viii. reunion
Margot Robbie in
THE SUICIDE SQUAD (2016, 2023, 2021)
Clint glances at Natasha, "I'm assuming this right after the airport fight."
The avengers (minus thor and bruce banner) winced at that, since it was not their best moment. Tony caught Steve's gaze as he mumbled out a small apology which Steve returned. They have a lot to work on as a team but they will do their best. Although the fight was forgotten the moment they arrived as all worried as they were brought moments before that it was announced that Tony to being beam up to space.
The redhead assassin nodded at the archer's statement. Curiosity came out of the supernatural group as what airport fight? There were a few moments mentioned especially noticing the discomfort that came from Sharon. Their curiosity was brought up by Bonnie. "Airport fight?"
The archers sigh thinking he should have just stayed home with his family. Tony turns to the green-eyed witch who gazes shift between all of them. "We all fought each other because of a disagreement."
The supernatural group nodded at that, they still held some sort of confusion but they shook it off as they glanced back at the screen. Chuck murmurs quietly to the ex-jester but seeing her eyes she is still the jester, just on her own terms now. "Disagrement?"
"Is a long story but most of them are wanted," murmurs the blonde referring to how early when Bruce called out how Steve and Bucky for being on the run, had went beyond the simple disagreement that they state it is.
Natasha lifts her head up as her eyes are glossy, filled up with tears. There is a slight muffled shouting from afar. Natasha glances down the sink as a subtle gunshot is heard. Natasha turns the tap on the faculet as she splashes water on her face. She wipes her face dry with a napkin as light sniffles come out of her as she intensely stares at herself in the mirror.
Natasha grabs her phone with security feed playing of Ross and a SWAT team searching a building.
"Tier 1 has LOS!"
"We've got all exits covered "
"Alright. Stay alert."
"I'm sending in an alpha squad."
Wanda held back a scoff as she bitterly crossed her arms. "Can not believe we all fought each other because of that old man and the government wanted to restrict us."
The avengers nodded at her words as Bruce (banner) and Thor were still lost. Loki glances at his old enemies, "Why are the avengers being restricted?"
"We are earth's mightiest heroes, we need to be respected." Stated the god of thunder in complete confusion wondering why the avengers were being treated that way. Steve sighs as it was very complicated but he has a brief answer, "Not to everyone. Is a conversation for another time."
The curly teen girl slightly glared at the avengers as the activist in her has lots of issues with the group of heroes that claim to do alot yet are rarely there. "It was dismmiseed in the future but the idea of accords are actually pretty good just the execution of it was done poorly."
Steve looks at the teen girl, "Is a complicated matt—"
"No it is not." MJ glared at him, cutting him completely off. "You all run around saving the world yet the collateral damage you leave behind is left for regular people to deal with? Spider-man actually does a difference to help the people. You are all heroes when the world needs you which is not saying we don't need you but what about the rest of the time?"
The curly-haired teen sat back down as all the avengers glanced at the kid, with surprised expression but mostly, are they not viewed as heroes by other people? Peter beamed at his girlfriend as he knew the most of how exactly she felt about the avengers, it might be basis as she prefers him but he loves when she states her mind.
"MJ's right, you know," Ned added. Peter and MJ looked at him in surprise— they had never imagined that Ned, of all people, would willingly go against the very avengers he worshiped. Ned had always admired the avengers, aspire to be them, to be something in a world that tarnishes one's way of thinking. And when he felt down he always looked up at them, to be like them– make a difference.
But Ned's view of the heroes has been tainted by their failure to defend Peter after Beck framed him. None of them— with the exception of Happy, daredevil, and batman (which he knows Harley played part of,) no one had tried to stand up for Peter. Ned might not know the avengers personally, but still it felt like a betrayal from those that he once looked up to.
"Also you all suck at times. Team Sharon!" Ned added as both Peter and MJ repeated the phrases as they will defend the ex-shield agent. Sharon had blush on her but she is glad that she found a family in the most unexpected places.
"You okay?" The ex-jester hovers over the bodyguard as her eyes filled with mischief and chaos have soften for him, as she knows what it is like to look up to someone and have them not people you thought where.
"I'm okay."
A bunch of agents marched into the building along with Ross walking with a cane when somebody walks over, "They're topside, sir!"
Natasha watches this from her phone, still in the bathroom. Ross continues to give information to the agents. "Natasha Romanoff is in violation of the Sokovia Accords. She assaulted the King of Wakanda."
Natasha exits out of the feed as she dials a number. Ross's phone rang as his voice shrunk, 'Yeah?' Natasha glances at harself in the mirror as Ross's voice on the line is heard. "Don't do this."
"Do what?" Natasha rolled her eyes as she let out a small laugh, "Come after me. I mean, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate."
"I thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal."
Natasha winces at that as her mind goes back to that fight. Both of the redhead's sisters were not aware of that as they looked at the redhead with a surprised look. "You assaulted a king?"
Everyone in the room was creeped out as the two sisters spoke out in unison. Natasha rolled her eyes as they both tend to say things at the same time. "Is called self defense. He attacked me first."
"Lair," mumurs the ex-jester with raised her brow. Natasha glared back at her sister. "Says the somewhat criminal."
