Part 14

Louis ends up sleeping on the couch, he's sore and doesn't want to move. The couch is extremely comfortable, like a bed so the boys are okay with it.

The next morning Noah, Drew, Edward and Dan enter the apartment, they have all agreed to work from Scott and Harry's for the next few days so they can look after Louis

When they enter and greet each other they head to the kitchen for coffee, Louis still completely zonked out on the couch, the boys really didn't realise how small, innocent and young Louis actually is until they see him sleeping. The poor kid looks tired and so small.

"How is he?" Drew asks when they make it to the kitchen

"He's, okay, he's sore and exhausted" Scott says

"I'm glad he came back here with you" Noah says

"Well we didn't give him a choice, he was asleep and we carried him out" Harry smirks

The boys laugh.

"Of course you did" Dan says shaking his head

"So are you guys back together?" Edward asks carefully

"We are taking it slow at Louis request, we're giving him as much time as he needs but hopefully he won't leave again" Harry says

Louis then comes into the kitchen, having been woken by the boys voices, he looks tired and sore with his hair askew and sweeter paws, the boys nearly coo

"Lou!" They all say and don't even hesitate to hug him gently and ruffle his hair and kiss him fondly on the cheek

Louis smiles, he's missed the boys so much

"What are you guys all doing here?" Louis asks as he makes his way to Scott's side instinctively. Scott brings Louis in close, holding him up with an arm around his waist

"We've got a case to review and we didn't want to leave you alone, so we are all working from here the next few days" Harry says smiling

"Oh my god Harry, you didn't, you really didn't have to re arrange the entire squad for me" Louis says mortified and the boys find it so cute

"Of course they did Lou!" Drew smiles and the boys laugh.

"Anyway, we've missed you and wanted to see you" Dan says

"And..." Scott says reluctantly but knowing they need to tell Louis.

"And what?" Louis asks curiously

"And the case may involve you a little" Scott says sheepishly

"Me?" Louis asks confused.

"Come on let's move to the lounge, get you comfortable and we can explain" Harry says

They all head to the lounge and Harry and Scott tuck Louis up nicely and make sure he's comfortable and give him some pain relief. The boys watch on in disbelief but are smiling to each other at how attentive and loving Harry and Scott are being. It's nice to see and Louis deserves it.

The boys all get comfy on the couch and floor but before they can get to explaining, Louis phone rings and it's Liam. Louis answers, he's started feeling a little spacey from the drugs already

"Hello?" Louis asks

There's a pause before Louis here's Liam's voice

"Louis thank god you're okay.. I thought you were dead" Liam says

"What? What do you mean? My car accident was two days ago Liam, I think you would have heard if I'd died" Louis says confused and the boys chuckle at Louis, they can tell he's becoming spacey

"No, someone was killed at your hotel" Liam says

"What hotel?" Louis asks

"The hotel you've been staying at, we've just dispersed a homicide unit out there" Liam

"Wha? I'm on to many drugs for this Liam, what unit number?" Louis asks as he pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. The drugs taking more of an effect as he gets more worked up and panicky

"Reports are still coming in but it was the bottom floor" Liam says

Louis opens his eyes at the news and the boys notice Louis go pale

"Lou, can I have the phone please" Harry asks as he walks over to Louis, Louis shouldn't be talking to Liam and becoming stressed out

Louis doesn't argue and hands Harry the phone, he then puts it on speaker

"Liam it's Harry, you're on speaker with the squad what's going on?" Harry asks as the boys gather around to listen, Louis trying to get his head around what he's hearing

"I was just making sure Louis was okay, there was a shooting at Louis hotel, reports were it was a police officer" Liam says

The boys all look towards Louis.

"Shit" Scott says

"Listen we will call you back Liam" Harry says

They hang up the phone and all look at each other worriedly

Louis sits up and pushes the blanket off him, he then rubs his hands over his face trying to breathe

"Is someone trying to kill me?" Louis asks the squad

The boys all look towards Harry and Scott

"What the hell is going on?" Louis asks when no one answers.

"We don't know, we will follow up with homicide, but it's not a coincidence Louis, there's some things we have found out that we need to talk about and this just adds to our concerns" Scott says

"Please tell me, I'm literally so confused" Louis says

The boys then explain things to Louis, what they've been investigating and the things they've found out, by the end of it Louis has turned even more pale and his breathing has picked up

"So um, someone wants me dead? You think I'm a target?" Louis asks

"We do, we're sorry Lou, we won't let anything happen to you though okay" Harry says

"Don't you think you should of told me this before? I....can't do this right now... this is all to much, I'm going to throw up" Louis says

Dan runs to the kitchen and grabs a bucket from under the sink, he hands it to Scott who moves so he's sitting next to Louis. He puts the bucket in front of Louis who vomits. Noah comes over and he and Scott rub Louis back in comfort.

