Chapter 129: Battleground
Tadayoshi slides back once again but he gets back up to his feet and Shade once again disappears into a shadow
Tadayoshi: Fucking hell!...
He looks around quickly but he turns around to get kicked across the face, knocked to the ground again
Shade: Already have enough baby~
Tadayoshi: "Dammit how am I supposed to fight this pervert?!"
Shade: Well... you don't mind if I... play with you a-
Suddenly Shade was punched across the face, sending him flying back into an empty vehicle
Armor: *tsk* fucking Octolings...
Tadayoshi: Why did you help me Armor?
Armor: You couldn't handle him so I will, besides I don't want you to die pathetically by an Octoling before I can kill you, now go find a new prey
Tadayoshi: ... This doesn't mean I owe you anything
Armor: I know
Tadayoshi: ...
He turns into a squid and super jumps away as Shade gets up and see Tadayoshi flying away
Shade: awwww he got away... but you~ Oh that hard armor~ I wonder if that armor can choke that chicken so hard, it's can get... juicy~
Armor: Your kind makes me sick
He aims his gatling gun at Shade and fire but Shade quickly dodged them and dives into a shadow
Armor: Coward...
Shade: Who says I'm running?
Armor quickly turns around to see Shade punching through the shadow of a Darkling. Suddenly large fist appears out of the shadow around armor and flies towards him
Armor: If these are your fist, then they should hurt you
He opens up a flamethrower and starts to burn the massive fists that were flying toward him, which caused Shade to retract his arm out of the shadow
Shade: Ohh this burning sensation~ Like a hot steaming kraken~
Armor: And I thought the yellow inking was bad enough
Shade: Oh there is more of me than you know it sexy~
Somewhere on the battlefield, Ethan walks around yawning as every Darkling tries to attack him but get electrocuted when touching him
Ethan: Man, did I made my technology broken or-
Suddenly Ethan was kicked across the face, sending him flying back. He gets up to see Bella who swings her wings back
Ethan: Oh? Someone hit me, *sigh* man I was hoping not to do any fighting but whatever?
Bella: Lazy piece of shit...
She flies up and diving towards him but Ethan dodges out of the way but shoots out a grappling hook from his mechanics' arm. The grappling hook wraps around her waist which he pulls her down, slamming her to the ground
Ethan: Flying is unfair you know
Bella gets up and dusts herself off while flapping the dust off her wings
Bella: There no fairness is a war
Ethan: Still... It's using too much energy when you don't follow the rules...
Bella: You remind me of Dante and I hate it...
Ethan: Oh that guy? Eh he's lazier and stronger than me, but anyways
Ethan mechanic arms open up and start to fire ink at her but she quickly dodged and blocks them with her wings until jump at him which he clashes against her
Ethan: You know, I can see why Tadayoshi liked you before
Bella: Shut up
Back at Tadayoshi, he strikes down his pen to the ground, causing the Darklings around him to fly back from the shockwave
Tadayoshi: Jesus, who am I supposed to fight?
He suddenly notices BeatBox in shock looking at a Darkling who has his mask removed
Tadayoshi: Now what BeatBox?
BeatBox: W-What...
Chaos: Surprised? Of course, you would be!
BeatBox: T-This is where you have been?!
Chaos: Of course I have Bell! These people at least know my talents even though I try to hide them! It still makes me sick thinking about my past dream!
BeatBox: I... don't understand... why
Chaos: Oh? You want to know why? Fine!
He jumps toward BeatBox and slams his hand down on the ground, decaying a crater around him but BeatBox jumps back before he could be decayed into ink
Chaos: I've spent so many years trying to be famous like you, but YOU'RE ignorant to lower music creators make you greedy!
BeatBox: What are you trying to say!?
Chaos: I'm saying that ever since you became famous like those damn idols, you left me in the dust. I had a dream to have people listen to my music and at least notice my talent, but you always make new music, making people focus on those damn today's hits!
BeatBox: I was not trying to drive people away from you!
Chaos: Then tell me Bell, do you know me when I was just an underrated artist? Do you know how great I could've been... how could other artists be? If so, what did you do to help if you care? What did you do?!... Nothing!
BeatBox: I was only doing my music for fun! It's not my fault for not knowing or realizing your struggle!
Chaos: Not your fault!? Who was there to support your dream?!
He jumps at BeatBox to touch him but he dodges his hand
Chaos: Who was there to train for you to accomplish your dream!?
He swings his arms at BeatBox but he blocks the attack but was sent sliding back a bit. Chaos grabs some pebble in the ground and squeezes it hard in anger
He chucks the pebble but as soon they got close to BeatBox, they transformed into spikes but BeatBox punches them, destroying it
BeatBox: If you were struggling, why did you at least call me! I could've helped!
Chaos: No you wouldn't, you wouldn't even know about me because of that music ego!
BeatBox: But why join them!