"At least I admit what I am," she taunts her sister, a big smile forming on her face seeing the annoyed expression on her older sister. All glance at the exchange with an amused expression. Happy caught the slight glare from the eldest Salavtore, who was currently tied up.
Happy glares at him hard enough, as his glare speaks volumes as Damon looks away. The bodyguard of all people knows how hard it is for the blonde to relieve everything and to be in the presence of someone who harms her must be tough given her split personality.
He knows it won't take long before she completely loses it against the green-haired clown. And he personally will look the other way as god knows he had it coming.
Natasha sets the phone on speaker as Ross continues, "Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitive who's desperate."
Natasha rolls her eyes as she puts on a blue hoodie, "From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What's this? You're the 2nd triple bypass?"
"I wouldn't worry about me. We got Barton, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict, Rogers is on the run. You have no friends."
Tony eye's wide as he turns to her with a stern look that leaves no reason for her to even argue against him. "We are still friends and family, red."
Natasha gave a small appreciative smile, Yelena glanced at Harley (even though growing up she was always Caroline, it felt weird to refer her as that all from 2025 know Harley is her present,) they both had a slightly hurt look on their face due to that certain moment of them being reunited they all said certain hurtful things to each other.
That tension was noticed by everyone in the room but everyone knew better than to question it.
"Where are you gonna go?" Natasha picked up the phone, "I've lived a lot of lives before I met you Ross. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. I'm done."
Natasha hangs up the call. There is a slight bang and she looks behind her, Natasha lets out a shaky breath, a deep breath and stands facing a red door. She is on a boat as she climbs up to the upper deck, arriving at the end she slyly slid her phone into the water.
Everyone in the room turned to her in surprise. Katherine glances at the redhead, "You were never there."
Natasha nods at that as her and her sisters all have a proud smirk on them.
Yelena is laying on a mattress with a sniper on her, "Eyes on target. Waiting for the package."
We have a scoped view of a woman they are following. It then shows another widow with a sniper who is also following the target, "I have sight on collateral one."
A person walks past the window with a black case, "Firing in place of three in... 5, 4–" the school bell goes off and loads of kids run screaming outside.
Everyone looked at Yelena in shock. Sam eyes her, "Why are you exposing little kids like that?"
Yelena was tense as her tone became hostile, feeling the judgment roll off of everyone in the room minus her sisters as they gave a comforting smile, "Not much of a choice. We do what we are told to do, no matter how much we disagree with it."
"Sorry for the quick reaction." Sam nod's at her words as he felt certain guilt as he of all people show have know how hard it is to be reliving these traumatic moments for her. Yelena nodded at him as a slight smile was on her face.
The ex-jester notices the billionaire next to her with a pensive look written across his eyes. She ignored the slight fluttering in her heart as she was doing such a good job at acting cool and she would not blow her cover. She felt nudge turning is Happy with a teasing smile on him. She stuck her tongue out at him.
"You got it bad," he whispered back low enough for her ears only. As in the future he was well aware of her feelings for gotham's billionaire. Especially when she would crash on his couch squealing agaisnt a pillow muttering how good he looks.
The ex-jester blushes as she lowers voice. "Happy, shhh!"
A woman spots them through the window as she tries to make a run for it, "She made us. Target deployed smoke bomb"
"She's on foot with the package. Stay high. I'm going to the ground," Yelena demands as she drops her sniper runs end to a building. She places a wire down and walks across a wall. The target is walking in the streets and looking anxious.
The ex-princess of crime's eyes widened in shock as she recognized the woman, as she never got to thank her for a certain moment that occurred in the red room when she was 12 years old and failed to do the mission properly. "Oksana?"
Yelena spared her a soft gaze knoing how much Oksana meant to her and to herself. Natasha turns to her sisters, "You both know her?"
Yelena nodded as she sighs knowing her outcome, "She left the red room a year before we reunited. She spends her time helping other widows around the world escape."
Kol looks at the ex-jester that helped him out as if it was not for her he would have almost died by the hands of the gilberts. "How did you know her?"
The ex-jester leans back to her seat as she slightly eyes him, "She helped me escape even though she could get caught."
No one said anything as they could see her slight hostility in her tone, knowing she wouldn't want to talk about it. Ivy was still shocked that the person she thought she knew had all these hidden layers. She muttered to herself more than to her boyfriend, "She deserves better."
The street is shown with the Oksana carrying the black box. She is looking nervously behind her, she is hit in the face by a car. Yelena and Oksana both go to the case. Oksana grabs the handle of the case as she uses it to hit Yelena in her face. Yelena charges at her with a knife, Oksana dodges it and Yelena ducks under her arm when she goes to smack her with the case. As she ducks, Yelena slices Oksana in the abdomen.
Oksana grabs her wrist and pulls her arm away from her before forcing her to kneel. Yelena then drops the knife and swaps hands before stabbing Oksana in the stomach with the knife while twisting it. She then lets out a furious shout and forcibly jerks the blade to the side. Oksana lets out a gasp of pain and falls on Yelena; the blonde pushes her off her.
