Chapter 17:Surpise, surprise
Disclaimer:I own all of the Silverscale family, and I would like it if you don't use them without my permission.
It's was 7am, and having put with Jace and Izzy at this time is not pleasant; Neither of them are morning people. Most of the morning was filled with their groans and complains but also my slight conversation I had to make with Julie's family. He entire family came, her mother, Mary, her father Mason, and her younger sister, Luna. Her mother was the older version of Julie, same light brown hair, green eyes, and thin frame, but with more muscle, her father was a tall man with a strong build, but unlike Julie and Mary, he had Sandy blond hair and brown eyes, and lastly, Luna had a build similar to Isabelle, thin but strong, and had her mother's hair and her father's eyes. They had apparently made an agreement to come with us to Idris to get to know me better. I was sifting around uncomfortably as they attempted to make conversation with me, and to top with all of Julie had her arm hooked around my elbow in a death grip. I occasionally caught glances from Magnus, and gave him a look as if to say "help me." He would just wink and turn away to try not to cause any attention to us(or just to make sure I don't turn a bright red). I guess Julie never told anyone that I said "I'm never going to love you" or anything along those lines since her parents were still being nice to me. Mason and Mary kept asking me questions like "How well do you fight?" "How good are you with a bow?" and last but not least "Why is Jace your parabitai? You could've done better." "The portals up!" Magnus yelled, stopping me from going off on Mary. Julie still had her death grip on my arm and I swear if she didn't let go I would have to cut off my arm. Every one was walking over to the large, blue hole in the side of the institute besides Jace and Simon, they were talking about something. I was about to step through the portal when a screech alarmed us all. I whipped my head around to see Madeleine fighting off forsaken. I jerked my hand away from Julie and reached for an arrow, luckily almost everyone was wearing gear and had a weapon with them. I loaded my bow and let the arrow fly straight into a forsaken's eye, causing it to stumble around while Isabelle knocked it over with her whip, and Jace decapitated it. I kept shooting arrows until I was almost out. Even though I had killed many if the forsaken alongside Jace it still wasn't enough, they kept coming and coming. Even young Luna had killed some with her katana, as did Mason and Mary with their battle axes. The only people who weren't fighting were Simon and Julie, which I didn't understand. Simon I did understand but why wasn't she fighting, she is a a shadowhunter yet she wasn't doing anything. I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice that Simon had been attacked. A forsaken had come at him wit an ax and hit him on his leg. There was a large gash on his leg that was pouring out blood. The forsaken was about to take another hit at him when Magnus summoned up a bolt of lightning and shot it at it, instantly killing it. There were too many of them, and we had no idea where they were coming from, it's like they were spawning mid air. Jace turned to me and looked at me with concern. "There's too many of them! Get through the portal NOW!" I heard Magnus all scream at us. I was relieved, but surprised to see him completely unhurt, as his outfit of rainbow pants should've caught more attention. Everybody was rushing to get to the portal but I trailed behind making sure none of the forsaken got too close. Jace and Isabelle had carried Simon through the portal and the Silverscale's(minus Julie) had all disappeared into the portal. As for Julie I had no idea what was happening to her, she had her hands clapped around here ears and had her eyes closed, leaned up against the wall. I didn't care much for her but it still made me concerned. She wasn't moving which I still had no clue why but then Magnus had grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her towards the portal, she stumbled in but she was gone in no time. I was looking around for Madeleine, wondering where she was. I couldn't find her in all the commotion so I just assumed she was already in Idris with the rest of the people, so I ran to the portal narrowly escaping a slash from a large, metal pipe. I was about to step through when something got a hold of the back if my shirt. I turned around to see Magnus staring at me with love. "You didn't think I'd let you leave without a kiss?" I smiled and pressed my lips to his. It was a quick kiss but it was all we needed. "I love you, it's too dangerous here, now go."
"I love you too, but are you sure you be okay?"
"I'm fine now go!" He pushed me through the portal with a bit more force than needed, but he just wanted me to be safe. I was suddenly free falling and everything went pasted me in a blur. I suddenly felt the soft grass of Idris under my feet. I stumbled a bit when I left the portal but years of training had helped me quickly regain my balance. I looked up and saw Jace with his arms crossed over his chest with a cocky grin like he knew everything that just happened to me, He probably didn't know but knew me well enough to take a accurate guess. "Took you long enough." He nugged Isabelle in the ribs with his elbow. "Don't you think he took a while, Isabelle?" She looked up at him and smirked. The Silverscale family just looked at us like we were crazy, and I tried to keep myself from blushing.
