"Brand new day..."
Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)
(Its, Archer-centric)
(There are going be about 3-7 Chapters in this fic )
(This is a sequel to His Grasp..)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I don't watch Trolls: the beat goes on a lot, so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
Poppy, laughed along with her friends, They had all just finished a game of truth or dare.
The memory came back..
They were all sat down, in the middle of truth of dare.
"Smidge, it's your turn," Poppy started. "I dare you to have a hair tug of war with... Guy Diamond".
"Oh Come on," Guy pouted, and whined
They went out though..
"Go smidge!" The girls cheered.
"Go Guy Diamond" The guys cheered.
"Who do you think, will win" Archer whispered, in her ear.
"Watch, it'll be Smidge" Poppy replied.
Guy, and smidge got into positions..
Guy, whipped his hair at smidge. Smidge did the same, to him and they whipped around for a bit. But, want the other, except Poppy knew, was that Smidge had more experience she quickly twisted Guy's hair, into a double knot, then she pulled back, releasing Guy Diamond's hair. He fell over..
"I guess you win.." He told her.
She nodded, They shook hands.
The next dares, were full of chaos. From gymnastics, to even somehow landing on the ceiling, the Trolls truly did live up their name.
They went back into Biggie' s, pod after. They panted, as they sat down.
"Hey Guys?," They all looked at Smidge, "Its Poppy's, turn for a truth or dare," She said mischieviously.
They all looked into her direction..
"Truth or dare, Poppy?" Suki, and the twins asked.
"You know what?," Poppy started. "I'll do a dare" She finished.
The twins eyes, glowed with frightening, mischeviousness.
"We dare you, to kiss Archer, in front of us" They replied.
Poppy blushed, bright red. Everyone laughed.
She looked at Archer, He was blushing as well, even though he was hiding it..
He then got up, and headed towards her..
"Archer, w-what are you.." Poppy stuttered.
She didn't get the chance, to finish her question, Archer pulled her in.
He put his lips, to hers. His hand around her waist, and hers around his neck, it felt so right..
He pulled away, grinning and left her, and sat down again.
"That's how you kiss someone," He told the guys, They laughed gently.
Poppy sat a down, again blushing.
"Ok..." She trailed off. "Let's move on to a different game" She suggested.
They did...
Poppy, came out of her thoughts, and smiled. She truly loved Archer, and she wasn't afraid to say it. He wasn't, to and she was, thankful for that.
Poppy, looked at Branch and Creek, a feeling, went up in her, it wasn't jealously, it was Happiness for them. Unfortunately, a bit of envy was there as well. She admired, how strong their relationship was. They were so close, and knew, nearly Everthing about each other.
Poppy, knew her relationship was strong as well, but Archer was distant in his own way as well. For example, how he hid his emotions at times. It amazed her, how easily he could do it, Trolls usually couldn't. They were easy, to read. Sometimes, his eyes would blank, as of thinking about something, or someone. It frightened Poppy, She just wanted to know if he was alright.. He would say, He was fine. Even though, his eyes suggested different. She also didn't know of his past. As soon as the subject came up, his eyes and face would blanken, and he would change the subject, She left it alone afterwards.
She looked at Archer then, He was chatting with the twins, and from the looks of it, it was clear that they were flirting with him. But, it looked like he was aware of it, and just responding with normal words. That's what poppy like about him, He was loyal.
But Poppy, felt jealously boil up then. Archer, BELONGED to her. He was hers, and HERS alone. Poppy, was surprised then, then she felt ashamed. Those were a couple of her flaws, She would a bit,(maybe a lot) jealous. Could you blame her,though?, She already nearly lost him once, She didn't want to lose him again.
A troll, came up to her then..
"Hey Berry Pop," She greeted.
"Hey beautiful" he greeted back.
Poppy, felt herself blush bit, Berry, had a habit of flirting a bit with everyone.
Poppy, then felt a tight hand around her waist, She looked up. Their right next to her, was her respective boyfriend, Archer Pastry. Once again, his eyes were unreadable, but there was a hint of jealously, and happiness there, She smiled.
'Oh no,' She groaned internally. 'He jealous, Help me someone,' She pleaded.
She came out of her thoughts, and saw Archer again.
"Who's this?" He questioned, politely.
"Hi" Berry greeted. "I'm Berry Pop, nice to meet you" He put out his hand.
Archer, shook it.
"Hey Berry, if YOU don't mind, we will be going" Archer started. "Me and Poppy, have got something to do.." He finished, with a hint of aggressiveness in his tone.
"Ok," Berry replied, and left.
They walked away to.
"You didn't have to do that," Poppy laughed.
"Yes I did," Archer joked. "Some trolls, need to understand that your MY girlfriend, and you mine and MINE ONLY" He finished.
Poppy laughed at that.
"Plus" He got close to her.
"It was pretty cool how you were jealous, earlier" He whispered in her ear.
She blushed afterwards. They went to the snackpack.
Poppy realised, there was a difference between her and Archer, He wasn't afraid to show his jealously, and she was. To others, it might have been a bit rude. But to her, it was cute when he did it. She laughed as she was at her friends.
She looked at Branch, but he was talking to creek, She turned, and talked to Smidge.
Branch, was with creek, and was having a random conversation.
His mind brought up of how they came together.
Creek, walked through troll village, having many greetings. His vacation, had gone great. He had loads of medication, and calmed his aura.
"CREEK!," yelled a familiar voice.
The snackpack came on him, like a pack of wolves, smothering wolves. Then there was Branch...
"Hey Branch," He greeted nervously.
"Hey creek," Branch greeted back.
Creek, asked Branch if he could talk to him, Branch nodded.
They went to Creek's pod..
"Look, Branch I'm going to be forward, I like you" He stated firmly.
