0 1 8 " About risky plans and very short dresses "
I didn't know what'd woken me up in the morning until I saw Damon walk into the room. I sighed deeply.
"Group meeting, now," He demanded, a content grin spread over his face.
I just stared at him for as long as it took for my mind to fully wake up. "Where's Stefan?"
"How am I supposed to know? He's not my roommate,"
"Well, I was asleep," I defended myself. "And what are you even doing here? It's like six. Don't you have a life? Friends?"
He just gave me a strange look. "It's eleven o'clock. When did you go to bed?"
"I don't know," I admitted, sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"This is not who I want to see when I get home." Stefan appeared in the doorway.
"Where were you?" I asked and I hated the accusing tone my voice had.
He smiled. "I went to buy you breakfast." He held up a brown paper bag. "As I said, I haven't been grocery shopping in some time,"
"Well, Damon can talk while I eat. Does anybody want anything?"
"It's all for you," Stefan said and dropped the bag on the coffee table.
"Careful!" I warned and took the greasy bag off the precious grimoires. I opened it and peeked inside. There was a croissant, jam, a cup of coffee, pancakes and some fruits. I picked out a cherry and bit inside it. Some of the dark red juice ran down my chin. Stef and Damon stared at me strangely and I looked at the two men irritatedly.
"So why are you here?" Stefan asked with a cough.
"Lexi's throwing a party," He said as if that explained everything.
"She's in town?" Stefan looked surprised. "That's great, but how does it affect us?"
"She wouldn't be throwing a party if she wasn't," He replied sarcastically. "And that's the thing: it's one of her exclusive parties. Only vampires. Of course, half of New York will be there, which means Perse can go,"
"If it's exclusive, why will half of New York be there? Who is Lexi?" I asked, confusion written all over my face.
"Lexi is my oldest friend and a popular vampire around here. She's famous for her vampire parties. Humans will be there as well because each vampire will bring their personal blood bank," Stefan explained.
I hummed as a sign that I understood.
"And it will affect us," Damon spoke. "Because our little vampire clan will be there as well,"
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Connections," He smirked.
"And you have a flawless plan that will have us end up in jail, or worse: dead?"
"There is, of course, always a certain risk," He admitted.
"So what's your evil-mastermind-plan?"
"I'm the good guy," He smirked. "At least this time,"
"Sure," Stefan scoffed.
"So the plan is....?"
"They are most likely all going, so-"
"Hold on," I cut him off. "That 'most likely' could cost me my blood,"
"I'm almost certain." He glared at me. "They will be leaving their house unattanded and I'd like to check it out,"
"But if neither of us are there, they will notice,"
"Exactly!" Damon looked like an adult whose child had finally understood the concept of plus and minus. "Which means you have to attend. All of us will show at the beginning, Perse and I will leave,"
"You don't think I'm letting her leave with you, do you?" Stefan huffed.
"I appreciate the protective brother attitude, I really do," I said. "But, it's safer for me to be away from there. You know that, too,"
Stefan sighed in defeat but when his gaze wandered to his brother, his eyes were emitting sparks. "If you lay a finger on her," He spoke slowly. "Or let anyone hurt her, I will hurt you, understood?"
"Understood," Damon nodded in mock obeyance.
I put up my hand like we were in middle school. Damon rolled his eyes. "Yes?"
"Question: what type of party is it? Like, is it fancy-fancy or is it that type of party where people get pregnant?"
"Why does it matter?" Damon asked and his eyebrows knitted together in irritation.
"I don't know what to wear." I smirked mischeviously.
/ / / / /
The thought of spending a while in the same room as all of New York's vampires motivated me to pick up my training again. I think Stefan compelled someone, because he had access to the attic which was completely open -as in it had windows all over. It was basically his personal gym and I used the opportunity.
I knew throwing punches wouldn't help me much but the deeper I could thrust stakes into their hearts, the better.
I had three days to get in shape and I used them well. I went jogging as well, but only in the morning and only for half an hour. Then I went up into the gym and trained with short breaks in between, until lunch when I had something protein-rich. I read a bit in the grimoires and then usually dozed off. After I woke up I usually had something sugary and got back to work.
On the day before the party (which I also intended to use athletically, by the way) I woke up later than the days before. I felt groggy but pushed myself up, had an apple, and went on my morning jog.
The cold air helped me clear my head and I returned feeling much better. Only until I saw who was standing in the kitchen, though. I didn't want it to be awkward- which it totally was- so I tried to tiptoe into my room.
"Goodmorning, Perse!" A cheerful voice greeted me out of the kitchen. I grimaced.
"Go home," I groaned and continued to go to my room.
"I made waffles and scrambled eggs,"
I stopped in my tracks. "On second thought...."
He chuckled. I peeked over his shoulder into the frying pan and I could feel my mouth water at the sight of the golden waffles.
"Never knew you could cook," I commented.
"A few decades of experience," He smirked.
"The eggs are ready, yes?" I asked but I was already taking out a plate and putting some of the eggs on it.
"That doesn't seem to matter to you. Were you running?"
"Jogging," I corrected. "I would've thought that Stefan told you all about me trying to shape up,"
"You don't need shaping up." He furrowed his eyebrows. Once again he made me feel like I was a stupid kid.
"Idiot," I muttered and took a forkful of scrambled eggs.
"What did you just call me?!"
"Nothing," I said innocently.
"That's it! No waffles for you,"
"What?!" I cried. "You can't do that!"
"Watch me!"
I jumped up and threatened him with my fork. "I got vervain and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"Oh no," He said sarcastically. "My only friend is turning into a vampire hunter! What am I gonna do?!"
"Run?" I suggested with a devious smirk.
