S1E8: The hunt for Big the Bigfoot
911 operator: (phone) 911 what is your emergency?
Teenage boy: (phone) Sent someone here right now! There is something in the forest!
911 operation: (phone) Slow down sir what is in the forest?
Teenage boy: (phone) BIG FOOD! There is a god damn Big foot in the forest with me and that thing just killed all my friends! I need someone here now! (A snap from the background) OH GOD THERE IT IS! AAAAAAHHHH! AAAAHHH!
911 Operator: (phone) Sir do you hear me? Sir?.......Sir?
(Next day)
It was morning at the massive forest of Northern Caliorina and deep within the forest we see Sam slowly walking through the forest with sniper rifle in hand.
He slowly move through the forest and looking around as he soon cone across a cell phone on the floor. He kneel down and pick it up and after seeing it to be broken he drops it to the ground and continues walking.
Y/n: (radio) EAGLE this is BOSS, are you at the look out point?
Sam: Not yet but almost. I'm approaching the camp site.
Y/n: (radio) What do you see?
He push away the bushes and come across the camp site. It looks destroyed and there was some blood within one of the tents ad he look around and said.
Sam: Seems like a surprise attack. Those kids didn't know what hit them.
Y/n: (radio) Continue until you get to the look out point.
Sam: Copy that BOSS.
He keeps moving and soon arriving at the location which was a tallest tree that has a good veiw to a mountain where SCP-1000 should be at.
He climbs up the tree and finds a good spot as he sat down and once that he radios Y/n.
Sam: I'm in position. Waiting on you BOSS.
Y/n: (radio) Copy that. Popping flare.
Seconds later a flare was shot out on a open field near the mountain and seconds later a SCP foundation Helicopter arrive at the pont.
We cut to Y/n, Daniel, Jack, Zack and William around a circle where the Helicopter is landing and once landed the doors open and Triana, Hooper and Cory exit out of the Helicopter while wearing their mobile task force gear. Y/n approaches Triana and ask her.
Y/n: Your the leader of your team?
Triana: Yes sir.
Y/n: Good. 1000 should be on that mountain near us. Victor will be our eyes in the sky. SKYFIRE do you Copy, what is the situation?
Victor: (radio) I see some tracks that is leading up to a cave.
Y/n: Roger that. Alright everyone were gonna go up those mountains and contain SCP-1000. Any questions.
Cory: Yeah I have one. Who is Roger?
Triana and Hooper just sigh while Y/n ignores that question and calls out.
Y/n: Let's move out people.
And so they start climbing up the mountain. They have theie guard up in case of a ambush as they slowly move through the forest and climb up the mountain. Soon they arrive at the cave as Y/n pulls out a flare stick, lights it and tosses it inside the cave to light the cave just a bit.
Hooper: This must be it.
Daniel: Disbite how big it is it may have hiding spots for an ambush.
Y/n: Then we take two people go in. Me and Cory will go in while the rest of us stay here and cover our exit. If we don't come out in 5 minutes, call for back up.
Triana: Yes sir.
Y/n: Alright Cory, ready?
Cory: Yep. Just hoping I won't be the easy guy to be killed.
Y/n: You won't.
Y/n swap out his assault rifle to his shotgun and the two enter the cave while the rest guard the caves entrance. Cory and Y/n move through the cave as Y/n drop down some glow sticks onto the ground so they won't get lost.
Cory: So....how are things?
Y/n: Good. What about you?
Cory: Oh you know just some tough training and almost gotten kicked out due to me eating up the cafeterias food supplies.
Y/n: I see.
Cory: So.....when do I get the cool armor like you and the rest of your team?
Y/n: You don't.
Then he immediately stop and made Cory stop as he points over to a large light around the corner which they slowly approach it. Y/n lend his back against the wall with Cory behind him as Y/n then roll out of the corner and aim his shotgun but sees nothing.
He gets up and enters as Cory joins in and there was nothing but a campfire that is still on and signs that SCP-1000 is still here.
Cory: Where do you think it is?
Y/n: Probably gone deeper to the cave. We need to-
Suddenly they hear a growl which they have their guard up and begin to look around. Y/n slowly move around while looking around until he felt something behind him.