Oksana lands on the floor with a thud as she blasts Yelena with red crimson mist. Yelena shakes her head, revealing her bright red eyes. Yelena shakes her head, attempting to clear the dust from her eyes. Disoriented, she glances around and notices Oksana on the floor. She notices her bleeding and then turns to face the undoubtedly bloody knife, "Oksana?"
"Oh no. What did I do?" Yelena kneels down next to her. Oskana looks at her with understanding, "Free the others."
Yelena looks at her as her eyes fill up with water. She throws the now empty vial into the box and closes it. A voice from her earpiece comes through, "Yelena, we need a status report."
Yelena grabs a knife, stabs in her thigh and groans as she pulls the knife out and holds onto her tracker as she tosses on the ground and runs away.
"You, were all being tracked no matter what?" Bonnie glances at Yelena with curiosity bedded into her green eyes. Yelena nods, not saying anything more. Rebekah leans forward in her seat, "How did you know you had a tracker in you?"
Yelena sighs as she faces the blonde original, her heavy russian accent coming through (she has gotten better at her american accent.) "I had a mission beforehand which revealed every widow was being sedated from entry."
All looked horrified at that thought. The two sisters both looked down in guilt as they left their youngest sister there. The ex-jestser's fiddles with bracelet that the teens made her, the bracelet; a mix of blues, reds, black, silvers, and white beads with star charms. That has been her good luck charm bracelet since turning her life around and it has not failed her yet.
"Means something to you?"
The ex-jester nods as she hesitantly takes it off, softly grabs his hand placing it in his palm. "Good luck bracelet. Trust me in the future this will guarantee you much success during those multiple boring board meetings."
The stoic billionaire didn't say anything but put on the bracelet as he felt a certain feeling that he couldn't exactly pinpoint. Him and Harley? Doesn't seem like the worst thing, but he will never admit out loud, the way she gets his heart racing. He wondered what Alfred would think.
"General Dreykov. We have a deserter. Permission to activate Taskmaster protocol?"
Scene cuts to Taskmaster watching a fight scene that is reflected off of their mask; it is Clint fighting at the airport with Black Panther. A widow walks into the room and Taskmaster sits down. She removes the hood and plugs in a USB drive into the back of the helmet. "Smile."
Yelena looks back to her oldest sister's teammates, "Don't question it. Just know we are all trained to know your fighting skills, if we ever came head to head."
The avengers nodded at her words. As the three groups; the gotham crew, the heroes (including loki,) and supernatural wonder how the red room stayed hidden for so long without getting caught.
Yelena shook her head, "Oh great, there are more places to see."
Sharon smacks her on the shoulder as she gestured to the redhead. Yelena shrugs as she sticks her tongue at Sharon, which Sharon returns. Both oblivious to everyone staring at them in amusement. All those that knew the ex-shield agent felt well knowing Sharon was well (but definitely is not thanks to team captain america.)
Natasha walks to a trailer with her gun out. She opens the door and moves with caution through the small thing. As slight snoring is heard through the trailer. She opens the door to find a man on her bed fast asleep. She nudges his foot and he wakes up with a snort. "You're in my bed."
The man wakes up as he argues with her, "I'm- I'm not even under the covers." Natasha rolled her eyes as she got back to the point, "Did you get everything on my list?"
The man nodded at her, "Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local drivers licenses," he handed them to her, "Mix and match, you could stretch it to 20 or so identities." Natasha narrows her eyes, "Fanny Longbottom?"
"What are you, 12?" The man to be revealed as Rick defends himself, "That is a legitimate name. We've got a generator outside. It's petrol powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I've got a guy for that. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It's just a 20-minute drive. I've got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs."
Natasha mumbles out a nice as she sighs. Rick stares at her for a while, "Are you okay?" Natahsa hesitates, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I hear things. You know, something about the avengers getting divorced—"
"Oh, hey. What's all this junk?" Natasha gives him a short answer that she is fine. Rick exits as Natasha follows him to the door. "Oh, just some mail and personnel from the Budapest safe house."
"Budapest?" she repeats, pronouncing it 'Buda-pesht'. Rick nods "Yeah. Budapest." Natasha leans on door frame, "No- no, it's 'Buda-pesht."
Yelena shook her head, "Stop telling people that, that is not how you pronounced it."
Natasha softly glares at her, "Never."
Natasha nods at him as she went back in to take a shower and is currently watching a movie until the power is out. She sighs to regenerate the power but nothing. Natasha exits the house driving with the radio playing. She comes to an intersection about to make a left turn, when a grenade comes out of nowhere and flips the car over; a loud boom goes with it.
The car goes spinning a multitude of times and we get to see inside the car as everything is thrown about. The car finally stops spinning and crashes into the bridge, breaking the barrier and almost falling off.
Everyone in the room had to look at the redhead to ressuare that she was okay. Yelena winces, "That explains the bruises you came with."
All worried for the redhead who simply shrugged off as given for that had occurred almost two years ago. Sam remarked confidently, "This isn't good."
"And why's that, Wilson?" Natasha inquired, her voice tinged with resignation.
"Ever seen a horror film? Whenever someone wanders off into the dark they always end up getting attack. Your lights are out, you're out of gas, and you're basically the lead character driving down a deserted road in total darkness. And if I'm right, you'll have to take it easy on me during training," Sam declared as Natasha never took it easy on any of them during training.