Chaos: *tsk* after no one liked hearing any smaller music artist I gave my dream and was left unpassionate until Mask decided to give me a chance to help me! So now I have a goal in my life... I'll kill every big idol there is so no small music artist will be left out and will finally have their time to shine
BeatBox: Mask is just using you! Killing idols won't do anything!
Chaos: How do you know? You never met him! Besides you change my mind after all... you are one of those big idols I want to kill...
Chaos removes his second glove and latches out on him, but BeatBox grabs his wrist and holds him back as they struggle to push each other
Chaos: Mask not only helps me but he helped me open my eye and realized how much I hate you!...
BeatBox: Do you think this is what sensei would've wanted?!
Chaos: Of course he wouldn't, his death doesn't even matter! He didn't die to honor or shit! He just died to age like a scrub he is!
BeatBox: ... Take that back
Chaos: Never...
BeatBox pushes Chaos back as he jumps at him trying to punch him but Chaos dodges but also tries to touch him but BeatBox jumps back before he could
BeatBox: sensei was there for us to help us learn about music and combat and you're just gonna spit on his grave! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO OPEN YOUR MIND!
He leaps out toward him to lay a punch but before BeatBox could lay a hit on Chaos, someone intervened and blocks BeatBox attack
BeatBox: Huh?!
MegaPhone: Sorry, can't let you hurt him!
Chaos: You're late...
MegaPhone: oh I know, but you don't mind if I fight this prey
Chaos: I do mind!
MegaPhone: Fine! He's all yours
Megaphone pushes BeatBox back as Chaos jumps at him, reaching out for him
Chaos: I'll decay you until you're nothing but ink!
Before Chaos could touch BeatBox, a pen quickly flies by and strikes against Chaos face, sending him flying back into the building
Tadayoshi: You alright
BeatBox: Yeah
MegaPhone appears behind Tadayoshi with his arm covered in mechanical arms about to sneak attack him, but BeatBox jump up and punches him back
Tadayoshi: Do you think you can fight him?
BeatBox: Maybe... but I don't think I'm strong enough to fight him
Tadayoshi: Fine by me.. he's mine
BeatBox: Don't beat him completely... I still want to beat him too
Tadayoshi: Then you better finish off him quickly
Chaos slowly get up and touches his face, healing the pain that Tadayoshi caused to him
Chaos: Who are you?! You're not my prey!
Tadayoshi: Sorry but your gonna have to fight me first
Chaos: You...
MegaPhone: Relax Chaos! I'll deal with him for you
Tadayoshi thrust his pen at Chaos but quickly dodged the attack before swinging his hand at him but Tadayoshi jumps back
Tadayoshi: Don't get distracted!
Chaos puts back his ski-guard mask on and gets himself ready to fight
Chaos: I'll deal with you quickly and then complete what I want to do!
MegaPhone: Well since they're busy, guess I can use my toys on you!
BeatBox: Try me bitch!
MegaPhone: Oh I will!
They both jump towards each other and both punch their fist, causing a shockwave around them
This story is interrupted by a chibi Chaos playing the flute with a broken boombox beside him
Logan: 584!
Scarlett: 590!
Scarlett: What? I can't use sentō
She raised her arm in front of the Darkling, which suddenly the Darkling was blasted with the other Darkling behind him
Scarlett: 610
Logan: That bitch!
One of the Darkling swings his brush behind Logan but he flips above him and lands behind him. The Darkling goes to swing behind him, but Logan places his arm on his back
Scarlett: Sentō Blast!
Suddenly the Darkling was blasted and sent flying into the other Darklings in the building
Logan: 620
Scarlett: Liar!
Logan: Huh? You saying I'm wrong?!
Scarlett: Of course I'm saying that?!
Both Scarlett and Logan growl at each other as they were head to head until they notice an ink drop flying towards them which they dodge. As soon the ink hit the ground the ink explodes by them
Logan: You...
Black: Oh you remember me!
Logan: Scarlett, he's mine
Scarlett: And what, leave the fun out?
Rebellion soldier: Ma'am we have a situation!
She looks behind her to see a rebellion soldier running towards her
Scarlett: What is it now?
Rebellion soldier: Some of the Darklings are starting to surrender! What shall we do?
Scarlett: Now is not the-
Rebellion soldier: What?
Scarlett swings a kick across his stomachs making him fly back but he rebounds back to his feet
Scarlett: That's the dumbest thing I ever hear for you to convince me! Angela!
Rebellion soldier: Hehehe...
The rebellion soldier body begins to melt until turning into Angela
Angela: Aww I thought you guys would be so easy to trick, guess I was going too easy~
Scarlett: I'm not a dumbass like you
Angela: A dumbass? Coming from a bitch who thought her life was normal once again when she became a lesbian
Angela: ... Logan I change my mind, this bitch is mine!
Logan: Fine by me!
Black starts to fire his gatling which Logan begins running to avoid the ink that explodes as it made contact with the ground. Angela pulls out her knife and jumps at Scarlett, trying to cut her but Scarlett quickly dodged them
Angela: I can't wait to cut the beautiful face of yours~
Scarlett: Not unless I wipe that stupid smirk off your face
Angela: Try me!