"Did anyone see Madeleine?" Isabelle looked grim.
"She didn't make it, one of the forsaken got to her and she wasn't fast enough." There was a silence, I felt and because I kept thinking that of only I kept an eye on her maybe she would be here, but no she not. The silence was lasting longer than expected but they soon ignored it and changed the subject.
"Anyway where did you say we were staying?" Mason asked.
"At our friends house, the Penhallow's house." I said.
"Yeah, we should get to the Pen-whatever's because..hmm. I don't know. Maybe because MY LEG ALMOST GOT CHOPPED OFF." Simon suddenly piped in.
"Ah we should get going then since the state of your...friend here." We began walking towards their house with Jace and Isabelle carrying Simon, but I couldn't help but notice that he also sees downworlders the same way Julie did, and saw shadowhunters as a higher race. Well it's going to be embarrassing to them when I do get the guts to call off the marriage and explain I'm leaving their beloved Julie for a downworlder, I'm going to need to get that on film for Jace, Isabelle, and Magnus when it happens. I grinned at that thought, but Julie thought of this as the perfect moment to come up to me and squeeze the breath out of me. "Oh Alec, you were so brave fighting like that." She said into my chest because of my hight, she is actually average hight just I'm really tall. I basically had to pry her off of me to be able to breathe again and when I did she looked at me with her big, green eyes. I didn't know how to reply to her but I was curious as why she didn't fight.
"I know I did, but why didn't you fight." I saw Jace give me a slight grin out of the corner of my eye, he was probably proud the he was "rubbing off on me." She looked at me again, this time with sadness.
"I-I just can't." Then she turned away from me and took a few steps forward. "She can't fight off forsaken." Luna had silently came up to me, which startled me for a moment, but then I saw that it was her.
"Why can't she? She's a shadowhunter she should know how." I said a bit bitterly
"Yes she is, but." She stopped to take a deep breath. "When we were little she had a friend, her best friend actually. Her name was Rachel Goldowl. Well when Rachel and Julie were fourteen, and I was twelve we went on a hunt. We thought we were fine since they've had trained and they would protect me since I was more inexperienced than them. We went to the wood near our house. We were hopeful we had already killed off a few raveners with our seraph blades, so we just kept going deeper into the forest. We were trained but not that trained, so when we ran into a forsaken we didn't know what to do. Rachel was the only one who brought another weapon besides a seraph blade. She brought her crossbow which she was pretty good with. Anyway she shot it's eyes a it's chest with the crossbow but I wouldn't die. It just became angrier. It had knocked her back with a club it was carrying. She claimed she was fine. She was a fighter and a protector, she would fight that thing to the death if it meant we were safe. Anyway it had charged at us, but Rachel had got its attention by throwing a large rock at it. He taller at us to get out of there. Julie didn't want to leave her side, but if we stayed we would've died, so I grabbed her by her hand and dragged her away. As far away as we could get from the scene. Julie wanted to go back to save Rachel but we both knew we couldn't, even if we didn't want to admit it. The last we heard of Rachel was a high-pitched scream of agony and then silence. Ever since then Julie has been terrified of forsaken." I was in shock. Julie losing her best friend at fourteen. I couldn't imagine if I was in her place, if I lost Jace at fourteen I would be devastated.
"W-Where did you live before you moved to Idris, you know where Rachel and you guys lived."
"It was in Germany, I don't bother to remember which part. it comes with bad memories." Germany. It's one of the most demon filled countries we've learned about. Since its right next to Idris demon inhabit it because they're always waiting for a chance to get into Idris; just to cause havoc.
"I'm sorry, if I only I knew I wouldn't-"
"Alec, don't apologize. It's not your fault you didn't know. Heck, if I was you I wouldn't know either. She doesn't like sharing this story with many people."
"Well now I feel smart."
"Listen, stop worrying about it. It's not your fault so stop blaming yourself."
"Thanks, Luna, you know you're pretty wise for being sixteen." She gave me a small grin.
"Thanks, I hope we stay friends after you marry Julie." I nervously scratched the back off head and stayed silent." Oh, did I hit a sensitive spot for you, does marriage scare you?"
