Chapter 2: Ninja and Samurai
We see the entire ocean of red blood liquid with the sky red and giving off a dark and nightmare appearance. This world is known as The Sanzu River. It is within the Neatherworld in an a different dimension where the forces of Gedoshu is banished to many years ago.
Then we see a ship which is the flag ship of the Gedoshu as we cut to inside the ship where we see Shitarti enter the throne room where his master sits. He make his way over while waking by a female monster that watches him walk by and turning away.
At the far end of the ship is at first darkness but within the darkness are eyes belonging to Dokoku who sat at his throne within the darkness as Shitari approaches him and kneel down in front of him.
Shitari: My lord I have return and I have brought good and bad news.
Dokoku: What is the good news and it better be good?
Shitari: I investigate the human world and although they have advanced over the years, it seems they have nothing to protect themselves from our return.
Dokoku: Good and the bad news?
Shitari: Unfortunately the Shinkengers......they still live.
There was silence for a moment and then the whole ship begins to violently shake costing everything to fall as Dokoku is in rage by this news that the Shinkengers are still alive.
He gets up while the ship is still shaking as he growls in anger and yells at the top of his voice.
He quickly grabbed Shitari by the head and lifted him off of his feet and tells him.
Dokoku: I want you to sent one of the Ayakashi to the surface and kill the Shinkengers for good!
Shitari: I-It will be done my lord!
Dokoku: You better. In order for us to return we must destroy our enemies.....including the Shinkengers.
We see the Shinkengers base where we see Hibari looking at a display of a Samurai armor along with other Samurai based weapons all around the base. She is amazed by all of this while Katsuragi is seen as the background and looking at a Samurai helmet which she puts it on.
She shows it to Hibari and they have some laughs while Yagyyu stood near a door and shake her head all awhile we see Y/n and his team talking to Asuka and Ikaruga as Y/n gives the two the full history of the Gedoshu and the Shinkenger clan.
Ikaruga: Interesting. So you five have been training for years just to be ready if the Gedoshu would to return.
Asuka: Must be a long time.
Hinata: Yeah but hey, it keeps us busy by training a lot.
Akira: And other normal things. Well besides Y/n who likes collecting ancient Samurai relics.
Y/n: There's nothing wrong with that. It tells a story of Samurai warriors of the past and the battles they fought with.
Akira: I question where you get the money to get them?
Y/n: Most of them are gifts from my mother.
Mako: (smile) Cute.
Ikaruga: We never encounter any Samurai in our lives.
Mako: We keep things secret.
Asuka: Make sense. So how power are these monsters?
Y/n: Well as what you experience at the docks....they are very powerful. Only the powers of the ancient Samurai written as well as weapons forged by previous Samurais is use to defeat the forces of Dokoku and his army.
Katsuragi: (enter the room) My guess being he's the big bad leader?
Y/n: Correct. He is a powerful being and wishes to take over Tokyo and the world. He wants a wolf filled with Gedoshu but they were banished from this world.
Hinata: And now they are back, we have to use all that training we learn and hold them. If we fail the whole world is doomed.
Hibari: (enter the room) Sounds terrible.
Yagyuu: (also enter the room) So why we want to make an alliance?
Asuka: Yeah especially after finding out your a Samurai!
Y/n: I apologise for the secret but the reason why is because I wish to make things clear that we are not the enemies here. We know you have other ninja friends that doesn't know about this and I want you to spread the word. Also with our team up....maybe there is a chance.
Ikaruga: Well as long you five are fighting for good I suppose we can work together.
Katsuragi: (smirk) At least we can get to know more.
Mako: What does she by that?
Ikaruga: Best not to ask.
Hibari: So now what, are we just going to wait for them to come back or what?
Akira: Maybe but that's going to be a long time when they come back.
Suddenly their Shodo phones goes off and they pulled out to see there is a Gedoshu attacking the city.
Akira: Well I jinxed that one.
Y/n: Come, let us stop this threat together.
Asuka: (smile) Right. This is going to be great!
(Sometime later)
The Shinkengers and Hanzo team arrived at the threeway where they see an army of Nanashi attacking cars and people as they ran away. Once all civilians were gone they watch as a different monster came out of the crowd of Nanashi.
Katsuragi: Ew what the hell is that thing?
Y/n: That's an Ayakashi. They are ancient spirits within nightmarish forms that serve Gedoshu.
Kagekamuro: You can call me Kagekamuro and I'm surprised to see you have allies. Well unfortunately they will die along side you.
Y/n: We'll see about that. Shinkengers
They pulled out their Shodo phones while suddenly a long white sheet with the symbol of the Shinkenger appeared in front of the Hanzo team which surprised them as they turn their Shodo phones into pens.
Shinkengers: Ippitu Soujou!
They then draw out their own symbols and once down they flip it over and there was a flash as they transform into Shinkengers as they one by one pulled out their swords while doing their roll call.
Shinken red: Shinken Red!
Shinken Blue: Shinken Blue!