When he's finished Scott takes the bucket and deals with it

"Lou, we didn't mean to keep this from you" Noah says

"So you knew too?" Louis asks

"Only since I joined SWAT, I had no idea before" Noah's says

"Who would want me dead? They haven't even confirmed the room number, it can't be mine because it's empty, I'm here, no ones in my room" Louis says

"You're right Lou, we don't know if it's your room or not, let's just wait and see, you need to rest and try not to work yourself up" Drew says concerned as he comes to comfort Louis too

Louis phone rings again and Harry looks at it, looks to Louis and then the boys, answers and leaves the room, Scott heading out with him.

Louis for some reason can't catch his breath back properly, he's panicking and doesn't really know why. He's been stalked before and been in plenty of dangerous situations, most that If they had gone wrong would have cost him his life. It's his job, so he doesn't know why all of a sudden this is rattling him.

"Calm down kiddo, just breathe" Edward says as he sees Louis struggling more, he comes over and kneels in front of Louis

Louis tries to get his breathing back under control. They then hear Harry and Scott yelling at Liam in the other room

"That's bullshit Liam and you know it" Harry yells

"That bullet was meant for him don't you dare fuck around with this"  Scott says

Louis starts panicking again, that bullet was for him, someone tried to murder him at the hotel and he doesn't know who or why. If Harry and Scott hadn't have come to get him, if they had left him there, he would be dead.

"Slow deep breaths bud, come on, you can do it" Louis hears Dans voice.

"Noah, could you get a glass of water babe" Edward asks gently and Noah nods and hurries to get Louis some water

"Everything's going to be okay Lou, just relax, we're here" Drew says

"Nothing is going to happen to you, you're safe" Dan reassures

"Edward, go tell Harry and Scott that they need to call Andy" Drew says trying to remain calm.

Louis is getting really light headed and lethargic and Drew gets behind him leans him back on his chest

Edward gets up and finds Harry and Scott seething in their office

"Boys, call Andy, Lou's having a pretty bad panic attack" Edward says

"Shit" Harry says and he is straight on the phone to Andy, Scott rushes outside to be with Louis.

"Hey baby, relax, relax you're okay just breathe" Scott says when he sees the boys trying to help Louis.

"Scott, here, take my spot I think your smell will calm him better" Drew says and Scott nods, he's scared, he's never seen Louis like this before, Louis is never scared of anything. Scott swaps places with Drew and comforts Louis as best he can until Harry comes back in the room.

The boys just encourage and try to calm Louis down and eventually it works. He's so tired and drained but he calms down considerably

"That's it baby" Scott says

"Good boy Lou" Drew says as he runs his hands though Louis hair

Andy turns up and is not happy with the state that Louis is in at all, he ends up giving Louis a drug to calm him and put him to sleep, stress is the last thing he needs for his recovery, it can especially complicate his concussion and infection

The boys are instructed to not leave Louis side and monitor him. If he starts throwing up and can't keep anything down they need to call Andy straight away.

When Andy leaves and Louis is completely out they all sigh and relax a little, now that Louis is somewhat okay.

"So what exactly happened H?" Dan asks

Harry sighs and runs his hands over his face, he places his hands on his hips, trying to figure out where to start. How to work through these emotions he's feeling about someone coming after Louis.

"We didn't tell Louis, but when we picked him up from the hotel.... we checked him out of the room... for good. Obviously whoever is after Louis didn't know that. The body was found this morning by a cleaner, 30 year older drug addict....he checked in last night.... four hours after we checked Louis out. The bullet was meant for Louis." Harry says and he's clearly shaken

"Fuck" Noah says

"We need cctv, we need to see if it was the same guy from the raid" Edward says

"I think we need to camp out here a while guys, this investigation can't be compromised and we need to keep Louis safe and work this case non stop" Drew says

"Agreed" the boys all say

"Let's do a lockdown. I'll let Ben know to keep it under wraps. Go get whatever you need for a few days and meet back here in an hour" Scott says

The boys all nod and get up to leave and get organised

"Noah?" Harry asks

Noah turns towards Harry

"Yeah?" He responds

"Who else knew were Louis was staying besides you?" Harry asks

"Liam and Jax Harry, that's literally it" Noah says worriedly

Harry nods. He was afraid of that. He sighs and looks to Louis, the poor kid is just wrecked, he needs to figure this out and keep Louis out of danger. They really need to have a serious talk about Louis getting out of the force because Harry and Scott will be dammed if they let Louis life be on the line again.

Harry and Scott end up putting Louis back to bed so he isn't woken up when the boys get back. The lounge room is set up like the office with white boards, they bring the dining table over and when the boys get back they all get to work.

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