Chapter 31
So I was told to do Louis's POV so here ya go :)
"Louis! Stop it!" Simon yelled, grabbing my shoulders and preventing me from smashing another one of his things. I fell onto the floor and buried my head in my hands.
"I screwed up so badly!" I shouted back, throwing a pillow across the room.
"You told her the truth. If you ask me that's not 'screwing up'." Simon told me.
I can't believe I actually told her. I broke up with Abigail for a reason: so that I could be with Chloe without all of Abigail's baggage. I had no idea what I was planning on saying to her but I didn't want her to find out like that. I wonder what she had to tell me...probably nothing as bad as what I said.
"Come on. Let's get you home." Simon said, helping me up and down the stairs.
"Louis? You okay? We just talked to Chloe and she seemed a little out of it. Fill us in when you can." Niall's voice said.
Voicemail, after voicemail I had already gotten from the guys and voicemail, after voicemail I had received from Chloe. I must have texted her thirty times. I should've known she wouldn't respond. She's always been stubborn.
I rolled over in my bed. It sucked living alone. I should at least get up and go to Chloe's apartment. Try and make an effort but I can't. I just can't bring myself to do it, because she deserves so much better than me and she'll never get it if she comes back to me. I can't ruin her future because I'm in love with her.
She's probably better off with Wesely anyway. He's a little young but I guess he seems alright. At least he could give her what she wants: marriage, kids, a life together. I can't help but wonder if Chloe's ever thought of having any of that stuff with me. She always told me she wanted a little girl named Elle and a little boy named Oliver. I mean sure, we were little when she said that but I think she's sticking to it.
I realize where my mind is going and mentally slap myself. I can't imagine Chloe with anyone but me. I'm poison for her but she's antidote for me. We're opposites and that's why we complete each other.
Day three was the worst.
Day three was the day I couldn't bring myself to eat anything. I felt sick to my stomach even thinking about anything but Chloe.
Day three was the day I cried. I cried harder than ever before. I couldn't stop crying even when I dry-heaved over the side of my bed.
I was dehydrated, exhausted and tired. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink. The only thing I could do was think.
Thinking is what really messed me up. Nothing but me and my horrible thoughts. Thoughts about killing myself so she can be happy. Thoughts about her kissing another guy. Thoughts about her marrying somebody else.
Day three was the day I thought I wouldn't make it.
Day five was the day I got up and did something.
On day five, I showered, ate, drank and got myself ready.
Day five was when I saw that magazines had caught wind of what was happening.
Day five was when I bought flowers and got mobbed by fans.
Most importantly, day five was the day I tried.
"What are you doing here?" Morgann whispered, looking behind her before slipping outside. "You can't be here."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you broke her heart. She's upstairs and hasn't come down, hasn't talked to me, hasn't eaten anything, in five days. All because of you." She told me, casting a judgeful look towards me.
"Look, I don't blame you for hating me but I want to make things right. Even if that means we can only be friends." I replied, trying to go inside.
"I can't let you go inside there. As her bestfriend, I have to do what's right for her and she deserves somebody better than you." Morgann hissed, turning around and heading back inside.
"Damn it!" I screamed, throwing the white roses on the doormat and knocking over the small bench that was set up outside their door.
Day seven was the day I was determined to make things right.
"Louis? Why are you here?" Abigail asked. "I hope it's to see me."
"No. Asolutley not." I answered. "The only reason I came here was to tell you to never come near me again."
"Why not? You said we could still be friends."
"That was before I lost the love of my life because of all this shit. Chloe is the only person who's ever seen the real me and I can't lose her because of you." I said.
"Because of me? Oh, you don't have to worry about me you douche bag. Get off my porch." She replied, slamming the door in my face.
Day seven was the day I called Wesley.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Wesley? It's Louis." I said, sitting down at my kitchen table.
"Louis? Oh my God is this about Chloe?" Wesley asked.
"Actually yeah, I-"
"I'm sorry I kissed her man! I really didn't mean it and I wasn't thinking. I hope things won't be too weird between us." He said, cutting me off.
"You what? I was just going to ask if you've seen the magazines. I was going to ask you to check on her for me." I whispered.
", I haven't seen the magazines. What happened?"
"We broke up." I mumbled.
"Simon, do you need anything? I'm going to get some water bottles for when the others get here. Recording can be thirsty work." I called, slipping on my leather jacket.
"No I'm fine." He answered.
I shrugged and walked out the door. I climbed into my car and drove down to the small grocery store on the corner.
When I got there, I went straight towards the water and grabbed a package of it.
"Oh, excuse me." I mumbled, accidentally bumping into somebody.
"It's fine." She replied, tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Chloe?" I whispered.
She looked at me and then started speed walking in the other direction. I put the water down and followed her until I caught up to her and grabbed her arm.
"Chloe stop." I demanded.
"Do you know how misreable I am?" She asked, turning around. "This is the first day I've gone out in public in almost ten days. Five of those were spent laying in my bed."
"I know. I stopped by." I said, looking her in the eyes.
"You did?" Chloe replied.
"Yes. I brought flowers but Morgann wouldn't let me in. Did she not tell you?" I asked, letting go of her arm.
"No." She sighed. "I have to go."
"Please wait." I begged.
"I really have to go. I;m expecting somebody to stop by."
"Who?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"My date."
So who is the mystery date?
Take a guess in the comments :)
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P.S. Sorry if the dry-heaving part grossed you out lol
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