Branch, was surprised by that.
"I like you to," Branch told him back.
Creek, was on him, kissing him before Branch could register. Their kiss was passionate. Eventually, They both pulled away.
Creek then, started to sing suddenly...
*Oh, I can't fight this feeling any longer*
*And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
*What started out this friendship has grown stronger*
*I only wish I had the strength to let it show*
*I tell myself that I can't hold out forever*
*I said there is no reason for my fear*
*'Cause I feel so secure when we're together*
*You give my life direction*
*You make everything so clear*
*And even as I wander*
*I'm keeping you in sight*
*You're a candle in the window*
*On a cold, dark winter's night*
*And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might*
*And I can't fight this feeling anymore*
*I've forgotten what I started fighting for*
*It's time to bring this ship into the shore*
*And throw away the oars, forever*
*'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore*
*I've forgotten what I started fighting for*
*And if I have to crawl upon the floor*
*Come crushing through your door*
*Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore*
*My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you*
*I've been running around in circles in my mind*
*And it always seems that I'm following you, girl*
*'Cause you take me to the places*
*That alone I'd never find*
*And even as I wander*
*I'm keeping you in sight*
*You're a candle in the window*
*On a cold, dark winter's night*
*And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might*
*And I can't fight this feeling anymore*
*I've forgotten what I started fighting for*
*It's time to bring this ship into the shore*
*And throw away the oars, forever*
*'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore*
*I've forgotten what I started fighting for*
*And if I have to crawl upon the floor*
*Come crashing through your door*
*Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore*
Creek stopped singing, Branch blushed.
"Should we tell the others?," Creek asked.
Branch nodded. They went out, towards to the snackpack.
"You too, finally together?," Poppy asked.
"Yeah," They both replied.
They kissed each other, to prove it.
Branch, came out of the memory and looked towards creek, He loved him.
"Let's go to our friends," Creek suggested.
Branch nodded, and they over..
Poppy, came out of her conversation with smidge, and DJ Suki.
"Hey guys!" She shouted.
They all looked at her.
"Wanna sing?," Poppy suggested.
"Sure," They all answered.
They began to sing...
[Poppy and Branch]
*I got this feeling inside my bones*
*It goes electric wavy when I turn it on*
And if you want it inside your soul*
*Just open up your heart, let music take control*
*I got that sunshine in my pocket*
*Got that good soul in my feet*
*I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops*
*I can't take my eyes up off it*
*Moving so phenomenally*
*Room on lock the way we rock it*
*So don't stop*
*And under the lights when everything goes*
*Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close*
*When we move, well, you already know*
*So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine*
*Nothing I can see but you*
*When you dance, dance, dance*
*Feeling good, good, creeping up on you*
*So just dance, dance, dance*
*Come on*
*All those things I shouldn't do*
*But you dance, dance, dance*
*And ain't nobody leaving soon*
*So keep dancing*
*I can't stop the feeling!*
*I can't stop the feeling!*
*So just dance, dance, dance*
*Come on*
[Poppy and Archer]
Ooh, it's something magical
It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on
Don't need no reason, don't need control
I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone
*'Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket*
*Got that good soul in my feet*
*I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops*
*I can't take my eyes up off it*
*Moving so phenomenally*
*Room on lock the way we rock it*
*So don't stop*
*Under the lights when everything goes*
*Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close*
*When we move, well, you already know*
*So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine*
*Nothing I can see but you*
*When you dance, dance, dance*
*Feeling good, good, creeping up on you*
*So just dance, dance, dance*
*Come on*
*All those things I shouldn't do*
*But you dance, dance, dance*
*And ain't nobody leaving soon*
*So keep dancing*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*So just dance, dance, dance*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*So just dance, dance, dance*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*So just dance, dance, dance*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*So keep dancing, come on*
I can't stop the—
I can't stop the—
I can't stop the—
I can't stop the—
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Nothing I can see but you*
*When you dance, dance, dance*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Feeling good, good, creeping up on you*
*So just dance, dance, dance*
*Come on*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*All those things I shouldn't do*
*But you dance, dance, dance*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*And ain't nobody leaving soon*
*So keep dancing*
*Everybody sing*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Got this feeling in my body*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Got this feeling in my body*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Wanna see you move your body*
(I can't stop the feeling!)
*Got this feeling in my body*
*Break it down*
*Got this feeling in my body*
*Can't stop the feeling*
*ot this feeling in my body*
*Come on!!*
They all stopped singing, and laughed.
"Hey guys," The others looked at her. "I can't stop the feeling~".
Archer, laughed at Poppy's joke. He really loved his girlfriend, She was Everthing he wanted in a girl; kind, compassionate, and sassy. Just some of the things he could describe her as.
"That's funny, poppy" He replied.
Suddenly, They heard bushes being rustle and a unknown, came out.
Archer recognised him.
"What Are YOU doing here?" He asked curious.
The person, He recognised panted, his eyes full of sorryness, and the tiniest bit of happiness.
"I'm sorry Archer..." Bash told him. "HE'S here".
Archer felt fear then he turned his head to the left...
There were the partycrashers, and two stood out. From a looks of it to Poppy, they looked to be about in their middle age. The man's eyes,full of regret and Sorrow. And the woman's as well. She saw Archer began to shake, and touched him. She calmed him down.
The male partycrasher, finally spoke, trailing off...
(A/N: Hey guys, this is the first official chapter, to this story~😁)
(This is the sequel, it focuses on family, and romance. It also tells hard things a family has sometimes~😊)
(Comment down If you like this fic, and please vote on this as well~😗)
(I'll update I want to~🤣)
(The next chapter, should be out in about a day or two~😄)
(Bye bye, hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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