Chapter 52: Can't help to protect lives

It was a sunny morning at the village as we see two girls named Zooey and Cosmo having some coffee while sitting near the window as Zooey takes a sip from her coffee and let out a delicious sigh as Cosmo looks to be nervous a bit and then ask Zooey.

Cosmo: Zooey, I'm not too sure about going to the Valley of broken glass is a good idea.

Zooey: (smile) Why not? I heard that valley is a good place and it seems like a good idea to explore around this island.

Cosmo: That maybe true but I heard many awful things going on that valley. I've heard that place is filled with bandits that will rob anyone who walk by their territory. Its the reason why everyone avoided that valley.

Zooey: (smile) Oh relax it be great! Besides if there were bandits at that valley, they would have come here and raid this village within seconds.

Cosmo: True you have a point. It is near this village but still I'm not too sure we can go there. I'm worry they might jump at us as soon we walk through the valley.

Zooey: Fine, Fine I have a idea. We bring a third person along. Someone who is strong and powerful.

Cosmo: Well I don't think these people ain't fighters.

Zooey was faced defeated when she heard a bell that was above the entrance door open ring out whoch made her turn her head around and see Y/n step into the cafe, look around and then walk up to the counter and ordering his coffee as Zooey smirked as a idea as she tells Cosmo.

Zooey: (smirk) Except for one.

Cosmo: Huh?

As soon Y/n got his coffee he looks around for a seat when Zooey rasies her hand up into the air while she called out.

Zooey: Over here! You can sit with us!

Y/n decided why not and walk over and then sat next to Zooey as he tell them.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but you really don't have to.

Zooey: (smile) It's our pleasure. The names Zooey by away and this is my best girl Cosmo.

Cosmo: (nervous smile) Hi.

Y/n: (smile) Well nice to meet you two. Names Y/n, very nice to meet you.

Zooey: (smile) So Y/n, what brings you here?

Y/n: Just finished helping a guy named Cliff and his team with something. I came here to grab some coffee to keep myself a wake a bit.

Zooey: (smile) Must be hard work but cool.

Cosmo: Say do you live at a beach? It must be very nice over there.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's pretty nice. It helps me mind feel in peace when ever I hear the ocean waves hit the beach.

Zooey: (smile) Cool! Say you wanna know more amazing and relaxing?

Y/n: What?

Zooey: (smile) Well there is Valley called the Valley of broken Glass and it said that area have these sparking glows that appear and it's really nice.

Y/n: Sounds nice but isn't that also been taking over by bandits?

Zooey: Well...yes but we wonder if you wanna come with us? I mean you seem to be a very strong g hedgehog right? You can keep us safe.

Cosmo: Really Zooey.

Zooey: (smile) What, its true!

Cosmo: (sigh) My apologies about my friend here.

Y/n: (smile) That's okay and sure, I'll company you two to the Valley of Broken Glass.

Cosmo: You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'm sure. I never been to that place before anyways so why not.

Zooey: (smile) Great! This is going to be great!

Cosmo: (thought) Why do I have a feeling something bad will happen.


We see SNT outside of the house as we see her waved her arms forward and forcing really hard as she hold her hands up for a while and then lower them down while catching her breath. She breaths and then dose it again while coming out of the house we see Tempest getting the mail from the mailbox as she opens and took out some mail and read through them.

Then she look over to see SNT doing something so she make her way over to her and tap her on the shoulder which she got startled and turn to see her.

SNT: Oh its you Tempest. I'm sorry about that.

Tempest: (smile) Nah its all good. So what are you doing?

SNT: Well you said I was inside of a cryo chamber in Eggman's bass right?

Tempest: Yeah?

SNT: And I'm some sort of his bio weapon or something right?

Tempest: Correct?

SNT: So i figured maybe I have powers that Eggman did to me like.....maybe teleport or.....turn things different or something else.

Tempest: Well.......that is a possibility. I mean it's Eggman we're talking about so, yeah. Any luck so far?

SNT: Unfortunately no. I try so many times and it seems nothing is happening. Maybe I was abandoned because I was useless to him.

Tempest: (smile) Hey don't say that, your perfect the way you are. We just need to know what you can do.

SNT: Like how?