"Yeah, yeah that's all." She gave me a worried look, but just turned away after a second. We were slowly nearing the Penhallow's house as I could see the old building in the distance. The rest of the walk there was silence with the occasional groan from Simon and Izzy telling him to shut up. Once we got there it was also Simon who broke the silence by cheering and saying some quote from some movie he likes. Julie hadn't turned to me or talk to me the whole time back, it's not that I cared if she was mad at me, but it was the fact that I feel as if I hit a spot that was sensitive to her. Luna is right, it's not my fault for not knowing but I don't want to hurt her. Jace whistled and lifted his head towards the door, gesturing me to open it. I took the key our parents gave us out of my pocket and opened the large wooden door. I was greeted by the sight of of my parents talking to an old friend of Isabelle's and I, Aline Penhallow, and Sebastian Verlac? I wasn't told he would be here. I remember him from when Aline and I had been kids, he was Aline's cousin. He seemed different from how I remember him, he seems...colder, as if he changed over time. When we were small, he was always the one who could make you laugh, but now he doesn't seem like the same person. "Alec, Isabelle you remember Aline and Sebastian right?" My Father asked us.
"Of course, hello Aline, and to you Sebastian." I didn't want to be rude so I went up to Aline and gave her a hug, and hook Sebastian's hand, Isabellefollowing and doing the same thing. Jace stood near the door and clear his throat.
I hate to interrupt this nice bonding session but we have an injured vampire here." Our parents looked up and wider their eyes in shock as they just noticed the injured Simon, Aline was in shock too, having lived in Idris her whole life she's never seen a downworlder. "Yeah I'll just heal him in another room, Aline, would you tell me where the medical supplies are?" She eyed Simon suspiciously.
"In the medicine cabinet. in the bathroom." He smiled and helped Simon get to the other room, he could walk better now since vampires he fast, but his wound still needed tending to. "Why did you bring the vampire here?"
"Well when we were portaling here we got attacked by forsaken, and he got injured. We couldn't have left him there, he would've died, again." Everyone looked understanding besides my father, who still looked like he thought this was a bad decision. "But we'll send him back to New York as soon as we can, doesn't a warlock live around here? Or we could ask the Clave, if we explain maybe they'll be understanding, since if we left him there he would've died on our terms, which is against the accords."
"Right, okay then." My father put in. For some reason Julie saw this as the perfect moment to to come up behind me and wrap her hand around my arm, again. "Ah Julie, how could I forget about you. Aline, Sebastian, this is Julie Silverscale, she's Alec's fiancee. And the rest of the people are her family." Julie waved her free hand at them and I put on a fake smile. My parents had already told all of the Penhallow family about my sudden engagement. "Right and the girl with light brown hair and brown eyes is Luna, the one who has light brown hair and green eyes is Mary, and the man is Mason." They all seemed calm where I would do anything to get out of here to catch up with Aline, or see Max, anything but have to pretend to be in a happy relationship with one of the Silverscales. But not all of the Silverscales were bad, I've taken a liking to Luna, she seems like a person I could trust, she is very different than the rest of her family. She reacted differently to Simon and didn't spat his name, and she seems a lot more easy going, I would actually prefer to be her friend. Luckly Jace came back with Simon. He had his leg knee wrapped in a white bandage which should keep him fine until he heals. "Now can we talk about sleeping arrangements? What I need right now is just to lay down."
"Ah yes, Isabelle you will be sleeping in the room across mine, Jace you'll be in the room next to the library, but you're going to have to share with Max if that's okay." He gave a satisfied nood since he didn't mind sharing a room with his technically younger brother. "and Alec-" Mason stopped her from saying more.
"Actually we were wondering if Alec could stay with us at our house. He is marrying my daughter, so Mary and I would like to get to know him better." He smiled warmly, but I know getting to know your significant(even if she isn't)others parents isn't going to be fun.
"Oh course it's okay, I mean like you said he's marrying your daughter, so you do have the right to get to know him better." This time it was my mother who said this.
"Okay, Alec, we should get going before it gets dark out. Where is your luggage?" We were waiting for Isabelle to answer since she was the one talking to him before we left.