"This isn't a movie, Wilson. So you're on," she countered, laying down the bet, even though knowing she was going to lose anyways as she already knows what happenes.
As all seem to forget that this was the past for her, they still haven't dwelled into the future stuff yet.
Taskmaster got out of the car walking toward Natasha who grunted, as she was trying to get out of the car. She tries to undo her seatbelt and you can see all the glass pooled on her lap. Natasha sets her foot back as she climbs out of the car. As she scrambles for her gun, "Pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here. And you should know I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off."
Natasha shoots at taskmaster but blocks it with a shield and throws back at Natasha. Natasha grabbed a knife, she got on her knees and pointed the gun ahead of her where the figure was standing, realizing it was not there she turned around immediately and pointed the gun up and started to shoot but the shield blocked it. Taskmaster kicked the gun out of Natasha's hands.
Natasha charged forward and grabbed its arms and twisted her body upwards to go through, but the taskmaster did the exact same movement throwing her own ground. With that both of them in sync flipped forwards and studied each other. Taskmaster turned towards the car to grab what it came for, "You're not here for me."
Natasha quickly saw what it was looking for, she took out a knife and went towards it but Taskmaster turned around to block the hit. Natasha tried to stab it but couldn't, so she dropped the knife and caught it with her other hand. Natasha quickly took a pen that tied the figure up as she ran to grab what it came for and put it in her pocket. She used the box as a way to block the hit and grab the shield to block the hits that kept coming but the Taskmaster kicked her off the bridge to the water.
Natasha dragged herself out of the water, started to pant heavily. She took something out of her pocket and saw a group of red vials. The vials were shining and it gleamed her face up with the darkness surrounding her. Around the vials, there was a paper in the center and Natasha pulled it out. It was a picture of her, Yelena, and Caroline as little kids, "Oh, shit."
"Huh, I won. So, you better take it easy on me," murmurs Sam at the redhead who rolled her eyes but the smile on her face said everything. Stefan winced at that, "How are you still able to move after that?"
Natasha turns to him, "We had a lot of experiments done on us that it showed before, that enhances us a bit to deal with someone stronger than us."
Everyone in the room grimaced at the reminder of them watching the girls go through so much traumatizing situations as kids.
Tony faced the second eldest blonde girl, "I am assuming, this you Hemorine?"
"Yup," she replies as all eyes fall on her. She winces remembering how she needs to talk to Natasha and Yelena about how the red room isn't technically gone anymore. But when it shows up she will explain to her, well may be avoid the topic.
"Thanks by the way," whispers the ex-jester to the billionaire, perfectly remembering that moment. Bruce furrows his brows in confusion, "For what?"
"Uh uh. No spoilers," she replies, shaking her head. He raises his brow as he turns to the screen.
The blonde had an annoyed expression as Cassandra had her head bent over the sink rinsing off hair dye. After it cuts to Caroline reading a book as Cassandra reads a box of toner. Then cuts to Caroline flipping her hair, that is now fully a light golden blonde, the faded pink and blue dye gone. Cassandra smiles, "That shit was hard."
Caroline shot her amused look as she moved to the dining table looking at other color dyes boxes. "You, did your homework?"
Cassandra lets out a small 'hmm.' As she jumped off the counter heading to the door as a slight knock came, opening no one is there but just the package. Shutting the door she glances at the box. "Harley you got a package."
"Oh my god you are such mom now," mumurs Yelena as she looks at the redhead. "What have you done to her?"
Both sisters rolled their eyes. The ex-jester had a sheepish smile on her, "For your information. I am a good guardian, well sometimes. And technically I'm still considered a criminal and that would reflect badly on her so I can't have my kid following behind on her education. Even though the school system sucks."
"You becoming a babysitter, is mind blowing," murmurs Ivy still shocked the way her friend has this life hidden yet she is still herself no matter what. She admires the strength she carries.
The curly hair teen faces the god of mischief. "Can I interview for a school assignment? I know it is not the right circumstances—speaking of which, it's really nice to meet you."
"Em," started Peter as he stared at his girlfriend who just talked to the god of mischief like is nothing. Loki didn't know what to feel. They were in the room for a while and there was not much communication between them. He wanted to turn away and ignore the midgardian child and her curisoity, but something stopped him.
"I will do this interview, you say. Also it's – it's nice to meet you, too," he struggled to say, but seeing the way MJ just glance at him normally without any hostility or admiration made it worth it, somehow. His uncertainty eased, and he found it in himself to smile back, just barely.
Loki didn't notice the way his brother had the biggest smiles on his face. (No matter how much Loki had hurt him, or how they had multiple arguments, Thor would always be Loki's older brother. That would never change.)
"You need to stop asking people to do interviews." Happy glances at the teenage girls as god knows she really is the one that gets into the most trouble but he will never says it as at least she is the mature one. While the ex-jester smiles brightly as MJ had such a stubborn mindset but really has a big heart.
"She wants to interview the dude that invaded earth but not us?" The archer murmurs in confusion as he tries to grasp it as earlier the teen clearly stated her dislike for the avengers. Wanda glances at Clint as she whispers, "We are obviously doing something wrong."