Cory froze in place when he sees SCP-1000 behind Y/n and Y/n knows that. He grip his shotgun and immediately spin around and take his shot. But 1000 grabs the barrel of his shotgun and the shot fired onto the wall.
SCP-1000 roared and kicked Y/n across the cave and he slammed onto the wall. SCP-1000 rush at him but he rolled out of the way and quickly draws out his pistol and fire some shots.
The bullets hits SCP-1000 but he doesn't go down but makes him more mad as he then picked up a massive log and throws it at him.
He quickly dodges it as the log crash and break apart as Y/n looks over and SCP-1000 charges towards him but he rolled underneath him and then he rushed over and leaps onto his back.
SCP-1000 moves around trying to get Y/n off but he hold on and dodges his grabs as he then pulled out a shock collar and goes to place it on him.
However SCP-1000 then begins to slam his back onto the wall and crashing Y/n and then he grabs him and tosses him across the cave. He slammed onto the wall and Cory rush over to Y/n while SCP-1000 escapes.
Cory: You okay?
Y/n: (gets up) I'm fine. Come on, let's go.
Cory nodes and the two chase after SCP-1000.
We cut to the rest standing outside of the cave just relaxing and waiting. After a while od waiting Sam radios them.
Sam: (radio) This is EAGLE to BOMBER we got a situation.
Daniel: What is it?
Sam: (radio) I'm seeing some movement approaching to your location.
Daniel: Could be campers.
Sam: (radio) Negative. I spotted some armor gear and weapons. Did Triana sent I back up?
Triana: No I didn't.
Daniel:......Then looks like we have company. Defence walls up!
Daniel, Zack and William place down metal plates that once slammed onto the ground form into a defensive wall blocking the cave.
Zack place down his heavy machine gun and William quickly place down mines.
Triana: How many we are dealing with?
Sam: (radio) If I take a guess....possibly 30.
Triana: That's too many! We need to pull back!
Daniel: Sorry but we don't fall back. We stay and fight. Besides BOSS and Cory are in there, we can't abandon them.
Triana: True. Fine let's find cover and-
Suddenly Triana gets shot and fell onto the ground. Hooper quickly pulled out his weapon but gets shot and suddenly they get under attack as shots begin to fire.
Take force Phantom return fire as they at first shoot blindly into the forest but we cut to Sam switching to thermal mode. He begins to fire at them.
Sam: (radio) You got incoming troops at 11 o'clock!
A few soldiers climb up a hill on their left and begin to open fire at them but Jack takes them out with his rifle. They continue to shoot at them as they defend the cave.
Y/n and Cory move through the cave and soon turn a corner and sees SCP-1000. Y/n takes aim but then Cory tells hi .
Cory: Wait. Look.
He looks down and sees what seems to be SCP-1000s baby. He lower his weapon while SCP-1000 turn to them.
???: Don't hurt small.
Cory: (surprised) Wow he can talk!?
Y/n: Seems like it.
???: You here to hurt us?
Cory: No we just want to take you two back to the facility so you won't hurt others.
???: No. Bad place. Not safe for small.
Y/n: Is that the baby's name? What about you?
Big: Big.
Y/n: Well sorry but we need to take you back to the foundation so you won't harm others.
Big: No! They hurt my family.
Cory: Why would you think that?
Big: They abuse me....what's to say they abuse my son.
Cory: Um....right.....just give us a moment.
The two turn and Cory ask Y/n.
Cory: What is your thoughts about this?
Y/n: We have to contain him. EAGLE told me about the camp site and how it was destroyed. We can't have that happen again.
Cory: Yeah but would it be gone to put a child in a cell separated from its father?
Y/n turns to Bigs child as he thinks about it for a moment. He then tells Cory.
Y/n: I know this is wrong but what else can we do? If we let him go then he'll harm others.
Cory: I think I have an idea but you have to trust me.
Y/n: Fine. Just as long something bad happens we'll be-
Suddenly they hear echos of gun fire as they hear this. Y/n radios to radios Daniel but there was static.
Y/n: Crap! They jammed our coms.
Cory: Who?
Y/n: No clue but probably not good.
Cory: What now?
Y/n thinks about it and then he turn to Big and walks over to him. Big gets in front of his son as Y/n looks at Big and then he tells him.
Y/n: Okay Big, here is a deal.
To be continued.......................................................
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