S1E9: A job to be done

An alien ship arrives on the planet of Earth and make its way down to the planet. Soon the ship makes landing in the forest and once it lands on the ship a ramp drop down and two mysterious figures exit out of the ship. The larger alien uses its high tech gear and scan the forest around them.

Once done he turn to the small alien and they spoke to each other in alien language and then the small alien activities its jet pack and flies away while the larger alien looks around and then walk away from his ship while the ship  activities its cloaking mode as the mysterious alien heads off to find the target.


At a shopping mall we see a store where little girls are seen getting toys from a famous anime show "Rebel! Civil Revolution!" We see Y/n looking at the children having fun as a female employee came up to him with a smile.

Female employee: (smile) Thank you so much.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. We're glad we can help. Besides this is perfect for her training. (Turn to Shy) Right Shy!

We then see Shy wearing a costume of one of the characters name Revoeale. She is blushing mad and feeling like she wanted to die due to this embarrassment while the female employee have no idea what he ment by that but shrugged and walked away.

Sometime later we see them at the break room and Shy is feeling embarrassed as she cover her face with both of her hands.

Shy: (blush) Oh god that was embarrassing. I looked ridiculous out there.

Y/n: (smile) Nah you were doing good out there. Your just like the character.

Shrimpy: (appears beside him) You do realise the character is suppose to be overconfident about herself?

Y/n: (smile) Well not everything have to be perfect right?

Shrimpy: Guess that's true.

Shy: (blush) I-I-Is it over at least?

Y/n: Almost. There is that stage performances you needed to do for the kids at the park. We needed to be there in 3 hours so you have a lot of time to take a deep breath.

Shy: (blush) Oh no.

Shrimpy: Don't worry Teru things will be fine. After all heroes may have some embarrassing moments.

Shy: T-True.

Shrimpy: I suppose I'll leave you to it then Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) See you soon Shrimpy.

Then Shrimpy leaves and once gone Y/n came over ans sat next to Shy.

Y/n: You okay?

Shy: It's just hard. Stages makes me terrified. I-I mean I want to do it but.........it feels like I can't.

Y/n: I understand what you mean by that. I never have stage frights but I can understand to many people who do. Having that sucks. Your face with a lot of people and everyone is looking at you, your a star only to feel frightened. It sucks. But hey just because it failed once it won't fail again right?

Shy: Do you do this?

Y/n: Sometimes. Not for important things but when I'm up on stage I just be myself and not worry what others say. Just be you and don't be afraid of anything. Just be yourself and never let all of these doubts and trouble get in your way.

Shy: R-Rught. I will try.

Y/n: (smile) That's the spirit!

He pet Shy on the head which made Shy blush while Y/n just simply smiled while he stare at her.

Shy: Wh-What?

Y/n: (smile) Sorry. I can't help how cute you are wearing that.

Shy face turn blush red and her heart skip a beat fast as steam came out of her eyes while Y/n just smiled, seeing hee getting even more cuter when a door knock and the female employee came in.

Female employee: (smile) How are things? I came here to see if any of you like to have some snacks.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Bring in the snacks please!

He stood up as a cart of snack came in and Y/n pick out some snacks while Shy still sat there with her cheeks blushed and her heart beaten fast.

Then Y/n hands her a bottle of water which she look up at him as he smiled at him which made her blush even more and takes the bottle and takes a drink.

Shy: (thought) My heart feels weird when I'm around him. He's just so nice and so awesome. Is this what a crush feels like? If that is the case.......it feels nice.

(3 hours later)

At the park we see many children sat on the grass and looking at the stage where we see Shy back stage and feeling her stage fright coming when Y/n pets her on the shoulder and came up next to her.

Y/n: Ready?

Shy: (nervous) M-Maybe. I may go out there and-

Y/n: (smile) Never worry about the "What ifs" just focus on the children who wanted their favourite anime character  to be here in real life. I know you can do it.

Shy swallow up all of her fears and take some deep breaths. Once done she enter the stage and Y/n watches as Shy begins the show. At first it goes off a bit rough but she calm herself and does what she does best.

Female employee: (came up to Y/n) She's amazing.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. That's Shy alright.

Y/n step out to get some fresh air and once he did that he stretched his arms and turn to the veiw when he noticed something. Far off behind the children was a red dot.

He stare at it and immediately pulled out his Omnitrix when suddenly rockets was fired and flies towards the children and Shy. Suddenly a large Diamond wall appear behind the children which block the rockets as the rockets blow up.

The children turn with amazement and then were even more amazement when DiamondHead wall up in front of the children as he turn to the children.

DiamondHead: Sorry about that kidos. Please continue with the show while I settle things from here.

Diamondhead turn to the attacker and a large armor alien Bounty hunter came out of the trees and show himself to DiamondHead as he stood there and stare at him.