"Does say from which fucker it is?" Caroline walks into the living room seeing the package. Opening it is a small drive and a note: MISS ME, SISTER?
"Pack your shit." Caroline turns to Cassandra who is confused but the blonde is rushing her to the room as she stuffs it into a bag. Cassandra looks at her; "Harley? What's going on?"
"Old debts okay? Come on." Caroline stuffs money into a bag and hands it to Cassandra as the teen crawls out the window while Caroline quickly grabs a small knife from the side table then crawls out the window. "Go up the roof."
Natasha furrowed her brows as it obviously wasn't her. The redhead looks at Yelena shaking her signifying it wasn't her either. Why didn't their sister mention this to them?
"From the looks of your faces it wasn't you, two?" Klaus gazes at the sisters, as he was able to catch the silent exhanged that the two gave each other. Natasha turns her head slightly facing the original hybrid then at her sister who was avoiding eye contact. "No it wasn't both of us."
All gazed at the ex-jester curiously as she sinks in her seat. They remembered earlier the redhead mentioned that they had other sisters but Natasha also stated that they were dead, so who was this sister and why didn't gotham's own wildcard, say anything?
"Harley?" Cassandra is confused but follows her instructions as they head up the roof. Caroline digs in her pocket handing her paper. "Go, there. If the dorky little do-gooders aren't at there usual place."
"Is it the Joker?" Cassandra worried, grabbing the paper stuffing into her pocket. Caroline shakes her head, "Nah, is not that asshole. But someone else."
"You need stop pissing people off," murmurs Cassanda with annoyed expression although her eyes shed hint of worrniess. Before Caroline can reply, a bullet hits her shoulder as she yells to Cassandra. "Go!"
Cassandra watches worrily but seeing a hint of reassurance in her eyes she runs. Caroline on the floor holding onto her arm as she kicks down. A foot placed onto her head as she looks up seeing brunette girl; "Anya?"
Natasha and Yelena both looked at the blonde as they didn't know she had ran into Anya at all. As when they reunited not once did she mention it. The redhead assassin, "You didn't think to mention this?"
"No," she starts off sinking in her chair. Is complicated matter when comes to Anya as they grew up together but not once did Anya ever participated in the training like they did. "It doesn't matter now."
Yelena shoots her questioning look as they both know the red room is back under the new name, and she just put it all together that it was Anya running it. She brought it back and is now repeating the cycle of abuse that they all went through.
The russian scoff slightly as she guesses that the whole saying, the abused becomes the abuser, is true.
"You okay?" Sharon whispered to the russian next to her who only offered a reluctant nod to gesture she is alright, but her eyes say otherwise. The redhead assassin clenched her jaw as Anya was a sore topic for most of them. "Why didn't you say anything?"
The ex-jester avoids her glance as she begins to fiddle with the hem of her shirt. Anya was to be underestimated among them all but truthfully she was able to keep up with all the widows and Bucky, who at the time, was fully the winter soldier showing no mercy when it came to training. She kept up with them when she had no training. "I had to make sure."
"Make sure what?" Persisted, Natasha but the blonde just lets out groan and ignores her. Everyone could feel the amount of tension. Tony had brought up the question that Wanda brought up before. "Who is Anya?"
The ex-jester and the russian blonde stayed silent, each too busy with their own thoughts. The redhead assassin grips tightly onto her seat. "None of your business."
Her tone was a sharp knife pledging through the room as Kol muttered under his breath 'danm.' As all of them had watched the sisters rewatch there traumatic experiences but this Anya, had them on such a grudge. The noblest mikaelson mutters just for his siblings to hear, "She must be a traitor among them."
His siblings nodded in agreement. Bruce, the ever so detective mind begins to think of why she stayed quiet. He tried looking behind her reasoning as the moment he stepped in when she began to fight Anya, came to his mind. The playboy billionaire whispers, "Why did you stay quiet?"
He watched Harley fiddle with her shirt, maybe to stall time. While the ex-jester did do it to stall time, she knew that it was completely desentize for her to even lie to him as he can read her. Her gaze fell on him; she whispered lightly, "Call it boredom."
Bruce let out a small chuckle low enough just for her to hear as he can tell she is lying. Bruce noticed Happy hearing into their conversation as he whispered to the bodyguard. "Does she alway serve this bullshit around?"
"Always," Happy cracked a smile as the billionaire might just be the thing she needs. He is serious enough like alway (he met him twice in future) as that's who he is but the small moments of playfulness where he throws her off, is what she needs the most.
Both held amusement in their eyes as she slapped them both in their shoulders.
"It is not here. But the tri-weave bulletproof carbon polymer works fantastically." A widow comes from to the side as she takes out the vial. Anya grins, "That's right. I spared no expense for my girls?"
Caroline struggles on against Anya as her shot wound profoundly bleeds. "Your girls? Recluse?"
Camera pans above Anya in a white button sleeve, black leather corset over it, beige pants, black leather gloves and high black leather boots digging into the blonde's head. Anya is holding a crowbar, "Not anymore. With mother gone, someone has to assume her duties as headmistress."