On the battlefield, BeatBox slides back a bit as MegaPhone mechanic arm suddenly turns into a drill and flies towards him but he quickly jumps back
MegaPhone: I never thought a DJ has some moves
BeatBox: Don't underestimate me!
BeatBox runs towards him and starts rapidly throwing fists at him but MegaPhone blocks the punches
MegaPhone: Ha! These punches aren't gonna do shit you know
MegaPhone laughs a bit until he suddenly starts to slowly feel overwhelmed while sliding back a bit. He notices as BeatBox was rapidly throwing his fist at him faster and faster by the second
MegaPhone: What the hell?! How are you going so:
Suddenly BeatBox breaks through this block and punches him across the face until he felt his body getting plummeted by the hits
MegaPhone: "What the hell is up with him?!"
BeatBox stops rapidly punching him until he starts throwing normal punches but MegaPhone jumps back dodging them, but BeatBox continues to run towards him to lay a hit.
MegaPhone: "Why is he so persistent?!"
BeatBox jumps towards him, doing a corkscrew tackle which MegaPhone tries to jump over him but BeatBox grabs his legs and throws him to the ground
MegaPhone: Damnit!
He quickly gets up only to get dropkick in the face sending him flying back but quickly rebounds back to his feet
MegaPhone: What the fuck is up with you?!
BeatBox: You're not my focus right now so I'm trying to hurry this up! I am letting out all of my strength!
MegaPhone: Heh, let's see how long can you last!
Suddenly MegaPhone mechanical arm starts to transform into a gauntlet which was bigger than BeatBox's
MegaPhone: Cause I mind as well let out all my strength!
Felicia punches down a female Darkling to the ground, creating a large crater around her before doing a backflip behind another Darkling and placing her hand on his back
Felicia: Sentō blast!
The Darkling was suddenly blasted away until crashing into the other Darklings
Felicia: I can't use too much Sentō or I won't be able to fight Mask...
Infect: Oh you're gonna have to use up all of it!...
She looks behind her to see Infect, with his arm large and covered in black goop with eyes
Infect: So Lord Mask can kill you easily!
Infect swings his massive fist at her but she jumps back causing Infect to create a crater from punching the ground. He continues to swing at her but she quickly pulls out some light blue spray cans which she shakes and throws them at him. They explode as they made contact with Infect's arms making him a slowly freeze
Infect: What the fuck?!
She quickly does a cartwheel and does an uppercut kick up his face, making him tip back until he breaks out of the ink ice on his arms
Infect: You...
He reaches his arms out and black eye goo tentacles leap out of his arms trying to grab Felicia but she dodged them easily and swiftly
Felicia: Sentō squid speed
She suddenly disappears as the goo tentacles crash into each other until she appears in front of Infect
Infect: What!?
Felicia: You're strong but
She places both her palms on his chest and lets out a smirk at him
Felicia: You're not at my level like Mask
Suddenly Infect felt a strong blast going through him as if he is taking two killer whal attacks at the same time. He felt his insides were breaking into bits as he coughs out ink while the blast going through him was caught by the other Darkling until he gets set flying back and crashes into a building which crumbless down beneath him
Felicia: Heh! Never underestimate a woman!
The rubble shakes a bit as she sees two massive black goo arms with eyes lift a large boulder and was thrown at her. She quickly punches the Boulder breaking into pieces but sees that a blop of goo with eyes fall towards her which she quickly dodged back and shooting it, killing it
Felicia: "He must've placed one of those things so it would infect me"
Infect crawls out of the rumble and his entire limbs were covered in the black goop, which made him twice as big than usual
Infect: Oh I'm in his level! You just don't know it yet!
He suddenly appears in front of Felicia and swings at her but she jumps back, barely dodging his attack. Infect continues to swing at her but she continues to dodge his attack. She reaches to grab her spray can but before she could, Infect's fingers stretches out and grab her leg and lift up in the air before slamming her down to the ground. He retract his finger and grabs Felicia tight
Infect: Maybe killing you might get me promoted to be higher than Scarf is now, so you'll make a perfect member of my infections
Felicia: Who says I'm getting infected
Infect: What?
Suddenly a greenish-blueish tentacle wraps around Infects waist which he gets pulled into the air as Felicia escapes from his grips with her spray can before getting slammed down
Felicia: Not bad
Tartar: I dIdN't Do It FoR yOu
Felicia: I know
Infect gets up and swing his arm, clearing the dust as he see Felicia and Tartar
Infect: Another infection? Interesting... let see who's is the more superior infection!
Infect laches out at Tartar as his tentacles grow out of his arm and clashes against each other, trying to consume and infect each other. Before Felicia could help out, she gets a call from her earpiece
Felicia: What is it?
Cora: Captain we have a problem... A huge problem!
Felicia: What?
Cora: ... Mask is making his move and he'll be here in maybe half and hour!
Hey sorry this is published late, was kinda busy and shit with rl stuff, but I'll try to publish like normal schedule
The next chapter release next Saturday
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