Part 9
The boys don't bring the panic attack up to Louis and they act like nothing happened, for Louis sake. They let him know that they have scheduled an appointment with Kimberly in two days and Drew is happy to pick him up from school and take him. Louis doesn't respond much, just agrees.
When it's time to go home, Andy, Edward and Drew drive Louis, he says good buy to Scott and Harry and Louis tries not feel, tries not to think about how much he's going to miss them and that he doesn't want to leave.
Louis tries to control his breathing as they get closer to the house, tries to hold himself together in front of the boys, they notice Louis acting distressed and keep an eye on him.
His dad is waiting In the kitchen for him and Louis first instinct is to run, he suppresses it though, he goes along with his dads act, as he pretends to have missed Louis, hugs him, hugs the boys, smiles. Louis has to stop himself throwing up.
The boys buy it all and they all chat in the kitchen, they just have no idea.
"So dad Louis needs these antibiotics twice a day for another week, just to make sure his infection clears up completely" Drew says
The boys finish their coffee and get up to leave
"Of course, no problem, I'll look after him" Troy says
The boys nod and smile
"We've booked him another appointment with Kimberly for Tuesday, I'll pick him up from school and take him" Drew says
"Are you sure? Thanks D, that would be great" Troy says
"Yeah, of course no problem" Drew says
The boys are grateful Troy seems to be a little more open to Louis seeing Kimberly
"Thanks, I just want Louis to get the help he needs, I don't think I could go through what happened again" Troy says and Louis has to hold back his tears and anger
"We know dad, it's okay, we're always here for you and Louis" Andy says
Troy nods in thanks and the boys go to leave. They kiss and hug Louis goodbye, promising to see him soon. Louis doesn't miss the way his dad evilly eyes him, the way he smirks at Louis when he makes eye contact. Louis is scared.
As the boys leave, Louis watches them leave the kitchen, leave the house, leave the driveway and leave him all alone with his dad. Louis gut churns with anxiety, he's so scared
Just as Louis suspected his dad turns as soon as the boys are gone. Louis gets pushed against the kitchen wall, hitting his shoulder and the side of his head hard. Troy grabs Louis shoulder and twists it harshly. Troy has dislocated Louis shoulder many times so it pops out of the socket easily, the pain is always the same though, nearly unbearable.
"You're a worthless piece of shit Louis, the fact your brothers care about you is laughable. I will see to it they never want to be around you again" Troy says as he grips Louis harder and pushes him into the wall. Louis screams out in pain
"Shut it you little shit, if you think you're going to take this medicine everyday, you've got another thing coming. I'm pouring them down the toilet. You don't deserve them" Troy spits
"I've got a weeks worth of frustrations to take out on you Louis, and you're going to wish you had died in that emergency, like I fucking hoped you would" Troy spits
Louis tears just fall down his face, he's used to the words, used to the pain, he knows it all to well but he can't find the strength to be okay with it all.
Troy gives Louis a few bruises like normal and when he finally leaves Louis alone, he's broken.
Louis scrambles to his room and locks his door. His dad won't come into his room for the rest of the night, he knows that. Louis heads to the shower and his pain is so bad, his shoulder so sore he has trouble undressing. He just breaks on the shower alone. As much as he thought he could handle coming home, he just can't. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do and he actually wishes he had died in the emergency room, then at least the pain would all be gone .
Louis manages to dress himself and crawl into bed, his shoulder usually fixes itself and he can normally painfully put it back in its socket himself. This time though, it's not working and it's to much agonising pain for Louis to keep trying. He ends up falling asleep in a severe amount of pain.
Louis spends the next day in bed, his dad thankfully doesn't bother him and Louis hears him leave in the morning and he doesn't come back until late. Louis keeps his door locked and can hardly move he's so sore.
The boys put together a group chat and add Louis to it, Harry and Scott are also in the chat, Louis doesn't contribute much to the conversation, he manages an emoji or two but that's it. He hurts and doesn't want to think, he flits in and out of sleep all day.
The boys find it strange that Louis isn't contributing to the chat much, but they figure he's busy with friends or studying for school. They have no idea he's breaking, alone at home thinking no one cares about him or loves him.
The next day Louis has to get up for school, it's Monday and he's already missed a whole week. He wonders what rumours are going around the school. Hopefully people just think he was sick. Louis isn't unpopular at school but he isn't popular either, he's the new kid and has an era of mystery surrounding him. The kids don't know his past or anything and he's thankful, he doesn't really like school, but he has decent grades and gets by.
Half way through his school day Louis really can't take the pain in his shoulder anymore, he figures he might skip. He's done it before and no one noticed or cared. He manages to slip out during lunch break and decides to walk to the supermarket near his house, he's got 5 pounds on him and wants to get some bruise cream to hopefully reduce the swelling so he can pop his shoulder back into place.
He makes it into the store and no one even gives him a second glance which he's relieved about, the last thing he needs is someone seeing him and telling his dad he skipped. Louis walks down the first aid isle and stands in front of the creams. There's a few of them that claim to reduce swelling and bruising, he picks one up and reads the back, he's about to leave when he hears his name being called
"Lou?" Harry says confused
Louis looks up and sees Harry and Scott staring back at him smiling
"Ummm hi" Louis says shyly
"What are you doing here?" Scott asks
All three of their eyes go to the cream Louis is holding
"Oh ummm nothing just um nothing" Louis says as he puts the cream back
"Are your bruises still bothering you Lou?" Harry asks concerned
"Um no, no they aren't I just, I..." Louis says trying not to panic
Scott and Harry turn concerned, they really take in Louis and he looks panicked and sick, agitated even. They want to keep Louis talking to them and not scare him off so they can understand what's going on, they don't want him to have another panic attack so they try to change the subject
"It's okay, we all skipped school at some stage" Scott says and Louis instantly relaxes
"Yeah" Louis says as he looks down
"We won't tell the boys" Harry says
"Oh they wouldn't care" Louis says
Harry and Scott are a little confused that Louis doesn't think the boys would care, of course they would care, Louis means the world to those boys, he obviously doesn't realise how much
"Is your shoulder okay?" Scott then asks as he scrunches his face in concern
Both Harry and Scott noticed Louis not moving his left arm much.
"Oh, umm, I hurt it during football at lunch, it's okay, I just got shoulder barged" Louis says
"Do you mind if we look at it?" Harry asks work mode taking over as he steps gently forward. Louis instantly stands back
"I'm fine, honestly it's fine, I've got to go" Louis says and the boys deflate, they shouldn't have pushed
"Okay, sure, would you like a lift home?" Scott tries, but Louis is already moving away
"No, it's fine, thank you, I'll see you later" Louis says and he's out of the store
Harry and Scott sigh and look towards each other
"Somethings wrong, his shoulder looked sore, he was in a lot of pain, he was trying to hide it" Harry says to Scott
"Yeah, he's completely withdrawn and is a complete shell of himself, compared to when he was staying with us" Scott says
"Maybe it's school" Harry suggests
"Maybe, I think we need to tell the boys and maybe they can mention it to Kimberly tomorrow" Scott says
Harry agrees and they get to finishing their shopping, just hoping Louis is okay.
Louis races out of the store trying not to panic. How is he supposed to hide the things his dad does to him. He's too obvious, he needs to find a way or he needs to cut out the boys from his life. He doesn't know how that will work but he needs to back off, if they find out his secret he's dead, his dad will literally kill him, he's said so many times.
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