"Harley is your name now, isn't it Carolina?" Anya takes out a rope put over the blonde's neck as she begins to choke her. "Once upon time you, Yelena, and Natalia insulted me. Degraded me. Remember that? And now you're on your knees before me as it should be."
"Different names don't change the fact that you and your pathetic sisters are disappointments of the academy. Mother's death is your fault." Anya tightens the hold. The blonde scoffs as struggles to breathe. "She never loved you."
The room hung heavy with an uneasy quiet, each silence pregnant with unspoken tensions and lingering questions. Bucky had his jaw clenched remembering his time with her but stayed quiet as he doesn't want to dwell much on the past. Sam gently whispered, replacing his usual tactics to annoy him. "Everything okay?'
"Everything's fine," replied the ex-winter soldier but that was far from the truth. Yelena suspicious from earlier where confirmed but it was the redhead assassin reaction that caused the most damage. "Harley."
"Hey, you didn't call me Caroline," starts off the ex-jester until Natasha cuts her off. "She brought the red room back?"
The room fell into a hushed silence, thick with tension, as everyone awaited the answer to the pivotal question that hung in the air, creating an atmosphere thick with uncertainty.
The chaotic blonde reclined in her seat, acutely aware of the collective gaze bearing down upon her. "She did not bring back the way you think, more for her memory. She calls it the dark room."
The avengers, supernatural creatures, gotham crew stayed silent as this was the matter of the sisters given one of their own had brought back the very thing that destroyed their childhood and much more. Yelena scoffs as she crosses her arms, "Why are you surprised? It was eventually time for someone to bring it back again."
"What do you mean?" Questioned the bennett witch as the redhead furrowed her brows. The blonde once her best friend turns to face her, "They worked with hydra for many projects and hydra's whole motto—"
"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Steve cuts her off remembering those exact words from Zola when he and Natasha discovered that shield was operating under hydra the entire time.
The redhead clenches her jaw, "She always was jealous of us."
"Maybe she was in pain like you all?" Rebekah questioned as all thought the same thing, was the redhead being unfair to her as she was technically one of them. Yelena scoffed, "Pain? Don't bullshit us."
Harley (caroline) rolls her eyes as of course they will judge them. "Anya isn't one of us. She wasn't trained, conditioned, nor witnessed any of the murder but she knew exactly what was happening. Yet she was a willing participant, she did everything to keep headmistress alive and the truth she restarted the program for her. Because she was jealous."
All stayed quieted processing the words. The filipino teen boy raised a question shyly. "Why did she refer to her as mother?"
"Is not Melina who we view as our mother. Headmistress was her mother. Once upon time is how we all viewed her by force." Yelena glances at the boy. All noticing how her and the ex-jester immediately soften for the three teenagers in the room.
Anya holds the rope tighter, Caroline turning bright red when out of nowhere Anya lets go. The blonde turns back but Anya is gone. The blonde stands up looking in the direction where Anya left, without turning back. "Thanks bats."
"You need to get the wound checked out." The dark knight takes a step out of the shadows standing near the blonde. Caroline looks at him then back. "Will do. Also hypothetically not that I care about the law or anything but is it invading my probation if I leave town because—"
She turns as he is gone. "Damn it bats way to leave a girl hanging."
The blonde whispered only for the solem ear of the playboy billionaire, "Thanks for the save. Hate to admit it but she caught me off guard. Also not cool leaving me hanging like that. "
His lips quirk up, as this version of Harley Quinn is a delight. Free from the cruelty of the Joker because this is a girl he'd like to get to know as she is already causing a stir of emotions, and that is something the dark knight never thought he'd feel for her. He whispered full of amumsent. "Sorry."
Natasha rolled her eyes as she shot a look at her two sisters, which caused them to roll their eyes. Stefan hesitated but spoke out anyway, "I take it, it was not a fun experience?"
Yelena glances at the brown haired boy who looked like a lost puppy as he looked scared each time he addresses the three of them. "It was honestly fun except for the russian spies."
"Here we go again with the russian spies." Kol lets out an exaggerated sigh. Yelena playfully stuck her tongue at him, which he returned.
Caroline is staring at an old green door as she hesitates to enter the apartment. She carefully opened the door and slowly made her way into the apartment. She heard a distant sound that came from the kitchen. Caroline made a slow turn to the kitchen and saw Yelena who had a gun pointed at her.
Caroline rolled her eyes as she had a playful smirk on her, "A bit dramatic don't you think."
Yelena just smirked slightly, as she was looking at her, "Maybe just a bit but it is part of my charm."
The ex-jester rolled her eyes as she faced her baby sister, "I will say this again you are the most dramatic person, I know."
Yelena pouted about to speak as the blonde now literally can not stay still for a second without causing some form of chaos but before Natasha cut her off, "Not another word, I mean it."
Both sisters sat quietly in their respective seats as Natasha had a proud expression on her. Rebekah gave a teasing smile to her sibling, "That is Freya's duties."
The mikaelson siblings rolled their eyes at Elijah's smug look as he as the older brother understood the responsibilities that weigh upon them. Sam lets out a small chuckle, "Can't believe, I am going to say this but I miss my sister."
Bucky teased him, "I bet she is happy to be away from you."
Sam glared at him as Steve sighs as he is in the middle of them, again. Tony lets out a chuckle, "You are so done with them aren't you capsicle?"