Shinken Pink: Shinken Pink !
Shinken Green: Shinken Green!
Shinken Yellow: Shinken Yellow!
Shinken Red: The Samurai sentai authorised by providence!
Shinkengers: Shinkengers! Going forth!
Katsuragi: (smirk) Damn it's so badass for Y/n to be this cool.
Hibari: (surprised) Amazing!
Ikaruga: Let's focus everyone!
Kagoshima: Time to die. Attack!
The Nanashi charges towards them which they charge foward as the Shinkengers goes first and duals them. They quickly slash and cut down the Nanashi while the Hanzo Team leaps over and towards Kagoshima.
Kagoshima: What are you going to do? Your weapons is no match against me?
Asuka: Maybe but what about this!
Asuka and the others throws smoke bombs that covers him with smoke. Kagoshima tried his best to swing at them within the smoke. He sees one and he impaled his blade but when he pulled it back he sees it was just a wooden dummy.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Hey we're shinobis. We are trained to do this.
Kagoshima throws away the wooden dummy and turn to the Hanzo team as Kagoshima charges towards them but they move around quickly, dodging his swings and blows.
While that is happening we see the Shinkengers fighting off the Nanashi as Shinken Blue leaps onto a build board and said to the Nanashi looking up at him.
Shinken Blue: Alright Nanashi time to wash away!
He pulled out his blue dish frok hid belt and insert it at the hilt of his sword and spin it which summons a bow. He leaps off the build board and while falling he fired his bow and a wave of water wash away the Nanashi. He land onto his feet and another jumped at him and tackle him to the ground only for Shinken Green to slashes it away with his spear and helps Shinken Blue up.
Shinken Blue: Thanks
Shinken Green: No problem bro.
He turn to see more so he stabbed his spear and wooden branches came out of the ground and grab all the Nanashi and destroy them.
We cut to Shinken Yellow as she tosses Slicers and cutting down the Nanashi while Shinken Pink blows the Nanashi away. A group of them charges towards her but all were immediately slashes with a fire like slash by Shinken Red.
Shinken Pink: Thank you Y/n~!
Shinken Red nodes and turn to see team Hanzo distraction Kagoshima so he turn to his team.
Shinken Red: Ready your shishi disk.
They node and pulled out their disk and place it on top of his large sword and he kneel down and holding it like a cannon as the Shinkengers kneel down as Shinken Red takes aim.
Shinken Red: Hanzo team move!
They see this and they did and immediately after that Shinken Red fired and it shot Kagoshima through him and then he immediately blows up. The hanzo team land on their feet while the Shinkengers stood up.
Katsuragi: Is that it? Is it over?
Shinken Red: No. Not yet.
Suddenly there was a shake and suddenly Kagoshima became big, bigger then a tower as the hanzo team step back.
Ikaruga: How can we defeat that thing?
Shinken Red: With these.
They pulled out strange items with symbols on them as they place them down to the ground and draw a symbol with their shodo phones.
Shinkengers: Origami, Gaint form!
Once completed the five items grew as well and they transform into five animals. A lion, dragon, monkey, bear and turtle.
Each Shinkengers enter their animal mechas and begun to attack Kagoshima while the hanzo team get up high and watch the battle going on.
Hibari: (surprised) This is amazing!
Yagyuu: (surprised) I didn't know they can do that.
Ikaruga: (surprised) Such amazing abilities. I'm sorta jealous.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Heck yeah I want to pilot one of those things!
Asuka: (surprised) Amazing.
The Shinkengers continue their assault on Kagoshima as he try to swing at them but no use as he gets attacked and be sent flying back.
Shinken Red: Samurai combine!
Shinken Red draws a combine symbol and then all five animal mechas combine into a robot Samurai with a long sword as he pulls out as Kagoshima gets up and sees it.
Shinkengers: Shinken-Oh, unified as one!
This made the hanzo team more amazed to see the combine. Kagoshima charges towards Shinken-Oh while Shinken-Oh stand still until Kagoshima was about to strike and they blocked it. Shinken-Oh then pushes Kagoshima back and then the two begin to dual.
Kagoshima and Shinken-Oh dualed with Shinken-Oh land a few slashes at Kagoshima and then charges foward and lands a powerful slash. He stood behind Kagoshima.
Then Shinken-Oh turns back around and lands the final slash at Kagoshima downward and once landing the last strike he was split in half and then blown up.
Shinken-Oh disarm his sword as the sword slides back to its side and stood as the hanzo team are amazed.
Katsuragi: Hey Y/n~! I'll do whatever you like me to do if you let me pilot that thing~!
Ikaruga: Don't be rude Katsuragi.
Katsuragi: What? You wanna give it try right?
Ikaruga blushes in embessment while Hibari let out a giggle while Yagyyu and Asuka smiled.
Asuka turns to Shinken-Oh and sees this threat maybe difficult for them to handle but as long the Shinkengers are on the side of good. Tokyo and the world will be protected.
To be continued..................................................
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