Chapter 27: Four Weeks

Time passed in an odd way over the next four weeks. I stopped going to classes, Stein signing me off on them. He only asked once why, and I had started crying and told him everything that Mari had. I felt guilty that Mari had done all this for me to have the perfect life, while she'd been suffering for...

I looked up at the ceiling, pushing everything from my mind. The last weeks had been spent in my room, not seeing anyone except Tsubaki, who practically forced herself in after five days. When she discovered I hadn't eaten anything, only been drinking water, she cooked up a storm in my kitchen and left me with enough food each time to last a week, and then would come back when it was gone. My phone rang off the hook with calls and texts until I let it's battery drain. I didn't plug it back in.

I had spent the solitary time going through each and every lifetime. Every single one I went through the more everything came together and started making what little sense I could of it all. I loved several different people in a few of the lifetimes where I wasn't even in Death City. But when I was, I always ended loving the same person... he was... I closed my eyes. I was on the last lifetime. To clear everything up. Then I'd know.

I opened my eyes, tears flowing down my cheeks like usual when I went through a lifetime. But this one... I had loved him for a long time after even we graduated. And then something happened with Arachne. All our friends were killed. We'd been in our twenties or so, by the amount of time I could just that went by while speeding through the memories. I wiped my eyes off, letting out a breath. We'd seen them all die, Mari and I, and I'd held him in my arms while he bled out and I could do nothing. The magic that I had had in the timeline had been useless.

I stood from the bed, everything clear in my mind now. I had the memories of almost fifty lifetimes in my mind. I wasn't sure how I hadn't gone mad at this point. Maybe the time spent going through all of them over the past four weeks. Had it really been almost a month? I cleared my throat, the rawness of it not having been used for weeks was eminent. I looked down at my phone dead on my bedside table. I reached down and plugged it in, the screen lighting up. I waited until it turned on, all the notifications for calls I'd missed popping up. At this point I may as well reset my phone with the amount of things I'd have to go through. It was five-thirty in the evening. I went to the shower, my hair matter and sticking up in all the wrong directions.

The water was cold at first, my skin feeling like it was an inch thick with the grime of weeks. Had I showered? I couldn't remember because I'd been so lost in the memories that were so real. I could've showered in a memory, and though I'd showered in real life, or vice versa. The four weeks had been surreal like I was watching a movie play out at a speed that only I could process.

I scrubbed my hair. Maybe I'd cut it. I looked around in the shower, suddenly realizing that I didn't know where Skye was. I let out a breath as I recalled James coming and picking him up after two days. I let out a breath. I finished my shower and got out, brushing my teeth and feeling like a normal person again. Clean.

I got dressed, putting on something that I liked; some pale jeans and a yellow sweater that fell off my shoulder. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair still a little wet. I went to the bathroom and used my hairdryer that Maka had gotten me forever ago to rid the moisture from my (h/c) strands. It had grown a little longer. I thought about a haircut for the second time. I looked at myself again, running my hands through my hair and feeling a lot better. I leaned in toward the mirror, pulling the makeup I didn't really know how to use but Liz had gotten it all for me so I'd been trying to figure it out. That is, before everything happened. I looked at myself with the light dust of foundation, blush, and other things. It worked. It didn't look bad at all. On the contrary, I looked much different than I had four week ago. Older? More tired? Or was it relaxed?

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen, feeling intense hunger before realizing I had nothing to cook with. Well, I hadn't spent any of my allotted money for the whole month, so I may as well go and get something fancy to eat. I pulled on a pair of heeled boots. Why not be extra? I hadn't been outside in four weeks. May as well return with a bang. I walked back to my bedroom. My phone was only at forty present, so I dug about my room until I found the portable charger I had. I was bad at keeping things charged. I grabbed my bag and scarf and walked out, locking my door behind me.

I walked down the hall in the opposite direction of the front of the school, knowing that there was a hidden elevator no one knew about except some of the teachers and student that used it that went to a garage. I waited for it to come up, quietly saying "thank you" aloud, my voice sounding deeper and a little rough. I took the ride down in the elevator tapping my foot to the music that was playing in it. It sounded like George Michael or something. Really Lord Death? George Michael? Then again, that is something Lord Death would do just to mess with the teachers and students.

I stepped out of the elevator and walked through the garage, two students standing next to a car looking over and waving. I waved back and stepped out onto the streets. I pulled my phone out, ignoring the new texts as I checked the date. Friday? Okay. I knew a restaurant I might be able to get a spot at for one. I smiled as I continued walking, knowing all my friends would probably be handing out at Kid's house like they always did on Friday nights. I don't think I wanted to go just yet. I might need a little time.

