
Just kind of felt like this song was appropriate. And heads up the gods given will be much different.

It was nighttime in a small town known as Patch where things were quiet till a muffled cry for help came from a alleyway where we see two men bending a woman over a trashcan with perverted smirks on their faces.

Thug:" Don't worry baby, ~we'll be gentle~"

 Before the other man could say anything, he fell onto the ground harshly face first with a small body on top of him wearing a black hockey mask and a hoodie to match.

Thug*Shocked*:" YOU!!!!"

 ???:" Hi." 

Like a bullet, the figure punched the thug in the stomach hard enough to knock him out and send him into the wall.

???:" You alright madam?" 

Woman:" Yes, thank you so much!"

 ???:" It's okay, call the police and ask them to give you a ride home." 

Five minutes later the police arrived and arrested the two thugs and gave the woman a ride home while her mysterious savior watched from atop a roof with a smile.

???:" Another night job well done but best get somewhere to sleep for the night."

 The hooded figure started jumping across the rooftops of Patch before coming across a fairly big wooden box on it's side and a dumpster hiding it from the alley's entrance.

???:" Eh, better than nothing."

 After removing his mask and placing it into a backpack he had with him, he uses said backpack to fall asleep on as a pillow.

{Timeskip Morning Cole's POV}

Morning already? Man didn't expect it to come so soon but it's whatever. Guess I might as well introduce myself. My name is Cole Adamos an as you can probably guess. I'm a orphan and don't know my parents. I'm currently 8 years old without a home to go to or really any responsibilities so I gave myself some by becoming a night time vigilante for a city that desperately wanted a savior. Yeah believe me not a job I really thought I'd do or even be good at but when I was 5 I learned that I had superhuman abilities like strength, speed, durability, stamina and other physical abilities but I had other abilities that seemed to make me wonder whether I was even human or Faunas since I learned that this wasn't a semblance but rather just powers I had that Atlas's best scientists couldn't explain why. If your asking why I said that, it's because Ironwood had saw some of my feats and asked if I wanted to join the Atlas military when I got older but I refused because Atlas was known for it's corruption and it's main dust company's Faunus labor that I wish I could end but so far I'm still too weak to even make an attempt but anyway on to my other powers. From what I have learned, I was born with what I can guess were brown eagle wings that I can hide into my back ( A:N I don't know if Valkyries are actually capable of doing that but please just go with it) I also had a psionic ability I learned is called telekinesis where I can move things with my mind alone, shapeshifting into different animals like a eagle, bull and my favorite a silver wolf and finally animal empathy where I can sense a animal's emotional state or simply just speak to them. So I use these powers along with my self training at hand to hand to help people at night time and stop criminals from doing whatever they choose to do and I know your wondering why I choose to not be a huntsman. Well I don't like restrictions since they can and most of time do get in the way of justice and saving innocents lives so I chose to become something that only had restrictions if you allowed it to. I was walking around Patch looking for a restaurant to get some breakfast till I saw a cafe that was selling pancakes for all you can eat.

Cole:" Oh hecks yeah! Pancakes are the best!"

 I walked in and  was ready to ask for a table for one when the man at the front desk recognized me.

Waiter:" Say, your that kid that graduated high school when you were just seven years old, right?"

 Cole:" Yes I am, can I please have a table for one and the buffet?"

 Waiter:" Of course young man."

 Yeah I probably should have mentioned that I also was born intellectually gifted so when I was seven I graduated way earlier than any kid should have but it came with me not having to do anything during the day and being free during the night to live my other life. He led me to a booth and I stayed there for about fifteen minutes just eating delicious pancake after delicious pancake before finally becoming full and paying the tab but when I got outside I saw two little girls that just were standing at the window.I went over to see what they were looking at before seeing that they were looking at the pancakes with hungry and sad looks.

Cole:" Hi there, is something wrong?"

 The two girls turned to me and I was able to see how they looked.The smaller of the two had black hair with red tips and silver eyes while the taller one was blonde with lilac eyes.

???:" Oh hi, we're just really hungry but we don't have any money."

 The red hair one looked kinda skinny and the one that spoke up looked like she'd eat anything at this point.

Cole:" Hey I can buy you two some pancakes if you want some."

 They both looked at me with hopeful and pleading eyes. 

???: Would you really do that for us?" 

I gave them a smile and nodded my head. They ran and gave me a big hug but I then felt something wet starting to soak my shirt, so I looked down to see that they were both crying on me.I gently patted their backs before they eventually stopped and I managed to get them their food.

{Timeskip still Cole's POV}

It's been approximately an hour after I had breakfast and already so much has happened.The two girls I met were named Ruby and Yang, daughters of the legendary team STRQ but Yang's mom ran a camp that required a lot of her attention so she had to leave but she visited Yang many times while Ruby's mom was almost always away on missions so they were stuck with their father .I saw how they mentioned the vigilante or me and how awesome he was but how their father despised him because of how he's doing "his" job. I could tell that they didn't seem to close to their father as compared to their mothers but they did say they had one of the coolest uncles ever so there's that.

Cole:" The father may have a different relation with him than the others but why? I don't even have parents so I guess I wouldn't know."

But while I was in thought I heard some voices going on in a alley so I decided to go check it out. I saw a guy in some ratty clothes and long hair holding a hat with some change in it and three punky looking kids with a good guess that the loud mouth one in front was the leader. 