Tempest: Well we did bring that laptop with us so let's see what else it has to say.

SNT: (smile) Sounds like a good idea! Let's go!


SNT walk by Tempest while Tempest could have sworn she heard something as she look around but she shrugged and followed inside as we see the two as Tempest opens up the laptop and looks through the files.

Tempest: Let's see.......Well it seems like there is nothing about what you can do. It just said about your increased strength, increased speed and all that stuff.

SNT: Maybe that's my powers? Just the basic?

Tempest: No, No it has to be something else. I mean why dose it say "bio weapon" even know you don't show to hold any type of virus or anything that make people sick or something.

SNT: Maybe "bio weapon" means something else?

Tempest: Maybe (sigh) Trying to find out with this computer is hard. If only there is a genius in this island that can help us.......wait a minute......THAT'S IT!

SNT: (surprised) Wow! What's it?

Tempest: (smile) I know one guy that might help!


We see Y/n, Zooey and Cosmo making their walk down the valley and it's pretty hot today as they walked. They have some water while they walked. Cosmo is seen having a hard time carrying a picnic basket so Y/n walk up to her and ask.

Y/n: I'll take it over for you.

Cosmo: Are you sure?

Y/n: (smile) Of course, I don't mind.

She smiled with a small blush as Y/n takes the basket and they continue on walking.

Y/n: Are we there yet?

Zooey: (smirk) Not yet but we're almost there.

Y/n: So how did you two met?

Zooey: (smile) It's a long story but let's just say Cosmo stumble into my house.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Cosmo: You see.....I woke up in the middle of the woods and I have no idea where I am. I make my walk through the woods until I stumble apon Zooey's house.

Zooey: (smile) I was a bit surprised that she came out of the woods but we quickly became good friends after I let her into my house.

Y/n: (smile) Well that seems nice.

Zooey: (smile) Yep! We been through many things together and seen a lot of things.

Cosmo: (smile) Yeah it was very nice and sometimes Zooey gets us into trouble a few times.

Zoeey: (smile) Yep~!

Y/n smiled a bit and they reminded of Tangle and Jewels which he wonders if they are okay while he isn't there with them. Suddenly he thought he heard something and turn and look up at the hills and can't help but feel like they were being watched. Zooey and Cosmo stop to see Y/n stop dead in his track as Y/n scan around the hills and suddenly a gunfire ring out which Y/n dodge the bullet and land on his feet and then called out.

Y/n: Come out and show yourselves!

Cosmo was a bit scared while Zooey was really for a fight as figures appear from the hills and then they slide down the hills and once they hit the ground their aimed their Wispons at them while a familiar voice call out.

???: Well, Well, Well, looks like we meet again Y/n.

He looked over and he was shocked to see Jack as he aimed his Wispon right at his face as the two look at each other.

Y/n: Jack. Never thought I can see you here.

Jack: (anger) You have some nerves coming into our territory after what you did with ours!

Y/n: (smirk) Really? I never ruined your territory.

Jack: (anger) Yes you did! After you left, we were forced out from our land and later on after the war, we were banished due to what we did!

Y/n: So you came here and rob innocent people.

Jack: It's called survival Y/n. We all have to do stuff in order to survive. Say, why are you here? Your thid big time hero right? Why are you here?

Y/n stays slient as Jack just stare at him and then turn to his gain.

Jack: Rob them.

One of his men grab the picnic basket and looks inside which they see was nothing but food as Y/n tells Jack.

Y/n: You have what you need, now leave us be.

Jack: (smirk) Oh I don't think so. You see, after what you did with us. It's time for some pay back. Let's say......kidnapped those two girls behind you? That will do.

Cosmo: (scared) No please!

Zooey: Try your best! You won't take us!

Y/n: Jack you don't have to do this! This is between you and me!

Jack: (smirk) Sorry but you ruined our lives so's time to do to same.

Y/n: If you lay a hand on one of them I swear-

Jack: (smirk) Or what? What are you gonna do?

One lay a hand on Cosmo which she yell which Y/n forms a fist and quickly punched Jack in the face while his Wispon flies up into the air as Y/n turns around whike he grabs the Wispon and then fired several shots and take down Jack's gang within seconds.