DiamondHead: You look like a Bounty hunter? If so then who is your target?

The Bounty hunter doesn't say nothing but he sees the Omnitrix on his chest so he fired more rockets which DiamondHead fire Diamond shards and destroy them.

DiamondHead: So it's me your after huh? Well then, bring it on.

He immediately lifted up both his arms and begun to fire lasers at Diamond which he block with his arms while he rushes towards him and then leaps up and goes for a blow but the Bounty hunter use his jetpack to move away as DiamondHead crashes onto the ground.

He looks up and the Bounty hunter fired two ropes that wrapped around DiamondHead and immediately the rope begin to blasted him with electricity as DiamondHead groans in pain.

The Bounty hunter walks towards him while DiamondHead slowly reaches his hand towards the Omnitrix and pressed it. The rope falls to the ground which cost the Bounty hunter to stop and look around.

He scan around trying to find him when suddenly Grey Matter appeared in front of his face and said.

Grey Matter: (smirk) Surprised? Bet you are.


Grey Matter: Huh your one of those silence type villains. That means you must be ser-

He then was shocked with electricity by the Bounty hunters armor as Grey Matter falls to the ground and land hard onto the floor. He shake away from the shock and immediately roll out of the way as a foot nearly landed on him.

Grey Matter got up and leaps over to dodge another foot from the Bounty hunter. He leap up onto his back and climb up to his back and then opens a small panel ams mess around with the wires of his jetpack.

Grey Matter: Nice jet pack. I always wanted one when I was a kid. Too bad I'm gonna ruin yours!

Sparks came out as Grey Matter leaps away as the Bounty hunter was sent flying around as the children can't help but watch including Shy.

Then he let go of his jetpack and land on the ground with his feet and deploy mini explosions that roll towards Grey matter.

Grey matter: Uh oh.

He begins to run away from the mind explosions as it goes off but one blasted him ans sent him flying only for the Bounty hunter to catch him.

He begins to squeeze Grey Matter so he can pass out when suddenly Shy kicks the Bounty hunter away and force him to let go which Shy catches him.

Shy: You okay?

Grey Matter: Yeah I'm good. Nice save.

Children: Look out!

They turn back to the Bounty hunter as Grey Matter changes to Snare-Oh.

Snare-Oh: Let's give these kids the greatest show yet.

Shy: Right!

The Bounty hunter fired rockets which Snare-Oh catches with his bandages and throws it towards the sky which blows up. Shy rushes at him and she dodges the first punch and a second.

She take a deep breath and she let's out a yell while her first burst into flames as she lands a punch at him. His helmet cracks as the Bounty hunter stumble back and looks over to Shy as she stood her ground.

Then the Bounty hunter lifted his wrist rocket at her when bandages wrapped around his arm and soon Snare-Oh wrapped around bandages around him and then he slammed him onto the ground.

The Bounty hunter is defeated as the children cheered with joy still thinking it was all part of the show as Snare-Oh waved to them while Shy nervously waved at them back.

(Hours later)

Night came and we see Y/n in Teru's place and we see him in the kitchen talking to his mother about the Bounty hunter.

Alice: (phone) Well you were lucky that you survived. According to Plumbers records the Bounty hunter you and shy fought is highly dangerous. His name is Six Six.

Y/n: Six Six? That's his name? Sounds stupid.

Alice: (phone) Never judge him because of his name. He's a skilled Bounty hunter. He has tones apon tones of gadgets and weapons that makes even his clients fear him. He's also intelligent and that he can out think his enemies.

Y/n: Well so much for his thinking since he is locked up right?

Alice: (phone) No there is more. According to records he has a sister name Nine Nine. She's......mysterious. According for what I can gather she is an assassin and learns how to blend in and take out her targets without anyone even knowing she was there. Six Six and Nine Nine are usually always together but this time....it was just Six Six.

Y/n: So you think Nine Nine is still out there?

Alice: (phone) Perhaps. We'll interrogate her brother to find intel but get some rest.

Y/n: Well that female employee got us a full DVD set of that anime we did and we're gonna watch it.

Alice: (smile) That sounds fun. We'll see you soon.

Y/n: (smile) Take care.

He hung up and make some popcorn and once done he enters the living room and said.

Y/n: (smile) So ready to watch the full series of-

Teru: (tears) NO PLEASE LIVE!

He then sees Teru already watching it and she is watching a sad scene and she is crying. Y/n just simply smiled and sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her for a nice hug.

Y/n: (smile) Never cry Teru. Because a true hero will not stay dead! Not for a second!

Teru agree and wipe the tears away and the two watch the show together while outside on the roof we see a figure looking at the house and then the figure flies away and disappeared within the darkness.

To be continued......................................................

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