Bum:" Come on man, you really gonna steal a bum's money when he clearly needs it?"

 Loudmouth:" Well how else am I gonna buy a beer dumbass?"

 Him and his friends started laughing which annoyed me to see this so I went to him and punched him hard in the stomach.

Loudmouth:" Agh! What the hell?!?!" 

Cole:" I suggest you give back the man's money or*Cracks Knuckles* What happens next won't be pleasant."

  The guy I punched looked pissed before telling the two lackeys to attack so I sighed and got ready. I kicked one of them in the knee to bring him down and the other I gave him a uppercut that stunned him long enough for me to  punch the one on his knees repeatedly in the head before slamming his face into his own knee to knock him out. I then grabbed the stunned jerk and knocked his lights out with a headbutt. The leader looked to me in shock before trying to run off with the money so I did the most reasonable thing: I summoned my wings, picked him up and dropped him into a dumpster where he belonged, not before grabbing the money of course. I gave the money to the bum who gave me a smile.

Bum:" Thanks kiddo. You don't know how much this means to me."

 Cole:" You don't need to thank me. I just did the right thing." 

Bum:" Haha! Kid you got the heart of a hero, you know that?"

 Cole:" Oh thank you! That made my day." 

Bum:" Well glad I can help you there kiddo at least but I guess you got to get going. See ya around." 

Cole:" Yeah, I'll see you around mister."

 I walked out of the alley and headed to the park to see if there was any news or something to do since one disadvantage at not having to school was that I didn't have anything to do for the day. I looked around and as I expected I was the only kid so I just walked around before feeling the urge to go to the bathroom.

{Afterwards, No One's POV}

Cole finished and went to the sink to wash his hands till suddenly the lights went out but wait he didn't hear anyone walk in. Looking around the dark bathroom, nothing before a bright light blue light illuminated the room from the wall between the stalls and the sinks. Cole looked over to see what looked like a doorway made out of blue electricity but what made it weirder was that he had this gut feeling to walk through it, so being a curious eight year old he did. After doing that Cole ended up in some kind of temple that was dimly lit by some light source but he couldn't tell what so his choice was to just start walking around to see if there was anything here. 

Cole:" What is this place? No way a semblance can do this? Crud I just hope this wasn't a mistake."

After what felt like a eternity he finally came across 7 big chairs in a opening of the temple and in one of them was a dark skinned old man with a big beard and a staff wearing a red gown of sorts. 

Cole*Surprised*:" Oh h-hi sir, sorry that I trespassed but I kinda just ended up here." 

Old man:" Cole Adamos." 

Cole:" Wait how do you know my name?"

 ???:" I've been watching over you since the day you were born."

 Cole*Hopefully*:" Wait then do you know my parents?" 

Old man:" Yes child I do your mother was good and heroic woman but also heartbroken when she lost you. Your father was a victim of his own and lost his mind after years having gone by. The decision to have you taken from your mother was one out of her control and out of her power. You young one have a family waiting for you and I can help you so long as you can help this world."

 Cole was so happy to hear that someone knew who my parents were and that they didn't abandon him like some people would think but how did he get separated from them though? Also how could Cole at just eight need to help Remnant when they had a army like Atlas and a army of huntsman and huntresses?

 Old man:" Child, I witnessed the heroic acts you have committed for those you never have seen again since and the kindness you have shown to those you don't even know." 

Cole:" Oh well I just felt that since I have these powers that I could use them for good."

 Old man:" Much like why I believed in your god father and why I am choosing you next to have the true power to be this world's next mightiest hero."

 Cole simply just stared at the man, wondering if he was really telling the truth that he would receive power but then realized then he could be able to save more lives and help more people this way if he is telling the truth. Taking a deep breath and deciding to test his luck here, he accepted. 

Cole:" What do I have to do sir?"

 Old man:" Lay your hand on my staff and chant my name. I put my faith into you Cole Adamos that you will be like your father." 

Cole:"I swear I will sir but what is your name though?" 

Old man:" My name is...Shazam."

 Cole:" Okay, Shazam."

 Old man:" Louder child, scream it to truly accept this divine power." 

When he heard him say that, Cole took a deep breath and at the top of his lungs yelled out. 

Cole:" SHAZAM!"

 Just then a lightning bolt struck Cole and the old man cheered at his next champion. 

Old man:" Yes! Say my name and you will be bestowed the full power of the gods. The Will of Rao, the Rage of Kratos, the Power of Thor, the Light of Baldur, the Soul of Hades and the Flames of H'ronmeer." 

Cole punched the ground before slowly rising to his feet to see how he has changed. He grew to seven feet tall with muscles that would put a steroid taking bodybuilder to shame while also donning a navy blue suit that had a White Lightning bolt emblem in the center with a star white hood and cape to go along with it. 

Cole:" Woah, this is incredible*Realizes Voice Change* Oh my god, I sound like a actual grown man." 

Old man:" Child, be prepared for the challenges that you will face here on Remnant and into the world your father currently resides in." 

Cole :"Understood but one second, Shazam!"

 Cole was hit by another lightning bolt and transformed back into his normal form but then he was suddenly teleported on a roof back in Patch and decided to just take a nap since this has been a rather interesting day for him.

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