I walked past people on the street, one hand holding my bag and the other swinging loosely beside me. I think I turned a few heads. Was it the way that I was walking that drew people's attention? I must've looked confident or something. I let out a breath, turning down onto one of the busier streets. It had lots of shops and restaurants. I slipped into the one I was thinking of, a fancy pasta Italian place. There was a waiting list, it seemed, and I went up to the hostess.

"Just one?" I asked, and she looked over the list.

Her finger touched something. "We have a table opening for one in just a few minutes. Can you wait?" She asked. I nodded and slipped my bag off of my shoulder, standing by the chairs next to a group of four and waited.

"A student like you coming to a place like this?" One of the guys in the group said. They all looked about twenty or so in collared shirts and donning fancy watches. Good jobs or trust fund? I was going with the latter.

"It's my birthday." I said. Actually... I checked my phone. My birthday had changed in each timeline, but in this one the receptionist who given me my room, Azure, had written my birthday as... I thought back. Yes. It was today.

The four guys smiled. "Happy birthday," they all said, stumbling over each other.

"How old?" One asked, smiling.

I shrugged, thinking of something amusing. Mari had said she'd lived through around four-hundred and ninety years in the lifetimes, and if I was something like sixteen like she'd said in the firs lifetime, that would theoretically make me... "Five-hundred six." I said with a straight face.

They all had blank faces for a moment, seeming to try and tell if I was actually joking for a moment. In this world with Keshins and Death Weapons I suppose they thought it was fully possible. They all broke into laughter. "You're a funny one." One of the guys said, smiling. "What's your number?" he asked while pulling out his phone.

I smiled, a more devilish side in me getting an idea. "It's 270-0333." I said, the guys typing it into his phone. "And my name is (Y/n)." I said, smiling and laughing on the inside as his friends jostled his shoulders and grinned. I had given him the number for the closest Domino's Pizza. Why did I have it memorized? I don't know.

"Miss, your table is ready," the hostess said and I turned, walking away and following her. I sat down, the table under a set of lights, all the fixtures different over all of the tables. I accepted the menu. I looked through it, running my finger over the different pastas.

"Good evening," a voice said and I looked up to a younger man standing next to my table. "I'll be your waiter. My name is Maxwell." He gave me a smile that was charming. He must've been great with the ladies. I had to keep myself from laughing.

"(Y/n)." I replied.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asked, holding up his pad of paper. "The drink special tonight is a Grey Goose martini. Can I get you one of those?"

I opened my mouth, about to say that I was underage. Technically speaking, was I? I thought back to my "joke" earlier about my age. "Yes, I'll take one of those."

He nodded, writing it down. "Sounds good. I'll get on that," he said and walked away.

I smirked to myself. "Happy birthday," I said, taking a sip of the water that had been waiting. I closed my menu, already knowing what I liked. Pasta was easy. You couldn't go wrong with whatever was on the menu. It was a pricy place, so I'd picked something on the more expensive side to celebrate. I looked out the window a little ways away from my table, watching people go by outside.

"Your Grey Goose," the waiter Maxwell said and I was pulled to the preset as he set a small napkin and then a tall thin-stemmed glass in front of me. I turned it, looking at the clear color of the drink. I recalled from somewhere, maybe the knowledge from the lifetimes—is that how I should refer to them?—that a Grey Goose had something like vodka and vermouth in it. I took a sip, the sharp taste of alcohol filling my mouth, but feeling smooth all the same. "Good?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling up at him. "Thank you," I said. I still wasn't used to the way that my voice sounded after the lack of use. He pulled out his pad again as I lifted my menu. "I'll have the calamari and the fettuccini alfredo." I said, handing him the menu.

He nodded, slipping his pad away. "Sounds good. I'll get those started." He walked away. I returned to looking out the window. I saw people pass, holding hands and looking nice in the night. It was just now getting dark. I slipped my phone on the table, looking at the screen. Six fifteen. I let out a sigh, opening the screen and going to my texts. I clicked the read all button and the four-hundred notification badge went away. I first clicked on the group chat I had with my friends and started reading through all of the texts. There were lot of texts asking how I was and if I was okay, and then lots of photos of what they had been doing. I smiled, feeling a little sad that I'd missed it all.