Cosmo and Zooey were surprised by this while Jack immediately get up while Y/n turn his head to him as his quill sparks out of electricity and he disappeared and reappear in front of Jack with his wispon aimed at Jack's face as Jack shakes in fear while he wave his arms into the air.

Zooey and Cosmo were amazed how his quills are giving out of electricity as Y/n lower his wispon and tossed it away while he tells Jack in a serious turn.

Y/n: Leave now Jack, and never return.

Jack immediately shake his head and then makes a run for it while Y/n let out a sigh while his quills stop shotting out electricity as he turn to see if the girls are alright then Zooey leap up and hugged him.

Zooey: (smile) That was amazing! You show those guys never to mess with us!

Y/n: Thanks. Still you two are okay?

Zooey: (smile) Yeah we're fine! All thanks to you.

Cosmo: So how do you know od Jack?

Y/n: Let's just say. We met a long time ago.

They understand it was a long tale and then suddenly around them start to sparkle as they look around to see the area they were in start to sparkle which amazed them.

Cosmo: (surprised) Whoa look at that!

Zooey: (smile) Looks like we're here after all!

Y/n: (smile) Guess so.

They walked in amazement as they watched while Y/n smiles and gets flash backs to him, Tangle and Whisper going out together and seeing some amazing things including many other of his friends as he smiled and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Hope you all are doing well without me.

Zooey: Hey you okay? Your crying a bit?

Y/n turns to them and touch his cheek and see that he is crying a bit as he wipe the tears away while he tells them.

Y/n: Sorry its nothing. I'm just be here with you guys.

Zooey: (smile) Yep.

Cosmo: (smile) Same.

They enjoy this moment as the two girls gain a crush on Y/n as they wished they can stay here together forever.


We see Tempest and SNT vist someone by the name of Charlie as we see them at his room as they hand him the laptop and he start working on through as he tells them.

Charlie: Boy there is a lot of these fire walls in this laptop. Eggman surely doesn't want no one to read through these.

Tempest: So what do you got?

Charlie: Well according to some files I've managed to crack open, it appears progract: SNT is suppose to be the ultimate weapon of winning the war against the freedom fighters. It said here that she's able to blend in into Mobian society, be able to do incredible jobs that are impossible to normal Mobian and use her....."special" ability to make herself not suspicious by other Freedom fighters.

SNT: What dose "special" ability mean? Is that my secret powers or something?

Charlie: I'm not too sure. But what I can gather here is that your some sort a spy that was suppose to blend into the Freedom fighters a while back.

SNT: Guess that would make sense. I mean I do look like i can blend in among the Freedom fighters, plus I am cute.

Tempest: Still there is one question that doesn't make sense. How come Eggman did made more of them like more SNT versions of it?

Charlie: Hhmm I'm not too sure. Something must have happened that lead to Eggman to abandoned the project.

Tempest: Okay so another question. How did Eggman made SNT and what DNA did he use?

Charlie: I'm not sure. There are some files that are still locked but I'll call you if I get them open.

Tempest: Right, thanks man.

Soon the two leave his house and once that Tempest breaths in a sigh and said.

Tempest: Man what a day.

SNT: So what should we do now?

Tempest: Well nothing really for now. We just wait till Charlie got something on that laptop. Hopefully he get something very useful.

SNT: (smile) I guess so.


Suddenly a bird fly by her shoulder which surprised her as the bird nuzzle her neck which she let out a giggle.

Tempest: Huh that was weird. Why did that bird land on your shoulder?

SNT: (smile) I don't know but he's cute.

Tempest: He? How do you know that bird is a he?

SNT: (smile) Don't know but who cares, I like him.

She walk off with the bird on her shoulder as Tempest watch her as there is something around her like sparkles as she giggle which Tempest shake her head and looks over to see SNT normal.

Tempest: (thought) Okay first I'm hearing some weird sounds and thn next a bird land on her shoulder and there is some sparkles appear around her? Either this is the "special" ability that the laptop said or something but there have to be something on that laptop and I hope Charlie will figure something out from it.....I hope.

Tempest catches up with SNT as she hopes that they can find some answers from Charlie once he managed to open some more files and maybe they can finally get some answers about SNT and what was she made for.

To be continued...................................

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