Steve nods at him, as a glee of joy enters both of them as maybe just maybe they could repair their team into being whole again. And they will have no choice as they will need to be united to front what the future has in-store for them.
Caroline and Yelena heard a sudden sound coming from the front of the apartment. They both turned their heads and had a gun pointed to the direction ahead. They both instantly knew who it was. Caroline chuckled slightly as she grabbed a chair from the edge of the kitchen and got ready for fun reunion.
"I know you are out there," teased Yelena as she kept her gun pointed ahead. Natasha slowly walked in and kept her gun pointed straight ahead, "I know you know I'm out here."
Caroline let out a low chuckle, "Then why are you sulking about like it's a minefield."
Happy dealing with the teeangers and now making sure that Harley does not do anything dangerous knows that they (the sisters) are more alike than they like to admit. "To be fair, you all seem dramatic."
The trio of sisters cast their gaze upon him and exchanged silent glances of dissent. Meanwhile, Loki sported a subtle smirk, a minuscule curve adorning his lips, betraying his true sentiment. Despite Thor's occasional buffoonery, concealed beneath Loki's facade was a genuine affection for his brother.
"Cause I don't know if I can trust you, both." Natasha hesitated for a moment as hearing Caroline's voice caught her off guard a bit. Both Yelena and Caroline chuckled at that.
Yelena responded back to her, thinking the exact same thing, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing."
With that, both Natasha and Yelena faced each other with the guns facing ahead. Natasha took a moment to eye Caroline then back to Yelena, "So we are gonna talk like grownups?"
"Is that what we are?" Yelena kept a straight face. Caroline could not hold her laughter in, "I'm sorry this is too much but to answer both of your questions we are grown ups so let's drop the guns now."
"You suggesting to drop the guns is very responsible of you," murmurs Ivy teasingly to her friend. The blonde roll her eyes in playful manner. Everyone looked at them in amusement. Elijah turned to his siblings, "And I thought we were worse."
The siblings laughed at that as Kol teased Klaus, "Is because, Nik here has an obsession with his daggers."
The avengers looked at the confusion as Loki glanced at Klaus, "Ahh you dagger you siblings as well."
Klaus gave him a firm nod which caused the rest of mikaelson siblings and Thor to roll their eyes; they all thought the same thing, their brothers with their dagger obsessions. The avengers eyed the two men but shook it off knowing it was not their business.
Natasha and Yelena both shoot their sister a questioning look as she was the only one who knew the original hybrid. The blonde mouths to them, "It's a funny story, I'll tell you after."
The two sisters nodded in amusement. Tony ignored whatever the dagger thing was and turns to the sisters, "So, hermoine here is the peacemaker?"
Natasha and Yelena shook their heads while the blonde glared at them, as she nodded to Tony's word. Peter whispers to his girlfriend and best friend, "It's nice to see Harl happy for once."
"I say we end the green hair clown when we get back home." MJ crosses her arms as Harley is always full of energy but underneath that chaoticness there is still that pain that lingers around and is all the Joker's fault.
Peter sighs as his girlfriend always goes the murder route. "Em, no killing. Plus even if we went that route, I'm kinda wanted."
"I could hack the fbi again," chimed Ned to his two friends. Peter tilts his head, "I mean that's not the worst thing."
"That's a terrible idea," murmurs MJ. Both Peter and Ned pout as they could never do their ideas. The curly hair teen rolled her eyes. "Leave up to me. Then well go over the plan together, make any adjustments needed then we will execute it together."
"What if we get arrested?" Ned questions her as he does not want to go to jail. Peter's eyes widened with relief, "Matt and Foggy can bail us out and if that doesn't work Harley will break out of jail, well I mean hope, she will."
"She will," confirmed Ned. MJ leans over them as she whispers at the blonde, who is blushing as the billionaire next to her has smirk? She pauses as what did they all miss?
MJ burying those thoughts away as she faces the blonde's cornflower blue eyes. "Hypothetically, speaking if we do something that might be very stupid of us to do, will you break us out of jail?"
"Oh my god," murmurs Happy in annoyance. Bruce raises his brow at the teen girl but more so at the sheepish smile the blonde next to him shoots at him. "Hypothetically speaking, yes I would."
"Nice," replies MJ returning to her seat, as Peter and Ned high fived each other as of course Harley will always have their back. The two teen boys' moment of excitement was cut off as MJ placed a piece of paper (they are not sure where she got it from) infront of them as they read it. Look at harls and bruce!
The boys glance up seeing the blush on Harley's face as what did the billionaire say to her? They turned their heads to MJ as all three nodded at each other. In the future the two ignore their feelings and this time they will confront it.
Natasha and Yelena ignored Caroline as they just eyed each other. Caroline watches them and keeps her guard up in case they will do something they regret. Yelena looked at Natasha intensely, "Put it down before I make you."
"You put yours down." Natasha was not going to give up. Yelena started to back up and head towards the kitchen but she stumbled a bit. Natasha smirked at her, "Watch your step."
Yelena 'hmm' at her but kept moving. They were in the center of the kitchen staring at each other until both of them grabbed each other's guns and changed positions. But they both won't give up as Yelena grabs Natasha's collar, pushing her towards herself.