"You forget," He said and used his vamp-speed to stand in front of me in the blink of an eye. "That I'm the predator. You're the prey,"
"Oh, you big bad leech," I pouted and seductively let my hand run down his right arm. He looked at it confusedly until he felt the, no doubt painful, feeling that my bracelet left.
"Not fair," He hissed while rubbing the vervained part of his skin.
"Since when do you play fair, Mr Salvatore?" I stole a waffle and took a bite, raising my left eyebrow.
/ / / / /
Damon had left when I returned to have lunch. I heard the sound of the tv and peeked inside Stefan's room. He was sprawled across his bed, eyes closed.
"Are you asleep?" I whispered.
"Nope." His eyes opened and he got up from the bed quickly. "Do you want me to make you lunch?"
"There's still some left overs from last night. I think I'll have those,"
"You sure?"
"Yes, Stefan," I playfully rolled my eyes and grinned. "I'm sure,"
"Did you make yourself breakfast, by the way?"
"No. Damon was here,"
"I really need to find a way to stop him from breaking in all the time. Maybe, if I gave this apartment to you, you could just not invite him in...."
"That's also not a myth?" I asked surprisedly.
"So much to learn," He sighed dramatically.
"There's no way I'll let you give me an apartment," I returned to the topic.
"You're about the only human I trust,"
"I'm flattered," I replied with a roll of my eyes. "But no,"
"Your choice," He shrugged.
"Indeed," I agreed.
/ / / / /
I returned to my training together with Stefan's stereo. To the rythm of The Clash's songs I once again continued ruining my knuckles by throwing punches at the sand filled punching bag hanging off the ceiling.
Sweat was running down my forehead when I pulled off my boxing gloves, grabbed my water bottle and took a large gulp. I calmed my breathing by sitting on the floor, leaning against the ceiling. When my pulse had regulated I pushed myself back up (if this wasn't self-control, I didn't know what was). It was getting dark and through the windows you could slowly see the lights of the city that never sleeps appear.
I gave myself another hour, then I'd finish it for today.
I was deep in my training when I heard a faint 'swish'. I looked up. In a reflexive action, I did a three-sixty turn.
"Fuck!" I cursed and let my hand run through my hair. Damon chuckled. "Fucking idiot,"
"I see you're training," He smirked. "Show me what you got,"
"Get out," I let go of the punching bag he was holding with both of his hands like a boxing coach and gestured to the door.
"Afraid I'll be disappointed? Don't worry. A girl like you could never disappoint me." He eyed me up and down, his eyes filled with mischeviousness.
I took a moment to contemplate my options before I stepped back to the punching bag.
"You're an annoying prick," I clarified.
"So you've said," He said calmly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Just wanted to make that clear again," I said before getting into my defensive-pose. I raised my gloved fists up to about the height of my nasal bone before taking a swing. I put all the emotions I felt into that punch and Damon, who had been leaning casually against the punching bag, had to take a step back so he wouldn't lose balance. A step back might sound insignificant, but I can assure you that, in my eyes, that was a great achievement.
I hadn't expected the bag to move at all so I stumbled into Damon who galantly placed his hands on my waist to steady me.
"I'm getting a strong feeling of deja-vu here," He smirked.
/ / / / /
"You're going to a party?" Talia echoed.
"My cousins wanted to cancel, but I couldn't let them do that because of me," I explained and tried to make my face as solem as possible. I only had this afternoon to get myself a dress since I didn't get the privilege to have a Salvatore shopping with me. Somehow sad.
"And now you have nothing to wear," My very own fairy-godmother concluded.
"I just got this dress from a shooting that I think will look great on you,"
"Just a quick info," I said quickly. "The party is kind of posh and pretty exclusive,"
"Wow, your cousins must be filthy rich if they get invited to these type of things,"
"It's one of their girlfriends, she's got the connections. New money, you know,"
She mumbled something while sticking her head into her closet in an attempt to find her dress. She sighed and opened the door of her other wardrobe. "Can't find it,"
"You have too many clothes," I laughed.
"True," She said. "But I supply the two of you, so I have a right to,"
"True as well," I grinned.
"I do have a really nice navy blue romper. Together with nice large earrings, a pretty necklace...."
"Sold!" I cut her off. "Give it to me, shawty,"
"You dirty little thing." She shook her head while going back to rummaging through her wardrobe. When she finally found the said piece of cloth, she threw it at me. When it fell to the ground I glared at her and picked it up. But she was already going through her jewelery. She took a few necklaces and earrings but they were all gold. I didn't wear gold, never have, never will.
"Tal, you know...."
"Yes, yes!" She cut me off. "But it goes so well with the dress!"
"Silver would go well with it too! And it would be a bit more modest," I argued.
"Well, do you have any jewelery?!"
"As a matter of fact, yes." That it was only one small necklace, I didn't have to tell her.
"Then use that," She snapped playfully.
"'Then use that'," I mocked her and pulled the romper closer to my chest. "Thanks, Tally. Really. I appreciate your help,"
"You have a great way of showing it, too," She said sarcastically.
I had lunch with my two roommates before I went back to Stefan's apartment. I was surprised to see that Damon wasn't lingering on his brother's couch but I didn't feel the need to question it and risk him coming over. Our confrontations always ended either heated or ice cold.
"We're leaving at eight," Stefan informed me and hopped down from the counter gracefully.
"Enough time for a nap!" I said happily.
"Don't women take hours to get ready?" He asked.
"It's gender equality, mind you!"
"Go get dressed, hun," He smiled.
"Don't start," I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes as I walked out. I could feel something fly past my ear and I glanced back only to see a kitchen towel laying on the floor. "You weren't trying, were you?"
"Wouldn't wanna hurt our precious bloodbank," He grinned.
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