"The warlock who made the portal, Magnus, said he would have it appear here, but I don't know-" Suddenly all our luggage appeared as if Magnus could hear us. "And here it is. Haha, typical Magnus, he must've wanted to make us think he forgot." We both smiled, it does seem like something he would do. I took my hand away from Julie and grabbed a black duffle bag that contained all my clothes and slinged it across my shoulder. "I see your ready now, let's get going." Mason said. I waved goodbye to my siblings, parents, and friends before I left. "Alec you'll love the house, but it doesn't have as many rooms as this one so you'll have to share with Julie, that shouldn't be a problem right? You're getting married so you should be comfortable or at least learn to get comfortable with it."I may have said "No it's not a problem," but I'm my mind I was screaming no.
The Silverscale house was much farther away from the Penhallow house. When we arrived it was night and the sky was full of stars, more than I have ever seen in my life. In New York it's a rare sight to see many stars, you have to be in a dark place in order to see them, like where Magnus and I had our first date. Magnus, Oh I wished he was here, he would be loved the sight, little known fact about him is he has a interest in astronomy. One time when I came over to spend the night, I asked him about a poster he had in his office of the constellations, he then told me about his love for it. It was cute, the way he explained it to me, he said if he could've he would've become an astronomer, but that can't work. He simply had a love and passion for it, like we did for each other. I was caught up in my memories that I didn't realize we made it to the house. The Silverscale house was a large house, smaller than the Penhallow house, but still pretty large. Mary opened the door and let us in. There was while marble tile covering the floor, the walls had wallpaper that had a creamy gold coloring to it, and there were candleabras encrusted with silver and gold holding witchlight. It was truly a grand house. "Julie, why don't you show Alec the room you two will be sleeping in." Mary put in cheerfully. Julie grabbed my hand and led me down a hallway past the living room that had two doors on opposite sides. "That in Luna's room." She gestured to the door on the right side. "And this is ours." She opened the door on the left side and entered. The room had the same wallpaper and tiles as the rest of the house, but this room had a large bed in the middle with white sheets, a light colored wooded nightstand, a large wardrobe the same color, and a large window that let in a large amount of moonlight. "There's the bathroom." She pointed to a door in the corner of the room. I nooded my head and went to the bathroom. This time it was the same tiles, just different wallpaper. It was white with a Victorian design on it. I started to strip off my gear and take a shower. I took longer than usual because I hoped Julie would be asleep as soon as I got out. I got out of the shower and changed into more comfortable clothes, which was a black t-shirt Simon got me of some mundane band called "Fall Out Boy" that was a a size too large, and comfortable black shorts. Once I got out I hoped I took long enough that Julie went to sleep but she didn't. instead she was sitting on the bed running a comb through her long hair in green pajamas. "You took long enough." She said with sleepy eyes.
"You didn't have to wait for me, you're obviously sleepy so why didn't you sleep?"
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to."
"Just go to sleep." She gave me a weak "kay" and went under the covers of the bed. I moved to the other side and moved the covers so I could get in. It's not that I wasn't used to sleeping next to someone, I've slept in Magnus's room plenty of times with him, but it wasn't the same with Julie. It didn't feel natural like it did with him, it was probably because I wasn't in love with her. I let sleep take over me and let my thoughts stop. It was a peaceful sleep for a few hours but being the light sleeper I am a small flash of light a crackling woke me up. Fire message. But I didn't know who would be sending me a fire message at this time. I grabbed the letter and opened it and smiled at the hand writing.
Hey Alec, Guess who's in Idris! :D It's a long story on how I got here in the first place but if you meet me at Ragnor Fell's house I'll explain everything, hopefully you come, darling. See you then
~Magnus Bane
I smiled, it made my night that he was in Idris so I decided to write him back
Dear warlock Bane,
I'll meet you there soon
~Alec Lightwood
I tried to make it sound as professional as possible since fore messages don't always work, and rarely can end up in the hands of the Clave, and I don't want that to happen. I drew the fire rune on the corner of the paper ad watched it as the appear erupted in heatless flames and left. Luckily I can tell that Julie is a heavy sleeper. I don't even bother to think about changing clothing, I just grab a pair of sneakers and slip them on. Just to be sure I grabbed my stele and put on a soundless rune. I carefully got out of bed and went out the way Julie showed me, but as I passed the living room it smelled like something was burning but I just guessed it was the candles that they blew out before we went to bed and the smell was just lingering around. I carefully opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air. I ran to Ragnor Fell's house in hopes of seeing Magnus as soon as possible. I passed outside of the area the wards covered and now was closer to his house. I knew where he lived because all shadowhunters in Idris know him, whenever we need help from a warlock we go to him, and I know him a Magnus are good friends. I can see his house now and a few more moments of running I'm there. I knock on the door once and in no time Magnus opens it. First thing I notice is he isn't wearing a shirt, just a pair of pinkish-red sweat pants. As soon as he sees me he pulls me into a hug and kisses me. I eagerly kiss back and knot my hands in his dark locks as he decided to wear it down. We pull back once we need air and just lay our foreheads against each other. "I've missed you." He whispers. I slightly laugh.