I went to the individual texts from my friends and Marie and Stein, the worried texts of Marie making my heart warm a little. Time for the voicemails. There was thirty of them and I decided to just pick one from each person. I started with Tsubaki's.

"Hey (Y/n). I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you eating the food I left you this week? I think your phone might be dead so you might not be getting this but I was calling just to be safe. I'll be coming over tomorrow with more food. What I left in the fridge better be gone! You need to take care of yourself." The message ended and I smiled, deciding I would keep all of them.

I listened to the one from Maka's phone, discovering that Liz and Patti were on the message too. "We miss you (Y/n)! It's been too long! You're holed up in your room like a little emo princess. Time to get over yourself. Shut up Patti! Anyways, we love you!" It clicked off and I found myself laughing.

"Hey (Y/n)," James voice now, sounding tired. "Really worried about you. Mari told me everything. I want to be there for you, but I don't know how. You have to talk to me." There was a pause and then he let out a sigh. "Anyway, Mari is doing better. All her wounds from Medusa are gone. Speaking of that damn witch, Stein said we'll keep an eye out for her, but we're not going after her. When I asked why, he said that it was because we've killed her so many times, but she's a snake; no matter how many time you cut off her head, she'll figure out a way to come back. I'm doing okay, too. I miss you. We all do. Please get better soon." I let out a breath as the message ended. I owed James an explanation.

Black Star was next. "Hey (Y/n)! You need to see this! Well, I suppose this is a message, isn't cause you're not talking, huh? Well, Tsubaki said you're doing... well, she said you're working something out. That's what Stein and Mari said too. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking about you! I can't wait to bring you on an awesome date when you're better. See ya!" I smiled and moved to Soul's message.

"Hey (Y/n). Things have been alright. Not so cool without you, though." There was a long pause, and then he let out a sigh. "I'm bad at this kind of stuff, so we'll talk when you're better. Get well."

"Hello, (Y/n)," Kid's message sounded more tired than he usually seemed. "It's been two weeks now. I'm really worried about you. Would you believe it that I've cared even more about things being symmetrical? Patti and Liz have been saying that I'm more narcotic than usual. I suppose I just don't notice it as much when you're around. It's funny, really. Well, I've got to get back to class. I hope I see you soon."

Tears were forming in my eyes from the messages. I took in a breath, looking at the singular message from Mari. I clicked on it. There was silence on the line for about thirty seconds, the sound of someone there but not speaking making my heart hurt. After a moment, I heard her crying and saying she was sorry before hanging up.

I put my phone down as Maxwell came back with my food. "Is everything alright?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunched with concern.

I laughed a little, dashing the single tear that had escaped. "Yes. I was just listening to a few phone messages from some friends. They were making me happy, that's all."

He smiled, nodding. "I see. Well, here's the food. I hope you enjoy," he said, setting two plates in front of me and walking away. I took another sip of the martini and then started eating, almost groaning because the food was so good. I really should just not buy anything but food with my money. Maybe I should get a job here so I could spend all my money eating pasta and get discounts?

After probably too short of a time I was full. I thought my stomach must've shrunk from the lack of food over the past month. I rubbed it, drinking more of the martini. Maxwell came back and gestured at the almost empty plates. "Done?" He asked and I nodded, setting my empty glass on the table. I couldn't feel the alcohol making me drunk, but it made me feel a little less on edge. "Can I get you another?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine," I said. "Could I get the check? I have somewhere I have to be." He nodded, but before he could walk away I snagged his sleeve. "Do you know if there's any open positions for waitressing?" I asked, and he took a second to think. If I recalled correctly, in more than one of the lives I had been a waitress for different things.

"We should. Can I get your phone number and I'll leave it with the manager?" He asked, and I nodded, taking the pad of paper and pen he offered. I wrote down my name and number, my real number, and handed it back to him with my credit card. "I'll bring back your receipt." He said and walked off. He left for a moment and then returned with my card. "Thank you. I hope to see you in here again soon." He said as I stood and gathered my bag and scarf, adjusting it all.

"Me too," I said, smiling and walking towards the exit. I knew where I would go next. I pushed my way out of the restaurant and let the cold air on the walk to where I was going calm the rising anxiety. I left the streets full of shops and restaurants and moved into the residential area of the city. I knew the way to Death Manor where I knew from the texts everyone would be. I reached the gate and looked up at the huge house, seeing the lights on.

I could do this. 


That took so long to get out, but here's a nice long part for you all :D

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