Yelena then grabs her and throws her slightly as Natasha slammed to the door frame. Natasha stood up runs to Yelena hitting her on a cabinet, and keeps her jaw in place, "Stay down. Stay down. Stay down."
Damon, trying to mend things between his little brothers, whispers to Stefan, "So, we are not as dramatic as we thought, brother."
Stefan rolled his eyes not facing him. They both have a complicated relationship but in reality it is Stefan that keeps it connected but whether he admits or not, he does get tired of cleaning up Damon's mess. And after the realization of what he did to Caroline (harley, the back of his mind nags,) he is done with him.
Elena kept her eye's on Stefan as he seemed a bit off since the beginning. Bit guilt twinges as of the way the things ended between them two. She will always love him as he is her first actual love. Sighing as she spared Damon look, a chill entered her spine as could she truly ever escape him?
"Okay stop it. That is enough! Natasha let her go." Caroline stood up cutting between the two girls. Natasha did not listen to her and kept Yelena in place. Caroline grabbed a plate and smashed it on top of Natasha's head.
But Natasha grabbed a towel to tie it around Caroline's neck, choking her. Caroline was turning slightly purple so she put her foot on the counter pushed off, making Natasha hit a glass door. Yelena grabbed a kitchen knife, charged towards Natasha.
Everyone let out a laugh at the ex-jesters's expression. Klaus teased her, "You are so done, aren't you, love?"
Everyone in the room could tell that between them was completely platonic, well more she rejected him and he has no choice but to accept it. Either way they still respected each other. The ex-jester shrugged, "They could be so annoying."
"You and him?" The stoic billionaire questions her, his face holding a neutral expression. Harley tilts her head in confusion as he softly nods towards Klaus but it was done only for her to see. Her eyes widened in realization, as she shakes her head. "No. I must have bruised his ego by the amount of times I rejected him."
Steve looks at Natasha with curiosity filling his eyes. "You three could have not talked it out normally?"
Natasha let out a scoff, "We fought in the airport due to a disagreement."
The avenger all winced at that. They will never stop feeling guilty for that. Steve nods slowly, "Touche."
"That was dumb suggestion, Stevie." Bucky murmurs under his breath causing Sam to chuckle at captain america's reaction. Steve scratched his neck as he turned red.
Natasha observed what Yelena had and grabbed a metal bar that was on the side table and used it to defend her. They both ran at each other and Natasha was able to get Yelena into a headlock position.
Yelena was not giving up, she broke free and ran Natasha to the wall. Caroline immediately went to help Yelena get up and stopped it but Natasha was able to quickly wrap the curtains on both Caroline and Yelena's necks pulling them tightly.
Yelena stubbornly managed to trip Natasha and wrapped the curtain around her neck and the three girls were pushing off each other making it harder to breathe.
Natasha, placed her hand out in front, "перемирие." (truce)
Both Caroline and Yelena let go and stood up. They all stared at each other until Natasha broke the silence as she looked at Yelena and Caroline, "ты вырос" (you've grown up.)
Yelena rolled her eyes, "нет дерьма" (no shit.)
Bruce (banner) let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god you all stop fighting each other."
Natasha along with the other avengers chuckle at him. Bruce Banner (ironically) and Vision were the calmest out of the whole team. While they had their moment, none knew the full truth and fate that Vision would face.
Rebekah faces her oldest brother as she carefully whispers to him teasingly, "You, are also pretty glad they stopped fighting as well, my noblest brother?"
Elijah rolled his eyes, as the rest of his siblings laughed at him. They all ignore Elijah's glares as they face the screen.
Caroline chuckled at both of them. Natasha just was running out of patience, "You had to come back to Budapest didn't you?"
"I came here because I thought you wouldn't," Yelena really didn't think she would come back here.
Caroline stayed silent because she really didn't know what to say with so much tension running through the entire room. She did try to steer the topic as she saw holes on a wall, "Hey what bullet does that?"
Natasha turned in the direction Caroline was looking at, "Not bullets. Arrows."
"Ahh those were not fun times." Clint nodded his head in remembrance. Natasha nodded. The avengers all let out a sigh, since they both speak about Budapest all the time. Tony glances at them, "Will we ever know about Budapest?"
———— • ————
𝖎 i hope is not confusing but as of now in the reaction it will be written as harley and in the script as caroline. as im slowly making the transition between the two, my goal is by the end she will fully be harley and once in awhile by her friends from mystic falls will call her caroline but end of the day she will be harley. but i do hope that makes sense as by infinity war both the script and reaction will be written as harley with certain moderations that i will explain when we get there !
𝖎𝖎. shameless plug but have a new book out call nectar of the gods please check it out if you are interested 🙏🏻
𝖎𝖎𝖎. also if anyone has any batquinn fic recommendations please drop it as i inhale all the ones on a03. (p.s on a03 i have some published batquinn oneshots, should i post them in here? let me know 💓)
mj wanting to murder the joker >>>>
𝖛. had to add some comic stuff because i love it. anya wont be bunch in future stuff but i love her in comics. i love mentioning her as much as i can and this how comic her looks like ! (she is hot 🤭)
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