"I've only been gone for about a day." I give him another quick kiss.
"But I want you around all the time. Like back in New York, you practically live with me."
"Well if I practically live with you why don't I move in?" He leaned back a bit in shock.
"Are you being serious? You haven't even come out of the closet, yet you're asking to move in." I can tell that us being a secret still bothers him, but he's right, I need to come out and I will.
"Okay before we leave Idris I promise you I'll introduce you to everyone, and then I'll move in."
"Okay I trust you."
"Just a quick question. Does Ragnor Fell let you walk around his house half naked?" I asked just to lighten the mood a bit.
"Actually, I don't know where Ragnor is. I came when I got a fire message from him asking me to come. As soon as I got here his house was ruined and there was a smell of demons around. I'm just staying here for two reasons, one, to have somewhere to stay while I try to find out what happened to him, two, to see you, I love you so obviously I would want to see you." I was in shock. He's speaking so nonchalant about this, but then again he's probably lost so many people in his lifetime, more than I can count.
"I love you too, but Magnus, I'm so sorry."
"Don't feel bad for me, it's nothing. As long as I have you I'm fine." He placed a kiss on the top of my forehead before he started chuckling. "Ha, you really need to check behind you when you go out." He said while still laughing, he pointed behind me. I turned around and saw in a pink robe and slippers, was Luna. "Well you sort this out while I go get a shirt." Still laughing he walked back into the house and I started my way towards the girl. "What are you doing here! I should've known someone came, I smelled the candle smoke in the living room, that was you wasn't it! How much did you see anyway!"
"You run really fast you know, I'm out of breath. As for your questions, yes that was me, I was doing some late night reading with candlelight and I blew it out when I saw you coming. You're marrying my sister so obviously I was going to see what you were doing, but clearly I've run into some complications with that, and for the last part hmmm, just about...everything." By the time she finished she was grinning ear to ear. I wanted to pull my hair out. This is not good at all, the Silverscale family I know doesn't tolerate downworlders and for all I know they can have Magnus killed for being with me.
"Why are you up this late anyway?! Shouldn't you be asleep, what time is it anyway?"
"Hmmm let's see according to the moon's position it's about two am." I see Magnus has returned, he put on a plain white shirt, probably not to surprise Luna by his fashion choices. He gracefully walked over to us and stuck out his hand to Luna. "Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn, and Alec's boyfriend." Magnus put an arm around my shoulders. She shook his hand without any signs of disgust or anything.
"Luna Silverscale, shadowhunter, Julie Silverscale's sister, and Alec's friend. So Alec when you said you're going to introduce him to everyone does that include us because I HAVE to see my parents faces when you tell them you're not marrying Julie because your dating Magnus Bane here." He smile hadn't faded and neither did my confusion.
"Luna, you're awfully nonchalant about this, why? I'm not complaining just confused."
"Alec, I'm not like the others, I see shadowhunters and downworlders as equals, and I have no problem with gays either, they're still people."
"Oh, that's good I guess, so you'll keep this a secret until I'm ready to tell everyone myself."
"Of course, but seriously I have to see their faces when you tell them." She said matter-of-factly.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure he lets you." Magnus cut in. "Now you two should get going its late." We were walking in the opposite direction when Magnus grabbed me by my shirt collar and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a sloppy kiss. I was blushing furiously as there was someone right behind me watching, but I kissed back anyway. "Until next time my love, which will hopefully be soon." I was still red to a point where a tomato would be jealous.
"Goodnight Mags." I caught up to Luna who had an even larger grin plastered on her face. "You saw nothing." I told her firmly.
"Oh sure I didn't, come follow me, I know a way to sneak in." I did as I was told and followed her back.
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