling
Terrence: yeah...
Blind inkling: it's not too bad to be blind, I know there are many hideous things that are better unseen... now are you really Terrence, the son of aooni?
Terrence: uh... yeah?
Blind inkling: come with me boys... you can pay later
The boys look at each other as they put their bowls and cups down and follow the blind inkling
Terrence: where are we going?
BeatBox: I don't know... but we're about to find out!
This story is interrupted a chibi blind inkling feeding some birds with bird seeds as the boys watch him in boredom
The boys arrive at an old shack, where they enter inside
Blind inkling: please sit
The boys sat down in front of the old man as they look at him
Blind inkling: I might as well introduce myself, my name is rōjin, a former samurai
BeatBox: a samurai!
Tadayoshi: well that explain his skills
Terrence: rōjin?
Rōjin: yes, I am one of your fathers followers
BeatBox: NANI!?
Tadayoshi/Terrence: ...
BeatBox: what?
Tadayoshi: that wasn't necessary
BeatBox: I was trying to make things dramatic!
Rōjin: anyways, I'm glad that you're ok and alive
Terrence: what do you mean?
Rōjin: You see, your fathers rival Gutamoro took over this country
Terrence: oh...
Rōjin: you see, your father kyiru and his follower including me, were protectors to this country, same with your fathers rival, but since your father was killed, Gutamoro took over this country and it has been hell ever since
Terrence: what? I thought my fathers name was Aooni?
Rōjin: we just call him that, just to make fun of him, he hates it
Terrence: oh... so he was killed?...
Rōjin: yes... I'm sorry
Terrence: I see...
Tadayoshi: wait, you said Kiryu had followers, what happened to them?
Rōjin: after Kiryu died, we went our separate ways, we still live in this country, but we are not samurais anymore, but now I found out you are alive Terrence, we might be able to take back this country
Terrence: ... where is my father now?
Rōjin: ... he's buried in the mountains, we had to bury him there so Gutamoro or his followers doesn't come and destroy his grave
Terrence: I see...
Rōjin: now that you boys are here, I have to ask
Rōjin brought his head down a them
Rōjin: please help take back our country, and free your people just like your father did Terrence
Terrence: w-what...
Rōjin: this country can't survive anymore with Gutamoro ruling this place. People are starving and poor because of him. The food and water isn't clean and kids can't even go out and play, I beg you
Terrence thought for a moment
Terrence: Can you first... tell me about my father?
Rōjin: of course my lord
120 years ago:
Rōjin: Sir! Where are you
He then hear loud chewing noise which he follows to find a man at a soba shop eating
Rōjin: What are you doing?! Your gonna be late for your duel
The man turns at Rōjin, which food in his mouth before swallowing
Aooni: hang on a moment!
He pays for the food before getting up and walks with Rōjin
Aooni: anything happened while I was eating?
Rōjin: just stop some normal criminals, but your rival is waiting for the duel
Aooni: *sigh* that man never learns
Rōjin: you shouldn't be eating like that, it's rude
Aooni: bitch please
They both begin walking to the back of a shrine, where his followers and Gutamoro were waiting. It was a peaceful day at Kyoto, both Aooni and Gutamoro are samurais and protectors of the city. They both were just friend and rivals, but they both always duel to see how strong they've gotten.
Gutamoro: your late kyiru!
Kiryu: I was hungry man, can a man just get something to eat first?
Gutamoro: *sigh* you are getting lazy
Kiryu: yet this lazy man can still kick your ass
Gutamoro: we'll see about that
Kiryu: my wooden sword
Kiryu follower 2: yes sir!
The follower tosses him a wooden sword as both Kiryu and Gutamoro got in position
Referee: ready.... and begin!
Both Gutamoro and Kiryu clash and they both try to hit each other with their wooden sticks
Rōjin: they both have gotten stronger
Gutamoro follower: as expected for our lords
As they two samurai were dueling, someone on the shrine balcony watches them
???: can you tell me what's going on?
???2: umm, two men are dueling each other? Why do you want to know
???: I'm just curious... thank you
After a few minutes Kiryu knocks Gutamoro to the ground and points his wooden sword at him
Kiryu: I win again
Gutamoro: *sigh* I guess you do
Kiryu helps him up as they shake hands
Gutamoro: some day... I will beat you
Kiryu: can't wait for that day to come, say you want to go and get a drink
Gutamoro: I guess it wouldn't hurt
Both Kiryu and Gutamoro leaves to a bar, where they and their followers begins drinking for another for a couple of hours, which was now late at night
Gutamoro: honestly, why can't you get it
Kiryu: what's the point in ruling the country?
Gutamoro: drinks, women, food, anything you can think of, I mean we protect this country and we should like earn something!
Kiryu: and ruling this country is the award you want?
Gutamoro: yes!
Kiryu: *sigh* look, we're not going to rule this country, it's fine the way it is
Gutamoro: *tsk* suit yourself
Kiryu gulps down another cup of champagne before getting up
Kiryu: I'm going to get some fresh air alright
Rōjin: sir, should I-
Kiryu: no! Let me do this alone ok?
Rōjin: yes sir...
Kiryu steps out side and takes a huge breath of fresh air
Kiryu: *sigh* when is that man gonna give up on his dream "ruling" this country...
???: hey look at this cute girl~
???2: who are you
???3: someone that will help you
Kyiru: "now what?"
Kiryu followed the voice to an alleyway to find someone dead in the alleyway and 2 punks ganging up on a woman
Thug 1: wanna come with us and hang out?
Woman: who are you?
Thug: hehe, for a woman have some nice tits-
Before the punk could touch her, he felt his arm being grabbed
Kiryu: leave the woman alone!
Both punks freaked out as soon they saw him
Thug: shit it's a samurai!
Kiryu break the soldiers arm and then throws him at the other thug, hitting against a wall. Suddenly another one appears behind him, but Kiryu pulls out his katana and cuts him, killing him. He puts his katana away as he approaches the woman
Kiryu: are you alright?
Woman: I'm ok... who are you?
Kiryu: my name is Kiryu, but people call me Aooni for some strange reason
Woman: oh... I'm just visiting this country, have you seen my surpporter?
Kiryu: your what?
Woman: I'm blind... I have a supporter that helps me
Kiryu looks at the dead man on the ground
Kiryu: I'm sorry, but the group of men you just met killed him
Woman: oh dear...
Kiryu: it's alright, I can take you home, what your name
Woman: my name is Hakuchō
Some fan art:
Art made by: @SplatoonLover123
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